0087 Streets-Closing Of Market, Fox, Coon, Jack & HaleINIP LAW No* 67 IWA mow- ly Law for stopping up Certain portion$ of 4ortain wrests and Alloys in the Tom of Tillsonburg knovin as and called Market Stroett FOX A1l0Y9 OOOA mtm Ah Alloy* Jack Alloy and Hale bftroeto and of oortain ---4 *Ad for oet and eni son Stopping up oartain porticos of and diverting Queen St r V street all within the 4urindiation of the Municipal COUnOil Of the said tons of *aU hroots, 1AA4* Tilsouburg and for selling ail suoh port *ad, Alloys so stopped up to The Brantford# Torfolk and Port Aur ll Railway Ca . mpaV who are omnors of land adjoining all such portions of said Streets# U and Alloys so to be stopped upo 3 by "The Municipal Act" the Council Of a TWU may Pa.$& NY LOW'S for stopping up and diverting any Street. Lam or Alloy within the juri,54,401 Ue'tioa Of the CoUnai► tbareof for gelling the portion of the Street# 10J to s or AUey so stopp ning iced up to the mars of any adjoi land ou 90t the provisions of the five hundred and sixth soot ion Of the gaid Act rel tive to Notice of such By Laws* AND the Council of the Town of T11scaburg have been Detitioxmd m to pass a By Law stopping up those certain portions bsr*inafter doserib*d of Us Streets Lam*& and Alloys in the said Town kamm as and called Market Street, Fox Alloy, Coon Alleyv Jack Alley and We Street e stopping up and diverting portions of Queen Street v*ni.gan Street in tae said Tom as bete imeter sot forth* AXD t is des izable to stop up the portions of the said Street$v., a and Alloys hereinafter particularly ftseribed sad to divert Queen Stroet &ad Venison Street as bersinafter set fort he Von -Im blished and used up as AM WA4 8 1 proper notices have been pu required in s h cases loy "Tbo X=iaipal Act*" AND -W"--RFM&s The Brantfordo Norfolk "and Port lumoll Railway C with their Railway cross and require to ocoupy all the said Streotsq Lane* sad Alloys at I the points where it is proposed to stop up the am* are errors of land adjoining the same and baving reord to the Philway traffie v&lah will be going on over the said Railway# and aerose tbo said Streets,, 9 sad Alloys it Is expedient to stop up the said portions of the said S,treets,p Lars and Alloys and to divert QueozL Street and Venison Street as 13, OW 2 400 h*roinaf tor sot f orth and to seU the portions so stopped up to The Aranto.0 ford Norfolk and Port Burwell Railway C a ration of the Tom Off` Tilsonturg baire agreed to AND Oorpo se 11 the sa id portions of said Streets,, Loxes and. Alloys so proposed to be stopped up to the said The Brantford* Norfolk and Port Burwell Railway OmpW who bairn agreed to purebass the om at the price or em of Fifty dollars axrd for the additional Price- of the monoy to be paid by than In procuring the lands for the proposed diversion* and the said The Drantfordv Norfolk and port Burml 1 Railway CompaiV bayo, agreed in consideraticu of Us passive of this By Lawjw, and of sueh sale to purchase the lands In Us fIM Olauso of this By Law particularly described, and dedi"to the *an* as and for Public Stroets and Alin* in lieu of and as -a diversion of those portion of Queen Street and Yeals= Strosto so to U stopped up and of Fox Alley and Jack Alley so to be stoppod up and the said Corporation ba" a"oed to I*ss a By Law to open up tbe *am to 'be usod as Publ I* Street* and All "e A" 8 several parties have petition*d and boon board by this Wu►cil against the closing of aerUin portions of fts Alley sad Jack Alley *Ad it barixg boeA proved, to the satisfaction of this Cou►�ail that r►a,sonsw able provision has bown xAj* for the convonionee of pares a 'MI r 11 Wt" proporty in the 