150115 SP Council MIN1.Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda Moved By Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of January 15, 2015, be adopted. Carried 3.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 4.Opening Remarks David Calder, Chief Administrative Officer opened the budget meeting with general comments on the budget and acknowledged the work of staff in its preparation. 5.2015 Budget Overview Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance 2015 Business Plan and Budget 011515 Staff to find out if there will be taxation or funds in 2015 derived from the new School currently being built by the Thames Valley District School Board. Staff to provide a report to council regarding the comparison/taxation study of like size municipalities. Discussion took place regarding the ground lease pertaining to the mall and the loss of revenue as per rent agreements starting this year. Staff to provide Council with an education on the ground lease agreements with the Mall. The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:00 AM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor MINUTES Council Meeting – Minutes 2 The amount of debt, principal and interest charges that the municipality can afford, ie the annual repayment limits set by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is $2.3 million. Total current debt now is $11 million and if new debt is approved, projecting $11.2 million at the end of 2015. The debt servicing cost for 2015 is $1.9 million. Council has requested a 10 minute orientation session on asset management prior to the presentation from the Director of Operations. Council took a 10 minute recess at 11:01 a.m. Council resumed at 11:16 a.m. Operations to provide detailed data on individual vehicle history including year, km and hours on each vehicle and general condition. Staff to add the maturity dates to the debt principle balance line items Staff to provide Council with the debt details for the “Quarterline Railway Track” project. Staff to provide Council with the IT strategy that was approved by the previous Council. Staff to provide Council with an annualized costing regarding the impact of the FTE positions. Staff to report back to Council regarding the trail funding and how those funds have been allocated. Staff to review the sustainability of the Elliot Fairburn Building as the revenue may not be there to maintain that building. 2015 Capital Budget Overview 2015 Budget Summary-PSAB 2015 Long Term Debt Repayment 6.Departmental Business Plans 6.1. Finance Business Plan Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance 2015 Business Plan- Finance FIN 15-02 IT Work Plan Council Meeting – Minutes 3 6.2. Human Resources Business Plan Ashley Andrews, Human Resources Manager 2015 Business Plan - Human Resources CAO-HR-15-02 6.3. Records Management Coordinator Business Case Donna Wilson, Municipal Clerk Business Case - Records Management Coordinator 2015 Lunch Break 6.4. Recreation, Culture and Parks Services Business Plan Rick Cox, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks Services 2015 Business Plan- Recreation, Culture and Parks White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT the 2015 Finance Business Plan and Budget be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Human Resources Business Plan and Budget be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Records Management Coordinator Business Case be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Recreation, Culture and Parks Services Business Plan and Budget be received as information. Carried Council Meeting – Minutes 4 7.By-Laws By-Laws from the Meeting of January 15, 2015 Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT By-Law 3870, to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council Meeting of January 15, 2015, be read for a first and second time and this constitutes the first and second reading thereof; AND THAT By-Law 3870, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. Carried 8. Adjournment Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Stephenson THAT the Council Meeting of January 15, 2015 be adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Carried Table of Contents Agenda 2 2015 Budget and Business Plans 2015 Business Plan and Budget 011515 5 2015 Capital Budget Overview 28 2015 Budget Summary-PSAB 32 2015 Long Term Debt Repayment 37 2015 Finance Business Plan 2015 Business Plan- Finance 39 FIN 15-02 IT Work Plan 59 2015 Human Resources Business Plan 2015 Business Plan - Human Resources 61 CAO-HR-15-02 CAO-HR-15-02 68 Business Case - Records Management Coordinator Business Case - Records Management Coordinator 2015 70 2015 Recreation, Culture & Parks Business Plan 2015 Business Plan- Recreation, Culture and Parks 77 RCP 15-03 - White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program 108 Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report 109 Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram 125 By-Law 3870 fsg By-Law 3870 126 1 1. Call to Order 2. Adoption of Agenda Proposed Resolution #1 THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of January 15, 2015, be adopted. 3. Moment of Silence 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 5. Opening Remarks David Calder, Chief Administrative Officer 6. 2015 Budget Overview Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance 2015 Business Plan and Budget 011515 2015 Capital Budget Overview 2015 Budget Summary-PSAB 2015 Long Term Debt Repayment Proposed Resolution #2 That the 2015 Business Plans and Budget in the amount of $13,398,044 be adopted. 7. Departmental Business Plans 7.1. Finance Business Plan Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance 2015 Business Plan- Finance FIN 15-02 IT Work Plan The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:00 AM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor AGENDA 2 Council Meeting – Agenda 2 7.2. Human Resources Business Plan Ashley Andrews, Human Resources Manager 2015 Business Plan - Human Resources CAO-HR-15-02 7.3. Records Management Coordinator Business Case Donna Wilson, Municipal Clerk Business Case - Records Management Coordinator 2015 Lunch Break 7.4. Recreation, Culture and Parks Services Business Plan Rick Cox, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks Services 2015 Business Plan- Recreation, Culture and Parks White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram 8. Recommendations Proposed Resolution #3 THAT the 2015 Finance Business Plan and Budget be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Human Resources Business Plan and Budget be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Records Management Coordinator Business Case be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Recreation, Culture and Parks Services Business Plan and Budget be received as information. 9. By-Laws By-Laws from the Meeting of January 15, 2015 Proposed Resolution #4 THAT By-Law 3870, to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council Meeting of January 15, 2015, be read for a first and second time and this constitutes the first and second reading thereof; 3 Council Meeting – Agenda 3 AND THAT By-Law 3870, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. 10. Adjournment Proposed Resolution #5 THAT the Council Meeting of January 15, 2015 be adjourned at _____ p.m. 4 20 1 5 B u d g e t a n d B u s i n e s s P l a n s Ja n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 5 Te r m i n o l o g y : R e q u i r e m e n t f r o m ta x a t i o n ; G e n e r a l t a x l e v y ; M e d i a n re s i d e n t i a l t a x p a y e r ; O p e r a t i n g re q u i r e m e n t s ; C a p i t a l r e q u i r e m e n t s So u r c e s o f F u n d s f o r t h e B u d g e t : Ta x a t i o n ; R e s e r v e s ; G r a n t s ; D e b t 6 7 Op e r a t i n g d r a f t b u d g e t i n c r e a s e i s $2 4 9 , 8 3 3 o r 2 . 1 % Cu r r e n t d r a f t b u d g e t i s a n o v e r a l l in c r e a s e o f $ 6 3 7 , 0 0 9 o r 4 . 9 9 % i n t h e re q u i r e m e n t f r o m t a x a t i o n $2 4 9 , 8 3 3 o r 2 . 1 % Ca p i t a l d r a f t b u d g e t i n c r e a s e i s $3 8 7 , 1 7 6 o r 5 4 . 6 % 8 20 1 5 D r a f t B u d g e t Av e r a g e c u r r e n t v a l u e a s s e s s m e n t ( C V A ) of t h e m e d i a n r e s i d e n t i a l t a x p a y e r i s $2 1 4 , 2 2 7 ; t h e t o w n g e n e r a l t a x l e v y i s 4. 6 2 % o r $ 7 0 . 9 0 4. 6 2 % o r $ 7 0 . 9 0 9 20 1 5 D r a f t B u d g e t 10 20 1 5 D r a f t B u d g e t 11 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s 2% e c o n o m i c a d j u s t m e n t t o w a g e g r i d s $1 2 0 , 0 0 0 – t o r e m a i n c o m p e t i t i v e Wa g e g r i d m o v e m e n t , $ 3 6 , 1 5 0 Wa g e g r i d m o v e m e n t , $ 3 6 , 1 5 0 Re a l l o c a t i o n o f l a b o u r , t o w n w i d e , a t a bu d g e t e d c o s t o f $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 12 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s Pa r t t i m e t o f u l l t i m e g r i d , $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 In s u r a n c e p r e m i u m r e d u c t i o n , 1 0 % , $3 9 , 5 0 0 De b t b a l l o o n r e p a y m e n t s o f $ 5 1 4 , 0 8 7 ; De b t b a l l o o n r e p a y m e n t s o f $ 5 1 4 , 0 8 7 ; re c o m m e n d e d t o b e f u n d e d b y r e s e r v e s Re d u c e d l a b o u r a l l o c a t i o n t o Ti l l s o n b u r g H y d r o f r o m E n g i n e e r i n g a n d Fi n a n c e , $ 1 1 8 , 0 0 0 13 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s Ne t O P P c o n t r a c t s a v i n g s , $ 2 9 3 , 0 0 0 (c o n t r a c t d e c r e a s e o f $ 4 4 9 , 0 0 0 l e s s n e t us e o f r e s e r v e s , $ 1 5 6 , 0 0 0 ) Em p l o y e e b e n e f i t d e c r e a s e , 9 . 8 % , Em p l o y e e b e n e f i t d e c r e a s e , 9 . 8 % , $5 7 , 0 0 0 Fl e e t e q u i p m e n t r e p a i r , f u e l a n d l a b o u r co s t i n c r e a s e s , $ 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 Ma l l p a r k i n g g a r a g e d e c r e a s e i n re v e n u e , $ 8 2 , 0 0 0 , e n d o f t e r m 14 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s He a t , L i g h t a n d W a t e r i n c r e a s e , $ 8 4 , 0 0 0 Re d u c t i o n i n O n t a r i o M u n i c i p a l Pa r t n e r s h i p F u n d , $ 5 1 , 0 0 0 No r e c o m m e n d e d s e r v i c e c u t s Pa r t n e r s h i p F u n d , $ 5 1 , 0 0 0 Us e o f r e s e r v e s : B u i l d i n g , $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 ; HL W r e b a t e s , $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 ; M i s c , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 15 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s Ne t i n f r a s t r u c t u r e l e v y i n c r e a s e , $3 8 7 , 1 7 6 20 1 5 c a p i t a l r e q u e s t f u n d e d b y $ 1 . 7 mi l l i o n i n d e b t a n d $ 1 . 4 m i l l i o n i n mi l l i o n i n d e b t a n d $ 1 . 4 m i l l i o n i n re s e r v e s If r e q u e s t e d d e b t i s a p p r o v e d o f $ 1 . 7 mi l l i o n , c u r r e n t i n t e r e s t r a t e s f o r a 1 5 y e a r te r m a r e 2 . 7 8 % a n d a n n u a l P & I p a y m e n t s be g i n n i n g i n 2 0 1 6 w o u l d b e $ 1 4 2 , 0 0 0 16 20 1 5 B u d g e t C o n s i d e r a t i o n s As s u m e d T i l l s o n b u r g H y d r o di v i d e n d l e v e l o f $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n d a co n t i n u e d l e v e l o f s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d b y th e T o w n th e T o w n Co m m u n i t y G r a n t R e q u e s t s $ 1 1 2 , 0 0 0 – J a n u a r y 2 9 th pr e s e n t a t i o n s 17 20 1 5 B u d g e t F T E m p l o y e e s De p t . # D e p a r t m e n t 20 1 4 B u d g e t 2 0 1 5 B u d g e t 11 0 F i n a n c e / T a x / C l e r k 10 . 5 0 1 1 . 2 5 11 0 H u m a n R e s o u r c e s 1. 0 0 1 . 7 5 12 0 C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e 7. 5 0 7 . 5 0 13 0 F l e e t 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 14 5 H y d r o 13 . 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 15 0 F i r e 6. 0 0 6 . 7 5 16 0 P o l i c e S e r v i c e s 1. 0 0 1 . 0 0 18 0 B y - L a w 2. 0 0 2 . 0 0 19 0 B u i l d i n g 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 21 0 En g i n e e r i n g 6. 0 0 6. 0 0 21 0 En g i n e e r i n g 6. 0 0 6. 0 0 22 0 R o a d s 9. 0 0 9 . 0 0 24 0 A i r p o r t 2. 0 0 2 . 0 0 27 0 W a t e r 5. 0 0 5 . 0 0 30 0 C e m e t e r y 1. 0 0 1 . 0 0 45 0 P a r k s 2. 0 0 2 . 0 0 46 0 R e c P r o g r a m s 11 . 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 46 5 R e c F a c i l i t i e s 10 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 47 5 M u s e u m 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 50 5 E c o n D e v 3. 0 0 2 . 7 5 To t a l F T E ' s 99 . 0 0 9 9 . 0 0 18 20 1 5 B u d g e t P T E m p l o y e e s ( F T E ) De p t . # D e p a r t m e n t 20 1 4 B u d g e t 2 0 1 5 B u d g e t PA R T T i m e 11 0 F i n a n c e / C l e r k s 0. 1 6 5 0 . 3 3 11 0 H u m a n R e s o u r c e s 0. 5 0 0 . 2 5 12 0 C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e 0. 3 3 0 . 3 3 13 0 F l e e t 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 14 5 H y d r o 0. 3 3 0 . 3 3 15 0 F i r e 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 16 0 P o l i c e S e r v i c e s 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 18 0 B y - L a w 1. 6 5 1 . 6 5 19 0 B u i l d i n g 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 21 0 E n g i n e e r i n g 1. 2 5 1 . 2 5 22 0 R o a d s 2. 2 3 2 . 2 3 24 0 A i r p o r t 1. 3 3 1 . 3 3 27 0 W a t e r 0. 6 6 0 . 6 6 30 0 / 4 5 0 C e m e t e r y / P a r k s 0. 6 6 1 . 0 0 46 0 R e c P r o g r a m s 9. 9 7 1 1 . 3 0 46 5 R e c F a c i l i t i e s 5. 7 5 1 . 6 7 47 5 M u s e u m 0. 6 6 0 . 6 6 50 5 E c o n D e v 0. 1 6 5 0 . 0 0 To t a l F T E ' s 28 . 6 5 5 2 5 . 9 9 19 Sp e c i a l L e v y , L o c a l Im p r o v e m e n t s , P I L S 0% Go v e r n m e n t G r a n t s & Su b s i d i e s 5% Ot h e r R e v e n u e s 1% Us e r c h a r g e s 27 % Ne t R e s e r v e s 8% 20 1 5 B u d g e t R e v e n u e S o u r c e s f o r t h e T o w n o f Ti l l s o n b u r g De v e l o p m e n t C h a r g e s 0% Sa l e o f A s s e t s 2% De b e n t u r e P r o c e e d s 6% Re q u i r e m e n t f r o m Ta x a t i o n 50 % 20 20 1 5 B u d g e t a n d t a x l e v i e s Ot h e r s o u r c e s o f f u n d i n g 3 , 0 6 6 , 5 1 4 Sp e c i a l L e v y , L o c a l I m p r o v e m e n t s , P I L S 2 4 , 7 8 0 Us e r c h a r g e s 7, 0 9 7 , 7 8 0 De b t 1, 7 2 2 , 0 0 0 Go v e r n m e n t G r a n t s & S u b s i d i e s 1, 3 3 5 , 0 3 6 Go v e r n m e n t G r a n t s & S u b s i d i e s 1, 3 3 5 , 0 3 6 Mu n i c i p a l t a x l e v y 13 , 3 9 8 , 0 4 4 To t a l B u d g e t 2 6 , 6 4 4 , 1 5 4 $ 21 22 23 24 20 1 5 P r o j e c t e d R e s e r v e s 25 26 Re s o l v e t h a t t h e 2 0 1 5 Bu s i n e s s P l a n s a n d B u d g e t i n th e a m o u n t o f $ 1 3 , 3 9 8 , 0 4 4 b e ad o p t e d ad o p t e d 27 Capital Budget overview The following is the 2015 proposed capital expenditures that will be funded from various sources including grants, reserves, debt and taxation. 28 2015 CAPITAL PROJECT LISTING Dept Description Expenditures Reserves Grants Sale of Assets Debenture Reserves Other Source of Other Funding Taxation Finance Misc computer - Lotus notes conversion -cfwd 50,000 50,000 - Finance Replacement IT capital - SAN, servers, telephone, etc. 90,000 90,000 Finance GPS Equipment Upgrades 15,264 15,264 Finance Road Patrol Software 35,000 35,000 CSC Roof Replacement- cfwd 120,000 120,000 - Fleet 330 Underslung Plow Truck $235,000 235,000 - Fleet FL70 Truck $300,000 300,000 - Fleet F150 Pickup Truck $35,000 35,000 Fleet F150 Pickup Truck $35,000 388,000 Allocate to various units (353,000) Fleet Montana Van $35,000 35,000 Fleet F150 Pickup Truck $35,000 100,000 Multiple Asset sales (65,000) Fleet F250 Pickup Truck $55,000 55,000 Fleet Cavalier Car $25,000 25,000 Fleet F350 Pickup Truck $60,000 33,000 27,000 Fleet 3500 Pickup Truck $60,000 60,000 Fleet F250 Pickup Truck $50,000 50,000 Fleet D3500 Pickup Truck $60,000 33,000 27,000 Fleet 2500 Dump Pickup Truck $55,000 55,000 Fleet Underslung $15,000 15,000 Fleet Leaf Loader $45,000 45,000 Fleet Portable Pump $7,000 7,000 Fleet Slide-in Sander $12,000 12,000 Fleet Forklift $55,000 55,000 Fleet Y320 Mower $15,000 15,000 Fleet CFWD - Trackless MT6 $130,000 130,000 - Fleet CFWD - Hydro Bucket $325,000 325,000 - Fire Auto Extrication Rescue Equipment 54,500 54,500 Fire Traffic Signal Priority Control system expansion (Phase 1&2 of 4)17,000 8,500 8,500 Development Charges - Fire Water Rescue Equipment (Phase 2 of 2)10,000 10,000 Fire Fireground euipment 12,200 12,200 Fire MSA SCBA lease agreement 10th yr of 10 22,000 22,000 Police Roof Replacement 200,000 200,000 - Police Hvac and Boiler Replacement (with energy efficient equipment)60,000 43,145 16,855 Protection AUTOMATIC HANDHELD TICKET ISSUER 7,000 7,000 Engineering OSIM Bridge Inspections (O.Reg. 104/97)40,000 40,000 - Engineering Traffic Count Study 30,000 700 29,300 Roads Ridge Boulevard Stage 2 - Suface Asphalt - CFWD 371,968 371,968 - Roads Glendale Area Recon - Stage 1 - Surface Asphalt - CFWD 174,802 174,802 - Roads Glendale Area Recon - Stage 2 - Surface Asphalt - CFWD 324,741 324,741 - Roads Asphalt Resufacing Program 400,000 400,000 Gas Tax - Roads North Street Sidewalk - Phase B 50,000 11,020 Victoria Road 38,980 Roads Trottier Subdivision Phase 1 Reconstruction - Stage 3 400,000 400,000 - Roads Thrid St. Reconstruction 70,000 70,000 Roads Camdon Court Reconstruction 210,000 29,093 Gas Tax 180,907 Roads Asset Management Projects 54,870 54,870 OCIF Funding - Parking Future parking lot repairs 33,020 33,020 Airport Main Ramp - Drainage & Outlet to Pearce Drain 39,750 39,750 Airport Taxiway D Extension (West)150,000 - - 150,000 Airport Office Customs - CFWD from 2014 5,000 5,000 - Airport Taxiway Rehab - CFWD from 2014 44,000 37,000 7,000 tennants - Airport Land Acquisition (Woodlot)212,000 60,250 540,000 (267,750) Airport Woodlot Clearing (Town)78,000 78,000 Storm Sewers Swance Municipal Drain - Norwich - CFWD 100,000 38,000 62,000 Storm Sewers Baldwin St Storm Outlet 50,000 50,000 Parks Coronation Trail loop / Disc golf - CFWD 35,750 15,000 20,000 750 Donation - Parks Portable bleachers & staging 27,000 27,000 - Funding SourceCapital Costs H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Capital Project List Summary.xlsx 08/01/2015 29 2015 CAPITAL PROJECT LISTING Dept Description Expenditures Reserves Grants Sale of Assets Debenture Reserves Other Source of Other Funding Taxation Funding SourceCapital Costs Parks Annandale diamond improvements -CFWD 30,000 27,000 3,000 Development Charges/ Ball user groups - Parks Annandale diamonds - Lighting 160,000 150,000 10,000 - Parks Carrol Trail repairs 15,000 15,000 Parkland Trust - Parks Playground equipment replacement 30,000 30,000 Parks Update of the Trails Master Plan 20,000 18,000 DC reserves 2,000 Parks Implementation of Memorial Park Vision 50,000 50,000 Parks Parks building - CFWD 30,000 30,000 Sale proceeds - Parks Soccer Club fence 50,000 50,000 Programs Health Club Equipment 10,000 10,000 Programs Lake Lisgar Waterpark Chairs & Tables 15,000 15,000 Programs Cycling Master plan - cfwd 20,000 5,000 15,000 Development Charges - Programs Master Plan Implementation -cfwd 35,000 35,000 - Facilities Roofing repairs (Seniors Centre, Auditorium)150,000 100,000 50,000 - Facilities Indoor Pool Maintenance/repairs 55,000 55,000 Facilities Rotary Room Renos -CFWD 15,000 15,000 - EFC Roof repair/replace 115,000 115,000 - Museum Replacement HVAC (energy efficient equipment) 2/3 to reserves for 2016 15,000 15,000 Museum Replacement of failed door frames and windows 15,000 5,000 10,000 DCS Project satellite- CFWD 395,000 220,000 175,000 - Econ Dev Design/Build Indust Park - CFWD 75,366 75,366 - Econ Dev Design/Build Indust Park - Detailed Design 100,000 100,000 - Econ Dev Hwy 3 Business Park - Hwy 3 Widening 506,000 506,000 - Cemetery Cremations garden installation 10,000 10,000 Cemetery Water service (electrical, piping) -CFWD from 2014 9,000 9,000 Cemetery maintenance trust - Cemetery Columbarium -CFWD 7,000 7,000 Future niche sales - Cemetery Columbarium 7,000 7,000 Future niche sales - Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery 27,100 5,000 Historical Society 22,100 6,956,311$ 308,270$ 234,870$ 640,000$ 1,722,000$ 3,261,335$ 310,250$ 1,096,126$ H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Capital Project List Summary.xlsx 08/01/2015 30 20 1 5 C A P I T A L P R O J E C T L I S T I N G De p t De s c r i p t i o n Expenditures Reserves Capital Costs Pr o j e c t s F a l l i n g B e l o w F u n d i n g L e v e l Fi n a n c e Mo b i l e F i l e S h e l v i n g 50,000 Fi n a n c e Re p l a c e m e n t I T c a p i t a l - S A N , s e r v e r s , t e l e p h o n e , e t c . - R e d c u t i o n 10,000 CS C IV R s y s t e m ( T H I ) B i l l i n g 2,000 CS C Pr o j e c t o r & S c r e e n ( C S C B o a r d R o o m ) 6,200 Fi r e Po r t a b l e r a d i o r e p l a c e m e n t 22,250 Pr o t e c t i o n TI C K E T T R A C E R - I N T E G R A T I O N W I T H P A Y M E N T M A N A G E R - C L A S S 26,000 Pa r k s Co r o n a t i o n P a r k - p a v i l l i o n / w a s h r o o m r e p l a c e m e n t 57,000 Pr o g r a m s Ac t i v e N e t U p g r a d e 60,000 Pr o g r a m s He a l t h C l u b E q u i p m e n t - R e d u c t i o n 15,000 Fa c i l t i e s ic e p l a n t c o n v e r s i o n - c o n t r i b u t i o n t o r e s e r v e f o r 2 0 1 9 50,000 Fa c i l t i e s 5- y r R e s u r f a c e r r e p l a c e m e n t 2 0 1 8 20,000 Fa c i l t i e s Ar e n a f l o o r c o v e r & s t o r a g e 85,000 263,450 $ 140,000 $ H: \ F i n a n c e \ F i n a n c i a l P l a n s \ 2 0 1 5 \ 2 0 1 5 C o u n c i l P r e s e n t a t i o n \ 2 0 1 5 C a p i t a l P r o j e c t L i s t S u m m a r y . x l s x 0 8 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 5 31 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Council 365,350 365,358 326,300 (39,050) -10.7% Customer Service (48,107) (13,305) (98,940) (50,832) 105.7% Protection 203,520 197,615 218,349 14,829 7.3% Development & Communication Services 269,234 109,258 203,572 (65,662) -24.4% BIA - - - - - Economic Development 239,950 253,400 303,180 63,230 26.4% Finance 1,674,228 1,613,375 1,910,984 236,755 14.1% Police 3,224,898 3,224,929 2,917,850 (307,048) -9.5% Fire 1,000,972 999,502 1,225,464 224,492 22.4% Airport 95,929 106,143 91,673 (4,255) -4.4% Cemetery 83,013 124,612 121,827 38,814 46.8% Library - - Museum 197,220 207,049 288,544 91,324 46.3% Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 2,981,127 2,981,126 2,916,716 (64,411) -2.2% EFC (31,723) (26,729) (27,513) 4,210 -13.3% Roads 2,413,014 2,499,014 2,820,566 407,552 16.9% Parking (0) (0) - 0 -100.0% Sanitary Sewers 0 - - (0) -100.0% Solid Waste 152,192 143,192 129,993 (22,199) -14.6% Building 104,201 104,201 58,909 (45,292) -43.5% Engineering 283,190 214,445 414,130 130,940 46.2% Enterprise Services (261,012) (261,012) (261,530) (518) 0.2% Water 0 (0) - (0) -100.0% 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Water 0 (0) - (0) -100.0% Fleet (186,159) 28,841 (162,030) 24,129 -13.0% Total Requirement from Taxation 12,761,035 12,871,012 13,398,044 637,009 4.99% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 1 of 432 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan OPERATING REQUIREMENTS Council 360,350 360,358 326,300 (34,050) -9.4% Customer Service (108,107) (73,305) (98,940) 9,168 -8.5% Protection 203,520 197,615 211,349 7,829 3.8% Development & Communication Services 269,234 109,258 203,572 (65,662) -24.4% BIA - - - - Economic Development 239,950 253,400 303,180 63,230 26.4% Finance 1,533,987 1,473,727 1,770,720 236,732 15.4% Police 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 (298,903) -9.3% Fire 940,245 944,490 1,126,764 186,519 19.8% Airport 85,929 95,416 91,673 5,745 6.7% Cemetery 83,013 124,612 89,727 6,714 8.1% Library Museum 182,220 192,049 263,544 81,324 44.6% Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 2,822,527 2,821,175 2,704,716 (117,811) -4.2% EFC (31,723) (26,729) (27,513) 4,210 -13.3% Roads 2,413,014 2,528,590 2,418,679 5,665 0.2% Parking (32,189) (11,708) (33,020) (831) 2.6% Sanitary Sewers 0 - - (0) -100.0% Solid Waste 139,692 134,442 129,993 (9,699) -6.9% Building 104,201 104,201 58,909 (45,292) -43.5% Engineering 283,190 214,445 384,830 101,640 35.9% Enterprise Services (261,012) (261,012) (261,530) (518) 0.2% Water 0 (0) - (0) 0.0% Fleet (375,852) (164,352) (262,030) 