3191 To authorize a community improvement plan for the Town of TillsonburgBY-LAW NUMBER 3191
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg deems it necessary and expedient to
develop a Community Improvement Plan for the benefit of the Community Improvement Area.
THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg enacts as follows:
1. THAT effective upon passage the Community Improvement Plan attached hereto as
Schedule "A" and forming part of this By-law is hereby approved;
2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of the said community
improvement plan; and
3. THAT any previous Community Improvement Plan is hereby repealed.
4. AND TfIAT this by-law shall come into force and effect upon final passing.
YOR-Stephen Molnar
CLERK-Michael Graves
Enacted on September 25th, 2006, by By-law #
Town of Tillsonburg Telephone: (519) 842-6428
Corporate Offices —Town Centre Mall Fax: (519) 842-9431
200 Broadway, Second Floor Email: webmaster�a town.tillsonbura.on.ca
Tillsonburg ON N4G 5A7 Website: www.town.tillsonburg.on.ca
The Town of Tillsonburg has been involved in a number of Community Improvement
initiatives since the beginning of the 1970's. With the assistance of previous
programs, such as the former Ontario Downtown Revitalization Program,
Commercial Area Improvement Program (CAIP) and the Ontario Neighbourhood
Improvement Program, the Town has undertaken a variety of projects aimed at
redevelopment and rehabilitation of both commercial and residential
In terms of Tillsonburg's Downtown area, the most recent community improvement
plan was adopted by Tillsonburg Town Council in 1990, under the Province's PRIDE
funding program for Community Improvements. That Plan primarily dealt with
municipal service improvements for the core area, including upgrading watermains,
provision of storm sewers, road upgrades e.g. re -surfacing, curb and gutter,
sidewalks and street lighting, and construction of a bridge over Otter Creek to
improve access to the core area for residents. The improvements identified in that
plan have all been successfully implemented since that time.
The Town wishes to build on its previous community improvement initiatives through
the adoption of a comprehensive Community Improvement Plan for the downtown
area, which will provide a broader range of financial tools to ensure the continued
revitalization and health of the downtown area. Feedback from recent public
consultation and the policies of Town Council, as articulated through both its
Municipal Strategic Plan and the Official Plan, identify 'Downtown Tillsonburg' as a
special place of particular importance for the overall identity, image and health of the
Town. Downtown Tillsonburg is the primary business, retail, administrative and
cultural centre for the Town and surrounding area. The importance of the downtown
area is reflected by the levels of municipal investment made to facilitate physical
improvements and upgraded infrastructure in the downtown as a means of ensuring
that the area remains attractive for new development and as a place for people to
work, shop, be entertained and live. The following is a listing of recent municipal
and private investments in the downtown area:
Town Projects:
• New Canadian Tire Store
• Redevelopment of Town Centre Mall to include a new Staples store and a
larger Shoppers Drug Mart
Development of the Keating Walkway
• Development of the Southend Parkette
• Reconstruction of Broadway with new nodes and trees along with conduit to
allow decorative lighting
Page 2
Past community improvement efforts have generally been associated with specific
projects as opposed to being tied to a formal comprehensive downtown
improvement strategy. The intent of the Downtown Community Improvement Plan is
to outline in one document the range of improvement options which may be
undertaken to address the Downtown Area in a coordinated manner. In this regard
it is intended that this Community Improvement Plan will provide the basis for
downtown municipal investment initiatives and will replace any previous plans.
The purpose of this community improvement plan is to provide the context for a
coordinated municipal effort to improve the physical, economic and social climates
of the Downtown. The initiatives identified in this Plan are intended to outline the
possible range of actions designed to stimulate private investment, property
maintenance and renewal in the Downtown. The Downtown Community
Improvement Plan is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of revitalization
projects that may be undertaken to stimulate community improvement, nor is there
any obligation for Council to implement all of the initiatives outlined in the Plan.
Rather, the Plan is intended to provide a context for Downtown revitalization projects
and to assist in municipal decision making so that actions are undertaken which,
either individually or cumulatively, facilitate a positive climate for downtown
improvement. Finally, it should be noted that the implementation of any the
proposed financial incentives will be at the discretion of Council and dependent on
financial resources.
The Town of Tillsonburg designated the `Downtown Area' as a Community
Improvement Area by By-law #3191 at its meeting of September 11 th, 2006. The
lands associated with the proposed Downtown and Area Community Improvement
Area are those lands designated 'Central Area' and `Entrepreneurial District' on
Schedule T-1 and areas immediately east and south of the `Central Area'
designation, which are designated for `Medium Density Residential' and `High
Density Residential' on Schedule T-2 of the County of Oxford Official Plan. An aerial
photograph showing the proposed area in relation to the existing buildings and
parcel fabric is attached as Figure 1.
