SAMPLE 2 (2)have been organized. In addition to folder shortcuts,
you may also create shortcuts to documents and
electronic documents. The shortcut icons will have an
arrow in the lower left hand corner.
Scanning Laserfiche Scanning is a Laserfiche component that
allows you to scan paper documents into your
Search You can perform searches to quickly locate entries in
Laserfiche. In addition to full -text searches, you can
search for nearly any property on the document.
Searches allow you to find and work with documents
Metadata Metadata is a general term used to refer to information
associated with a document in Laserfiche. Metadata
consists of template and field data, tags, links, version
information, and digital signatures.
Field A field stores supplemental information on a document
or folder. Fields provide a quick overview of the content
or important identifying characteristics of a document or
folder, and increase the entry's searchability. There are
several different types of fields designed for storing
different kinds of information, such as text, dates or
numbers. Fields are generally collected into templates
for easy management, but can be applied to entries on
their own.
Template A template is a collection of fields, which can be used
to categorize a document for search and retrieval and
to quickly apply those fields to the document.
Tag A tag is a label applied to a document. A tag may be
purely informational (such as a "Review" tag), or it
might be a security tag (such as "Classified") that
restricts access to the document. A document with a
security tag can only be viewed by users who have
been granted that tag.
y0 Link A Zink is a connection between multiple documents that
allows you to keep track of related items. There are two
types of links: document relationships and link groups.
A document relationship connects two documents that
are associated in a particular way, such as "E-
mail" and "Attachment." A link group is a collection of
two or more documents that are all related in some
way, such as all the documents related to a particular
I Version Documents in the repository can be placed under
J version control. When a document is under version
control, changes to that document will be saved as new
versions within the document. You can then view the
changes to a document, keep track of edits, compare
versions, or revert to another version.
Laserfiche Key Concepts
Before you start using Laserfiche, learn the following key concepts.
Icon Concept Description
Repository A repository allows information to be organized and
accessible from a central location. Your repository
contains your documents, the folder structure in which
they are contained, and additional information such as
metadata, annotations, and security.
Laserfiche Laserfiche is a Windows application that allows you to
store, organize, and access your organization's
information. It consists of the Laserfiche Server, which
hosts your information, and the Laserfiche client
applications, which allow you to access and work with
that information.
Folder A folder aids the organization of your documents.
Folders can contain Laserfiche imaged documents,
electronic documents, shortcuts, and other folders.
Document Laserfiche uses the term "document" to refer to an
imaged document or an electronic document.
Imaged Document When you create a document by scanning or importing
pages into the repository, you create an imaged
document. Imaged documents can contain searchable
text and metadata, and they open in the Document
L, Electronic Document An electronic document is a Laserfiche document
associated with an electronic file. An electronic file is
any non -image file that was created in an application
other than Laserfiche. Electronic documents are
usually viewed and modified using an external
application. For example, a Word document stored in
Laserfiche can be viewed using Microsoft Word. An
electronic document can also be opened in the
Document Viewer. This allows you to view images,
text, and field data associated with it. If it is a PDF, you
can also view the PDF file directly within
Laserfiche. Laserfiche can associate text with an
electronic document by retrieving it directly from the
content of certain types of electronic files. You can also
generate image pages from PDFs in the Client, and
you can generate images and text of other electronic
document types with the help of Laserfiche
Snapshot. By default, the icon for the Windows
application associated with an electronic document's
electronic file is displayed in the Folder Browser.
Shortcut A shortcut allows you to open an item from a location
other than where it is stored in the repository. Shortcuts
provide quick and convenient access to documents,
while maintaining the manner in which your documents
Document Viewer Basics
Types of Documents
Laserfiche stores two basic types of documents:
Imaged documents: image pages and text. Laserfiche uses the TIFF
Tagged Image File Format) image encoding format, a non-proprietary file
type that can be opened in most image viewing programs. Imaged
documents will always be viewed in the Document Viewer and can contain
The Laserfiche Client Document Viewer
Text Pane