113,822 -30.3% Total Requirement from Taxation 12,052,085 12,224,611 12,301,918 249,833 2.1% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 2 of 433 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS Council 5,000 5,000 - (5,000) -100.0% Customer Service 60,000 60,000 - (60,000) -100.0% Protection - - 7,000 7,000 - Development & Communication Services - (0) - - - BIA - - - - - Economic Development - - - - - Finance 140,241 139,648 140,264 23 0.0% Police 25,000 16,989 16,855 (8,145) -32.6% Fire 60,727 55,012 98,700 37,973 62.5% Airport 10,000 10,726 - (10,000) -100.0% Cemetery - - 32,100 32,100 - Museum 15,000 15,000 25,000 10,000 66.7% Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 158,600 159,951 212,000 53,400 33.7% EFC - - - - - Roads - (29,576) 401,887 401,887 - Parking 32,189 11,708 33,020 831 2.6% Sanitary Sewers - - - - - Solid Waste 12,500 8,750 - (12,500) -100.0% Building - - - - - Engineering - - 29,300 29,300 - Enterprise Services - - - - - Water - - - - - Fleet 189,693 193,193 100,000 (89,693) -47.3%Fleet 189,693 193,193 100,000 (89,693) -47.3% Total Requirement from Taxation 708,950 646,401 1,096,126 387,176 54.6% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 3 of 434 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan RESERVE BALANCES Council 75,000 (0) (0) (75,000) -100.0% Customer Service 60,000 - - (60,000) -100.0% Protection - - - - - Development & Communication Services (50,000) 0 0 50,000 -100.0% BIA 28,725 36,041 36,041 7,316 25.5% Economic Development (325,725) (0) (0) 325,725 -100.0% Finance 4,280,489 4,962,038 996,325 (3,284,164) -76.7% Police (8,745) 2,208 2,208 10,954 -125.3% Fire 69,130 115,255 115,255 46,125 66.7% Airport - - - - - Cemetery - - - - - Library 188,547 - - (188,547) -100.0% Museum - - - - - Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 350,506 315,205 315,205 (35,301) -10.1% EFC - - - - Roads (576,571) 278,060 278,060 854,631 -148.2% Parking 29,608 8,356 8,356 (21,253) -71.8% Sanitary Sewers - - - - - Solid Waste - - - - - Building - (0) (0) (0) - Engineering - - - - - Enterprise Services - - - - - Water - - - - -Water - - - - - Fleet - 334,944 334,944 334,944 - Total Reserve Balances: 4,120,964 6,052,107 2,086,393 (2,034,571) -49.4% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 4 of 435 Revenues Operating 20,995,197 21,345,303 Capital 3,607,182 6,393,070 Less: Transfer from other Funds (2,439,159) (3,122,780) Proceeds on debenture issue - (1,722,000) Total Revenues 22,163,220$ 22,893,593$ Expenses Operating 20,995,197 21,345,303 Non-tangible Capital 230,882 308,270 Capital 3,376,300 6,084,800 Less: Transfer to other Funds (1,154,124) (881,539) Capital Expenses (3,376,300) (6,084,800) Debt Principal payments (881,049) (1,352,198) Total Expenses 19,190,906$ 19,419,836$ Annual Surplus; before exclusions 2,972,314$ 3,473,757$ Exclusions: Amortization of tangible capital assets 2,417,484 2,417,484 Post-employement benefits - - Solid waste landfill closure and post-closure - - Total Exclusions 2,417,484$ 2,417,484$ Annual Surplus; after exclusions 554,830$ 1,056,273$ Town of Tillsonburg PSAB 3150 Reconciliation 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Annual Surplus; after exclusions 554,830$ 1,056,273$ H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:56 PM Page 1 of 136 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 $11,000,000 $12,000,000 $13,000,000 $14,000,000 $15,000,000 De b t P r i n c i p a l Year Debt Principal Balance at Year End Notes The following two amounts below requirierefinancing or a "balloon" payment to pay off the remaining principal in that year. 2015 Q1 -$ 332,384.38 2015 Q4 -$ 181,702.51 2015 - New Debt Request: $1,722,000 Year H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Debt Summary-Graph.xlsx 08/01/201537 Legend Projects to refinance in early 2015 Projects to refinance in Q4 of 2015 BALANCES O/S AT DEC. 31 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Dept #BY-LAW #PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL 500 Parking Garage 594,201.05 509,296.67 417,393.43 317,914.42 210,235.13 BIA 3173 Broadway - BIA 43,082.54 41,256.09 33,296.64 25,193.92 16,945.35 465 3173 Arena 144,624.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170 3173 Ridge Blvd 13,162.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260 3173 North Park Drain 189,527.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220 3184 Broadway Sidewalk 28,601.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220 3184 Quarterline Sidewalk 16,370.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 CSC Roof 45,091.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 Arena Ice Resurfacer 3,376.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 SEC Roof 9,214.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 Public Works Garage 2,418.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 465 3184 Arena HVAC 8,009.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 450 3184 Golf Course 13,571.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500 3184 Canadian Tire 77,571.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 467 3179 Elliot Fairbairn Centre 262,947.48 247,483.04 232,018.60 216,554.16 201,089.72 465 3179 Superbuild Project 135,983.36 127,981.28 119,979.20 111,977.12 103,975.04 465 3179 Arena HVAC 475,193.88 446,393.16 417,592.44 388,791.72 359,991.00 450 3179 Golf Course 297,006.12 279,006.84 261,007.56 243,008.28 225,009.00 220 3166 Glendale/Glenridge/Poplar 6,002.24 5,502.52 5,002.80 4,503.08 4,003.36 220 3166 Glendale/Glenridge/Winona 96,000.64 88,000.72 80,000.80 72,000.88 64,000.96 220 3166 Glendale/Allen 44,999.28 41,249.19 37,499.10 33,749.01 29,998.92 220 3166 Elgin 8,651.44 7,929.37 7,207.30 6,485.23 5,763.16 220 3166 Lisgar 32,565.84 29,853.32 27,140.80 24,428.28 21,715.76 220 3166 Dereham 10,345.44 9,483.62 8,621.80 7,759.98 6,898.16 220 3166 Tanager 8,834.88 8,097.99 7,361.10 6,624.21 5,887.32 220 3166 Townline 46,700.24 42,808.27 38,916.30 35,024.33 31,132.36 130 OIPC Ford F250 18,090.00 12,060.00 6,030.00 0.00 0.00 130 OIPC Ford F350 15,810.00 10,540.00 5,270.00 0.00 0.00 465 OIPC Reverse Osmosis 11,955.00 7,970.00 3,985.00 0.00 0.00 130 OIPC Ford Freestar 7,110.00 4,740.00 2,370.00 0.00 0.00 220 OIPC Delevan Road Work 54,510.00 52,140.00 49,770.00 47,400.00 45,030.00 220 OIPC Roads Resurfacing 57,500.00 55,000.00 52,500.00 50,000.00 47,500.00 220 OIPC Edgewood Drive 79,526.24 76,068.56 72,610.88 69,153.20 65,695.54 220 OIPC Venison East 14,275.24 13,654.56 13,038.88 12,413.20 11,792.54 220 OIPC Quarterline South 141,833.38 135,666.72 129,500.06 123,333.40 117,166.72 220 OIPC Concession St. Bridge 153,333.38 146,666.72 140,000.06 133,333.40 126,666.72 220 OIPC Glendale Poplar 40,888.68 39,110.92 37,333.16 35,555.40 33,777.64 130 OIPC GPS Equipment 13,357.50 12,330.00 11,302.50 10,275.00 9,247.50 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Taxiway 32,500.00 30,000.00 27,500.00 25,000.00 22,500.00 240 OIPC Airport Lighting 5,850.00 5,400.00 4,950.00 4,500.00 4,050.00 240 OIPC Airport Taxiway 15,379.00 14,196.00 13,013.00 11,830.00 10,647.00 465 OIPC Arena Floor 273,285.36 258,102.84 242,920.32 227,737.80 212,555.28 465 OIPC Tennis Courts 69,120.00 65,280.00 61,440.00 57,600.00 53,760.00 465 OIPC CCC Lobby Floor 11,548.80 10,907.20 10,265.60 9,624.00 8,982.40 135 OIPC CSC-HVAC 25,200.00 23,400.00 21,600.00 19,800.00 18,000.00 220 OIPC Maple Lane 279,621.48 267,970.56 256,319.64 244,668.72 233,017.80 220 OIPC Lincoln Street 142,062.44 136,143.18 130,223.92 124,304.66 118,385.40 220 OIPC Quarterline 325,052.84 311,508.98 297,965.12 284,421.26 270,877.40 240 OIPC Airport Asphalt 2,400.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 600.00 0.00 130 OIPC 350 HP Truck Rep # 111 81,359.50 75,748.50 70,137.50 64,526.50 58,915.50 130 OIPC Trackless MT5 55,669.05 43,298.15 30,927.25 18,556.35 6,185.45 220 OIPC Quarterline Railway Track 471,241.91 452,007.53 432,773.15 413,538.77 394,304.39 220 OIPC Misc Street Paving 310,333.37 297,666.71 285,000.05 272,333.39 259,666.73 135 OIPC Works Building Drain 24,500.00 23,500.00 22,500.00 21,500.00 20,500.00 450 OIPC Trail Development 499,247.97 478,870.51 458,493.05 438,115.59 417,738.13 220 OIPC William to Beech Blvd 211,730.43 203,440.97 195,151.51 186,862.05 178,572.59 230 OIPC Downtown Parking-Epple 174,001.24 167,163.96 160,326.68 153,489.40 146,652.12 130 OIPC Hydro Hybrid Bucket Truck 208,116.30 188,295.70 168,475.10 148,654.50 128,833.90 505 OIPC Hwy # 3 Ind. Park 55,000.00 45,000.00 35,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 505 OIPC Rokeby Road/Vodden 209,848.65 171,694.35 133,540.05 95,385.75 57,231.45 505 OIPC Hwy # 3 Graydon 204,303.00 167,157.00 130,011.00 92,865.00 55,719.00 505 OIPC Hwy # 3 Hazen 120,024.85 98,202.15 76,379.45 54,556.75 32,734.05 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Taxiway 25,284.60 20,687.40 16,090.20 11,493.00 6,895.80 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Terminal 20,900.00 17,100.00 13,300.00 9,500.00 5,700.00 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Overlay 35,750.00 29,250.00 22,750.00 16,250.00 9,750.00 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Extension 73,700.00 60,300.00 46,900.00 33,500.00 20,100.00 220 OIPC Lisgar & 4th 338,000.00 325,000.00 312,000.00 299,000.00 286,000.00 130 Fire Truck 512,799.98 470,066.64 427,333.30 384,599.96 341,866.62 OIPC Library Software 50,000.00 37,500.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 0.00 500 TD- Float VOIP 36,855.82 29,498.98 22,142.14 14,785.30 7,428.46 220 TD- Float Bayham 39,844.21 32,066.97 24,289.73 16,512.49 8,735.25 465-7703 TD- Float SEC 456,107.44 366,143.80 276,180.16 186,216.52 96,252.88 150 Capital lease- Fire Breathing Apparatus 69,799.75 49,445.50 29,091.25 8,737.00 0.00 Arena 2,057,330.85 1,858,108.16 1,652,283.64 1,439,283.50 1,219,038.28 Rural Broadband 182,881.31 165,180.34 146,892.80 127,967.70 108,398.88 New Debt Requested 0.00 1,722,000.00 1,627,911.37 1,531,207.07 1,431,814.40 TOTAL DEBT 10,928,893.10$ 11,169,391.64$ 10,125,025.39$ 9,062,501.25$ 8,010,331.06$ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 GROSS PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 1,009,714.33$ 1,461,147.21$ 1,044,366.25$ 1,062,524.14$ 1,052,170.19$ Less: Fire Capital Lease- Capital Project Cost 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ Industrial Land- Capitalized to Balance Sheet 107,123-$ 107,123-$ 107,123-$ 107,123-$ 107,123-$ TOTAL PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 882,237$ 1,333,670$ 916,889$ 935,047$ 924,693$ TOTAL INTEREST PAYMENTS 516,934$ 475,518$ 475,949$ 430,509$ 389,617$ H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Debt Summary-Graph.xlsx 08/01/201538 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG 2015 BUSINESS PLAN Director of Finance 39 2015 Business Objectives Item Dept Owner Budget Value Target Date Lotus Notes to Exchange Conversion IT Director $50,000 Q1 Upgrade Great Plains Software Finance/ IT Director $6,650 TBD Upgrade Class Software RCP/IT Director TBD Upgrade Northstar Software Hydro/IT Director $0 TBD Town Website IT Director $25,000 Q2Town Website Redevelopment IT Director $25,000 Q2 FMW Budget Software Finance/ IT Director $45,000 Q3 Cash Forecasting Model Development Finance Manager of Finance $0 Q4 Investigate The One Investment Program Finance Manager of Finance $0 Q4 40 2015 Business Objectives Item Dept Owner Budget Value Target Date Outbound Call Automation through IVR CSC Manager of CSC $2,000 (THI Budget) Q2 Northstar Report Training CSC Manager of CSC $1,900 Q3 Business License Automation CSC Manager of CSC $0 Q4 Automation CSC 41 2015 Business Objectives Item Dept Owner Budget Value Target Date Implementation of Laserfiche Records Management System Finance Clerk $0 Q1 TOMRS Training all staff Finance Clerk $0 Q1 Laserfiche Records Management user Training Finance Clerk $0 Q1 Training Hire Records Management Coordinator Finance Clerk $45,447 Q2 Procedural By-Law Review and Update Finance Clerk $0 Q2 Local Government Week Finance Clerk $0 Q4 42 Risks •Changing government legislation increases the Customer Service Billing workload •Lack of IT resources could affect internal and external stakeholders 43 Opportunities •With Harris Northstar upgrade, automation is available and processes can be streamlined •With Harris Northstar reports training, more staff able to better utilize the software •Outbound call automation though IVR reduces staff time on this function •FMW budget software implementation replaces excel and integrates with the general ledger. Better utilization of staff resources, on a Town wide basis. 44 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook •Caseware software, $35,000 – automates production of excel year end working papers •Telephone system replacement, estimated $20,000 cost 2016 2017 •Software assurance renewal, estimated $65,000 -$75,000 annual cost 2018 •Replacement of IT equipment, laptops and servers, estimated $350,000 cost 45 Human Resources Allocation/Deployment Plan 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements 18.25 19 19.25 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements-Full time 18.00 18.75 19.00 Total FTE Requirements-Part time 0.495 0.66 0.66 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 Contract Staff 0 0 0 Change from previous year (.25) 0.915 0.25 46 110 - Finance 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential - 8,546,882 - 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential - 989,002 - 3010 Taxes - Commercial - 2,087,692 - 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit - 13,013 - 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land - 20,046 - 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre - - - 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit - - - 3030 Taxes - Industrial - 618,741 - 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit - 10,109 - 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land - 10,879 - 3040 Taxes - Pipelines - 41,785 - 3050 Taxes - Farmland - 8,586 - 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 - 3,558 - 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial - 423,081 - 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit - 2,386 - 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 110,000 108,602 110,000 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy - - - 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs - 2,386 - 3085 Taxes - W/O's (286,000) (210,409) (180,000) 3090 Taxes - PIL's 84,000 - - 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments - - - 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest 170,000 167,949 168,000 Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 443,047 455,195 443,047 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 189,100 183,102 193,370 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other - - - User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 8,400 40,262 8,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees - 5,240 - 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 16,000 16,040 16,000 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals - 10 - 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 48,000 26,317 24,000 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue - - - 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - 1,446 - 3810 Sale of Assets - - - 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves (238,184) - 657,064 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 7,000 23,900 - 551,363 13,595,799 1,439,481 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 110 Finance.xls 08/01/2015 1:20 PM Page 1 of 2 47 110 - Finance 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 1,108,622 1,070,784 1,197,051 5002 Full-Time Overtime 9,000 2,261 7,500 5003 Part-Time Regular 23,494 31,999 58,847 5004 Part-Time Overtime Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 3,630 2,421 2,400 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 7,600 8,444 8,450 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 5,500 4,785 5,200 5315 Books & Publications 400 125 400 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 1,000 737 1,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 12,000 10,246 13,200 5330 Insurance 52,412 53,012 53,360 5331 Insurance Claims 10,000 - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 8,800 9,004 9,120 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 45,500 41,792 44,000 5405 Meeting Expenses 4,400 5,937 7,000 5410 Advertising & Promotions 2,650 3,355 39,000 5415 Training & Workshops 17,500 14,252 23,050 5420 Special Events - 93 - 5425 Special Projects 19,000 51,176 122,600 5430 Membership Expenses 13,000 13,452 15,000 5600 Rent Expense 125,000 139,620 150,000 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 18,000 19,885 20,000 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments - 12,761,035 - Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 114,000 97,749 137,900 5505 Subcontractors Expense 123,800 120,261 116,400 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 304,200 302,419 212,680 Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 449,639 924,056 497,917 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 2,231 - 2,479,147 15,691,130 2,742,075 1,927,784 2,095,331 1,302,594 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation - - - 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation (282,963) (283,068) (280,741) 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation (282,963) (283,068) (280,741) 1,644,821 1,812,263 1,021,853 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 16,229 13,635 13,967 5905 Debt Principal 111,121 111,110 624,922 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit (238,184) (463,281) 109,977 Total Net Levy 1,533,987 1,473,727 1,770,720 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 110 Finance.xls 08/01/2015 1:20 PM Page 2 of 2 48 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Mobile File Shelving - 2 028 Misc computer - Lotus notes conversion -cfwd 50,000 3 Replacement IT capital - SAN, servers, telephone, etc. 90,000 4 GPS Equipment Upgrades 15,264 5 Road Patrol Software 35,000 2015 100,264 90,000 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201549 120 - Customer Service Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 1,700 - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial - - - 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,800 1,799 1,900 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 36,000 33,984 34,000 3420 Certificates 600 640 450 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 226,860 227,020 226,860 3505 Merchandise 750 585 495 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account - - - Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution From Reserves 3900 Contribution From Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution From DC Reserves - - - 267,710 264,027 263,705 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 120 Customer Service.xls 08/01/2015 1:21 PM Page 1 of 2 50 120 - Customer Service Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 579,950 614,280 587,300 5002 Full-Time Overtime 5,600 7,456 7,200 5003 Part-Time Regular 10,000 9,745 10,000 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 4,900 5,294 6,000 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory - - - 5300 Supplies 32,200 31,973 40,200 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 9,742 11,693 12,550 5315 Books & Publications 400 440 - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 3,000 2,239 3,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 38,000 37,998 41,800 5330 Insurance 3,542 3,180 3,434 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 1,000 1,023 1,200 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 300 310 300 5405 Meeting Expenses - - - 5410 Advertising & Promotions 1,400 1,389 - 5415 Training & Workshops 8,000 3,066 9,000 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects - - - 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 24,000 23,947 24,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts - - - Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 2,974 2,974 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 725,008 757,007 745,984 457,298 492,979 482,279 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation - - - 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation (577,322) (577,320) (591,344) 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation (577,322) (577,320) (591,344) (120,024) (84,341) (109,065) Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 3,751 5,489 3,352 5905 Debt Principal 8,166 5,546 6,773 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy (108,107) (73,305) (98,940) H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 120 Customer Service.xls 08/01/2015 1:21 PM Page 2 of 2 51 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 IVR system (THI) Billing - 2 Projector & Screen (CSC Board Room) - 3 041 Roof Replacement- cfwd 120,000 4 5 2015 120,000 - 1 - 2 - 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201552 160 - Police 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 130,000 130,000 130,000 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other - - - Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 19,000 18,003 18,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 265,180 276,633 277,672 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special - - - 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - - - 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - 1,720 - 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves 264,689 264,689 - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves - - - 678,869 691,045 425,672 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 160 Police.xls 08/01/2015 1:22 PM Page 1 of 2 53 160 - Police 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 86,900 91,768 87,900 5002 Full-Time Overtime 5003 Part-Time Regular - 715 - 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 1,000 668 1,000 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 4,200 5,575 5,200 5315 Books & Publications - - - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 4,800 5,337 6,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 33,000 37,644 36,300 5330 Insurance 2,519 2,268 1,547 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 2,400 1,881 2,000 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 1,600 1,600 1,600 5405 Meeting Expenses 250 822 800 5410 Advertising & Promotions 5415 Training & Workshops 5,600 5,600 5,000 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5,000 5,000 5,000 5430 Membership Expenses 1,050 1,071 1,100 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 3,621,449 3,628,214 3,173,220 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts - 104 - Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 108,999 108,999 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 1,720 - 3,878,767 3,898,985 3,326,667 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation - - - 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest - - - 5905 Debt Principal - - - 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 160 Police.xls 08/01/2015 1:22 PM Page 2 of 2 54 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Roof Replacement 200,000 2 Hvac and Boiler Replacement (with energy efficient equipment) 60,000 3 4 5 2015 260,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201555 100 - Council 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue - 500 - 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special - 1,544 - 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - - - 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution From Reserves 3900 Contribution From Reserves 30,000 35,000 - 3905 Contribution From DC Reserves 30,000 37,044 - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 100 Council.xls 08/01/2015 3:56 PM Page 1 of 2 56 100 - Council 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 137,300 137,397 144,500 5002 Full-Time Overtime 5003 Part-Time Regular 5004 Part-Time Overtime 5060 Retroactive Pay Expense Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 12,700 12,868 400 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs - - - 5315 Books & Publications 100 - - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 5325 Heat, Light & Water 5330 Insurance 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 2,400 1,236 1,400 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 56,900 61,089 116,000 5405 Meeting Expenses 2,000 3,236 3,000 5410 Advertising & Promotions 8,000 9,420 - 5415 Training & Workshops 14,000 13,111 16,000 5420 Special Events 5,650 5,340 8,000 5425 Special Projects 45,000 45,000 15,000 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 6,300 8,705 - 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 100,000 100,000 22,000 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 390,350 397,402 326,300 360,350 360,358 326,300 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation - - - 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - - - - 360,350 360,358 326,300 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 5905 Debt Principal 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 360,350 360,358 326,300 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 100 Council.xls 08/01/2015 3:56 PM Page 2 of 2 57 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves - 1 2 3 4 5 2015 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201558 STAFF REPORT FINANCE Title: IT WORK PLAN UPDATE Report No.: FIN 15-02 Author: DARRELL EDDINGTON Meeting Type: COUNCIL BUDGET MEETING Council/Committee Date: JANUARY 15, 2015 Attachments: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To provide a status report and a 2015 IT work plan report to Council. BACKGROUND Council was last provided an IT Work Plan status report at the Council meeting of October 14, 2014. To summarize, the following key items have occurred in 2014: - New phones have been substantially installed. - New switches have been installed. - Microsoft license audit completed. - New photocopiers installed. - Completed the roll out of new personal computer hardware and software. - The new SAN (Storage Area Network) is installed and tested. This will have a future cost savings on the management and deployment of new servers. - The NAS (Network Area Storage) is connected and tested to the SAN. This will allow for the migration of user files from five servers to one centralized location. - The first new server has been installed on a new domain. This will allow us to migrate some of the older hardware to virtual servers while still keeping them available for the end users. - ThinkDocs completed the install of the Laserfiche Agenda Manager. - ThinnkDocs, Cambridge Solutions and IT planned for and began the migration of Domino Docs to Laserfiche. This must be done before the migration from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange can take place. - IT staff have installed a MS Licensing server. This will help the Town stay current and legal with their Microsoft software deployments. - IT staff began working on a deployment plan for MS Office 2010. 