Section 28 of the Planning Act provides municipalities with the authority to designate
a `Community Improvement Project Area', and the preparation of a `Community
Improvement Plan', provided there are provisions in the Official Plan relating to
community improvement. Where a municipality has a `Community Improvement
Plan in place, the Act states that a municipality may undertake the following:
Page 3
• Acquire, hold, clear, grade, otherwise prepare, sell, lease or otherwise
dispose of lands;
• Construct repair, rehabilitate or improve buildings on lands acquired or held
by the municipality;
• Make grants or loans to registered owners, assessed owners and tenants of
lands or buildings to pay for the whole or part of any cost of rehabilitating
such land or buildings and:
• Enter into agreements with any government authority for conducting studies
and for the preparation, implementation and financing of plans and programs.
Provided that the above actions are in accordance with the approved community
improvement plan.
It should also be noted that that Section 365.1 and 365.2 of the Municipal Act also
allow for the establishment of Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive and Heritage
Property Tax Relief Programs, respectively. Although these programs are currently
beyond the scope of this plan, they may be considered by the Town in the future
through an amendment to this plan and associated Provincial Approval of such an
In considering the proposed plan, the Town noted that Bill 51, the proposed
amendment to the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act, is
currently under consideration the Province. The amendments being proposed to
Section 28 of the Planning Act will enhance the range of planning and financial tools
available to municipalities to facilitate community improvement. Therefore, final
passage of this Bill may trigger a subsequent review and amendment of this plan by
the Town to incorporate the expanded range of planning and financial tools into this
plan, subject to Provincial Approval.
At this point in time, Ministerial approval of the Plan is simply being sought to ensure
the financial assistance programs outlined in this plan are in compliance with
Section 28 of the Planning Act and 106 of the Municipal Act.
Both the Town's Strategic Plan and the approved Official Plan contain objectives
and strategies to promote additional commercial and residential development in and
around the downtown area. Similarly both documents have policies to support the
re -use of heritage buildings for commercial and residential purposes. The relevant
policies of these documents are outlined below:
Strategic Plan Visions and Objectives:
• An emphasis on continued growth in the downtown core with a judicious, balanced use of other
modern retail concepts;
Page 4
• Encourage successful, independent, locally owned businesses;
• Create a wider variety of businesses that, in combination with other attraction e.g. festivals and
social activities, will position Tillsonburg as a strong shopping and day trip destination;
• Growth of the downtown toward the east and west, while preserving the existing architectural
• Develop and execute a fagade improvement strategy for the Downtown Area and encourage
maximum participation;
• Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to attract new retail businesses;
• Improve the variety of retail businesses and improve the quality of the shopping experience;
• Address accessibility issues, such as the perceived lack of sufficient parking in the downtown
core and improved signage;
• Ensure that the Zoning By -Law supports commercial improvement initiatives;
• Attract people to the Downtown for shopping and social activities;
• Expand the Downtown residential community through assisted seniors housing and creation of
additional second storey residential units.
Official Plan Policies:
Facilitate small business opportunity by designating entrepreneurial districts within the
Central Area which will permit the conversion of residences for offices and business services,
personal services, cottage industry and similar types of uses while continuing to permit
residential uses;
Increase the residential population living within and in the vicinity of the Central Area through
the creation of new accessory residential units within commercial, institutional, and industrial
buildings and new medium and high density residential development;
Maintain a Central Business District which provides opportunity for new retail commercial
redevelopment while at the same time promoting compactness to support pedestrian use;
Conserve and enhance the heritage resources of the Central Area including the
administration of municipal programs to maintain and enhance heritage elements in the
Central Area.
The Official Plan also contains policies relating to Community Improvement. Section
10.4 of the County of Oxford Official Plan outlines these policies and designates
lands which include the Downtown Area as an area eligible for community
improvement. Implementation measures to achieve community improvement
objectives include:
Preparation and adoption of community improvement plans;
Regulatory measures such as maintenance and occupancy by-laws and the use of the
Ontario Heritage Act and density bonus by-laws;
Utilizing public funding available from municipal, provincial and federal programs to assist in
community improvement; and
Land acquisition for the purposes of community improvement.
This Community Improvement Plan has been developed in accordance with
requirements of the Planning Act and is in conformity with the policies of the County
of Oxford Official Plan. (See Appendix 7 for Official Plan Excerpts)
Page 5
The Downtown Area Community Improvement Plan was originally drafted in
September 2005. The draft document was circulated to a number of agencies,
including the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Town and County staff, Tillsonburg
Chamber of Commerce, Tillsonburg Business Improvement Association and
Tourism Oxford for comments on September 19th, 2005. Responses to the
circulation including a request by Staff from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing for a number changes to the draft document, as well as general comments
of support from a number of the other agencies.
Anopen house was held in the Town's Council Chambers on November 17th, 2005
to allow the public an opportunity to review the proposed Community Improvement
Plan and to ask questions of Town staff and County Planning staff. The open house
was attended by approximately a dozen interested citizens who expressed general
support for the proposed plan and posed a number of questions to staff regarding
implementation of the plan and other policies supporting the downtown.