100ality of such portions of said Alloys sad to their entire satio. faetiono It in tb►refore hereby ensated, by the Corporation of the Tom of T110-0 sonburg in Counail, assembled as follows: (it) TheLto all that portion of, Queen Street btt"en Venison Street and Concession Street extending frm the North side of Venison Street Nortberly to a Iriu beginning upon be Ust side of Queen Street at a point one hundred and ninotywatwo and a Wf feet from Venison Street and drewn across Queen Street to a point on the West side of queen 3tr t ow hundred and thirtymotbx9e and a halt foot from Venison Street,,* (b) And that all that portion of Venison Street between Lispr A"nuo and Queen Street lying between a line drawn from a point ca the 4w 3 a* North side of Venison Street an4 eighteen feed frQm QuOOn Street across Venison Street to a polut on the 30th UnisOU Street sad me hundred and thirty and half feet m queen Otreet 44d another r o l of avA parallel to the said firstly line and foot therefrmo tee And that a].x tha t port ion of the Une or AllsY in rea r of Lot me UtwlNlm L#.sgar Avenue and Q,ussam Street s" sxeading Sbutberlp frou tUe South side of Venison Street ta a line drawn trams s point on the Raet side at mid #azis and four feet frame UnisOn ftrast a+aross said Lane to a paint can the West side thoreOf and eight*en feet from yenism street* (Aj that all that Portion of the Lam or Alley in rear of Lots eighteen. aw9 a�s�t�e�a m the West aids of Lisgex Avenue lying between a line 'b�f=ixg upon art side of said Lane at a PoIat am hundred and fc►r�y feet fr*a Venison Street and drams across said to a POiAt O US West xj4e thoreot hundred and fifty foot frQR TOAimOA rOe a - another line drawn across said Law parallel to the said firstly tined lid and o h+*Y Southerly at r gh b*rO rm* (e) And that all that portion of Market Street betweaaaa; 1Pant,aott. Street aad Htls Street boun1lod 3outharrly by a lisp bag mnin8 at a POtai* cn the ast side of Market sad thirtPoWYOR foot Northerly f Rale ro M drop across Vkrkot Stmt to & point on the Westerly site of jkrkot Str#Ot ma thirtyfour feet northerly frow Ralo, Street, Northerly said firstly 4oserOod line parallel tboroto and oigmyow feet th ; mo (f),, And that all that potion of Fox Alloy in roar Lots thirtrowfta shirtyowtwo on the West si,do of Bra$Ldmay Street jyjag North Sid* of Rye Street and a line 1*rall*l tboreto sad niU o JxO ** Northerl Y thereftesto (8� And that all that portion of Coon .A1Iey in treat of dot thirty —� West Of dnrl'l street.. And that ail thaam piartXa" Of e Street and Jaelc Alloy wUsh aft drraribed as fo11owsa- 130iaog at a point w%l.oh is the prQduo- tion of the fisrt side of Ro3ph Street southerly into Rs1e Street teas "6hs'ace Westerly t'fra hwadsed aad trrsaty feet more or lass to ON w Jack Alloys *boa** jortlor],y alarm the West side of Jack A11+ry eighty r saw are heroby, stopped up TIVOt Ca�a�ty' purebasine ,laying out and dedicating 'the lams !n the tiith clause of this by L-a particularly se and for publ to sir* n i;ieu of and as a direraiaa of those port tus of queen street 8Ad Vantson Street acs to be stopped up and also for divers c+thsr good con- sidorations and of the sim of Fifty 4iollars which the said CM thinks a reasonable co ran -therefor and in ease of the rofusal of the said. -wa y Coap"y too beeome the purchasers thereof r person for the or a greater pries as may be agreed ups the occupation by the said fte Bmutfordp Norfolk and Port Buraw . volt ftilway COmpany-of those porticajo of the said Strostst LOA49 and Alloys as are s in the first clause of, this Ir Law to boroby approved and oonfirmde { owl 5 AW That the