1 CAO 59 Key Highlights for the 2015 IT Work plan: - MS office deployment started – currently on hold pending installation of a new print server. New print server should be installed in the next 1-2 weeks. - IT and staff is currently working with ThinkDocs and Cambridge Solutions to convert the Domino Docs repository (bylaws, agendas etc.) to Laserfiche. - Tillsonburg Clerk and staff have created the security groups needed to secure the Laserfiche installation. IT is going to create the required Windows groups to facilitate the installation. - Tillsonburg Fire Department- new server has been delivered for the implementation of E911. IT is going to make the Fire Department location survivable in the event of an emergency by creating a sub domain. This will ensure that staff has access to their files and programs in the event of a network outage caused by an emergency (weather, power etc.) - Currently planning for the migration of Lotus notes to Microsoft Exchange. IT is currently gathering user data and sizing the server requirements. This will also include an upgrade of the current Blackberry Enterprise server. This project will follow the Laserfiche implementation. - IT staff are currently looking at the consolidation of some of the SQL servers. - By Q3 (or sooner), to start the migration of data from several of the servers so as to finish the retirement of the current old hardware. - IT will be supporting the upgrade of existing key Town systems in 2015: Northstar Harris; Class; Great Plains. - If approved by Council, IT will be supporting a new software installation: RAC Software FMW Web 6.0. The Town’s use of excel for budgeting purposes and quarterly reporting annually requires at least .2 FTE in Finance to build and maintain the required templates. FMW will become the Town’s reporting primary reporting tool and will interface with the Town’s general ledger. The one-time $42,000 software implementation cost translates into an approximate 2.7 year payback. And this does not take into account the software efficiencies that the other Town departments should benefit from. APPROVALS Director Name/Signature Darrell Eddington Date: 01/09/15 Finance Name/Signature Darrell Eddington Date: 01/09/15 CAO Name/Signature David Calder Date: 2 CAO 60 TO W N O F T I L L S O N B U R G 20 1 5 B U S I N E S S P L A N Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s 61 HR Se r v i c e s Re c r u i t m e n t Sa l a r y Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n HR I S He a l t h & Sa f e t y / W e l l n e s s La b o u r R e l a t i o n s HR Se r v i c e s HR I S Be n e f i t Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n Po l i c y & Pr o c e d u r e s Em p l o y e e Re l a t i o n s Sa f e t y / W e l l n e s s 62 20 1 5 Bu s i n e s s Ob j e c t i v e s It e m De p t O w n e r B u d g e t V a l u e T a r g e t D a t e Fu l l T i m e Gr i d M o v e m e n t HR H R M a n a g e r $ 3 6 , 1 5 0 Q 1 - Q 4 2% C o s t o f L i v i n g I n c r e a s e H R H R M a n a g e r $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 Q 1 - Q 4 Fi r e f i g h t e r C o n t r a c t Ne g o t i a t i o n s (2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 7 ) HR H R M a n a g e r Q1 Pa r t T i m e t o F u l l T i m e G r i d H R H R M a n a g e r $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 Q 1 Ma n a g e m e n t / S u p e r v i s o r Tr a i n i n g HR H R M a n a g e r $ 5 , 0 0 0 Q 1 - Q 4 Fu l l T i m e H R A s s i s t a n t / P a y r o l l Co o r d i n a t o r HR H R M a n a g e r $ 2 9 , 0 0 0 Q 2 - Q 4 Fi r e C o m m u n i c a t o r Ne g o t i a t i o n s ( 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 8 ) HR H R M a n a g e r $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 Q 2 Co m p e n s a t i o n S u r v e y H R H R M a n a g e r $ 3 , 9 0 0 Q 1 Le a d e r s h i p D e v e l o p m e n t H R C A O $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 Q 2 Er g o n o m i c s H R H R M a n a g e r $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 Q 1 63 Ri s k s • Co m p e t i t i v e c o m p e n s a t i o n p r e s s u r e s • Pa y E q u i t y A c t c o m p l i a n c e 64 Op p o r t u n i t i e s • In c r e a s i n g t h e c o s t o f l i v i n g e n s u r e s T i l l s o n b u r g r e ma i n s c o m p e t i t i v e i n t h e l a b o r ma r k e t a m o n g o t h e r s i m i l a r l y s i z e d M u n i c i p a l i t i e s . • Pa r t T i m e e m p l o y e e s c o m p e n s a t i o n t o b e a d j u s t e d i n li n e w i t h F u l l T i m e t o e n s u r e co n t i n u i n g c o m p l i a n c e w i t h P a y E q u i t y A c t . 65 Fu t u r e D e p a r t m e n t a l Di r e c t i o n s : 3 y e a r o u t l o o k • Co m p e n s a t i o n s t u d y 20 1 6 • No t e : n o u n i q u e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e H R d e p a r t m e n t id e n t i f i e d f o r 20 1 7 t o 2 0 1 8 66 Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s Al l o c a t i o n / D e p l o y m e n t P l a n 20 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 To t a l F T E R e q u i r e m e n t s 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 8 7 5 2 Ch a n g e f r o m p r e v i o u s y e a r 0 0 0 0 . 3 7 5 0 . 1 2 5 20 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 To t a l F T E R e q u i r e m e n t s - F u l l t i m e 1 1 . 7 5 2 . 0 To t a l F T E R e q u i r e m e n t s - P a r t t i m e 0 . 5 0 . 2 5 0 Co n t r a c t S t a f f 0 0 0 Ch a n g e f r o m p r e v i o u s y e a r 0 0 . 5 0 0 67 STAFF REPORT HUMAN RESOURCES Title: CORPORATE POSITION REVIEW Report No.: CA0-HR-15-02 Author: ASHLEY ANDREWS, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Meeting Type: BUDGET DELIBERATIONS Council/Committee Date: Attachments: RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receives report CAO-HR-15-02 Corporate Position Review as information. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In previous years, each department has reviewed their human resource needs in isolation of the other departments, and separately presented position increases or decreases to Council for review and/or approval. This meant that while one department may have had a reduction in staff budget dollars, another department may have had an increase, and the true savings/cost to the Town may not have been realized. Beginning with the 2015 budget process, staff reviewed vacant positions and requests for new positions. Corporately, this allows the organization to reallocate the dollars from eliminated positions in one department, to any new position requests in another department based on the needs of the corporation as a whole, rather than the needs of a single department. This type of corporate review allows the corporation to meet changing business needs and reallocate additional resources from within prior to requesting additional financial resources. FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE Vacant positions being eliminated include the Director of Development & Communications, the Hydro Customer Service Technician, and a Hydro Linesperson. By eliminating these vacant positions the corporation achieved internal funding in the amount of $166,000 which can be reallocated for other positions required to meet the changing business needs of the corporation. As part of the draft 2015 budget, these resources have been reallocated across the corporation to help fund new position requests. The request for new positions include a Full Time Fire Prevention Officer, a Full Time Human Resource Assistant/Payroll Coordinator, a Full Time Records Management Coordinator, a Fixed Contract Full Time Marketing & Communications Officer, and three part time positions within the Recreation, Culture, & Parks 1 CAO 68 Department. The total funding for these positions required to meet changing business needs is $216,000. By reviewing the human resource needs corporately, staff is able to reallocate existing funds from eliminated positions to help fund new positions. The budget impact for the new positions for 2015, after reallocating existing funds, is an increased budget request of $50,000. As is with any budget request, funding is dependent upon Council approval, as per the 2015 budget process. APPROVALS Author Name/Signature Ashley Andrews Date: January 9, 2015 Director Name/Signature Date: Finance Name/Signature Date: 2 CAO 69 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Prepared for 2015 Budgetary Considerations 0 70 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator The Strategic Context 1 Business Needs and Desired Outcomes Strategic Environment Organizational Overview At any given point, there are in excess of over 600,000 unidentified and unclassified documents within the Corporate Services vault. This figure considerably inflates when the Customer Services Centre, Community Centre, and Public Works, and Fire Station are included in the equation. This figure also does not include the files, boxes and paper stored in individual offices and file cabinets, 60 Council boxes stored in the Council Chambers closet which would equate to approximately 1.1 million unidentified records. With an on-going demand to be transparent and accountable to the public, having quick and easy access to corporate records is paramount. In a single day, the Clerk’s office receives a magnitude of requests to search corporate records, both from staff and from member of the public. As a legislative function of the Clerk, swiftly processing these requests is not only necessary, but expected. Given the current capacity, there are strains on how fast and efficiently existing staff can respond to these inquires. Of particular importance is acquiring staff, that have an adequate level of educational training and experience in records management. Simply put, the Town does not have adequate human capital to complete a legislated function. Business Need Given current staffing restrains the Clerk’s office does not have the capabilities to adequately preserve, retrieve and dispose of corporate records. After years of neglect, valuable corporate documents have gone missing, been misplaced, or destroyed. The Town attempted to implement an electronic records management system in 2000 however without an adequate dedicated resource person the system was rarely used by staff. The system was purchased and staff were trained, however without success as few staff persons used the system, and records continued to be improperly stored or lost. Drivers for Change There are a number of drivers that have highlighted the need for a records management coordinator. Legal cases involving the Town have demonstrated that years of inadequate upkeep and neglect of records management have led to indispensable documents being lost, damaged, or ruined. Eventually, continued neglect is going to negatively impact the corporation both from a financial and public relations standpoint. 1 71 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Similarly, recent dealings with the Information and Privacy Commissioner have shed more light on poor past practices that have placed the Town in an undesirable position. In one particular case, the Town has conceded that inadequate records management has left staff with the inability to confirm or deny the existence of corporate records. With this said, there is a growing demand and expectation for governments to embrace free sharing of records and to truly encompass transparency in governance. A great example of embracing free sharing of records is the Province of Ontario’s Open Data imitative. Finally, from a continuity perspective, the transition of institutional knowledge from existing staff to future staff is largely connected to smooth transitions that allow staff to be able to use records as a paper trail to historical dealings within the corporation. Business Outcomes Arguably, there are direct benefits to investing in a Records Management Coordinator. Some of these benefits include, • Controlling the creation and growth of records; This includes reducing the storing of paper and digital files, controlling the generation of documents and additional copies, efficiently implementing records retention corporate wide. • Reduction in Operating Costs; Recordkeeping requires administrative dollars for filing supplies, space in offices, and staff to maintain an organized filing system. For Tillsonburg, the current operating cost includes searching for lost records when there is no organization or staff to enforce a classification system. • Improved efficiencies and productivity; Time spent searching for missing or misfiled records are non-productive. A Records Management Coordinator can help the corporation upgrade its recordkeeping system so that information retrieval can be enhanced. • Implementation and assimilation of new records management technologies; With the purchase of Laserfiche, corporate wide implementation can have a dedicated staff member who can provide instant troubleshooting or support for all employees of the Town. 2 72 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator • Meeting legislative requirements; Many municipal records have set retentions by the Province and/or the Federal government. The only way a municipality can be reasonably sure that it is in full compliance with legislation is by operating a good records management program that takes responsibility for regulatory compliance, while working closely with other municipalities and other levels of government. • Minimised litigation risks; The Town should hire a Records Management Coordinator in order to reduce the risks associated with litigation and dealings with provincial oversight bodies, such as the Information and Privacy Commission. A consistently applied records management program will reduce the liabilities associated with document disposal by untrained staff. If Laserfiche is not properly implemented and utilized by staff then the Town will experience increased risks. By hiring a Coordinator the risk that the system is not utilized is reduced and proper record keeping becomes a reality. • Safeguarding of vital information; Of particular importance is the protection of vital information as outlined in the Municipal Act. Included are documents such as Council minutes, legal opinions and proceedings, correspondence with legal counsel and employee files. Operated as part of the overall records management program, vital records programs preserve the integrity and confidentiality of the most important records and safeguard the vital information assets according to a “Plan” to protect the records. • Better support for Senior Management Decision making; A well maintained records program and a staff coordinator can help ensure managers, Directors and Council have the information they need when they need it. A Records Management Coordinator will be able to index and retrieve documents for managers and senior staff quickly so that decisions are made with all relevant information in mind. • Preservation of institutional knowledge; The Town’s files contain its institutional knowledge and memory. This knowledge is an irreplaceable asset that has been overlooked and neglected. Every day, we create records that could become background data for future management decisions and planning. These records document that activities of the Town that future employees may use to research past dealings, precedents, or understand why decisions were made. • Fostering a greater sense of professionalism. An office with files askew, stacked on top of file cabinets and in boxes everywhere creates a poor working environment. The perception of our offices and the overall morale of staff, though hard to quantify in dollar amounts, may be among the best reasons to invest in Records Management. 3 73 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Strategic Fit A Records Management Coordinator would fit well with the continued growth of the community and the corporation. To be frank, timing for this staff position is ideal. As the corporation continues to expand into an increasingly digital environment, a Records Management Coordinator would fit with existing plans to implement an Electronic Records Management System, Laserfiche, and modernise existing processes. Given the financial investment that has already been made available to fund Laserfiche, ensuring a successful implementation is paramount in cost-recovery. If Laserfiche is not adequately implemented and staff do not continue to store records at all or improperly record them, then records management will remain at risk. Stakeholder benefits A Records Management Coordinator will positively impact all within and outside of the organization. Internal staff will benefit from having a trained professional on-staff who can assist with record indexing, retrieval and retentions. Staff will no longer have to wait for a member of the Clerk’s office to search through hundreds of boxes for documents, and will be provided with quick and efficient service. The public will be served though initiatives like open data that assist with making the Town more accessible for records, which intern increases the overall accountability and transparency of staff’s work. Generally speaking, having a dedicated coordinator on-site will make everyone’s life a lot easier. Scope The Records Management Coordinator is responsible for developing, implementing and administering the corporate Records Management Program, including coordination and maintenance of the manual and electronic records classification systems. This position also provides support to the Clerk’s office, as required, and will play a principal role in municipal election planning. Ideally, the position will be full-time, however given fiscal constraints a part- time position would alleviate some of the strains currently placed on existing staff. The proposed starting salary is $21.00/hr. 4 74 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities The following is a list of responsibilities for a Records Management Coordinator: • Reviews, develops, and implements policies, procedures, guidelines, programs and practices related to the management of the corporation’s official records, including writing reports and presenting recommendations. • Administers and coordinates the implementation and maintenance of the Records Management System, in paper and electronic formats, providing direction, guidance and assistance to all service areas. Responsible for the management and disposal of all Town records in accordance with legislative requirements and the Records Retention By-Law. • Administers the Records Management By-Law ensuring that service areas adhere to the policies and procedures associated with the retention and disposal of records. Conducts audits to assess compliance with records management policies, procedures and practices. Reviews and makes recommendations for amendments and updates to the By-Law. • Ensures that the Corporation complies with the legislative requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O 1990, c.M.56.; develops and implements corporate policies and procedures pertaining to the collection and release of information. • When required, assists the Clerk and Deputy Clerk with the collection of information and prepares written responses to requests for information ensuring that the requirements of the Act have been adhered to, that all fees have been collected, and that complete and accurate records have been retained. Prepares and maintains the necessary forms used by the Corporation. • Develops, implements, and maintains the corporate classification system for all Town records, conducts and maintains an inventory of municipal records; identifies and classifies all file subjects. Assigns retention dates and disposition to new records. • Administers and maintains the Corporation’s inactive and archival records within the Records vault; provides records retrieval services for all Town departments; manages the physical transfer of records to and from Town buildings. • Manages, investigates, responds to and resolves all questions and complaints associated with the Records Management Program, Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, and/or the Vital Statistics Act. • Develops training material and provides in-house seminars, workshops and training related to records management and freedom of information legislation requirements. Provides new staff orientation and maintains regular communications with Records Liaison staff. • Works in collaboration with the Information Technology Division to improve electronic file systems to facilitate access to electronic records. • Champions and promotes records management best practices; enhances the profile of records management within the corporation. 5 75 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator • Provides general administrative support to Clerk’s office, as required, to ensure deadlines and objectives are achieved, including provision of ongoing support to one or more Council committees. • Performs other duties as may be assigned in accordance with corporate objectives. Credentials Required 1. Community College diploma in a related field. The following would be considered an asset: Archival Selection Training; Certified Records Manager Diploma, Municipal Administration Diploma or Municipal Law Certificate. 2. Two (2) to four (4) years of supervisory and/or project management experience in a municipal setting is required to perform the job effectively. 3. Two years of direct records management experience. 4. Working knowledge of municipal legislation/regulations including Municipal Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Vital Statistics Act and Municipal Elections Act. 5. Excellent negotiation, facilitation and interpersonal skills in order to achieve collaboration, support and cooperation on projects and assignments. 