The statutory public meeting to consider the Community Improvement Plan was
subsequently held by Tillsonburg Town Council, in the Town's Council Chambers,
on November 28th, 2006. (A copy of the notice for the open house and public
meeting is attached as Appendix ll1)
Downtown Tillsonburg is one of the oldest parts of the Town and it contains the
traditional historical retail shopping district of the community dating from the mid -
1800's, as well as a range of modern chain stores, most of which are located within
the Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall Site. The Downtown area also serves as the
Town's financial centre, containing 4 major banks and a number of smaller financial
institutions, as well as being the focus for government services and administration,
containing the Tillsonburg Hospital and County Long Term Care facility, an
elementary school and the offices for the Town of Tillsonburg. Downtown
Tillsonburg is also a centre for entertainment and culture, containing the Tillsonburg
Library, Station Arts Centre, farmers market and a number of active churches.
The Downtown Community Improvement Area contains approximately 515 separate
land parcels (excluding road allowances, municipal lanes and alleys and easement
blocks). The single largest use of land is for commercial purposes with residential
land use encompassing a significant portion of the remainder of the lands. There
are also a number of large institutional uses and privately owned retirement homes
and several existing industrial parcels. Unlike many communities in Southwestern
Ontario, Downtown Tillsonburg retains a viable and healthy core area which
provides a diversity of functions including retail shopping.
Page 6
According to recent market impact studies, Downtown Tillsonburg has the single
largest concentration of commercial floor area within the Tillsonburg Trade Area.
Downtown Tillsonburg comprises approximately 55,750 m2 (600,000 ft2) or 52% of
the total 107,764 m2 (1)160,000 ft2) of commercial floor area (includes retail and
office uses) in the Tillsonburg Trades Area. As well, Tillsonburg's downtown area
comprises approximately 60% of the department store floor space and 60% of the
specialty store floor space in the Tillsonburg Trade Area. Tillsonburg's downtown
also acts as a major commercial draw, with over 40% of sales in the downtown
drawn from consumers living outside the Town. It should be noted that these
statistics do not yet reflect the new expanded Canadian Tire Store recentl opened
at the Tillsonburg Town Centre, which has added approximately 4,645 m (50,000
ft2) of new retail floor area to the downtown core. The Downtown Area assessment
accounts for over 60% of the Town's 2004 commercial municipal tax base.
The Downtown Area is home to approximately 1,400 people, representing 9% of the
total Town population. There are approximately 750 dwelling units in the downtown
area, representing approximately 13% of total dwelling units in the Town. As can be
expected a significantly higher number of multiple unit dwellings exist in the
downtown and adjacent areas than for the Town as a whole (71%, versus 34%
Town -wide). Nearly 25% of the dwelling units in the downtown area are
apartments/condominium, with 57% of all dwellings in the downtown area
constructed before 1930. A higher percentage of rental housing rates exists in the
downtown area (63%) as compared to the Town as whole (41 %). Household size is
significantly smaller in the downtown (1.6 people per unit versus 2.3 Town -wide).
Table 1 shows the household characteristics for the downtown area.
Downtown Dwelling Unit and Household Characteristics
Page 7
Downtown Area
Town of Tillsonburg
Dwellinq Unit Mix
Single Detached
Semi-detached & Single attached
Tenure Owned
Average # of Persons/Household
Date of Construction
Pre 1900
1975 -Present
Page 7
Despite the current relative health of the Downtown Area, it is not without its
challenges. Approximately 50% of the total non-residential structures in the
downtown area were built prior to 1951. Development, redevelopment and
rehabilitation in the downtown area is generally more difficult to achieve due to
higher land assembly costs, small land parcels, higher costs for demolition and for
retrofitting older buildings to meet current Building Code and Fire Code
requirements. On-site vehicular parking within the downtown area is also limited
and thus customer convenience is perceived as being more limited. The age of the
structures is also such that the ability for in-store displays may be more limited in the
downtown area resulting in difficulties in providing current marketing amenities found
in newer suburban developments (ie. wider aisles). The current health is attributable
in some part to the relatively positive economic climate of the Province and County
as well as to recent municipal and private sector investments.
The objectives of the Downtown Community Improvement Plan are drawn from the
objectives and strategies contained in the Official Plan and Tillsonburg Strategic
Plan. It is anticipated that the Community Improvement Plan will achieve the
(i) Promote the long term stability and continued viability of the Downtown;
(ii) Coordinate municipal expenditures, programs and regulatory activity to
facilitate development activity;
(iii) Stimulate private property maintenance;
(iv) Enhance the visual quality of the Downtown and promote and protect
heritage resources;
(v) Upgrade physical services and social and entertainment facilities in the
(vi) Provide for streetscaping improvements in the Downtown;
(vii) Provide opportunities to create additional residential dwelling units
Downtown; and
(viii) Create incentives to facilitate private investment for new development and
redevelopment in the Downtown.