Mayor of the said CorpoTation *be and ho is helm'by authorix*d and directed to a"aute sad dellyer in the -now aai an behalf of Us Said Oorporation say Deed or D#e48 in fee sjmWle neae,seary or prop-or for tho conveyame of tbe said portime of the "id. Streets# Lama and Alloys to the purahwwres Thato those portions of IsAd "voribed as f011ows tbAt is to says All those portions of Lots tmox , twentymthroe, ,Omntj-m`rte and $**ntyafive On the West side of Queen Street *ad of Lot $ *Wnty'"two md twee Or*41tros an the Ikst side of Lisgar Avenuo as are subvacod in the following doxeriptions amolytem 00=onding at a pOixt on the Wost side of Queen Street distant ono hundred and thirtyomthme and OL half foot frcm the Xorth side of Venison Stroat wasurod upft tbre mid West side of Queen Stroot# thenea South osowestorly in right line 5 to a point on Ue 11ast side, of the lane in rear of , the said Lot numlmr tint 'w distant thirteen and a f f " t Northerly Fran the North . •ids of Venison Stret.-t# tbenes Northerly along the Xast side of said seven ty-onine and a half feet4 tfwnee 'Wortb000asUrly in a right line 'to the West side of queen Street at a point 'two hundrod =d thirteen feet di an from Yonison Street and 'tbazoo Southerly so lo 4 d a half f"t to the plaoo of begi, And also 00=00ACing at * the SoutbP*eastoorly his of tot twontyr� on *be ikst* aide Of Liagar Avenue and thence Wext Y *rl along tba North side of % Venison Street to a point rtyo* foot fry U agar Avsnus and thmw e Nortboosasterly to a point an the lane 14 rear of said Lot t"Utyvotwo seventy feet frcm Venison Street# and thenco Southerly P ►loXkg the West side of said lane to the plays of bogi►iago are with the portift of lane intervening hereby de*lax*d a public streo,t to b► knoym as queen $t et in lieu of that portion of Q n Street* 00 stopped up as mueh sbal 1 snure for the use mad boxwfit of Her Xaj*a►y and all her leige subjeats to the same extent as that portion of Queen StroO hereby pormmutly stopp*d up was originally capable of boing u"4 before being stopped up. ALSO Also that th0#4 portion&; of land dosoribed as follows o tbato Is to saysew All those orb can& of 160ts twOAtY 9Ad t=om the Wost side of UO fin a Bast Queen Street and Lots ni I # , of JAegar Avenue wh dh are eabraoed in the o cr ons naw*l,v 0* CLOMenaing at the interseation of rho. South aidje rof A. = Street with the West side of . S ree # thenoe Sou k the lase in rear of said Lot t1maty at a point eighty sad a f `s' from Venison Street# tbance alOng the said TO six and a -half feett -thence Nortbopeasterly, the South side of YeA160A strost * and to a point OAS drod and r Rd a hslf feet frM US Pla ea of beg ng l, and, tbance aj z,& the South side Of YOM M 8-trOOt to t0h9 place of bogi=JjW wo And also 0 A ing on the We st old* 'Of 00 3*UI;h*rIY i ' lane at & point oightooen foot from Unit= Street # Usa side of said dam olehtrawfOur f00tv *hM68 f'u �*"Xt* r y in a right Iias to a point on* hunirod an sar►sntg— fcrur and a half feet from Tentrcn street, and thaw* No hsrl,y aloes the Iast side of Lispr ATdx�ur eighty tart, and tk�e�uaa ifarti�►asterly in a right 1�►e �v the polut tom► ths Wo#t# side of tom► rQid l+auns eigh'Foex Feet from 0uiaan Street beiiu the plaoe of begia6• aro with the portion of said law Intervening bereby declared to U4 $public strset to be kern as youison S#rret in lieu of that portion of ltoxisOa 8ts'oot so stopped up and as such sall snure for the use and b+rwPit at Rsr IftJosty ark all her liego sub4e0tr to the sam oa ant as that portion of yonison, Street hereby tprmuently gtopped up was originally eapabla of being used before beixg atspp*d up. Also