6. Excellent organizational, analytical, and time management capabilities in order to plan out and meet (internal) project timelines and legislated deadlines. 7. Experience with writing reports, policies, procedures, by-laws, etc. 8. Excellent customer service and communication skills in order to interact effectively, tactfully and courteously with the public, vendors and all levels of staff. 9. Through working knowledge of computers and various software systems including Records Management/Document Management Software systems (Laserfiche), Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other database applications. Working knowledge of Adobe Acrobat Writer program is requested. 10. Valid Class “G” Driver’s License and reliable vehicle for use on corporate business. 6 76 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS 2015 BUSINESS PLAN DIRECTOR OF RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS 77 2015 Business Objectives Item Division Owner Budget Value Target Date Undertake a comprehensive concept design process to extend the useful life and improve the functionality and amenity level of the Tillsonburg Community Centre. Recreation Programs & Services Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Q1-Q4 Complete a Cycling Master Plan and update the Trails Master Plan. Recreation Programs & Services Recreation Programs & Services Manager $40,000 Q1-Q3 Beginthe 5-year review of the Community Parks, Recreation & Cultural Strategic Master Plan Recreation Programs & Services Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Q4 Host the Bi-annual Tillsonburg Sports Hall of Fame Ceremony Recreation Programs & Recreation Programs Q3Fame Ceremony Programs & Services Recreation Programs & Services Manager Q3 ImplementSpecial Events Policy Recreation Programs & Services Sales & Services Coordinator Q1-Q4 Initiateprocurement analysis and recommendation for replacement facility booking, program registration and POS software to replace CLASS 7.0 Recreation Programs & Services Business Services Supervisor Q2-Q3 78 2015 Business Objectives - Culture Item Division Owner Budget Value Target Date Work with Oxford County museums and other partners to organize a County wide 5 year initiative to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of WW1 throughhosting 100 events throughout the County between 2014 and 2018. Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Q 1 -4 Increase awareness, attendance and potentially revenue by hosting a series of special events and programs to celebrate the 190th Anniversary of the founding of the Town by George Tillson in 1825 Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Q 1-4 Create working committee with Tourism Create working committee with Tourism Oxford, Oxford Creative Connections Inc. and The Woodstock Museum NHS to begin the planning process for “Wilde Oxford” an event in 2017 to celebrate the 135th Anniversary of Oscar Wilde’s visit to Oxford County Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Q 1-4 Purchase collection software program and begin to computerizecollection records Culture & Heritage Exhibit & Collections Specialist $5,000 Q 1 -4 Leadthe consortium of groups implementing the Cultural Improvement Alliance project. Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator $98,578 (2014-2016)Q 1 -4 Create and implement four broad based cultural opportunities/ events (1 per quarter) for Tillsonburg residents . Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Program Coordinator Q 1-4 79 2015 Business Objectives - Parks & Facilities Item Division Owner Budget Value Target Date Update SubdivisionManual and Parkland Design Standards Manual that provides the development industry with technical guidance on the parks amenities. Parks & Facilities Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Q1 Partnerwith Trans Canada Trail. Oxford County, SWOX & Norwich Township, to initiate using the CASO rail line to connect Tillsonburg trails to Norfolk County. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager Q1-Q4 Continue implementing revitalization plan for the Tillsonburg Cemetery and Pioneer Cemetery (6-16) 2015-16 focus: columbaria and in-ground cremation gardens. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $33,000 Q2 and in-ground cremation gardens. Initiate preliminary stagesof Town-wide Asset Management Plan for Facilities. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager Q3-Q4 CompleteDisc Golf facility and Kiwanis Coronation Park revitalization project. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $35,750 Q1 Continue Annandale Diamond revitalization project including Trillium Foundation application. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $190,000 Q1-Q4 Completecapital roof repairs at OPP HQ, Elliott Fairbairn & TCC. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $440,000 Q2-Q3 80 Risks 1. Deferral of investing in facility renewal, i.e. Water Park, Indoor Pool, Fire Hall, is stretching lifecycles of existing infrastructure beyond typical lifecycle limits. 2. Continually rising utility costs increase operational costs despite reductions in consumption. 3. Town demographics require changing focus away from traditional pool and rink programming to more varied active lifestyle programming 4. Aging work force requires effective succession planning and modifications to work processes. 5. Current mission critical software has reached end of support period. 6. Pool of trained, qualified candidates for part-time staff positions is shrinking 81 Opportunities 1. Continued implementation of Strategic Master Plan and subordinate plans. 4. Expand marketing regionally and provincially for Lake Lisgar Waterpark and Culture & Heritage Division operations & events. 5. Partner with adjacent municipalities on achieving more sustainable regional trails, parks and recreation systems. 6. Support economic development by contributing to Tillsonburg being an attractive destination for investment and relocation. 7. Opportunities for after school and youth programming 8. The Cultural Improvement Alliance will enhance the cultural landscape in Tillsonburg. 9. Securing a strategic partnership with Fanshawe College as a tenant. 82 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook 2016 •Complete 5-yr update to Parks, Recreation & Cultural Strategic Master Plan. •Implement replacement of CLASS software •Continue implementation of Memorial Park Master Plan and TCC Conceptual Design •Continue working with user groups to improve Ball facilities •Secure fee-for-service collaboration to maintain Oxford County Trails •Achieve sustainable Cultural Improvement Alliance operations •Create opportunities for multi-use, multi-generational and multi-seasonal experiences to meet the diverse needs of the community. •Continue County-wide commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of WW1 83 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook 2017 •Undertake a Physical Activity Strategy that aims to increase physical activity levels throughout Tillsonburg for a range of ages, interests and abilities •Undertake Cultural Master Plan & Cultural Mapping with the Cultural Improvement Alliance •Continue to explore ways in which to fund the development and operation of parks and facilities, through use of a variety of funding mechanisms and community involvement 84 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook 2018 •Modernize existing Indoor pool Facility including adding therapeutic capacity, accessible and family change rooms, and more storage. •Continue to work with volunteers and organizations to promote community based delivery of arts and cultural services. 85 Human Resources Allocation/Deployment Plan 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements 18.25 19 19.25 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements-Full time 27 27 27 Total FTE Requirements-Part time 17.04 14.63 14.63 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 Contract Staff 0 0 0 Change from previous year 0 2.41 0 86 Town of Tillsonburg Recreation - Parks, Programs, Facilities Consolidated 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential - - - 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential - - - 3010 Taxes - Commercial - - - 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit - - - 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land - - - 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre - - - 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit - - - 3030 Taxes - Industrial - - - 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit - - - 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land - - - 3040 Taxes - Pipelines - - - 3050 Taxes - Farmland - - - 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 - - - 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial - - - 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit - - - 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries - - - 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy - - - 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs - - - 3085 Taxes - W/O's - - - 3090 Taxes - PIL's - - - 3095 Local Improvements - Residential - - - 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial - - - 3100 Tax Adjustments - - - 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest - - - Government Grants & Subsidies - - - 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - 31,829 - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 42,700 42,695 42,700 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other 15,000 - - User Charges - - - 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,750 39,577 33,680 3301 Residential Usage - - - 3302 General Usage - - - 3305 Admissions 124,300 99,021 107,100 3310 Fares & Fees 25,000 29,204 27,000 3315 Memberships 165,800 163,531 163,500 3320 Seasonal Revenues 85,000 75,022 83,000 3325 Sports Fields Fees 22,800 22,055 22,250 3330 Youth Program Fees 214,000 236,109 202,000 3335 Adult Program Fees 52,000 34,089 36,500 3340 Summer Programs 85,000 97,274 51,500 3345 Participate Programs - - - 3350 Minor Hockey 187,000 189,522 187,000 3355 Figure Skating 60,000 43,294 47,000 3360 Programs 34,500 33,430 34,500 3365 Landscaping - - - 3400 Permit Fees - - - 3410 Licence Fees - - - 3420 Certificates - - - 3430 Inspections - - - 3500 Rentals 151,400 140,676 183,400 3505 Merchandise 15,000 9,155 12,000 3510 Concession Sales 35,000 30,148 35,000 3515 Vending Machines 30,000 27,066 30,000 3600 Interest - - - 3601 Late Payment Charges - - - 3700 Special 25,000 30,233 31,000 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential - - - 3702 Capital Surchrge - General - - - 3705 Donations 23,000 14,075 19,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge - - - 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential - - - 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General - - - 3815 Extraordinary Revenue - - - 3999 Revenue Clearing Account - - - Specified Revenues - - - 3805 Development Charges - 56,865 - 3810 Sale of Assets - - - 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves - - - 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves - - - 1,397,250 1,444,869 1,348,130 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450, 460, 465 Recreation - Consolidated.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 1 of 2 87 Town of Tillsonburg Recreation - Parks, Programs, Facilities Consolidated 2015 Budget Projection Budget 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 1,807,900 1,771,848 1,716,900 5002 Full-Time Overtime 15,200 29,081 12,000 5003 Part-Time Regular 469,445 420,467 457,317 5004 Part-Time Overtime - 10 - Purchases - - - 5105 Equipment Rental 4,900 3,607 4,900 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken - - - 5200 Materials/Inventory 41,700 39,835 40,200 5300 Supplies 129,120 102,846 88,200 5305 Program Supplies 49,900 44,669 47,400 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 72,490 59,525 67,500 5315 Books & Publications - 650 650 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 69,500 82,941 71,300 5325 Heat, Light & Water 486,150 517,613 519,071 5330 Insurance 96,248 97,697 85,348 5331 Insurance Claims - - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 14,828 14,821 16,237 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 46,640 72,241 71,900 5405 Meeting Expenses - 22 - 5410 Advertising & Promotions 28,000 25,441 23,500 5415 Training & Workshops 12,100 10,471 14,850 5420 Special Events 9,300 716 3,000 5425 Special Projects 13,000 8,526 6,000 5430 Membership Expenses 3,900 2,967 3,000 5600 Rent Expense - - - 5605 Interest And Finance Charges - - - 5850 Bad Debt Expense - - - 5800 Tax External Payments - - - Contracted Services - - - 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 150,776 204,906 278,018 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 3,680 4,669 3,700 Contributions to Reserves - - - 5950 Contributions to Reserves 146,786 146,786 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 56,865 - 3,671,563 3,719,221 3,530,991 2,274,313 2,274,353 2,182,861 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 53,111 53,114 54,837 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation - - - 5705 Comm. Services Allocation - - - 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 53,111 53,114 54,837 2,327,424 2,327,467 2,237,698 Debt Principal and Interest - - - 5900 Debt Interest 175,664 174,252 160,376 5905 Debt Principal 319,439 319,456 306,642 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit Total Net Levy 2,822,527 2,821,175 2,704,716 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450, 460, 465 Recreation - Consolidated.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 2 of 2 88 450 - Recreation - Parks 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other - - - User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue - 510 30,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals - - - 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 13,000 4,000 4,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 13,000 4,510 34,000 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450 Recreation - Parks.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 1 of 2 89 450 - Recreation - Parks 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 88,300 88,279 131,000 5002 Full-Time Overtime 3,000 4,315 - 5003 Part-Time Regular 16,000 - 18,200 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental - 558 - 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory - - - 5300 Supplies 28,000 26,769 21,500 5305 Program Supplies 8,400 2,635 400 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 10,000 1,506 10,000 5315 Books & Publications 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 2,100 2,198 3,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 31,750 31,452 34,971 5330 Insurance 7,323 8,148 4,548 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem - - 600 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 10,000 29,559 30,700 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions - - - 5415 Training & Workshops 700 - 3,000 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects - - - 5430 Membership Expenses 400 400 - 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 120,176 115,736 120,500 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 1,898 1,898 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 328,047 313,451 378,419 315,047 308,941 344,419 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 35,491 35,494 36,644 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation 35,491 35,494 36,644 350,538 344,435 381,063 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 43,665 43,641 41,601 5905 Debt Principal 40,294 40,307 39,874 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 434,497 428,384 462,539 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450 Recreation - Parks.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 2 of 2 90 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 627 Coronation Trail loop / Disc golf - CFWD 35,750 2 628 Portable bleachers & staging 27,000 4 629 Annandale diamond improvements -CFWD 30,000 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 4 629 Annandale diamond improvements -CFWD 30,000 Annandale diamonds - Lighting 160,000 5 Carrol Trail repairs 15,000 6 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 Coronation Park - pavillion/washroom replacement - 7 Update of the Trails Master Plan 20,000 Implementation of Memorial Park Vision 50,000 623 Parks building - CFWD 30,000 Soccer Club fence 50,000 Soccer Club fence 50,000 2015 347,750 100,000 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 Annandale diamond improvements 401,000 4 5 Coronation Park - pavillion/washroom replacement 57,000 2016 538,000 - 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 4 5 2017 80,000 - 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 4 5 2018 80,000 - 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 4 5 2019 80,000 - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201591 460 - Recreation - Programs 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - 31,829 - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 42,700 42,695 42,700 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other 15,000 - - User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,750 3,567 3,680 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 124,300 99,021 107,100 3310 Fares & Fees 25,000 29,204 27,000 3315 Memberships 165,800 163,531 163,500 3320 Seasonal Revenues 85,000 75,022 83,000 3325 Sports Fields Fees 22,800 22,055 22,250 3330 Youth Program Fees 214,000 236,109 202,000 3335 Adult Program Fees 52,000 34,089 36,500 3340 Summer Programs 85,000 97,274 51,500 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 187,000 189,522 187,000 3355 Figure Skating 60,000 43,294 47,000 3360 Programs 34,500 33,430 34,500 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 145,700 134,951 177,700 3505 Merchandise 15,000 9,155 12,000 3510 Concession Sales 35,000 30,148 35,000 3515 Vending Machines 30,000 27,066 30,000 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 25,000 30,233 31,000 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 10,000 7,075 12,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - - - 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 1,378,550 1,339,268 1,305,430 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 460 Recreation - Programs.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 1 of 2 92 460 - Recreation - Programs 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 1,021,000 953,837 937,400 5002 Full-Time Overtime - 1,102 - 5003 Part-Time Regular 285,445 310,854 366,617 5004 Part-Time Overtime - 10 - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 2,900 2,900 2,900 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 41,700 39,835 40,200 5300 Supplies 9,300 7,606 8,500 5305 Program Supplies 41,500 42,034 47,000 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 3,290 5,244 1,000 5315 Books & Publications - 650 650 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 5325 Heat, Light & Water - 189 - 5330 Insurance 51,806 52,506 50,101 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 13,028 12,655 13,417 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 31,000 38,167 36,000 5405 Meeting Expenses - 22 - 5410 Advertising & Promotions 28,000 25,441 23,500 5415 Training & Workshops 8,600 8,136 8,600 5420 Special Events 9,300 716 3,000 5425 Special Projects 13,000 8,526 6,000 5430 Membership Expenses 3,500 2,567 3,000 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges - - - 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense - - - 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves - - - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 1,563,369 1,513,000 1,547,885 184,819 173,732 242,455 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation - - - 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 184,819 173,732 242,455 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest - - - 5905 Debt Principal - - - 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 184,819 173,732 242,455 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 460 Recreation - Programs.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 2 of 2 93 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Health Club Equipment 10,000 2 Active Net Upgrade - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 2 Active Net Upgrade - 3 Lake Lisgar Waterpark Chairs & Tables 15,000 4 651 Cycling Master plan - cfwd 20,000 5 652 Master Plan Implementation -cfwd 35,000 2015 80,000 - 1 Recreation Master Plan implementation (Parks master plan)50,000 2 Health Club Equipment 25,000 3 4 5 2016 75,000 - 1 Health Club Equipment 25,000 2 3 4 5 2017 25,000 - 2017 25,000 - 1 Heath Club Equipment 25,000 2 3 4 5 2018 25,000 - 1 Health Club Equipment 25,000 2 33 4 5 2019 25,000 - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201594 465 - Recreation - Facilities 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue - 35,500 - 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 5,700 5,726 5,700 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - 3,000 3,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - 56,865 - 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 5,700 101,091 8,700 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 465 Recreation - Facilities.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 1 of 2 95 465 - Recreation - Facilities 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 698,600 729,732 648,500 5002 Full-Time Overtime 12,200 23,664 12,000 5003 Part-Time Regular 168,000 109,613 72,500 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 2,000 148 2,000 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 91,820 68,471 58,200 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 59,200 52,775 56,500 5315 Books & Publications - - - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 67,400 80,743 68,300 5325 Heat, Light & Water 454,400 485,972 484,100 5330 Insurance 37,119 37,043 30,699 5331 Insurance Claims - - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 1,800 2,166 2,220 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 5,640 4,515 5,200 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions 5415 Training & Workshops 2,800 2,335 3,250 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 30,600 89,171 157,518 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 3,680 4,669 3,700 Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 144,888 144,888 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 56,865 - 1,780,147 1,892,770 1,604,687 1,774,447 1,791,680 1,595,987 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 17,620 17,620 18,193 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation 17,620 17,620 18,193 1,792,067 1,809,300 1,614,179 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 131,999 130,610 118,775 5905 Debt Principal 279,144 279,150 266,767 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 2,203,210 2,219,060 1,999,722 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 465 Recreation - Facilities.