This plan is premised on the belief that the `Downtown Area' is meriting of special
consideration to ensure that it remains a viable community -wide resource and
functions as the heart of the Town. The Table shown in Appendix II summarizes a
number of strategies and initiatives that may be pursued by the Town to foster
community development.
Page 8
It is not the intent of this Plan that the Town be obligated to implement all of the
initiatives outlined at this time, as further analysis and debate by Council may be
required. This list of initiatives is not intended to be exclusive or exhaustive, but
rather, is intended to provide an indication of the range of actions that may be taken
to foster downtown revitalization and renewal. This Plan is also intended to be
generic enough to allow for additional projects and/or programs to be undertaken as
they are identified, without amendment to the Plan, provided that they are
demonstrably associated with Downtown revitalization, renewal or improvement and
they do not introduce new direct financial incentives which require further Provincial
review and approval.
7.2.1 Financial Incentive Programs.
This section outlines the financial incentive programs that may be implemented by
the Town through the Community Improvement plan. These incentive programs are
designed to stimulate and assist new development, redevelopment and rehabilitation
of vacant, underutilized or deteriorated properties in the downtown and will be
funded by way of both grants and loans.
The following general implentation and eligibility criteria shall apply to all financial
incentive programs offered through this plan:
• Grants will only be paid out after the applicable improvements have been
completed and inspected by the Town and all outstanding work orders have
been satisfied;
• The taxes for a property must be paid up in full before any grant or loan is
paid to an eligible property owner and shall be kept up to date during the
period of time participation in the program occurs, otherwise such grant or
loan shall be forfeited any grant or loan shall be repaid to the Town;
• If a property is under an assessment appeal, the grant or loan application will
be held in abeyance until the appeal is resolved;
• Any program applicant may be required to provide a business plan for the
proposed works as part of the application;
• Participating property owners will be required to enter into an agreement with
the Town specifying such items as the level of loan or grant available and the
terms and conditions associated with the loan or grant, including the
circumstances whereby an owner would be obligated to repay the Town for
any loans or grants received;
• If a building, erected or improved with a program grant or loan, is demolished
prior to the expiry of the grant or loan period, or the property in not
maintained in a satisfactory state of repair consistent with Town By-laws, the
grant or loan is forfeited and will be recovered by the Town;
• To be eligible for any of the funding programs, the proposed work shall
conform with all Town policies, standards and procedures including zoning,
Page 9
site plan guidelines, fagade and design guidelines„ and heritage matters and
will be subject to review and the issuance of all required planning and
development approvals and building permits;
• In no case shall the total level of grant or loan provided to an applicant under
the Community Improvement Plan exceed the cost of rehabilitation;
• All applications for loan assistance under this community improvement plan
will be considered on a `first come, first served' basis and will be restricted to
the limit of budgeted funding. Should the number of eligible projects exceed
the annual funding available, those eligible projects will be held in queue until
funding becomes available the following year;
• The Town will make available a maximum annual amount of $200,000 for all
grant and loan programs available through this community improvement plan;
• Prior to approving an application under this community improvement plan, the
Town reserves the right to request an independent audit of the applicants
accounts, at the expense of the applicant, and to ensure that all other work
orders or requests to comply from all other departments and agencies have
been satisfactorily addressed;
• The Town may, at any time, discontinue a program, however, any
participants in the program prior to its closing will continue to receive loans or
grants as approved for their property until the conclusion of their project.
The following is a description of each of the financial incentive programmes being
offered, together with associated implementation details.
A. Fagade Improvement Loan Program
This program is intended to encourage exterior renovations which are in keeping
with the historical/heritage characteristics of buildings within the downtown area.
This program allows Town Council to approve individual loans for the cost of fagade
improvement, on 50/50 matching contribution basis, to a maximum of $40,000 per
building. The Town requires that the improvements be maintained as approved for
the 10 -year loan period. The repayment schedule is set up so that the greater of
$1,000 or 10% of the loan amount is payable annually on tax due dates.
Eligible improvements consist of external repairs to facades and rear entrances,
including signage, entrances and display windows. Interior and roof work will not
be covered.
B. Building Code Upgrade Loan Program
Where a project is proposed to renovate and/or redevelop residential or commercial
space in existing buildings, Town Council can approve a loan to cover the capital
cost of health and safety related improvements, on a 50/50 matching contribution
basis, up to a maximum of $40,000 per building.
Page 10
The required agreement would specify the eligible works and a 10 -year loan period.
The repayment schedule is set up so that the greater of $1,000 or 10% of the loan
amount is payable annually on tax due dates.
C. Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Redevelopment and New Residential
Unit Grant Programs:
Development, redevelopment and rehabilitation in the downtown area is generally
more difficult to achieve due to higher land costs, demolition costs and the costs of
retrofitting older buildings to meet current Building Code and Fire Code
To counteract this disincentive, the proposed grant programs will provide for annual
grants back to the land owner to offset the increase in taxes resulting from
reassessment due to physical improvement works occurring during the specific time
period the program is in effect. If there is a general increase in the tax rate, or if the
County of Oxford adjusts the tax ratios, or if the improvement works result in a
change in tax classification, the property would not be exempt from such increases.
