3641 To enact an agreement with the County of Oxford to join the County Library Service within County of Oxford (2)TILLSONBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 13th day of August, 2012. BETWEEN: County of Oxford (Hereinafter called the "County") AND: The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg (Hereinafter called the "Town") WHEREAS County of Oxford By-law No. 1781, being a by-law to establish a County Library Service within the County of Oxford, provides that in the event that a Municipality within the County other than those named in the aforementioned By-law, may request to be admitted to such County Library Service, upon a proper request directed to the County, the establishing By-law may be amended to include such Municipality. AND WHEREAS subsection 7(3) of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990 requires that at any time after a county library is established, the council of a non-participating lower-tier municipality or single-tier municipality and the county council may make an agreement bringing the non- participating lower-tier municipality or single-tier municipality into the county library, and the county council shall amend the establishing by-law accordingly. AND WHEREAS the Town of Tillsonburg has requested to be included in the County of Oxford Library system and the Oxford County Library Board has recommended that Oxford County Council amend the Oxford County Library Service establishing by-law to include the Tillsonburg Library and increase the Library Board complement by one County Council member and one layperson. AND WHEREAS the Town and County wish to enter into an Agreement with respect to subsection 7(3) of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990 for the purpose of specifying what proportion of the costs of the establishment, operation and maintenance of the county library shall be paid by the county and the lower-tier municipality, respectively. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT: 1. The assets and liabilities of the Tillsonburg Public Library Board, as of December 31, 2012, will be vested with the Town of Tillsonburg with the exception of furniture, fixtures, equipment, book collection and incidentals required for the operation of the library. 2. Employees who serve the Tillsonburg Public Library Board, as of December 31, 2012, will cease to be employed by the Town and costs incurred as a result of their employment or termination will be the responsibility of the Town. The County shall not be obligated to employ any Town employees terminated as a result of this Agreement. 3 Effective January 1, 2013: 3.1 The Tillsonburg Public Library shall be under the management and control of the Oxford County Library Board and shall continue to operate under the name of "Tillsonburg Public Library". 3.2 The Oxford County Library Board shall increase the board member complement by one County Council member and one layperson. 3.3 The costs to establish operate and maintain the Tillsonburg Public Library will be consolidated with the costs to operate and maintain all other branches within the Oxford County Library service and shall form the annual levy to be approved by County Council and apportioned in accordance with County of Oxford By-law No. 1781. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, as duly authorized parties have hereto set their hands and seals. COUNTY OF OXFORD THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG Donald E. McKay, Warden . . ___________ ^ ^ _______Brenda J^Pabor, Clerk Donna Wilson, Clerk Date/ Date