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 2 of 2 96 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 672 Roofing repairs (Seniors Centre, Auditorium)150,000 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 1 672 Roofing repairs (Seniors Centre, Auditorium)150,000 2 Indoor Pool Maintenance/repairs 55,000 3 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 - 4 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 - 5 Arena floor cover & storage - - 678 Rotary Room Renos -CFWD 15,000 2015 220,000 - Energy Management Plan compliance 50,000 Community Centre Roofing ( detailed report to follow)90,000 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 65,000 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 20,000 Health Club 10,000 Health Club 10,000 Facility and Building Condition Assessments for Asset Management Plan 54,000 2016 204,000 85,000 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 2 08/01/201597 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs Replace Waterpark roof 50,000 Replace Waterpark roof 50,000 Arena hot water heaters 40,000 Energy Management Plan compliance 50,000 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 - 65,000 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 20,000 2017 140,000 85,000 1 Health Club 10,000 2 Resurfacer replacement 2018 100,000 2 Resurfacer replacement 2018 100,000 3 Indoor Pool Shutdown 50,000 4 Energy Management Plan compliance 50,000 5 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 20,000 6 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 - 75,000 7 8 99 10 11 12 13 14 2018 210,000 20,000 1 ice plant conversion 1,000,000 2 Waterpark heater replacement 25,000 3 Energy management 50,000 4 5 6 2019 1,075,000 - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 2 of 2 08/01/201598 467 - Elliott Fairbairn Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 74,980 68,780 70,000 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves - - - 74,980 68,780 70,000 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 467 EFC.xls 08/01/2015 1:31 PM Page 1 of 2 99 467 - Elliott Fairbairn Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular - - - 5002 Full-Time Overtime - - - 5003 Part-Time Regular 200 - - 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 200 - 400 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs - - - 5315 Books & Publications 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance - - - 5325 Heat, Light & Water - - - 5330 Insurance 2,533 2,274 1,886 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 720 283 720 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 5,200 4,111 5,200 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions 5415 Training & Workshops - - - 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 3,600 4,580 5,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 815 815 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - - - 13,268 12,064 13,206 (61,712) (56,716) (56,794) Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - (61,712) (56,716) (56,794) Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 14,525 14,525 13,816 5905 Debt Principal 15,464 15,462 15,464 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy (31,723) (26,729) (27,513) H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 467 EFC.xls 08/01/2015 1:31 PM Page 2 of 2 100 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Roof repair/replace 115,000 2 3 4 5 2015 115,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 New Gymnasium HVAC 12,000 2 3 4 5 2018 12,000 - 1 New Gymnasium Roof 60,000 2 3 4 5 2019 60,000 - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/2015101 475 - Museum 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3,365 3,365 - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 17,899 17,899 70,299 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other 1,500 1,192 1,200 Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,500 1,500 5,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 7,000 6,574 7,000 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships - - - 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 6,000 4,734 6,000 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 2,800 3,125 4,000 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 1,050 1,035 3,650 3505 Merchandise 1,400 1,032 1,100 3510 Concession Sales 2,400 2,611 - 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest - - - 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 38,000 34,338 35,000 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 7,500 7,671 5,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 90,414 85,075 138,249 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 475 Museum.xls 08/01/2015 1:32 PM Page 1 of 2 102 475 - Museum 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 160,800 171,545 218,300 5002 Full-Time Overtime - 37 - 5003 Part-Time Regular 21,000 19,842 21,000 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 160 569 660 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 3,200 2,327 2,600 5305 Program Supplies 1,100 1,116 1,100 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 1,000 1,668 1,000 5315 Books & Publications 100 23 50 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 12,000 8,806 12,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 18,000 15,037 25,000 5330 Insurance 5,064 4,983 4,133 5331 Insurance Claims - - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 3,500 3,888 3,900 5400 Miscellaneous Expense - - 1,800 5405 Meeting Expenses 60 - 50 5410 Advertising & Promotions 10,800 7,900 10,000 5415 Training & Workshops 1,500 580 2,000 5420 Special Events 22,450 21,705 22,500 5425 Special Projects - - 62,400 5430 Membership Expenses 300 282 300 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 11,600 16,817 13,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts - - - Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves - - - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 272,634 277,124 401,793 182,220 192,049 263,544 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 182,220 192,049 263,544 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 5905 Debt Principal 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 182,220 192,049 263,544 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 475 Museum.xls 08/01/2015 1:32 PM Page 2 of 2 103 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Replacement HVAC (energy efficient equipment) 2/3 to reserves for 2016 15,000 2 Replacement of failed door frames and windows 15,000 3 4 5 2015 15,000 15,000 1 Replacement HVAC (energy efficient equipment)45,000 2 Collection Storage system expansion 20,000 3 4 5 2016 65,000 - 1 Up grade of Museum kitchen - scheduled upgrade. Moved from 2014 20,000 2 3 4 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 4 5 2017 20,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/2015104 300 - Cemetery 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 140,680 114,497 - 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 11,800 7,987 10,500 3321 Niche Sales - - 32,600 3322 Plots Sales - - 24,500 3323 Services - Open and Close - - 80,000 3324 Plot Foundations - - 6,800 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 13,900 16,000 16,000 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - 500 500 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 166,380 138,984 170,900 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 300 Cemetery.xlsx 08/01/2015 1:33 PM Page 1 of 2 105 300 - Cemetery 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 65,400 70,076 66,100 5002 Full-Time Overtime 4,850 1,621 3,000 5003 Part-Time Regular 36,100 27,565 38,000 5004 Part-Time Overtime - 535 - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental - 357 - 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 8,150 17,254 8,800 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 2,382 1,404 1,600 5315 Books & Publications 7,000 7,041 7,000 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 600 58 600 5325 Heat, Light & Water 4,252 4,782 5,350 5330 Insurance 1,237 1,165 1,123 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 3,600 5,045 4,800 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 300 36 300 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions - (0) - 5415 Training & Workshops 600 817 600 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5430 Membership Expenses 250 250 250 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 15,000 25,922 22,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 1,750 1,750 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 151,471 165,676 159,523 (14,909) 26,692 (11,377) Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 97,922 97,920 101,104 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation 97,922 97,920 101,104 83,013 124,612 89,727 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 5905 Debt Principal 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 83,013 124,612 89,727 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 300 Cemetery.xlsx 08/01/2015 1:33 PM Page 2 of 2 106 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves Cremations garden installation 10,000 505 Water service (electrical, piping) -CFWD from 2014 9,000 501 Columbarium -CFWD 7,000 Columbarium 7,000 Pioneer Cemetery 27,100 2015 50,100 10,000 1 Columbarium units 20,000 2 3 4 5 2016 20,000 - 1 Columbarium unit 20,000 2 - 3 4 5 2017 20,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 Survey GPR Lands for Additional Plot Capacity 7,500 3 Columnbarium unit 20,000 4 5 2019 27,500 - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/2015107 STAFF REPORT RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Title: White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program Report No.: RCP 15-03 Author: RICK COX Meeting Type: BUDGET MEETING Council/Committee Date: JANUARY 15, 2015 Attachments: • Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report • Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Town staff has been working with outside experts for a number of years to monitor the condition of the roofs on Town facilities, to prioritize capital repairs, to identify annual maintenance requirements, and to prepare the specifications and tender documents for approved capital repairs. BACKGROUND The 2015 draft Budget includes three significant roof repair projects which have been identified and scheduled for 2015 through the Town’s ongoing roof monitoring program. The projects include the replacement of the OPP HQ roof, and repairs to roofs at the Elliott Fairbairn and Tillsonburg Community Centre. Attached to this report is a copy of the most recent report on the Elliott Fairbairn roof. The comprehensive analysis uses infrared thermography to identify the problem areas. By doing these on each facility every few years, areas of concern can be identified and addressed, and/or monitored more closely. Annual preventative maintenance actions and capital repairs are identified, scheduled, and planned for using these roof reports. RCP 15-03 - White paper on roof maintenance.docx 1/1 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3870 BEING A BY-LAW to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 15th day of January, 2015 WHEREAS Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipal corporation shall be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that municipal powers shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. All actions of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg at its special meeting and regular meeting held on January 15, 2015, with respect to every report, motion, by-law, or other action passed and taken by the Council, including the exercise of natural person powers, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this or a separate by-law. 2. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to do all the things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg referred to in the preceding section. 3. The Mayor and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect on the day of passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 15TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 15TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. ________________________________ Mayor – Stephen Molnar ________________________________ Municipal Clerk – Donna Wilson 126 Table of Contents Agenda 2 2015 Budget and Business Plans 2015 Business Plan and Budget 011515 5 2015 Capital Budget Overview 28 2015 Budget Summary-PSAB 32 2015 Long Term Debt Repayment 37 2015 Finance Business Plan 2015 Business Plan- Finance 39 FIN 15-02 IT Work Plan 59 2015 Human Resources Business Plan 2015 Business Plan - Human Resources 61 CAO-HR-15-02 CAO-HR-15-02 68 Business Case - Records Management Coordinator Business Case - Records Management Coordinator 2015 70 2015 Recreation, Culture & Parks Business Plan 2015 Business Plan- Recreation, Culture and Parks 77 RCP 15-03 - White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program 108 Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report 109 Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram 125 By-Law 3870 fsg By-Law 3870 126 1 1. Call to Order 2. Adoption of Agenda Proposed Resolution #1 THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of January 15, 2015, be adopted. 3. Moment of Silence 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 5. Opening Remarks David Calder, Chief Administrative Officer 6. 2015 Budget Overview Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance 2015 Business Plan and Budget 011515 2015 Capital Budget Overview 2015 Budget Summary-PSAB 2015 Long Term Debt Repayment Proposed Resolution #2 That the 2015 Business Plans and Budget in the amount of $13,398,044 be adopted. 7. Departmental Business Plans 7.1. Finance Business Plan Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance 2015 Business Plan- Finance FIN 15-02 IT Work Plan The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:00 AM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor AGENDA 2 Council Meeting – Agenda 2 7.2. Human Resources Business Plan Ashley Andrews, Human Resources Manager 2015 Business Plan - Human Resources CAO-HR-15-02 7.3. Records Management Coordinator Business Case Donna Wilson, Municipal Clerk Business Case - Records Management Coordinator 2015 Lunch Break 7.4. Recreation, Culture and Parks Services Business Plan Rick Cox, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks Services 2015 Business Plan- Recreation, Culture and Parks White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram 8. Recommendations Proposed Resolution #3 THAT the 2015 Finance Business Plan and Budget be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Human Resources Business Plan and Budget be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Records Management Coordinator Business Case be received as information; AND THAT the 2015 Recreation, Culture and Parks Services Business Plan and Budget be received as information. 9. By-Laws By-Laws from the Meeting of January 15, 2015 Proposed Resolution #4 THAT By-Law 3870, to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council Meeting of January 15, 2015, be read for a first and second time and this constitutes the first and second reading thereof; 3 Council Meeting – Agenda 3 AND THAT By-Law 3870, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. 10. Adjournment Proposed Resolution #5 THAT the Council Meeting of January 15, 2015 be adjourned at _____ p.m. 4 20 1 5 B u d g e t a n d B u s i n e s s P l a n s Ja n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 5 Te r m i n o l o g y : R e q u i r e m e n t f r o m ta x a t i o n ; G e n e r a l t a x l e v y ; M e d i a n re s i d e n t i a l t a x p a y e r ; O p e r a t i n g re q u i r e m e n t s ; C a p i t a l r e q u i r e m e n t s So u r c e s o f F u n d s f o r t h e B u d g e t : Ta x a t i o n ; R e s e r v e s ; G r a n t s ; D e b t 6 7 Op e r a t i n g d r a f t b u d g e t i n c r e a s e i s $2 4 9 , 8 3 3 o r 2 . 1 % Cu r r e n t d r a f t b u d g e t i s a n o v e r a l l in c r e a s e o f $ 6 3 7 , 0 0 9 o r 4 . 9 9 % i n t h e re q u i r e m e n t f r o m t a x a t i o n $2 4 9 , 8 3 3 o r 2 . 1 % Ca p i t a l d r a f t b u d g e t i n c r e a s e i s $3 8 7 , 1 7 6 o r 5 4 . 6 % 8 20 1 5 D r a f t B u d g e t Av e r a g e c u r r e n t v a l u e a s s e s s m e n t ( C V A ) of t h e m e d i a n r e s i d e n t i a l t a x p a y e r i s $2 1 4 , 2 2 7 ; t h e t o w n g e n e r a l t a x l e v y i s 4. 6 2 % o r $ 7 0 . 9 0 4. 6 2 % o r $ 7 0 . 9 0 9 20 1 5 D r a f t B u d g e t 10 20 1 5 D r a f t B u d g e t 11 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s 2% e c o n o m i c a d j u s t m e n t t o w a g e g r i d s $1 2 0 , 0 0 0 – t o r e m a i n c o m p e t i t i v e Wa g e g r i d m o v e m e n t , $ 3 6 , 1 5 0 Wa g e g r i d m o v e m e n t , $ 3 6 , 1 5 0 Re a l l o c a t i o n o f l a b o u r , t o w n w i d e , a t a bu d g e t e d c o s t o f $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 12 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s Pa r t t i m e t o f u l l t i m e g r i d , $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 In s u r a n c e p r e m i u m r e d u c t i o n , 1 0 % , $3 9 , 5 0 0 De b t b a l l o o n r e p a y m e n t s o f $ 5 1 4 , 0 8 7 ; De b t b a l l o o n r e p a y m e n t s o f $ 5 1 4 , 0 8 7 ; re c o m m e n d e d t o b e f u n d e d b y r e s e r v e s Re d u c e d l a b o u r a l l o c a t i o n t o Ti l l s o n b u r g H y d r o f r o m E n g i n e e r i n g a n d Fi n a n c e , $ 1 1 8 , 0 0 0 13 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s Ne t O P P c o n t r a c t s a v i n g s , $ 2 9 3 , 0 0 0 (c o n t r a c t d e c r e a s e o f $ 4 4 9 , 0 0 0 l e s s n e t us e o f r e s e r v e s , $ 1 5 6 , 0 0 0 ) Em p l o y e e b e n e f i t d e c r e a s e , 9 . 8 % , Em p l o y e e b e n e f i t d e c r e a s e , 9 . 8 % , $5 7 , 0 0 0 Fl e e t e q u i p m e n t r e p a i r , f u e l a n d l a b o u r co s t i n c r e a s e s , $ 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 Ma l l p a r k i n g g a r a g e d e c r e a s e i n re v e n u e , $ 8 2 , 0 0 0 , e n d o f t e r m 14 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s He a t , L i g h t a n d W a t e r i n c r e a s e , $ 8 4 , 0 0 0 Re d u c t i o n i n O n t a r i o M u n i c i p a l Pa r t n e r s h i p F u n d , $ 5 1 , 0 0 0 No r e c o m m e n d e d s e r v i c e c u t s Pa r t n e r s h i p F u n d , $ 5 1 , 0 0 0 Us e o f r e s e r v e s : B u i l d i n g , $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 ; HL W r e b a t e s , $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 ; M i s c , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 15 20 1 5 B u d g e t P r e s s u r e s Ne t i n f r a s t r u c t u r e l e v y i n c r e a s e , $3 8 7 , 1 7 6 20 1 5 c a p i t a l r e q u e s t f u n d e d b y $ 1 . 7 mi l l i o n i n d e b t a n d $ 1 . 4 m i l l i o n i n mi l l i o n i n d e b t a n d $ 1 . 4 m i l l i o n i n re s e r v e s If r e q u e s t e d d e b t i s a p p r o v e d o f $ 1 . 7 mi l l i o n , c u r r e n t i n t e r e s t r a t e s f o r a 1 5 y e a r te r m a r e 2 . 7 8 % a n d a n n u a l P & I p a y m e n t s be g i n n i n g i n 2 0 1 6 w o u l d b e $ 1 4 2 , 0 0 0 16 20 1 5 B u d g e t C o n s i d e r a t i o n s As s u m e d T i l l s o n b u r g H y d r o di v i d e n d l e v e l o f $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n d a co n t i n u e d l e v e l o f s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d b y th e T o w n th e T o w n Co m m u n i t y G r a n t R e q u e s t s $ 1 1 2 , 0 0 0 – J a n u a r y 2 9 th pr e s e n t a t i o n s 17 20 1 5 B u d g e t F T E m p l o y e e s De p t . # D e p a r t m e n t 20 1 4 B u d g e t 2 0 1 5 B u d g e t 11 0 F i n a n c e / T a x / C l e r k 10 . 5 0 1 1 . 2 5 11 0 H u m a n R e s o u r c e s 1. 0 0 1 . 7 5 12 0 C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e 7. 5 0 7 . 5 0 13 0 F l e e t 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 14 5 H y d r o 13 . 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 15 0 F i r e 6. 0 0 6 . 7 5 16 0 P o l i c e S e r v i c e s 1. 0 0 1 . 0 0 18 0 B y - L a w 2. 0 0 2 . 0 0 19 0 B u i l d i n g 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 21 0 En g i n e e r i n g 6. 0 0 6. 0 0 21 0 En g i n e e r i n g 6. 0 0 6. 0 0 22 0 R o a d s 9. 0 0 9 . 0 0 24 0 A i r p o r t 2. 0 0 2 . 0 0 27 0 W a t e r 5. 0 0 5 . 0 0 30 0 C e m e t e r y 1. 0 0 1 . 0 0 45 0 P a r k s 2. 0 0 2 . 0 0 46 0 R e c P r o g r a m s 11 . 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 46 5 R e c F a c i l i t i e s 10 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 47 5 M u s e u m 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 50 5 E c o n D e v 3. 0 0 2 . 7 5 To t a l F T E ' s 99 . 0 0 9 9 . 0 0 18 20 1 5 B u d g e t P T E m p l o y e e s ( F T E ) De p t . # D e p a r t m e n t 20 1 4 B u d g e t 2 0 1 5 B u d g e t PA R T T i m e 11 0 F i n a n c e / C l e r k s 0. 1 6 5 0 . 3 3 11 0 H u m a n R e s o u r c e s 0. 5 0 0 . 2 5 12 0 C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e 0. 3 3 0 . 3 3 13 0 F l e e t 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 14 5 H y d r o 0. 3 3 0 . 3 3 15 0 F i r e 3. 0 0 3 . 0 0 16 0 P o l i c e S e r v i c e s 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 18 0 B y - L a w 1. 6 5 1 . 6 5 19 0 B u i l d i n g 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 21 0 E n g i n e e r i n g 1. 2 5 1 . 2 5 22 0 R o a d s 2. 2 3 2 . 2 3 24 0 A i r p o r t 1. 3 3 1 . 3 3 27 0 W a t e r 0. 6 6 0 . 6 6 30 0 / 4 5 0 C e m e t e r y / P a r k s 0. 6 6 1 . 0 0 46 0 R e c P r o g r a m s 9. 9 7 1 1 . 3 0 46 5 R e c F a c i l i t i e s 5. 7 5 1 . 6 7 47 5 M u s e u m 0. 6 6 0 . 6 6 50 5 E c o n D e v 0. 1 6 5 0 . 0 0 To t a l F T E ' s 28 . 6 5 5 2 5 . 9 9 19 Sp e c i a l L e v y , L o c a l Im p r o v e m e n t s , P I L S 0% Go v e r n m e n t G r a n t s & Su b s i d i e s 5% Ot h e r R e v e n u e s 1% Us e r c h a r g e s 27 % Ne t R e s e r v e s 8% 20 1 5 B u d g e t R e v e n u e S o u r c e s f o r t h e T o w n o f Ti l l s o n b u r g De v e l o p m e n t C h a r g e s 0% Sa l e o f A s s e t s 2% De b e n t u r e P r o c e e d s 6% Re q u i r e m e n t f r o m Ta x a t i o n 50 % 20 20 1 5 B u d g e t a n d t a x l e v i e s Ot h e r s o u r c e s o f f u n d i n g 3 , 0 6 6 , 5 1 4 Sp e c i a l L e v y , L o c a l I m p r o v e m e n t s , P I L S 2 4 , 7 8 0 Us e r c h a r g e s 7, 0 9 7 , 7 8 0 De b t 1, 7 2 2 , 0 0 0 Go v e r n m e n t G r a n t s & S u b s i d i e s 1, 3 3 5 , 0 3 6 Go v e r n m e n t G r a n t s & S u b s i d i e s 1, 3 3 5 , 0 3 6 Mu n i c i p a l t a x l e v y 13 , 3 9 8 , 0 4 4 To t a l B u d g e t 2 6 , 6 4 4 , 1 5 4 $ 21 22 23 24 20 1 5 P r o j e c t e d R e s e r v e s 25 26 Re s o l v e t h a t t h e 2 0 1 5 Bu s i n e s s P l a n s a n d B u d g e t i n th e a m o u n t o f $ 1 3 , 3 9 8 , 0 4 4 b e ad o p t e d ad o p t e d 27 Capital Budget overview The following is the 2015 proposed capital expenditures that will be funded from various sources including grants, reserves, debt and taxation. 