The grant is only intended to grant back the local municipal tax increase and
Business Improvement Area (BIA) levy which would occur as a result of building
improvements resulting in increased assessment.
The percentage of the grant which would be available will be based on the type of
project being proposed. For example a higher percentage tax increment -based
grant would be applied to renovation projects, as opposed to demolition and new
development, to encourage the retention and reuse of historical buildings or exterior
renovations which are in keeping with the downtown fagade/streetscape. The
addition of new residential units within existing buildings in the downtown area would
also receive a higher grant than new development. The program will be established
for a specific period of time (ie. from 2006 to 2011) and be reviewed with respect to
its success upon completion.
The details of these proposed grant programs are provided below:
Under the program, properties that are re -assessed as a result of renovation,
rehabilitation, or redevelopment would be eligible to apply for a grant during a
set period of time following approved work that would trigger a reassessment
It is intended that the grant would be available on a once per property basis
and that it would be transferable to a subsequent owner of the same property
once approved.
At the time of building permit application the owner would provide the value of
the rehabilitation/redevelopment work to be undertaken and the pre -
construction taxes on the building or land shall be noted and used as a
benchmark or 'base year' tax amount.
Page 11
After completion of the project the property will be reassessed and taxes will
be paid by the property owner in the normal fashion.
The difference between the 'pre-construction' taxes and the 'post-
construction' taxes (associated with the improvement as opposed to any
class change) will be calculated and this difference would be the portion
eligible for a full or partial tax increment-based grant to the owner for the
specific period of time the program is in effect. Grant applications approved
near the end of the program will be permitted to be finalized according to the
terms of the program.
The portion to be granted back only includes the increase in municipal taxes
and BIA levy associated with the improvement. The portion of municipal
taxation levied for Education and Upper Tier purposes will not be granted
A grant schedule will be incorporated within the required agreement setting
out the annual grant to be received in each subsequent year.
Payment of the grant will be made once per year by the Town.
The grant will be payable on a 'declining basis' over the time period the grant
program is in effect as set out in the details relating to each type of grant
program as set out below.
The time period for which a grant would be available would be a maximum of
5 years following construction.
The objectives and proposed grant rates relating to each of these categories of
potential grant programs are outlined in more detail below.
Rehabilitation, Renovation or Redevelopment Grants:
This category of grant program would apply to existing buildings or property that are
rehabilitated, renovated or redeveloped resulting in an increase in assessment.
The purpose of the grant is to encourage and stimulate revitalization and re-use of
existing buildings and property.
The grant schedule for this program will be 80% of the increase in the municipal
portion of the taxes and BIA levy in year one, decreasing to 60% in year two, 50% in
year three, 40% in year four and 30% in year five following reassessment. The
portion of municipal taxation levied for Education and Upper Tier purposes will not
be granted back.
New Residential Dwelling Unit(s) Grant:
This category of grant program would apply to proposals to create one or more new
residential dwelling units through the rehabilitation, renovation or addition to existing
buildings. The purpose of the grant is to encourage an increase in the residential
population living near the core.
Page 12
The grant schedule for this program will be 90% of the increase in the municipal
portion of the taxes, decreasing to 70% in year two, 70% in year three, 60% in year
four and 50% in year five, 40% in year six, 30% in year seven, 20% in year eight,
10% in year nine and 0% in year 10 following reassessment. The portion of
municipal taxation levied for Education and Upper Tier purposes will not be granted
D. Application and Permit Fees Grant:
This category of grant program applies to grants to reduce or eliminate development
application and permit fees to encourage new development, redevelopment and
rehabilitation in the Downtown Area. Currently, the Town charges $45 for the first
$1,000 of construction value and $10 for each additional $1,000 of construction
value for new construction and interior/exterior renovations for all building permits,
$350 for application for minor variance and site plan approval and $650 for a zone
change. These fees are intended to offset the administrative costs associated with
processing the application. Since many of these application and permits are
required for internal and external alterations, renovations, new construction and
demolition, these fees can be significant. Therefore, the removal or reduction of
such fees through a grant from the Town serves as an incentive to encourage
downtown investment.
In this regard, the Town may offer rebate grants to applicants undertaking
development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of properties in the Downtown Area,
consistent with the goals of this Plan. The fees that may be offset through this grant
program include those for building permits, change of use permits, planning
applications, zoning certificates etc.
E. Reducing or Waiving Development Charges
In keeping with the Town's objectives of encouraging development in the downtown
area, a further economic incentive would be the reduction or waiving of
Development Charges for downtown projects. In particular this incentive would be a
catalyst to encourage additional downtown residential unit creation. Increasing the
number of downtown residents it is anticipated that their daily activities will be more
likely to be supportive of downtown services and facilities, thus enhancing the health
and vibrancy of the core.