that those portiona of land War All and sixgular that certain paroal or truat of land: situate lyiaig- and being in the Tom of Tl1 smbui'8 in the t3owwAty Of Oxford being e c hi:tw On Ust side of Bidwell Street in the `tom of TJ100,4burg r*eaid in and aeoording to a Map of the Village Of TilsOuburg b4i,"9 P of Lots ambers Four and fiV ill I thq Tw0jftbL Colmoossion of the Tomehip of Dorms as reaurveyod sad addition made thoreto.be To * Dolplate M L* * for to D# Tillson sq* " Zrd 941 1846 an mi'''l the ftgistry Off Los for the County of Oxford as 3rd October and may be described as folly - Camonaing at a point on the West side ow 7 qW Alley at Its intersection with tiae present Nortbom fo"o 010 Y. thence Northerly Tba Dra0fordsw Norfolk and Port Burwell Hallwa, , 4 Ong tko West &jig of pox Alley fortqfj" &nd a half feet more or less to the Division line between Lots thirtyowtwo and thirtyoothre6t. thmao Westerly along saiA Division lino t 0 %Y f00tr theAcs s0UthSr1Y parallel with th* Wo'st side of Pox Alley fortyows*ven feet more or lsso to the said fonts of the Sold ftilwayg thftee fts-terly twouty feet to the plaeo of beginning- aW as the saw is and 0 Fisk On th* AW A& plan IW%W . r*to AXD All sad singular that aortain parcel or tract. of 1"d prwisos situate lying wW being in the Tom of Tilsonturg in the County Of Oeord aforesaid being eamposed of that part of Lot number thirtywtwo on the Wost side of JaakAlley in the said Ti M ot TilsOnbUrg in A" toc►rdIM to a Map of the Village of T114= burg being OMPOSOd Of Lot.$ avabors four and five In the Twelfth CoMostiOn Of the 'a hip of Dore an resurvoyod additions made tbe"to '*oy To Wo Dobbie POLOSO for J# TU Isq# datod 2,6rd M&y 1865 *ad fyl*d in the Wiser" Office for the County of 0zford on Ord Octo'bor 1"5,0 wbich way be desoribod an follows Am C - ing at a Point on the Woo* #10 of Jaek Ally at Its intorsootion with the divon line botwown Lots thirtpatwo sad thirtyoothreet tbance, Wostorly along said Uvision lixw fifi;esit fret o thenee Soutborly parallel with 'the W#st aide of Jack Alley fiftywofour feet more or loss to the present Northern tonso of Tho Brte oford* Itorfolk and Port Burwell ft tbanae lkstorly along said Railway fore* fifteen feet# thence Northerly along the Wost silo of Jaek Alloy fiftyr-i4our feet more or less to the plaGe Of b0gl&w alAg and as shorn in and up= the Map or an aw*zed bersto colored pink$ aro hereby doolarod to be parts of public mss• and Alloys to be knom as parts of F= Alloy and dark Alloy in .11ou of 0000 POrUOAS of said, Alloys so stopped up# and as such sbalLI enure for the us* and benefit of Her Majesty sad all bar lioge subjeats 1;0 the s►* "tent all those portion& of said Alloys k*ro'by pormauntly stopped up was origi=lly oapable of being used 10ofor► U sto"od up* Eh!�i ww► w Provided hat =less the roquirwants Of this Law 100 fulaw ed on the part of The Brut ford * Norfolk avA Fort Burrell RailwaY Company in one moutho this Law to b*0000. null and void* Road a third time and passed, this 7th day of Joauary A#D# 1$79* t •d i John Sacora Town Clerk (sd) To Is Sailm Mayor ssA Ly Terns Be Bain (Mayor) u r of the Ifunie4*1 Counail Of tho of T son ur * and I# job& Saeord the of s said Council bareby aortify tit the fOrOgOixg is a true OOPY Of 3Y Lgw nmbOr M y** seven which was mosod on the seventh daY Of January ,*Do 1679 be said 00=ailo and Oat the Seol her*tO affIX04tv is the goal of the Corporation of the TWm of T1 embargo t*d tUs thirt"uth dad" of March A*D* 1$79* ( a I A it ) rd) To B,. Baia, 1My'4r A liaomDer of the COtmttii. Of Us T of T12soxtb• (sd) John S+wora tSlsrlc Of the Gc i1 Of Ibbe '.CcrOM of T.ir+csnburg.