28 2015 CAPITAL PROJECT LISTING Dept Description Expenditures Reserves Grants Sale of Assets Debenture Reserves Other Source of Other Funding Taxation Finance Misc computer - Lotus notes conversion -cfwd 50,000 50,000 - Finance Replacement IT capital - SAN, servers, telephone, etc. 90,000 90,000 Finance GPS Equipment Upgrades 15,264 15,264 Finance Road Patrol Software 35,000 35,000 CSC Roof Replacement- cfwd 120,000 120,000 - Fleet 330 Underslung Plow Truck $235,000 235,000 - Fleet FL70 Truck $300,000 300,000 - Fleet F150 Pickup Truck $35,000 35,000 Fleet F150 Pickup Truck $35,000 388,000 Allocate to various units (353,000) Fleet Montana Van $35,000 35,000 Fleet F150 Pickup Truck $35,000 100,000 Multiple Asset sales (65,000) Fleet F250 Pickup Truck $55,000 55,000 Fleet Cavalier Car $25,000 25,000 Fleet F350 Pickup Truck $60,000 33,000 27,000 Fleet 3500 Pickup Truck $60,000 60,000 Fleet F250 Pickup Truck $50,000 50,000 Fleet D3500 Pickup Truck $60,000 33,000 27,000 Fleet 2500 Dump Pickup Truck $55,000 55,000 Fleet Underslung $15,000 15,000 Fleet Leaf Loader $45,000 45,000 Fleet Portable Pump $7,000 7,000 Fleet Slide-in Sander $12,000 12,000 Fleet Forklift $55,000 55,000 Fleet Y320 Mower $15,000 15,000 Fleet CFWD - Trackless MT6 $130,000 130,000 - Fleet CFWD - Hydro Bucket $325,000 325,000 - Fire Auto Extrication Rescue Equipment 54,500 54,500 Fire Traffic Signal Priority Control system expansion (Phase 1&2 of 4)17,000 8,500 8,500 Development Charges - Fire Water Rescue Equipment (Phase 2 of 2)10,000 10,000 Fire Fireground euipment 12,200 12,200 Fire MSA SCBA lease agreement 10th yr of 10 22,000 22,000 Police Roof Replacement 200,000 200,000 - Police Hvac and Boiler Replacement (with energy efficient equipment)60,000 43,145 16,855 Protection AUTOMATIC HANDHELD TICKET ISSUER 7,000 7,000 Engineering OSIM Bridge Inspections (O.Reg. 104/97)40,000 40,000 - Engineering Traffic Count Study 30,000 700 29,300 Roads Ridge Boulevard Stage 2 - Suface Asphalt - CFWD 371,968 371,968 - Roads Glendale Area Recon - Stage 1 - Surface Asphalt - CFWD 174,802 174,802 - Roads Glendale Area Recon - Stage 2 - Surface Asphalt - CFWD 324,741 324,741 - Roads Asphalt Resufacing Program 400,000 400,000 Gas Tax - Roads North Street Sidewalk - Phase B 50,000 11,020 Victoria Road 38,980 Roads Trottier Subdivision Phase 1 Reconstruction - Stage 3 400,000 400,000 - Roads Thrid St. Reconstruction 70,000 70,000 Roads Camdon Court Reconstruction 210,000 29,093 Gas Tax 180,907 Roads Asset Management Projects 54,870 54,870 OCIF Funding - Parking Future parking lot repairs 33,020 33,020 Airport Main Ramp - Drainage & Outlet to Pearce Drain 39,750 39,750 Airport Taxiway D Extension (West)150,000 - - 150,000 Airport Office Customs - CFWD from 2014 5,000 5,000 - Airport Taxiway Rehab - CFWD from 2014 44,000 37,000 7,000 tennants - Airport Land Acquisition (Woodlot)212,000 60,250 540,000 (267,750) Airport Woodlot Clearing (Town)78,000 78,000 Storm Sewers Swance Municipal Drain - Norwich - CFWD 100,000 38,000 62,000 Storm Sewers Baldwin St Storm Outlet 50,000 50,000 Parks Coronation Trail loop / Disc golf - CFWD 35,750 15,000 20,000 750 Donation - Parks Portable bleachers & staging 27,000 27,000 - Funding SourceCapital Costs H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Capital Project List Summary.xlsx 08/01/2015 29 2015 CAPITAL PROJECT LISTING Dept Description Expenditures Reserves Grants Sale of Assets Debenture Reserves Other Source of Other Funding Taxation Funding SourceCapital Costs Parks Annandale diamond improvements -CFWD 30,000 27,000 3,000 Development Charges/ Ball user groups - Parks Annandale diamonds - Lighting 160,000 150,000 10,000 - Parks Carrol Trail repairs 15,000 15,000 Parkland Trust - Parks Playground equipment replacement 30,000 30,000 Parks Update of the Trails Master Plan 20,000 18,000 DC reserves 2,000 Parks Implementation of Memorial Park Vision 50,000 50,000 Parks Parks building - CFWD 30,000 30,000 Sale proceeds - Parks Soccer Club fence 50,000 50,000 Programs Health Club Equipment 10,000 10,000 Programs Lake Lisgar Waterpark Chairs & Tables 15,000 15,000 Programs Cycling Master plan - cfwd 20,000 5,000 15,000 Development Charges - Programs Master Plan Implementation -cfwd 35,000 35,000 - Facilities Roofing repairs (Seniors Centre, Auditorium)150,000 100,000 50,000 - Facilities Indoor Pool Maintenance/repairs 55,000 55,000 Facilities Rotary Room Renos -CFWD 15,000 15,000 - EFC Roof repair/replace 115,000 115,000 - Museum Replacement HVAC (energy efficient equipment) 2/3 to reserves for 2016 15,000 15,000 Museum Replacement of failed door frames and windows 15,000 5,000 10,000 DCS Project satellite- CFWD 395,000 220,000 175,000 - Econ Dev Design/Build Indust Park - CFWD 75,366 75,366 - Econ Dev Design/Build Indust Park - Detailed Design 100,000 100,000 - Econ Dev Hwy 3 Business Park - Hwy 3 Widening 506,000 506,000 - Cemetery Cremations garden installation 10,000 10,000 Cemetery Water service (electrical, piping) -CFWD from 2014 9,000 9,000 Cemetery maintenance trust - Cemetery Columbarium -CFWD 7,000 7,000 Future niche sales - Cemetery Columbarium 7,000 7,000 Future niche sales - Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery 27,100 5,000 Historical Society 22,100 6,956,311$ 308,270$ 234,870$ 640,000$ 1,722,000$ 3,261,335$ 310,250$ 1,096,126$ H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Capital Project List Summary.xlsx 08/01/2015 30 20 1 5 C A P I T A L P R O J E C T L I S T I N G De p t De s c r i p t i o n Expenditures Reserves Capital Costs Pr o j e c t s F a l l i n g B e l o w F u n d i n g L e v e l Fi n a n c e Mo b i l e F i l e S h e l v i n g 50,000 Fi n a n c e Re p l a c e m e n t I T c a p i t a l - S A N , s e r v e r s , t e l e p h o n e , e t c . - R e d c u t i o n 10,000 CS C IV R s y s t e m ( T H I ) B i l l i n g 2,000 CS C Pr o j e c t o r & S c r e e n ( C S C B o a r d R o o m ) 6,200 Fi r e Po r t a b l e r a d i o r e p l a c e m e n t 22,250 Pr o t e c t i o n TI C K E T T R A C E R - I N T E G R A T I O N W I T H P A Y M E N T M A N A G E R - C L A S S 26,000 Pa r k s Co r o n a t i o n P a r k - p a v i l l i o n / w a s h r o o m r e p l a c e m e n t 57,000 Pr o g r a m s Ac t i v e N e t U p g r a d e 60,000 Pr o g r a m s He a l t h C l u b E q u i p m e n t - R e d u c t i o n 15,000 Fa c i l t i e s ic e p l a n t c o n v e r s i o n - c o n t r i b u t i o n t o r e s e r v e f o r 2 0 1 9 50,000 Fa c i l t i e s 5- y r R e s u r f a c e r r e p l a c e m e n t 2 0 1 8 20,000 Fa c i l t i e s Ar e n a f l o o r c o v e r & s t o r a g e 85,000 263,450 $ 140,000 $ H: \ F i n a n c e \ F i n a n c i a l P l a n s \ 2 0 1 5 \ 2 0 1 5 C o u n c i l P r e s e n t a t i o n \ 2 0 1 5 C a p i t a l P r o j e c t L i s t S u m m a r y . x l s x 0 8 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 5 31 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Council 365,350 365,358 326,300 (39,050) -10.7% Customer Service (48,107) (13,305) (98,940) (50,832) 105.7% Protection 203,520 197,615 218,349 14,829 7.3% Development & Communication Services 269,234 109,258 203,572 (65,662) -24.4% BIA - - - - - Economic Development 239,950 253,400 303,180 63,230 26.4% Finance 1,674,228 1,613,375 1,910,984 236,755 14.1% Police 3,224,898 3,224,929 2,917,850 (307,048) -9.5% Fire 1,000,972 999,502 1,225,464 224,492 22.4% Airport 95,929 106,143 91,673 (4,255) -4.4% Cemetery 83,013 124,612 121,827 38,814 46.8% Library - - Museum 197,220 207,049 288,544 91,324 46.3% Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 2,981,127 2,981,126 2,916,716 (64,411) -2.2% EFC (31,723) (26,729) (27,513) 4,210 -13.3% Roads 2,413,014 2,499,014 2,820,566 407,552 16.9% Parking (0) (0) - 0 -100.0% Sanitary Sewers 0 - - (0) -100.0% Solid Waste 152,192 143,192 129,993 (22,199) -14.6% Building 104,201 104,201 58,909 (45,292) -43.5% Engineering 283,190 214,445 414,130 130,940 46.2% Enterprise Services (261,012) (261,012) (261,530) (518) 0.2% Water 0 (0) - (0) -100.0% 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Water 0 (0) - (0) -100.0% Fleet (186,159) 28,841 (162,030) 24,129 -13.0% Total Requirement from Taxation 12,761,035 12,871,012 13,398,044 637,009 4.99% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 1 of 432 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan OPERATING REQUIREMENTS Council 360,350 360,358 326,300 (34,050) -9.4% Customer Service (108,107) (73,305) (98,940) 9,168 -8.5% Protection 203,520 197,615 211,349 7,829 3.8% Development & Communication Services 269,234 109,258 203,572 (65,662) -24.4% BIA - - - - Economic Development 239,950 253,400 303,180 63,230 26.4% Finance 1,533,987 1,473,727 1,770,720 236,732 15.4% Police 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 (298,903) -9.3% Fire 940,245 944,490 1,126,764 186,519 19.8% Airport 85,929 95,416 91,673 5,745 6.7% Cemetery 83,013 124,612 89,727 6,714 8.1% Library Museum 182,220 192,049 263,544 81,324 44.6% Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 2,822,527 2,821,175 2,704,716 (117,811) -4.2% EFC (31,723) (26,729) (27,513) 4,210 -13.3% Roads 2,413,014 2,528,590 2,418,679 5,665 0.2% Parking (32,189) (11,708) (33,020) (831) 2.6% Sanitary Sewers 0 - - (0) -100.0% Solid Waste 139,692 134,442 129,993 (9,699) -6.9% Building 104,201 104,201 58,909 (45,292) -43.5% Engineering 283,190 214,445 384,830 101,640 35.9% Enterprise Services (261,012) (261,012) (261,530) (518) 0.2% Water 0 (0) - (0) 0.0% Fleet (375,852) (164,352) (262,030) 113,822 -30.3% Total Requirement from Taxation 12,052,085 12,224,611 12,301,918 249,833 2.1% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 2 of 433 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS Council 5,000 5,000 - (5,000) -100.0% Customer Service 60,000 60,000 - (60,000) -100.0% Protection - - 7,000 7,000 - Development & Communication Services - (0) - - - BIA - - - - - Economic Development - - - - - Finance 140,241 139,648 140,264 23 0.0% Police 25,000 16,989 16,855 (8,145) -32.6% Fire 60,727 55,012 98,700 37,973 62.5% Airport 10,000 10,726 - (10,000) -100.0% Cemetery - - 32,100 32,100 - Museum 15,000 15,000 25,000 10,000 66.7% Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 158,600 159,951 212,000 53,400 33.7% EFC - - - - - Roads - (29,576) 401,887 401,887 - Parking 32,189 11,708 33,020 831 2.6% Sanitary Sewers - - - - - Solid Waste 12,500 8,750 - (12,500) -100.0% Building - - - - - Engineering - - 29,300 29,300 - Enterprise Services - - - - - Water - - - - - Fleet 189,693 193,193 100,000 (89,693) -47.3%Fleet 189,693 193,193 100,000 (89,693) -47.3% Total Requirement from Taxation 708,950 646,401 1,096,126 387,176 54.6% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 3 of 434 Summary by Department Budget Projection Budget Variance $ Variance % 2014 2015 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan RESERVE BALANCES Council 75,000 (0) (0) (75,000) -100.0% Customer Service 60,000 - - (60,000) -100.0% Protection - - - - - Development & Communication Services (50,000) 0 0 50,000 -100.0% BIA 28,725 36,041 36,041 7,316 25.5% Economic Development (325,725) (0) (0) 325,725 -100.0% Finance 4,280,489 4,962,038 996,325 (3,284,164) -76.7% Police (8,745) 2,208 2,208 10,954 -125.3% Fire 69,130 115,255 115,255 46,125 66.7% Airport - - - - - Cemetery - - - - - Library 188,547 - - (188,547) -100.0% Museum - - - - - Recreation, Cultural, and Parks 350,506 315,205 315,205 (35,301) -10.1% EFC - - - - Roads (576,571) 278,060 278,060 854,631 -148.2% Parking 29,608 8,356 8,356 (21,253) -71.8% Sanitary Sewers - - - - - Solid Waste - - - - - Building - (0) (0) (0) - Engineering - - - - - Enterprise Services - - - - - Water - - - - -Water - - - - - Fleet - 334,944 334,944 334,944 - Total Reserve Balances: 4,120,964 6,052,107 2,086,393 (2,034,571) -49.4% H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:55 PM Page 4 of 435 Revenues Operating 20,995,197 21,345,303 Capital 3,607,182 6,393,070 Less: Transfer from other Funds (2,439,159) (3,122,780) Proceeds on debenture issue - (1,722,000) Total Revenues 22,163,220$ 22,893,593$ Expenses Operating 20,995,197 21,345,303 Non-tangible Capital 230,882 308,270 Capital 3,376,300 6,084,800 Less: Transfer to other Funds (1,154,124) (881,539) Capital Expenses (3,376,300) (6,084,800) Debt Principal payments (881,049) (1,352,198) Total Expenses 19,190,906$ 19,419,836$ Annual Surplus; before exclusions 2,972,314$ 3,473,757$ Exclusions: Amortization of tangible capital assets 2,417,484 2,417,484 Post-employement benefits - - Solid waste landfill closure and post-closure - - Total Exclusions 2,417,484$ 2,417,484$ Annual Surplus; after exclusions 554,830$ 1,056,273$ Town of Tillsonburg PSAB 3150 Reconciliation 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Annual Surplus; after exclusions 554,830$ 1,056,273$ H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 000 Consolidation.xls 08/01/2015 1:56 PM Page 1 of 136 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 $11,000,000 $12,000,000 $13,000,000 $14,000,000 $15,000,000 De b t P r i n c i p a l Year Debt Principal Balance at Year End Notes The following two amounts below requirierefinancing or a "balloon" payment to pay off the remaining principal in that year. 2015 Q1 -$ 332,384.38 2015 Q4 -$ 181,702.51 2015 - New Debt Request: $1,722,000 Year H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Debt Summary-Graph.xlsx 08/01/201537 Legend Projects to refinance in early 2015 Projects to refinance in Q4 of 2015 BALANCES O/S AT DEC. 31 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Dept #BY-LAW #PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL 500 Parking Garage 594,201.05 509,296.67 417,393.43 317,914.42 210,235.13 BIA 3173 Broadway - BIA 43,082.54 41,256.09 33,296.64 25,193.92 16,945.35 465 3173 Arena 144,624.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170 3173 Ridge Blvd 13,162.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260 3173 North Park Drain 189,527.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220 3184 Broadway Sidewalk 28,601.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220 3184 Quarterline Sidewalk 16,370.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 CSC Roof 45,091.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 Arena Ice Resurfacer 3,376.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 SEC Roof 9,214.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 3184 Public Works Garage 2,418.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 465 3184 Arena HVAC 8,009.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 450 3184 Golf Course 13,571.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500 3184 Canadian Tire 77,571.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 467 3179 Elliot Fairbairn Centre 262,947.48 247,483.04 232,018.60 216,554.16 201,089.72 465 3179 Superbuild Project 135,983.36 127,981.28 119,979.20 111,977.12 103,975.04 465 3179 Arena HVAC 475,193.88 446,393.16 417,592.44 388,791.72 359,991.00 450 3179 Golf Course 297,006.12 279,006.84 261,007.56 243,008.28 225,009.00 220 3166 Glendale/Glenridge/Poplar 6,002.24 5,502.52 5,002.80 4,503.08 4,003.36 220 3166 Glendale/Glenridge/Winona 96,000.64 88,000.72 80,000.80 72,000.88 64,000.96 220 3166 Glendale/Allen 44,999.28 41,249.19 37,499.10 33,749.01 29,998.92 220 3166 Elgin 8,651.44 7,929.37 7,207.30 6,485.23 5,763.16 220 3166 Lisgar 32,565.84 29,853.32 27,140.80 24,428.28 21,715.76 220 3166 Dereham 10,345.44 9,483.62 8,621.80 7,759.98 6,898.16 220 3166 Tanager 8,834.88 8,097.99 7,361.10 6,624.21 5,887.32 220 3166 Townline 46,700.24 42,808.27 38,916.30 35,024.33 31,132.36 130 OIPC Ford F250 18,090.00 12,060.00 6,030.00 0.00 0.00 130 OIPC Ford F350 15,810.00 10,540.00 5,270.00 0.00 0.00 465 OIPC Reverse Osmosis 11,955.00 7,970.00 3,985.00 0.00 0.00 130 OIPC Ford Freestar 7,110.00 4,740.00 2,370.00 0.00 0.00 220 OIPC Delevan Road Work 54,510.00 52,140.00 49,770.00 47,400.00 45,030.00 220 OIPC Roads Resurfacing 57,500.00 55,000.00 52,500.00 50,000.00 47,500.00 220 OIPC Edgewood Drive 79,526.24 76,068.56 72,610.88 69,153.20 65,695.54 220 OIPC Venison East 14,275.24 13,654.56 13,038.88 12,413.20 11,792.54 220 OIPC Quarterline South 141,833.38 135,666.72 129,500.06 123,333.40 117,166.72 220 OIPC Concession St. Bridge 153,333.38 146,666.72 140,000.06 133,333.40 126,666.72 220 OIPC Glendale Poplar 40,888.68 39,110.92 37,333.16 35,555.40 33,777.64 130 OIPC GPS Equipment 13,357.50 12,330.00 11,302.50 10,275.00 9,247.50 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Taxiway 32,500.00 30,000.00 27,500.00 25,000.00 22,500.00 240 OIPC Airport Lighting 5,850.00 5,400.00 4,950.00 4,500.00 4,050.00 240 OIPC Airport Taxiway 15,379.00 14,196.00 13,013.00 11,830.00 10,647.00 465 OIPC Arena Floor 273,285.36 258,102.84 242,920.32 227,737.80 212,555.28 465 OIPC Tennis Courts 69,120.00 65,280.00 61,440.00 57,600.00 53,760.00 465 OIPC CCC Lobby Floor 11,548.80 10,907.20 10,265.60 9,624.00 8,982.40 135 OIPC CSC-HVAC 25,200.00 23,400.00 21,600.00 19,800.00 18,000.00 220 OIPC Maple Lane 279,621.48 267,970.56 256,319.64 244,668.72 233,017.80 220 OIPC Lincoln Street 142,062.44 136,143.18 130,223.92 124,304.66 118,385.40 220 OIPC Quarterline 325,052.84 311,508.98 297,965.12 284,421.26 270,877.40 240 OIPC Airport Asphalt 2,400.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 600.00 0.00 130 OIPC 350 HP Truck Rep # 111 81,359.50 75,748.50 70,137.50 64,526.50 58,915.50 130 OIPC Trackless MT5 55,669.05 43,298.15 30,927.25 18,556.35 6,185.45 220 OIPC Quarterline Railway Track 471,241.91 452,007.53 432,773.15 413,538.77 394,304.39 220 OIPC Misc Street Paving 310,333.37 297,666.71 285,000.05 272,333.39 259,666.73 135 OIPC Works Building Drain 24,500.00 23,500.00 22,500.00 21,500.00 20,500.00 450 OIPC Trail Development 499,247.97 478,870.51 458,493.05 438,115.59 417,738.13 220 OIPC William to Beech Blvd 211,730.43 203,440.97 195,151.51 186,862.05 178,572.59 230 OIPC Downtown Parking-Epple 174,001.24 167,163.96 160,326.68 153,489.40 146,652.12 130 OIPC Hydro Hybrid Bucket Truck 208,116.30 188,295.70 168,475.10 148,654.50 128,833.90 505 OIPC Hwy # 3 Ind. Park 55,000.00 45,000.00 35,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 505 OIPC Rokeby Road/Vodden 209,848.65 171,694.35 133,540.05 95,385.75 57,231.45 505 OIPC Hwy # 3 Graydon 204,303.00 167,157.00 130,011.00 92,865.00 55,719.00 505 OIPC Hwy # 3 Hazen 120,024.85 98,202.15 76,379.45 54,556.75 32,734.05 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Taxiway 25,284.60 20,687.40 16,090.20 11,493.00 6,895.80 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Terminal 20,900.00 17,100.00 13,300.00 9,500.00 5,700.00 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Overlay 35,750.00 29,250.00 22,750.00 16,250.00 9,750.00 240 OIPC Airport Hanger Extension 73,700.00 60,300.00 46,900.00 33,500.00 20,100.00 220 OIPC Lisgar & 4th 338,000.00 325,000.00 312,000.00 299,000.00 286,000.00 130 Fire Truck 512,799.98 470,066.64 427,333.30 384,599.96 341,866.62 OIPC Library Software 50,000.00 37,500.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 0.00 500 TD- Float VOIP 36,855.82 29,498.98 22,142.14 14,785.30 7,428.46 220 TD- Float Bayham 39,844.21 32,066.97 24,289.73 16,512.49 8,735.25 465-7703 TD- Float SEC 456,107.44 366,143.80 276,180.16 186,216.52 96,252.88 150 Capital lease- Fire Breathing Apparatus 69,799.75 49,445.50 29,091.25 8,737.00 0.00 Arena 2,057,330.85 1,858,108.16 1,652,283.64 1,439,283.50 1,219,038.28 Rural Broadband 182,881.31 165,180.34 146,892.80 127,967.70 108,398.88 New Debt Requested 0.00 1,722,000.00 1,627,911.37 1,531,207.07 1,431,814.40 TOTAL DEBT 10,928,893.10$ 11,169,391.64$ 10,125,025.39$ 9,062,501.25$ 8,010,331.06$ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 GROSS PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 1,009,714.33$ 1,461,147.21$ 1,044,366.25$ 1,062,524.14$ 1,052,170.19$ Less: Fire Capital Lease- Capital Project Cost 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ 20,354.00-$ Industrial Land- Capitalized to Balance Sheet 107,123-$ 107,123-$ 107,123-$ 107,123-$ 107,123-$ TOTAL PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 882,237$ 1,333,670$ 916,889$ 935,047$ 924,693$ TOTAL INTEREST PAYMENTS 516,934$ 475,518$ 475,949$ 430,509$ 389,617$ H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Council Presentation\2015 Debt Summary-Graph.xlsx 08/01/201538 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG 2015 BUSINESS PLAN Director of Finance 39 2015 Business Objectives Item Dept Owner Budget Value Target Date Lotus Notes to Exchange Conversion IT Director $50,000 Q1 Upgrade Great Plains Software Finance/ IT Director $6,650 TBD Upgrade Class Software RCP/IT Director TBD Upgrade Northstar Software Hydro/IT Director $0 TBD Town Website IT Director $25,000 Q2Town Website Redevelopment IT Director $25,000 Q2 FMW Budget Software Finance/ IT Director $45,000 Q3 Cash Forecasting Model Development Finance Manager of Finance $0 Q4 Investigate The One Investment Program Finance Manager of Finance $0 Q4 40 2015 Business Objectives Item Dept Owner Budget Value Target Date Outbound Call Automation through IVR CSC Manager of CSC $2,000 (THI Budget) Q2 Northstar Report Training CSC Manager of CSC $1,900 Q3 Business License Automation CSC Manager of CSC $0 Q4 Automation CSC 41 2015 Business Objectives Item Dept Owner Budget Value Target Date Implementation of Laserfiche Records Management System Finance Clerk $0 Q1 TOMRS Training all staff Finance Clerk $0 Q1 Laserfiche Records Management user Training Finance Clerk $0 Q1 Training Hire Records Management Coordinator Finance Clerk $45,447 Q2 Procedural By-Law Review and Update Finance Clerk $0 Q2 Local Government Week Finance Clerk $0 Q4 42 Risks •Changing government legislation increases the Customer Service Billing workload •Lack of IT resources could affect internal and external stakeholders 43 Opportunities •With Harris Northstar upgrade, automation is available and processes can be streamlined •With Harris Northstar reports training, more staff able to better utilize the software •Outbound call automation though IVR reduces staff time on this function •FMW budget software implementation replaces excel and integrates with the general ledger. Better utilization of staff resources, on a Town wide basis. 44 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook •Caseware software, $35,000 – automates production of excel year end working papers •Telephone system replacement, estimated $20,000 cost 2016 2017 •Software assurance renewal, estimated $65,000 -$75,000 annual cost 2018 •Replacement of IT equipment, laptops and servers, estimated $350,000 cost 45 Human Resources Allocation/Deployment Plan 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements 18.25 19 19.25 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements-Full time 18.00 18.75 19.00 Total FTE Requirements-Part time 0.495 0.66 0.66 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 Contract Staff 0 0 0 Change from previous year (.25) 0.915 0.25 46 110 - Finance 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential - 8,546,882 - 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential - 989,002 - 3010 Taxes - Commercial - 2,087,692 - 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit - 13,013 - 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land - 20,046 - 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre - - - 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit - - - 3030 Taxes - Industrial - 618,741 - 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit - 10,109 - 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land - 10,879 - 3040 Taxes - Pipelines - 41,785 - 3050 Taxes - Farmland - 8,586 - 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 - 3,558 - 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial - 423,081 - 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit - 2,386 - 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 110,000 108,602 110,000 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy - - - 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs - 2,386 - 3085 Taxes - W/O's (286,000) (210,409) (180,000) 3090 Taxes - PIL's 84,000 - - 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments - - - 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest 170,000 167,949 168,000 Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 443,047 455,195 443,047 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 189,100 183,102 193,370 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other - - - User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 8,400 40,262 8,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees - 5,240 - 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 16,000 16,040 16,000 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals - 10 - 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 48,000 26,317 24,000 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue - - - 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - 1,446 - 3810 Sale of Assets - - - 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves (238,184) - 657,064 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 7,000 23,900 - 551,363 13,595,799 1,439,481 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 110 Finance.xls 08/01/2015 1:20 PM Page 1 of 2 47 110 - Finance 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 1,108,622 1,070,784 1,197,051 5002 Full-Time Overtime 9,000 2,261 7,500 5003 Part-Time Regular 23,494 31,999 58,847 5004 Part-Time Overtime Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 3,630 2,421 2,400 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 7,600 8,444 8,450 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 5,500 4,785 5,200 5315 Books & Publications 400 125 400 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 1,000 737 1,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 12,000 10,246 13,200 5330 Insurance 52,412 53,012 53,360 5331 Insurance Claims 10,000 - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 8,800 9,004 9,120 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 45,500 41,792 44,000 5405 Meeting Expenses 4,400 5,937 7,000 5410 Advertising & Promotions 2,650 3,355 39,000 5415 Training & Workshops 17,500 14,252 23,050 5420 Special Events - 93 - 5425 Special Projects 19,000 51,176 122,600 5430 Membership Expenses 13,000 13,452 15,000 5600 Rent Expense 125,000 139,620 150,000 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 18,000 19,885 20,000 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments - 12,761,035 - Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 114,000 97,749 137,900 5505 Subcontractors Expense 123,800 120,261 116,400 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 304,200 302,419 212,680 Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 449,639 924,056 497,917 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 2,231 - 2,479,147 15,691,130 2,742,075 1,927,784 2,095,331 1,302,594 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation - - - 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation (282,963) (283,068) (280,741) 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation (282,963) (283,068) (280,741) 1,644,821 1,812,263 1,021,853 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 16,229 13,635 13,967 5905 Debt Principal 111,121 111,110 