Currently, the existing Town Development Charge for each new apartment unit
created in the Town is $1,306.11 for bachelor and 1 bedroom units and $1,741.48
for 2+ bedroom units. Development Charges are intended to fund new growth
related infrastructure costs. Within the Downtown Area, municipal infrastructure has
recently been upgraded and the level of new residential growth which is likely to
occur would not place further demands on current infrastructure that would result in
a requirement for oversizing. In order to exempt a particular area or category of use
Page 13
from Development Charges the current Development Charges By-law would need to
be amended in accordance with Section 2(7) of the Development Charges Act, to
exempt a specific area, such as that of the Downtown Area Community
Improvement Plan. This initiative would require more detailed analysis and
consideration by Town Council during the next review of the Development Charges
By-law, to determine the potential financial impacts to the Town.
7.3 Plan Implementation
The programs which may be established under the Downtown Area Community
Improvement Plan will be implemented over five years, but Town Council may elect
to extend the program for an additional period where Council deems it appropriate or
necessary to do so.
Town Council shall prepare and adopt a set of guidelines and procedures to
establish specifics on how the various elements of the plan will be implemented.
The guidelines will address such issues as the nature of the improvement projects
that will be approved, the application and approval procedures, agreement
requirements, and how decisions will be made regarding which projects receive
At the time Town Council establishes its annual budget, Council will determine the
maximum contribution to be made available to various programs under the
Community Improvement Plan for the current year.
The Town will conduct periodic reviews of the programs being implemented under
the community improvement plan to determine their effectiveness and to determine
whether funding levels should be increased or decreased, or whether modifications
to the program should be made.
Should Council decide the additional programs are to be added to this plan or to
significantly increase the financial commitment to the programs, an amendment to
the plan will be required.
The approval of this Downtown Community Improvement Area Plan will provide an
overall context for a variety of initiatives to foster Downtown revitalization and
rehabilitation. Such approval will also ensure that the implementation of the
proposed 'Grant Back' programs and other financial incentives are consistent with
the legislative requirements of the Planning Act and Municipal Act. The intent of this
Plan is to ensure that all the various downtown initiatives are integrated in one
document to assure that downtown community improvement is dealt with in a
comprehensive and coordinated manner.
Page 14
Appendix 1 - Official Plan Community Improvement Policies
10.0 Implementation Measures
10.4 Community Improvement
INTRODUCTION It is the intent of the County and Area Municipalities to develop a
comprehensive policy statement in order to upgrade, redevelop and
rehabilitate the physical environment of existing older residential
neighbourhoods, ancillary open space and recreational areas,
commercial centres and industrial areas. The policies are designed to
co-ordinate and guide both private and public community improvement
activities in designated community improvement project areas.
GOALS The goals of the community improvement policies are as follows:
to upgrade and improve municipal hard services, social and
recreational facilities and public utilities;
to preserve and upgrade existing older residential
neighbourhoods and settlements;
to strengthen the existing central areas and village core areas and
integrate proposed extensions to the central area and village core
to improve existing industrial areas by encouraging further
development and redevelopment;
to consider participation in funding assistance programs provided
by the Federal and Provincial governments as they relate to
community improvement;
to encourage the co-ordination of municipal, private and
community organizations in promoting community improvement
effo its.
Chapter 10 Implementation Measures Page 10.4-1
10.4 Community Improvement
County of Oxford
10.4.1 General Criteria for All Community Improvement
Proiect Areas
The general criteria used to designate existing Community Improvement
Project Areas and to select future Community Improvement Project
Areas include the following:
DEFICIENCIES Deficiencies in the availability and/or condition of municipal infrastructure
• sewage systems, storm water systems, water supply and their
capacity to comply with present standards and future requirements;
• municipal roads in terms of their designated function;
• sidewalks;
• streetlighting in terms of energy efficiency, age and illumination
• buildings and structures associated with the provision of municipal
and community services.
LAND USE Existing incompatible uses resulting in land use conflicts where
relocation is desirable.
PRIVATE SERVICES Areas served by a private individual or communal water or sewage
systems that exhibit deficiencies in the supply and/or distribution of
10.4.2 Criteria for Residential Improvement Areas
In addition to those criteria set out in Section 10.4.1 above, criteria for
the selection of residential improvement areas will include the following:
areas where a significant portion of the existing housing stock is
in need of improvement and repair;
areas where community or recreational facilities such as library
facilities, day care centres, senior citizens' centres and
community centres are lacking, where parkland acquisition is
required, or where upgrading of existing facilities is required;
areas that are predominantly residential and are designated as
such in the Official Plan;
Chapter 10 Implementation Measures Page 10.4-2
10.4 Community Improvement
County of Oxford
areas which have potential for residential infilling that are vacant,
in need of redevelopment or designated for redevelopment in this
10.4.3 Criteria for Commercial Improvement Areas
In addition to those criteria set out in Section 10.4.1 above, criteria for
the selection of commercial improvement areas will include the
areas where buildings and/or building facades exhibit structural
deficiencies or are in need of rehabilitation;
areas that have deficiencies such as high commercial vacancy
rates, inadequate off-street parking facilities and poor traffic
areas that are predominantly commercial and are designated as
such in the Official Plan.
