151126 Budget Council MIN ATTENDANCE Mayor Stephen Molnar Deputy Mayor Dave Beres Councillor Maxwell Adam Councillor Penny Esseltine Councillor Jim Hayes Councillor Chris Rosehart Councillor Brian Stephenson Staff: David Calder, CAO Tricia Smith, Deputy Clerk Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance Rick Cox, Director of Recreation, Culture and Park Services Kevin DeLeebeck, Director of Operations Jeff Smith, Fire Chief Regrets: Donna Wilson, Town Clerk 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of November 26, 2015, be adopted. Carried 3. Moment of Silence The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg BUDGET COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, November 26, 2015 9:00 AM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor MINUTES Council Meeting – Minutes 2 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Councillor Adam declared a pecuniary in item 9.1 – 2016 Budget Request by the Tillsonburg & District Multi Service Centre, as he is an employee at the centre. 5. Adoption of Council Minutes of Previous Meeting 5.1. Minutes from the Meeting of November 16, 2015 Minutes, November 16, 2015 Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting of November 16, 2015, be approved. Carried 6. Information 6.1. 2016 Budget Consolidated Summary Budget Summary - Consolidated Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT the 2016 Budget Consolidated Summary be received as information. Carried 7. Departmental Business Plans & Budgets 7.1. Recreation, Culture and Parks Budget and Business Plan Recreation, Culture, Parks - BP & Budgets RCP 15-50 - White Paper on Facility Rental Rate Comparisons for 2016 RCP 15-50 - ATT 01 - Rates Comparison 2015-2016 2015 Board and Fence advertising report Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks to change the timing of the concept design process for the rehabilitation of the Community Centre to the first half of 2016 and identify if this project is eligible for development charges. To include the implementation of a 24-hour membership access card in the Recreation, Culture & Parks concept design process. To update the Business Plan on the financial impact of the Cultural Improvement Alliance for the 2016 budget report back on the continuance of the project. To provide a Business Case to Council on costing options for Recreation Software. Council Meeting – Minutes 3 To provide a report to Council on expenses paid to date for the Carroll Trail and include past practices for approvals and certification from engineers. Staff to provide a report to Council outlining municipal projects other than trails which utilize Gas Tax Funding and include a list of eligible projects. To review the Site Plan Agreement for the Oak Park and Victoria Wood Subdivision to determine if funds were collected for parkland in- lieu-of-taxes. Councillor Adam left the meeting at 10:55 a.m. Mayor Molnar turned the chair over to Deputy Mayor Beres and left the meeting at 11:20 a.m. Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT the Recreation, Culture and Parks Budget and Business Plan be received as information. Carried Motion: Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council directs the Recreation & Parks Advisory Committee to review the placement of revenue-generating signs at parks and recreation facilities and provide their recommendations to Council. Carried 8. Finance 8.1. Report FIN 15-51 OMPF FIN 15-51 OMPF 2016 OMPF Heads of Council OMPF 2016 Allocation Notice - Tillsonburg T - 3204 Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives Report FIN 15-51 OMPF as information. Carried 8.2. FIN 15-42 OPP Building Assessment Class Change FIN 15-42 OPP Building Assessment Class Change Council Meeting – Minutes 4 Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives report FIN 15-42 OPP Building Assessment Class Change as information. Carried CAO to report back to Council regarding changes to the OPP Building Assessment Class Change provided by MPAC. 8.3. FIN 15-48 Scoring Matrix FIN 15-48 Scoring Matrix Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receives Report FIN 15-48 Scoring Matrix as information. Carried 8.4. FIN 15-49 Town of Tillsonburg Ground Lease Agreements FIN 15-49 Town of Tillsonburg Ground Lease Agreements FIN 15-04 Town of Tillsonburg Ground Lease Agreements TOWN GROUND LEASE 1979 - Arcturus Realty Corp TOWN AMENDMENT GROUND LEASE NOV 1994 TOWN AMENDING AGREEMENT FEB 2004 Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receives Report FIN 15-49 Town of Tillsonburg Ground Lease Agreements as information. Carried 8.5. Report FIN 15-50 Special Projects FIN 15-50 Special Projects Special Projects Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives Report FIN 15-50 Special Projects as information. Carried Council took a Lunch Break at 11:55 a.m. Council resumed at 1:00 p.m. Council Meeting – Minutes 5 Councillor Adam joined the meeting at 1 p.m. Mayor Molnar joined the meeting at 1 p.m. and resumed the Chair. 9. Budget Requests (1 p.m.) Limited to 15 minutes each 9.1. 2016 Budget Requests FIN 15-45 2015 Budget Requests Heritage, Beautification and Cemetery Advisory Committee BIA Business Plan 2016 and Presentation to Town Council Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg and Area Tillsonburg Station Arts Centre YFC Youth Unlimited Tillsonburg Tillsonburg & District Multi Service Centre Tillsonburg Turtlefest Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget requests be included in the 2016 budget: The Heritage, Beautification & Cemetery Advisory Committee in the amount of $5,000; The Business Improvement Area in the amount of $25,000; The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg and Area in the amount of $3,500; The Tillsonburg Station Arts Centre in the amount of $35,000; The YFC/Youth Unlimited - Tillsonburg in the amount of $2,000; The Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre in the amount of $10,000; The Tillsonburg Turtlefest in the amount of $10,000; The Tillsonburg District Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $4,000. Motion to Amend Main Motion: Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded: Councillor Hayes THAT the budget request from the Tillsonburg & District Multi Service Centre be separated from the main motion and that it be dealt with separately. Carried The Main Motion has been withdrawn by the Mover Councillor Stephenson. Council Meeting – Minutes 6 Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget request be included in the 2016 budget: The Heritage, Beautification & Cemetery Advisory Committee in the amount of $5,000. Defeated Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget requests be included in the 2016 budget: The Business Improvement Area in the amount of $25,000. Carried Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget requests be included in the 2016 budget: The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg and Area in the amount of $3,000. Carried Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget requests be included in the 2016 budget: The Tillsonburg Station Arts Centre in the amount of $35,000. Carried Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget requests be included in the 2016 budget: The YFC/Youth Unlimited - Tillsonburg in the amount of $2,000. Carried Councillor Adam left the meeting at 2:30 p.m. and re-joined the meeting at 2:35 p.m. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget request be included in the 2016 budget: The Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre in the amount of $10,000. Carried Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget request be included in the 2016 budget: The Tillsonburg Turtlefest in the amount of $10,000. Carried Council Meeting – Minutes 7 Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives the following budget request be included in the 2016 budget: The Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $4,000. Carried Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks to review the Tillsonburg Station Arts Centre agreement as part of the 2016 Business Plan. Staff to report back to Council on the direction provided in the Council Minutes for the 2015 New Year’s Eve fireworks. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT Council receives the following budget request be included in the 2016 budget: The Tillsonburg Canada Day Fireworks in the amount of $5,000. Carried 10. Council Budget Discussions 11. By-Laws from the Meeting of November 26, 2015 Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT By-Law 3972, To confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 26th day of November, 2015, be read for a first, second and third and final reading, and the Mayor and Deputy Clerk, be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate seal thereunto. Carried 12. Adjournment Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT the Council Meeting of November 26, 2015, be adjourned at 3:52 p.m. Carried