624,922 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit (238,184) (463,281) 109,977 Total Net Levy 1,533,987 1,473,727 1,770,720 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 110 Finance.xls 08/01/2015 1:20 PM Page 2 of 2 48 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Mobile File Shelving - 2 028 Misc computer - Lotus notes conversion -cfwd 50,000 3 Replacement IT capital - SAN, servers, telephone, etc. 90,000 4 GPS Equipment Upgrades 15,264 5 Road Patrol Software 35,000 2015 100,264 90,000 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201549 120 - Customer Service Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 1,700 - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial - - - 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,800 1,799 1,900 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 36,000 33,984 34,000 3420 Certificates 600 640 450 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 226,860 227,020 226,860 3505 Merchandise 750 585 495 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account - - - Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution From Reserves 3900 Contribution From Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution From DC Reserves - - - 267,710 264,027 263,705 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 120 Customer Service.xls 08/01/2015 1:21 PM Page 1 of 2 50 120 - Customer Service Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 579,950 614,280 587,300 5002 Full-Time Overtime 5,600 7,456 7,200 5003 Part-Time Regular 10,000 9,745 10,000 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 4,900 5,294 6,000 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory - - - 5300 Supplies 32,200 31,973 40,200 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 9,742 11,693 12,550 5315 Books & Publications 400 440 - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 3,000 2,239 3,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 38,000 37,998 41,800 5330 Insurance 3,542 3,180 3,434 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 1,000 1,023 1,200 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 300 310 300 5405 Meeting Expenses - - - 5410 Advertising & Promotions 1,400 1,389 - 5415 Training & Workshops 8,000 3,066 9,000 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects - - - 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 24,000 23,947 24,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts - - - Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 2,974 2,974 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 725,008 757,007 745,984 457,298 492,979 482,279 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation - - - 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation (577,322) (577,320) (591,344) 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation (577,322) (577,320) (591,344) (120,024) (84,341) (109,065) Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 3,751 5,489 3,352 5905 Debt Principal 8,166 5,546 6,773 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy (108,107) (73,305) (98,940) H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 120 Customer Service.xls 08/01/2015 1:21 PM Page 2 of 2 51 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 IVR system (THI) Billing - 2 Projector & Screen (CSC Board Room) - 3 041 Roof Replacement- cfwd 120,000 4 5 2015 120,000 - 1 - 2 - 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201552 160 - Police 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 130,000 130,000 130,000 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other - - - Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 19,000 18,003 18,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 265,180 276,633 277,672 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special - - - 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - - - 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - 1,720 - 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves 264,689 264,689 - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves - - - 678,869 691,045 425,672 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 160 Police.xls 08/01/2015 1:22 PM Page 1 of 2 53 160 - Police 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 86,900 91,768 87,900 5002 Full-Time Overtime 5003 Part-Time Regular - 715 - 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 1,000 668 1,000 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 4,200 5,575 5,200 5315 Books & Publications - - - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 4,800 5,337 6,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 33,000 37,644 36,300 5330 Insurance 2,519 2,268 1,547 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 2,400 1,881 2,000 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 1,600 1,600 1,600 5405 Meeting Expenses 250 822 800 5410 Advertising & Promotions 5415 Training & Workshops 5,600 5,600 5,000 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5,000 5,000 5,000 5430 Membership Expenses 1,050 1,071 1,100 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 3,621,449 3,628,214 3,173,220 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts - 104 - Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 108,999 108,999 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 1,720 - 3,878,767 3,898,985 3,326,667 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation - - - 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest - - - 5905 Debt Principal - - - 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 3,199,898 3,207,940 2,900,995 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 160 Police.xls 08/01/2015 1:22 PM Page 2 of 2 54 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Roof Replacement 200,000 2 Hvac and Boiler Replacement (with energy efficient equipment) 60,000 3 4 5 2015 260,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201555 100 - Council 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue - 500 - 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special - 1,544 - 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - - - 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution From Reserves 3900 Contribution From Reserves 30,000 35,000 - 3905 Contribution From DC Reserves 30,000 37,044 - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 100 Council.xls 08/01/2015 3:56 PM Page 1 of 2 56 100 - Council 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 137,300 137,397 144,500 5002 Full-Time Overtime 5003 Part-Time Regular 5004 Part-Time Overtime 5060 Retroactive Pay Expense Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 12,700 12,868 400 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs - - - 5315 Books & Publications 100 - - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 5325 Heat, Light & Water 5330 Insurance 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 2,400 1,236 1,400 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 56,900 61,089 116,000 5405 Meeting Expenses 2,000 3,236 3,000 5410 Advertising & Promotions 8,000 9,420 - 5415 Training & Workshops 14,000 13,111 16,000 5420 Special Events 5,650 5,340 8,000 5425 Special Projects 45,000 45,000 15,000 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 6,300 8,705 - 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 100,000 100,000 22,000 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 390,350 397,402 326,300 360,350 360,358 326,300 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation - - - 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - - - - 360,350 360,358 326,300 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 5905 Debt Principal 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 360,350 360,358 326,300 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 100 Council.xls 08/01/2015 3:56 PM Page 2 of 2 57 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves - 1 2 3 4 5 2015 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201558 STAFF REPORT FINANCE Title: IT WORK PLAN UPDATE Report No.: FIN 15-02 Author: DARRELL EDDINGTON Meeting Type: COUNCIL BUDGET MEETING Council/Committee Date: JANUARY 15, 2015 Attachments: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To provide a status report and a 2015 IT work plan report to Council. BACKGROUND Council was last provided an IT Work Plan status report at the Council meeting of October 14, 2014. To summarize, the following key items have occurred in 2014: - New phones have been substantially installed. - New switches have been installed. - Microsoft license audit completed. - New photocopiers installed. - Completed the roll out of new personal computer hardware and software. - The new SAN (Storage Area Network) is installed and tested. This will have a future cost savings on the management and deployment of new servers. - The NAS (Network Area Storage) is connected and tested to the SAN. This will allow for the migration of user files from five servers to one centralized location. - The first new server has been installed on a new domain. This will allow us to migrate some of the older hardware to virtual servers while still keeping them available for the end users. - ThinkDocs completed the install of the Laserfiche Agenda Manager. - ThinnkDocs, Cambridge Solutions and IT planned for and began the migration of Domino Docs to Laserfiche. This must be done before the migration from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange can take place. - IT staff have installed a MS Licensing server. This will help the Town stay current and legal with their Microsoft software deployments. - IT staff began working on a deployment plan for MS Office 2010. 1 CAO 59 Key Highlights for the 2015 IT Work plan: - MS office deployment started – currently on hold pending installation of a new print server. New print server should be installed in the next 1-2 weeks. - IT and staff is currently working with ThinkDocs and Cambridge Solutions to convert the Domino Docs repository (bylaws, agendas etc.) to Laserfiche. - Tillsonburg Clerk and staff have created the security groups needed to secure the Laserfiche installation. IT is going to create the required Windows groups to facilitate the installation. - Tillsonburg Fire Department- new server has been delivered for the implementation of E911. IT is going to make the Fire Department location survivable in the event of an emergency by creating a sub domain. This will ensure that staff has access to their files and programs in the event of a network outage caused by an emergency (weather, power etc.) - Currently planning for the migration of Lotus notes to Microsoft Exchange. IT is currently gathering user data and sizing the server requirements. This will also include an upgrade of the current Blackberry Enterprise server. This project will follow the Laserfiche implementation. - IT staff are currently looking at the consolidation of some of the SQL servers. - By Q3 (or sooner), to start the migration of data from several of the servers so as to finish the retirement of the current old hardware. - IT will be supporting the upgrade of existing key Town systems in 2015: Northstar Harris; Class; Great Plains. - If approved by Council, IT will be supporting a new software installation: RAC Software FMW Web 6.0. The Town’s use of excel for budgeting purposes and quarterly reporting annually requires at least .2 FTE in Finance to build and maintain the required templates. FMW will become the Town’s reporting primary reporting tool and will interface with the Town’s general ledger. The one-time $42,000 software implementation cost translates into an approximate 2.7 year payback. And this does not take into account the software efficiencies that the other Town departments should benefit from. APPROVALS Director Name/Signature Darrell Eddington Date: 01/09/15 Finance Name/Signature Darrell Eddington Date: 01/09/15 CAO Name/Signature David Calder Date: 2 CAO 60 TO W N O F T I L L S O N B U R G 20 1 5 B U S I N E S S P L A N Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s 61 HR Se r v i c e s Re c r u i t m e n t Sa l a r y Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n HR I S He a l t h & Sa f e t y / W e l l n e s s La b o u r R e l a t i o n s HR Se r v i c e s HR I S Be n e f i t Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n Po l i c y & Pr o c e d u r e s Em p l o y e e Re l a t i o n s Sa f e t y / W e l l n e s s 62 20 1 5 Bu s i n e s s Ob j e c t i v e s It e m De p t O w n e r B u d g e t V a l u e T a r g e t D a t e Fu l l T i m e Gr i d M o v e m e n t HR H R M a n a g e r $ 3 6 , 1 5 0 Q 1 - Q 4 2% C o s t o f L i v i n g I n c r e a s e H R H R M a n a g e r $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 Q 1 - Q 4 Fi r e f i g h t e r C o n t r a c t Ne g o t i a t i o n s (2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 7 ) HR H R M a n a g e r Q1 Pa r t T i m e t o F u l l T i m e G r i d H R H R M a n a g e r $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 Q 1 Ma n a g e m e n t / S u p e r v i s o r Tr a i n i n g HR H R M a n a g e r $ 5 , 0 0 0 Q 1 - Q 4 Fu l l T i m e H R A s s i s t a n t / P a y r o l l Co o r d i n a t o r HR H R M a n a g e r $ 2 9 , 0 0 0 Q 2 - Q 4 Fi r e C o m m u n i c a t o r Ne g o t i a t i o n s ( 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 8 ) HR H R M a n a g e r $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 Q 2 Co m p e n s a t i o n S u r v e y H R H R M a n a g e r $ 3 , 9 0 0 Q 1 Le a d e r s h i p D e v e l o p m e n t H R C A O $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 Q 2 Er g o n o m i c s H R H R M a n a g e r $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 Q 1 63 Ri s k s • Co m p e t i t i v e c o m p e n s a t i o n p r e s s u r e s • Pa y E q u i t y A c t c o m p l i a n c e 64 Op p o r t u n i t i e s • In c r e a s i n g t h e c o s t o f l i v i n g e n s u r e s T i l l s o n b u r g r e ma i n s c o m p e t i t i v e i n t h e l a b o r ma r k e t a m o n g o t h e r s i m i l a r l y s i z e d M u n i c i p a l i t i e s . • Pa r t T i m e e m p l o y e e s c o m p e n s a t i o n t o b e a d j u s t e d i n li n e w i t h F u l l T i m e t o e n s u r e co n t i n u i n g c o m p l i a n c e w i t h P a y E q u i t y A c t . 65 Fu t u r e D e p a r t m e n t a l Di r e c t i o n s : 3 y e a r o u t l o o k • Co m p e n s a t i o n s t u d y 20 1 6 • No t e : n o u n i q u e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e H R d e p a r t m e n t id e n t i f i e d f o r 20 1 7 t o 2 0 1 8 66 Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s Al l o c a t i o n / D e p l o y m e n t P l a n 20 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 To t a l F T E R e q u i r e m e n t s 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 8 7 5 2 Ch a n g e f r o m p r e v i o u s y e a r 0 0 0 0 . 3 7 5 0 . 1 2 5 20 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 To t a l F T E R e q u i r e m e n t s - F u l l t i m e 1 1 . 7 5 2 . 0 To t a l F T E R e q u i r e m e n t s - P a r t t i m e 0 . 5 0 . 2 5 0 Co n t r a c t S t a f f 0 0 0 Ch a n g e f r o m p r e v i o u s y e a r 0 0 . 5 0 0 67 STAFF REPORT HUMAN RESOURCES Title: CORPORATE POSITION REVIEW Report No.: CA0-HR-15-02 Author: ASHLEY ANDREWS, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Meeting Type: BUDGET DELIBERATIONS Council/Committee Date: Attachments: RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receives report CAO-HR-15-02 Corporate Position Review as information. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In previous years, each department has reviewed their human resource needs in isolation of the other departments, and separately presented position increases or decreases to Council for review and/or approval. This meant that while one department may have had a reduction in staff budget dollars, another department may have had an increase, and the true savings/cost to the Town may not have been realized. Beginning with the 2015 budget process, staff reviewed vacant positions and requests for new positions. Corporately, this allows the organization to reallocate the dollars from eliminated positions in one department, to any new position requests in another department based on the needs of the corporation as a whole, rather than the needs of a single department. This type of corporate review allows the corporation to meet changing business needs and reallocate additional resources from within prior to requesting additional financial resources. FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE Vacant positions being eliminated include the Director of Development & Communications, the Hydro Customer Service Technician, and a Hydro Linesperson. By eliminating these vacant positions the corporation achieved internal funding in the amount of $166,000 which can be reallocated for other positions required to meet the changing business needs of the corporation. As part of the draft 2015 budget, these resources have been reallocated across the corporation to help fund new position requests. The request for new positions include a Full Time Fire Prevention Officer, a Full Time Human Resource Assistant/Payroll Coordinator, a Full Time Records Management Coordinator, a Fixed Contract Full Time Marketing & Communications Officer, and three part time positions within the Recreation, Culture, & Parks 1 CAO 68 Department. The total funding for these positions required to meet changing business needs is $216,000. By reviewing the human resource needs corporately, staff is able to reallocate existing funds from eliminated positions to help fund new positions. The budget impact for the new positions for 2015, after reallocating existing funds, is an increased budget request of $50,000. As is with any budget request, funding is dependent upon Council approval, as per the 2015 budget process. APPROVALS Author Name/Signature Ashley Andrews Date: January 9, 2015 Director Name/Signature Date: Finance Name/Signature Date: 2 CAO 69 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Prepared for 2015 Budgetary Considerations 0 70 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator The Strategic Context 1 Business Needs and Desired Outcomes Strategic Environment Organizational Overview At any given point, there are in excess of over 600,000 unidentified and unclassified documents within the Corporate Services vault. This figure considerably inflates when the Customer Services Centre, Community Centre, and Public Works, and Fire Station are included in the equation. This figure also does not include the files, boxes and paper stored in individual offices and file cabinets, 60 Council boxes stored in the Council Chambers closet which would equate to approximately 1.1 million unidentified records. With an on-going demand to be transparent and accountable to the public, having quick and easy access to corporate records is paramount. In a single day, the Clerk’s office receives a magnitude of requests to search corporate records, both from staff and from member of the public. As a legislative function of the Clerk, swiftly processing these requests is not only necessary, but expected. Given the current capacity, there are strains on how fast and efficiently existing staff can respond to these inquires. Of particular importance is acquiring staff, that have an adequate level of educational training and experience in records management. Simply put, the Town does not have adequate human capital to complete a legislated function. Business Need Given current staffing restrains the Clerk’s office does not have the capabilities to adequately preserve, retrieve and dispose of corporate records. After years of neglect, valuable corporate documents have gone missing, been misplaced, or destroyed. The Town attempted to implement an electronic records management system in 2000 however without an adequate dedicated resource person the system was rarely used by staff. The system was purchased and staff were trained, however without success as few staff persons used the system, and records continued to be improperly stored or lost. Drivers for Change There are a number of drivers that have highlighted the need for a records management coordinator. Legal cases involving the Town have demonstrated that years of inadequate upkeep and neglect of records management have led to indispensable documents being lost, damaged, or ruined. Eventually, continued neglect is going to negatively impact the corporation both from a financial and public relations standpoint. 1 71 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Similarly, recent dealings with the Information and Privacy Commissioner have shed more light on poor past practices that have placed the Town in an undesirable position. In one particular case, the Town has conceded that inadequate records management has left staff with the inability to confirm or deny the existence of corporate records. With this said, there is a growing demand and expectation for governments to embrace free sharing of records and to truly encompass transparency in governance. A great example of embracing free sharing of records is the Province of Ontario’s Open Data imitative. Finally, from a continuity perspective, the transition of institutional knowledge from existing staff to future staff is largely connected to smooth transitions that allow staff to be able to use records as a paper trail to historical dealings within the corporation. Business Outcomes Arguably, there are direct benefits to investing in a Records Management Coordinator. Some of these benefits include, • Controlling the creation and growth of records; This includes reducing the storing of paper and digital files, controlling the generation of documents and additional copies, efficiently implementing records retention corporate wide. • Reduction in Operating Costs; Recordkeeping requires administrative dollars for filing supplies, space in offices, and staff to maintain an organized filing system. For Tillsonburg, the current operating cost includes searching for lost records when there is no organization or staff to enforce a classification system. • Improved efficiencies and productivity; Time spent searching for missing or misfiled records are non-productive. A Records Management Coordinator can help the corporation upgrade its recordkeeping system so that information retrieval can be enhanced. • Implementation and assimilation of new records management technologies; With the purchase of Laserfiche, corporate wide implementation can have a dedicated staff member who can provide instant troubleshooting or support for all employees of the Town. 2 72 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator • Meeting legislative requirements; Many municipal records have set retentions by the Province and/or the Federal government. The only way a municipality can be reasonably sure that it is in full compliance with legislation is by operating a good records management program that takes responsibility for regulatory compliance, while working closely with other municipalities and other levels of government. • Minimised litigation risks; The Town should hire a Records Management Coordinator in order to reduce the risks associated with litigation and dealings with provincial oversight bodies, such as the Information and Privacy Commission. A consistently applied records management program will reduce the liabilities associated with document disposal by untrained staff. If Laserfiche is not properly implemented and utilized by staff then the Town will experience increased risks. By hiring a Coordinator the risk that the system is not utilized is reduced and proper record keeping becomes a reality. • Safeguarding of vital information; Of particular importance is the protection of vital information as outlined in the Municipal Act. Included are documents such as Council minutes, legal opinions and proceedings, correspondence with legal counsel and employee files. Operated as part of the overall records management program, vital records programs preserve the integrity and confidentiality of the most important records and safeguard the vital information assets according to a “Plan” to protect the records. • Better support for Senior Management Decision making; A well maintained records program and a staff coordinator can help ensure managers, Directors and Council have the information they need when they need it. A Records Management Coordinator will be able to index and retrieve documents for managers and senior staff quickly so that decisions are made with all relevant information in mind. • Preservation of institutional knowledge; The Town’s files contain its institutional knowledge and memory. This knowledge is an irreplaceable asset that has been overlooked and neglected. Every day, we create records that could become background data for future management decisions and planning. These records document that activities of the Town that future employees may use to research past dealings, precedents, or understand why decisions were made. • Fostering a greater sense of professionalism. An office with files askew, stacked on top of file cabinets and in boxes everywhere creates a poor working environment. The perception of our offices and the overall morale of staff, though hard to quantify in dollar amounts, may be among the best reasons to invest in Records Management. 