10.4.4 Criteria for Industrial Improvement Areas
In addition to those criteria set out in Section 10.4.1, criteria for the
selection of industrial improvement areas will include the following:
areas where buildings exhibit structural deficiencies or are in need
of rehabilitation;
areas that are predominantly industrial and are designated as
such in the Official Plan;
areas which are underutilized and where vacant industrial lands
or buildings predominate.
10.4.5 Designation of Community Improvement Areas
SMALL It is the intent of this Plan that community improvement project areas will
SETTLEMENTS correspond to those areas designated Rural Cluster, Village or Serviced
Village on Schedule C-3. By having regard for the criteria established in
Section 10.4, it is anticipated that the designated community
improvement project areas will cover an entire community and not just
a specific area of that community.
Chapter 10 Implementation Measures Page 10.4-3
10.4 Community Improvement
County of Oxford
LARGE URBAN Based on the criteria, the designation of Community Improvement
Project Areas for the City of Woodstock, the Town of Ingersoll and the
Town of Tillsonburg are identified on Schedules W-6, 1-5 and T-5,
BOUNDARY Boundaries for Community Improvement Project Areas shall be
considered flexible and minor extensions may be permitted in specific
by-laws designating community improvement project areas without an
amendment to this Plan.
PHASING OF It is the intention of this Plan that within the Community Improvement
IMPROVEMENTS Project Areas in the Area Municipalities, no priority ranking shall be
established. Community Improvement Project Areas will be established
within an Area Municipality as the municipality's financial position and
availability of federal and provincial government funding warrant the
designation of such project areas. Priorities within an Area Municipality
will be given to areas where deficiencies are the most critical.
10.4.6 Implementation of the Community Improvement
IMPLEMENTATION The goals and objectives of the community improvement policies will be
reflected in the preparation of Community Improvement Plans, adopted
in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act.
COMMUNITY Community Improvement Plans shall constitute a schedule of works for
PLANS the maintenance, rehabilitation, repair and development of public and
privately -owned facilities and lands. The plans shall include, but not
necessarily be limited to, leisure and social facilities, parks, open space,
streetscaping, planting of trees and other vegetation, sidewalks, roads,
street lighting, sewers, residential, commercial, industrial and institutional
improvements and the purchase and disposal of land.
IMPLEMENTATION Area Councils will employ a number of implementation methods. Such
methods may include but are not limited to the following:
CONTAMINATED Where a redevelopment proposal demonstrates a change in land use on
a site where contaminants may be present, the County and/or the Area
Municipality will require that environmental site assessment and site
cleanup be undertaken as required in accordance with Section
The County and/or Area Municipality may:
Chapter 10 Implementation Measures Page 10.4-4
10.4 Community Improvement
County of Oxford
• provide grants and/or loans to owners and tenants of properties to
assist in cleanup and redevelopment of the lands or buildings to
conform with the Community Improvement Plan;
• cancel or not increase the municipal portion of the property tax on
sites during the rehabilitation period; and
• cancel or not increase the education portion of the property tax on
sites during the rehabilitation period with the approval of the
Ministry of Finance.
MAINTENANCE AND The Area Municipality may enact and enforce by-laws dealing with
LAWS property maintenance and occupancy standards to ensure proper repair
and maintenance of buildings where required as set out in
Section 10.3.12.
PROGRAMME The Count and/or Area Municipalities may fund municipal programmes
FUNDING y p y p p
for community improvement, and shall use, where appropriate, available
programmes from other funding sources to assist in implementing
Community Improvement Plans.
COMMUNITY Theartici ation of communityorganizations and service clubs in
community improvement activities is encouraged, particularly with
respect to development, improvements or operation of recreational and
community facilities.
BUSINESS The County and Area Councils will encourage the establishment of new
AREAS Business Improvement Areas and support the efforts of existing
Business Improvement Areas to strengthen and revitalize the downtown
core of a community.
HERITAGE ACT The restoration and rehabilitation of historically significant structures or
areas is encouraged by the designation of buildings and Heritage
Conservation Districts through the utilization of the Ontario Heritage Act.
LAND ACQUISITION Area Councils may acquire land to develop such lands for the purpose
of facilitating the conservation, rehabilitation and/or redevelopment of an
DENSITY BONUS Where appropriate, zoning by-laws containing bonus provisions in
accordance with Section 10.3.10, may be passed by the Area Councils
which would assist in implementing community improvement plans.
Chapter 10 Implementation Measures Page 10.4-5
10.4 Community Improvement
Appendix II
Town of Tillsonburg Downtown Area Community Improvement Plan
Summary of Potential Downtown Area Community Improvement Initiatives
Page 15
Potential Initiatives
Review on-site Parking
Requirements for
• Review zoning regulations to ensure that
parking standards do not become a
Residential Development
disincentive to downtown residential uses
Continue to Restrict
Administrative and Office
• Maintain zoning regulations which restrict
administrative uses and office uses to the
Uses Outside Downtown
central commercial area.
