3197 To establish the Tillsonburg Economic Development Advisory Committee.THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TLLLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3197 A BY-LAW to establish the Tillsonburg Economic Development Advisory Committee. WHEREAS the Council Of the Town of Tillsonburg deems it advisable to establish the Economic Development Committee. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED as follows: ESTABLISHED: 1.1 Tillsonburg Economic Development Committee A special body to be known as the "Tillsonburg Economic Development Committee" is hereby established. 1.2 Committee Mandate To facilitate the continued development and growth of the economy of Tillsoriburg. 1.3 Composition • The Mayor or his representative • The Chief Administrative officer • A representative of the Business Improvement Area • A representative of the Chamber of Commerce • Representative of the Real Estate Board • 10 members representing the various stakeholders in the community Resource People (non-voting members - not eligible for chair) • The Town Planner • The Community Development Coordinator • A representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade • The Community Development officer • Members of the Provincial Legislature and the Federal Parliament 1.4 Appointments - effective date - expiry All appointments to the Committee shall become effective upon the passing of a resolution of council, which provide for such appointments, and shall correspond to Council's term of office. 1.6 Chair - chosen- first meeting - requirements There shall be chosen a Chair of such Tillsonburg Economic Development Advisory Committee hereinafter referred to as "the Economic Development Committee" from among the members described in Section 1.3, at the first meeting of the Economic Development Advisory Committee following the passing of a resolution on appointments under Section 1.3, at which a quorum of members are present after November 30 in any year. 1.7 Chair -term Such appointment as Chair shall continue until November 30 in the following year or until a successor as Chair is appointed, whichever occurs last. 1.8 Chair -duties The Chair shall: (a) Chair all Official Economic Development Advisory Committee meetings; and (b) set the agenda in consultation with the Community Development Coordinator. 1.9 Vice -Chair - duties - Chair - absent There shall be chosen a Vice -Chair who shall assume the duties of the Chair when the latter is not in attendance. 1.10 Quorum A quorum shall consist, of 50 96 plus one of the voting members of the Committee at any of its meetings for the conducting of business. GENERAL PROVISIONS: 2.1 General requirements - set out 'Fhe general requirements o,'L'- the Committee will be as set out in section;; 2.2 through 2.7 inclusive. 2.2 Meetings - times - determined - Chair The Economic Development Committee shall meet monthly except with agreement from the committee to suspend a meeting and for special meetings shall be at the call of the Chair. 2.3 Meetings - notice - to ail members - by Chair The Community Development Coordinator shall give notice of any meeting to all members of the Committee as far in advance of any meeting as possible and in no event shall the notice _.e less than forty-eight hours after direction from the Chair. All due attempts shall be made to contact Committee members for emergency meetings. 2.4 Meetings - interested groups - individuals - as required The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall meet from time to time, when required, with groups, organizations and individuals interested or involved in tourism activities, to determine their particular concerns in their (-areas concern. 2.5 Annual Business Plan - Economic Development - review The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall review and make recommendations regarding the annual proposed Economic Development business plan. 2.6 Policy changes - execution - responsibility - Committee Upon the establishment by Council of any change in policy as set out in this or any other Chapter, the Chief Administrative officer, and such other members of the Town administrative staff as may be prescribed or may be fleceSSCIC-Irly, the EC-=i(.--,1i-riic De�relopment Advisory Committee shall be responsible for the proper execution of those policies and procedures. 2.7 Sub -Committees (- ad hoc committees - formed ) From time to time ad hoc committees shall be formed to undertake business of special projects appropriate to the Economic Development Advisory Committee functions. Such ad hoc committees shall report their findings to the Committee at regular Committee meetings. RESPONSIBILITIES - TILLSONBURG ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES The Economic Development Advisory Committee, shall offer input and guidance for the following items: • Becoming familiar with the needs of, and stay in touch with, all of the businesses and industries in the town and its commercial catchment area. • Arrange for the cataloguing of available serviced industrial town lands to be available for presentation to prospective developers of those lands. • Work with town staff in the preparation of wage or other surveys that may from time to time be required. • Assist in the -preparation of promotional materials and community development plans for the Town including maintaining current information on the Economic Development portion of the Town website. • Provide assessments on potential new industries and their impact on the community's resources when requested. • Maintain full confidentiality, when requested, on matters that come before the committee. • Act as a facilitator between business/industry and the Town. Study the community and economic development activities of other municipalities in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of those used in Tillsonburg • Maintain flexibility and responsiveness at all times. 3.2 Cojwnittee - activities - objectives - general 'I'n-e Economic Development Advisory Committee, shall be responsible for pre -senting to council its recommendations relating to those matters pertaining to the general objectives and activities of the Economic Develol,,,pirient Advisory Committee as may from time to time be referred to it for consideration by Council. ENACTMENT: 4.1 Effective date The by --law upon which this Chapter is founded came into force and took effect upon the third reading thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 9th DAY OF JANUARY, 2006. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF 2006. YO - Stephen Molnar v CLERK Michael raves