Downtown Retail Strategy
• Maintain zoning regulations to ensure that
traditional high order comparison downtown
retail uses are directed to the core
D. Image and
Design Guidelines
• Consider implementing a 'Downtown Design
Guideline' and 'Commercial Area Design
Guidelines' for use when reviewing private
development and public initiatives.
Streetscaping Programme
. Improve pedestrian environment and aesthetics
of the Downtown Area by implementing
'Streetscape Master Plan'
Sidewalk Cafes
• Review zoning regulations and administrative
procedures to considering allowing these types
of facilities
Visual Amenities
0 Work with BIA to establish programs to improve
the visual aesthetics of the downtown e.g.
facilitating/promoting such initiatives as
downtown murals, a vacant storefront
programme, a downtown 'clean-up'
programme; upgrading of alleyways and
landscaping of parking lots.
Tourist Infrastructure
• make Downtown 'visitor friendly' through
signage, brochures, and information kiosks
relating to downtown services and businesses
E. Municipal
Parking Management and
• continue to review and monitor all aspects of
downtown parking supply and management
including land acquisition and disposal, street
parking, rates, and hours of free parking
F. Marketing
1. Coordination of
Marketing Initiatives
Amongst Downtown
• ensure effective marketing of the Downtown
through ongoing liaison and coordination
between the Town, BIA, Chamber of
Page 16
Potential Initiatives
Commerce and other organizations
• establish cross marketing programmes
between private business and Town facilities.
2. Create a Marketing
establish the realistic market potential and
strategy for Key
development potential for key vacant lands and
Development Sites in
redevelopment sites within the downtown and
prepare promotional package
G. Policing and
1. Visible Police Presence
• consider increasing visible police patrols in the
Downtown to reinforce the perception that the
area is safe and to discourage loitering
2. Street Lighting
. consider lighting improvements on side streets,
alleyways, and parking lots to increase
perception of safety
Page 17
Appendix III - Copy of Public Notice
pursuant to Section 28(4.1) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended
200 Broadway, 2nd Flr., Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7 Telephone: (519) 842-6428
DATE: October 26, 2005
FILE: MMA 4-1; Town of Tillsonburg — Downtown Area Community Improvement Plan
Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Downtown Area Community Improvement Plan
The Council of the Town of Tillsonburg is considering adoption of a Downtown Area Community
Improvement Plan, which outlines a range of potential municipal implementation measures, including
economic incentive programs, which the Town may utilize to stimulate private investment in the downtown
area and encourage property maintenance and urban renewal. Some of the main implementation
measures included in the plan are as follows:
• Rehabilitation, Renovation and Re -development grants;
• Residential Dwelling Unit Grants;
• Expanded Facade Improvement Loan Program;
• Review of Development Charges and Permit Fees for Downtown Area;
• Land Assembly/Disposition;
• Review of Parking Standards and Requirements;
• Downtown Retail Strategy;
• Design Guidelines and Streetscape Program; and
• Tourist Infrastructure and visual amenities.
Open House
A public open house will be held to allow an opportunity to review the proposed Community Improvement
Plan on:
Date: Thursday, November 17th, 2005
Time: 7:00 — 9:00 p.m.
Place: Town Council Chambers, 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Town Centre Mall, Tillsonburg
Public Meeting
The Council of the Town of Tillsonburg will hold a public meeting to consider the proposed Community
Improvement Plan on:
Date: Monday, November 28th, 2005
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Town Council Chambers, 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Town Centre Mall, Tillsonburg
Attached is a copy of the proposed Community Improvement Plan Area. You are invited to attend the
public meeting, and we would welcome your comments or suggestions either in writing or presented in
person at the meeting.
Please be advised that Council may approve, modify or refuse the proposed Community Improvement
Plan at the public meeting. If you do not attend or are not represented at the meeting, Council may
proceed and may not advise you of any proposed modifications. If the plan is approved, notice of passing
will be mailed or published in a local newspaper.
Additional information relating to the proposed Downtown Area Community Improvement Plan will be
available for inspection between 8:30 and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Tillsonburg Customer
Service Centre, 10 Lisgar Avenue, Tillsonburg. If you have any questions regarding the above -noted
application, please contact Paul Michiels Town Planner at (519) 842-9200 ext. 2236. Written comments
may be forwarded to the address below or emailed to: pmichiels(cDtown.tillsonburg.on.ca. Please include
the applicant's name and our File Number on all correspondence.
Yours truly,
/db James Hill, MCIP, RPP
Corporate Manager of Community
and Strategic Planning
County of Oxford
Community and Strategic Planning Office
415 Hunter Street, Court House
P.O. Box 397, Woodstock, On N4S 7Y3
Telephone: 519-539-9800; Fax 519-537-5513
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