3 73 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Strategic Fit A Records Management Coordinator would fit well with the continued growth of the community and the corporation. To be frank, timing for this staff position is ideal. As the corporation continues to expand into an increasingly digital environment, a Records Management Coordinator would fit with existing plans to implement an Electronic Records Management System, Laserfiche, and modernise existing processes. Given the financial investment that has already been made available to fund Laserfiche, ensuring a successful implementation is paramount in cost-recovery. If Laserfiche is not adequately implemented and staff do not continue to store records at all or improperly record them, then records management will remain at risk. Stakeholder benefits A Records Management Coordinator will positively impact all within and outside of the organization. Internal staff will benefit from having a trained professional on-staff who can assist with record indexing, retrieval and retentions. Staff will no longer have to wait for a member of the Clerk’s office to search through hundreds of boxes for documents, and will be provided with quick and efficient service. The public will be served though initiatives like open data that assist with making the Town more accessible for records, which intern increases the overall accountability and transparency of staff’s work. Generally speaking, having a dedicated coordinator on-site will make everyone’s life a lot easier. Scope The Records Management Coordinator is responsible for developing, implementing and administering the corporate Records Management Program, including coordination and maintenance of the manual and electronic records classification systems. This position also provides support to the Clerk’s office, as required, and will play a principal role in municipal election planning. Ideally, the position will be full-time, however given fiscal constraints a part- time position would alleviate some of the strains currently placed on existing staff. The proposed starting salary is $21.00/hr. 4 74 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities The following is a list of responsibilities for a Records Management Coordinator: • Reviews, develops, and implements policies, procedures, guidelines, programs and practices related to the management of the corporation’s official records, including writing reports and presenting recommendations. • Administers and coordinates the implementation and maintenance of the Records Management System, in paper and electronic formats, providing direction, guidance and assistance to all service areas. Responsible for the management and disposal of all Town records in accordance with legislative requirements and the Records Retention By-Law. • Administers the Records Management By-Law ensuring that service areas adhere to the policies and procedures associated with the retention and disposal of records. Conducts audits to assess compliance with records management policies, procedures and practices. Reviews and makes recommendations for amendments and updates to the By-Law. • Ensures that the Corporation complies with the legislative requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O 1990, c.M.56.; develops and implements corporate policies and procedures pertaining to the collection and release of information. • When required, assists the Clerk and Deputy Clerk with the collection of information and prepares written responses to requests for information ensuring that the requirements of the Act have been adhered to, that all fees have been collected, and that complete and accurate records have been retained. Prepares and maintains the necessary forms used by the Corporation. • Develops, implements, and maintains the corporate classification system for all Town records, conducts and maintains an inventory of municipal records; identifies and classifies all file subjects. Assigns retention dates and disposition to new records. • Administers and maintains the Corporation’s inactive and archival records within the Records vault; provides records retrieval services for all Town departments; manages the physical transfer of records to and from Town buildings. • Manages, investigates, responds to and resolves all questions and complaints associated with the Records Management Program, Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, and/or the Vital Statistics Act. • Develops training material and provides in-house seminars, workshops and training related to records management and freedom of information legislation requirements. Provides new staff orientation and maintains regular communications with Records Liaison staff. • Works in collaboration with the Information Technology Division to improve electronic file systems to facilitate access to electronic records. • Champions and promotes records management best practices; enhances the profile of records management within the corporation. 5 75 Business Case: Records Management Coordinator • Provides general administrative support to Clerk’s office, as required, to ensure deadlines and objectives are achieved, including provision of ongoing support to one or more Council committees. • Performs other duties as may be assigned in accordance with corporate objectives. Credentials Required 1. Community College diploma in a related field. The following would be considered an asset: Archival Selection Training; Certified Records Manager Diploma, Municipal Administration Diploma or Municipal Law Certificate. 2. Two (2) to four (4) years of supervisory and/or project management experience in a municipal setting is required to perform the job effectively. 3. Two years of direct records management experience. 4. Working knowledge of municipal legislation/regulations including Municipal Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Vital Statistics Act and Municipal Elections Act. 5. Excellent negotiation, facilitation and interpersonal skills in order to achieve collaboration, support and cooperation on projects and assignments. 6. Excellent organizational, analytical, and time management capabilities in order to plan out and meet (internal) project timelines and legislated deadlines. 7. Experience with writing reports, policies, procedures, by-laws, etc. 8. Excellent customer service and communication skills in order to interact effectively, tactfully and courteously with the public, vendors and all levels of staff. 9. Through working knowledge of computers and various software systems including Records Management/Document Management Software systems (Laserfiche), Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other database applications. Working knowledge of Adobe Acrobat Writer program is requested. 10. Valid Class “G” Driver’s License and reliable vehicle for use on corporate business. 6 76 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS 2015 BUSINESS PLAN DIRECTOR OF RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS 77 2015 Business Objectives Item Division Owner Budget Value Target Date Undertake a comprehensive concept design process to extend the useful life and improve the functionality and amenity level of the Tillsonburg Community Centre. Recreation Programs & Services Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Q1-Q4 Complete a Cycling Master Plan and update the Trails Master Plan. Recreation Programs & Services Recreation Programs & Services Manager $40,000 Q1-Q3 Beginthe 5-year review of the Community Parks, Recreation & Cultural Strategic Master Plan Recreation Programs & Services Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Q4 Host the Bi-annual Tillsonburg Sports Hall of Fame Ceremony Recreation Programs & Recreation Programs Q3Fame Ceremony Programs & Services Recreation Programs & Services Manager Q3 ImplementSpecial Events Policy Recreation Programs & Services Sales & Services Coordinator Q1-Q4 Initiateprocurement analysis and recommendation for replacement facility booking, program registration and POS software to replace CLASS 7.0 Recreation Programs & Services Business Services Supervisor Q2-Q3 78 2015 Business Objectives - Culture Item Division Owner Budget Value Target Date Work with Oxford County museums and other partners to organize a County wide 5 year initiative to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of WW1 throughhosting 100 events throughout the County between 2014 and 2018. Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Q 1 -4 Increase awareness, attendance and potentially revenue by hosting a series of special events and programs to celebrate the 190th Anniversary of the founding of the Town by George Tillson in 1825 Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Q 1-4 Create working committee with Tourism Create working committee with Tourism Oxford, Oxford Creative Connections Inc. and The Woodstock Museum NHS to begin the planning process for “Wilde Oxford” an event in 2017 to celebrate the 135th Anniversary of Oscar Wilde’s visit to Oxford County Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Q 1-4 Purchase collection software program and begin to computerizecollection records Culture & Heritage Exhibit & Collections Specialist $5,000 Q 1 -4 Leadthe consortium of groups implementing the Cultural Improvement Alliance project. Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator $98,578 (2014-2016)Q 1 -4 Create and implement four broad based cultural opportunities/ events (1 per quarter) for Tillsonburg residents . Culture & Heritage Culture & Heritage Program Coordinator Q 1-4 79 2015 Business Objectives - Parks & Facilities Item Division Owner Budget Value Target Date Update SubdivisionManual and Parkland Design Standards Manual that provides the development industry with technical guidance on the parks amenities. Parks & Facilities Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Q1 Partnerwith Trans Canada Trail. Oxford County, SWOX & Norwich Township, to initiate using the CASO rail line to connect Tillsonburg trails to Norfolk County. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager Q1-Q4 Continue implementing revitalization plan for the Tillsonburg Cemetery and Pioneer Cemetery (6-16) 2015-16 focus: columbaria and in-ground cremation gardens. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $33,000 Q2 and in-ground cremation gardens. Initiate preliminary stagesof Town-wide Asset Management Plan for Facilities. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager Q3-Q4 CompleteDisc Golf facility and Kiwanis Coronation Park revitalization project. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $35,750 Q1 Continue Annandale Diamond revitalization project including Trillium Foundation application. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $190,000 Q1-Q4 Completecapital roof repairs at OPP HQ, Elliott Fairbairn & TCC. Parks & Facilities Parks & FacilitiesManager $440,000 Q2-Q3 80 Risks 1. Deferral of investing in facility renewal, i.e. Water Park, Indoor Pool, Fire Hall, is stretching lifecycles of existing infrastructure beyond typical lifecycle limits. 2. Continually rising utility costs increase operational costs despite reductions in consumption. 3. Town demographics require changing focus away from traditional pool and rink programming to more varied active lifestyle programming 4. Aging work force requires effective succession planning and modifications to work processes. 5. Current mission critical software has reached end of support period. 6. Pool of trained, qualified candidates for part-time staff positions is shrinking 81 Opportunities 1. Continued implementation of Strategic Master Plan and subordinate plans. 4. Expand marketing regionally and provincially for Lake Lisgar Waterpark and Culture & Heritage Division operations & events. 5. Partner with adjacent municipalities on achieving more sustainable regional trails, parks and recreation systems. 6. Support economic development by contributing to Tillsonburg being an attractive destination for investment and relocation. 7. Opportunities for after school and youth programming 8. The Cultural Improvement Alliance will enhance the cultural landscape in Tillsonburg. 9. Securing a strategic partnership with Fanshawe College as a tenant. 82 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook 2016 •Complete 5-yr update to Parks, Recreation & Cultural Strategic Master Plan. •Implement replacement of CLASS software •Continue implementation of Memorial Park Master Plan and TCC Conceptual Design •Continue working with user groups to improve Ball facilities •Secure fee-for-service collaboration to maintain Oxford County Trails •Achieve sustainable Cultural Improvement Alliance operations •Create opportunities for multi-use, multi-generational and multi-seasonal experiences to meet the diverse needs of the community. •Continue County-wide commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of WW1 83 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook 2017 •Undertake a Physical Activity Strategy that aims to increase physical activity levels throughout Tillsonburg for a range of ages, interests and abilities •Undertake Cultural Master Plan & Cultural Mapping with the Cultural Improvement Alliance •Continue to explore ways in which to fund the development and operation of parks and facilities, through use of a variety of funding mechanisms and community involvement 84 Future Departmental Directions: 3 year outlook 2018 •Modernize existing Indoor pool Facility including adding therapeutic capacity, accessible and family change rooms, and more storage. •Continue to work with volunteers and organizations to promote community based delivery of arts and cultural services. 85 Human Resources Allocation/Deployment Plan 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements 18.25 19 19.25 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 2014 2015 2016 Total FTE Requirements-Full time 27 27 27 Total FTE Requirements-Part time 17.04 14.63 14.63 Change from previous year (.25).75 .25 Contract Staff 0 0 0 Change from previous year 0 2.41 0 86 Town of Tillsonburg Recreation - Parks, Programs, Facilities Consolidated 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential - - - 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential - - - 3010 Taxes - Commercial - - - 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit - - - 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land - - - 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre - - - 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit - - - 3030 Taxes - Industrial - - - 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit - - - 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land - - - 3040 Taxes - Pipelines - - - 3050 Taxes - Farmland - - - 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 - - - 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial - - - 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit - - - 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries - - - 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy - - - 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs - - - 3085 Taxes - W/O's - - - 3090 Taxes - PIL's - - - 3095 Local Improvements - Residential - - - 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial - - - 3100 Tax Adjustments - - - 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest - - - Government Grants & Subsidies - - - 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - 31,829 - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 42,700 42,695 42,700 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other 15,000 - - User Charges - - - 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,750 39,577 33,680 3301 Residential Usage - - - 3302 General Usage - - - 3305 Admissions 124,300 99,021 107,100 3310 Fares & Fees 25,000 29,204 27,000 3315 Memberships 165,800 163,531 163,500 3320 Seasonal Revenues 85,000 75,022 83,000 3325 Sports Fields Fees 22,800 22,055 22,250 3330 Youth Program Fees 214,000 236,109 202,000 3335 Adult Program Fees 52,000 34,089 36,500 3340 Summer Programs 85,000 97,274 51,500 3345 Participate Programs - - - 3350 Minor Hockey 187,000 189,522 187,000 3355 Figure Skating 60,000 43,294 47,000 3360 Programs 34,500 33,430 34,500 3365 Landscaping - - - 3400 Permit Fees - - - 3410 Licence Fees - - - 3420 Certificates - - - 3430 Inspections - - - 3500 Rentals 151,400 140,676 183,400 3505 Merchandise 15,000 9,155 12,000 3510 Concession Sales 35,000 30,148 35,000 3515 Vending Machines 30,000 27,066 30,000 3600 Interest - - - 3601 Late Payment Charges - - - 3700 Special 25,000 30,233 31,000 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential - - - 3702 Capital Surchrge - General - - - 3705 Donations 23,000 14,075 19,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge - - - 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential - - - 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General - - - 3815 Extraordinary Revenue - - - 3999 Revenue Clearing Account - - - Specified Revenues - - - 3805 Development Charges - 56,865 - 3810 Sale of Assets - - - 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves - - - 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves - - - 1,397,250 1,444,869 1,348,130 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450, 460, 465 Recreation - Consolidated.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 1 of 2 87 Town of Tillsonburg Recreation - Parks, Programs, Facilities Consolidated 2015 Budget Projection Budget 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 1,807,900 1,771,848 1,716,900 5002 Full-Time Overtime 15,200 29,081 12,000 5003 Part-Time Regular 469,445 420,467 457,317 5004 Part-Time Overtime - 10 - Purchases - - - 5105 Equipment Rental 4,900 3,607 4,900 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken - - - 5200 Materials/Inventory 41,700 39,835 40,200 5300 Supplies 129,120 102,846 88,200 5305 Program Supplies 49,900 44,669 47,400 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 72,490 59,525 67,500 5315 Books & Publications - 650 650 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 69,500 82,941 71,300 5325 Heat, Light & Water 486,150 517,613 519,071 5330 Insurance 96,248 97,697 85,348 5331 Insurance Claims - - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 14,828 14,821 16,237 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 46,640 72,241 71,900 5405 Meeting Expenses - 22 - 5410 Advertising & Promotions 28,000 25,441 23,500 5415 Training & Workshops 12,100 10,471 14,850 5420 Special Events 9,300 716 3,000 5425 Special Projects 13,000 8,526 6,000 5430 Membership Expenses 3,900 2,967 3,000 5600 Rent Expense - - - 5605 Interest And Finance Charges - - - 5850 Bad Debt Expense - - - 5800 Tax External Payments - - - Contracted Services - - - 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense 150,776 204,906 278,018 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 3,680 4,669 3,700 Contributions to Reserves - - - 5950 Contributions to Reserves 146,786 146,786 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 56,865 - 3,671,563 3,719,221 3,530,991 2,274,313 2,274,353 2,182,861 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 53,111 53,114 54,837 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation - - - 5705 Comm. Services Allocation - - - 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 53,111 53,114 54,837 2,327,424 2,327,467 2,237,698 Debt Principal and Interest - - - 5900 Debt Interest 175,664 174,252 160,376 5905 Debt Principal 319,439 319,456 306,642 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit Total Net Levy 2,822,527 2,821,175 2,704,716 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450, 460, 465 Recreation - Consolidated.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 2 of 2 88 450 - Recreation - Parks 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other - - - User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue - 510 30,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals - - - 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 13,000 4,000 4,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 13,000 4,510 34,000 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450 Recreation - Parks.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 1 of 2 89 450 - Recreation - Parks 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 88,300 88,279 131,000 5002 Full-Time Overtime 3,000 4,315 - 5003 Part-Time Regular 16,000 - 18,200 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental - 558 - 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory - - - 5300 Supplies 28,000 26,769 21,500 5305 Program Supplies 8,400 2,635 400 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 10,000 1,506 10,000 5315 Books & Publications 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 2,100 2,198 3,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 31,750 31,452 34,971 5330 Insurance 7,323 8,148 4,548 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem - - 600 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 10,000 29,559 30,700 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions - - - 5415 Training & Workshops 700 - 3,000 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects - - - 5430 Membership Expenses 400 400 - 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 120,176 115,736 120,500 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 1,898 1,898 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 328,047 313,451 378,419 315,047 308,941 344,419 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 35,491 35,494 36,644 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation 35,491 35,494 36,644 350,538 344,435 381,063 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 43,665 43,641 41,601 5905 Debt Principal 40,294 40,307 39,874 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 434,497 428,384 462,539 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 450 Recreation - Parks.xls 08/01/2015 1:29 PM Page 2 of 2 90 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 627 Coronation Trail loop / Disc golf - CFWD 35,750 2 628 Portable bleachers & staging 27,000 4 629 Annandale diamond improvements -CFWD 30,000 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 4 629 Annandale diamond improvements -CFWD 30,000 Annandale diamonds - Lighting 160,000 5 Carrol Trail repairs 15,000 6 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 Coronation Park - pavillion/washroom replacement - 7 Update of the Trails Master Plan 20,000 Implementation of Memorial Park Vision 50,000 623 Parks building - CFWD 30,000 Soccer Club fence 50,000 Soccer Club fence 50,000 2015 347,750 100,000 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 Annandale diamond improvements 401,000 4 5 Coronation Park - pavillion/washroom replacement 57,000 2016 538,000 - 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 4 5 2017 80,000 - 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 4 5 2018 80,000 - 1 Trail development as part of the trails master plan 50,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 2 Playground equipment replacement 30,000 3 4 5 2019 80,000 - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201591 460 - Recreation - Programs 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - 31,829 - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 42,700 42,695 42,700 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other 15,000 - - User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,750 3,567 3,680 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 124,300 99,021 107,100 3310 Fares & Fees 25,000 29,204 27,000 3315 Memberships 165,800 163,531 163,500 3320 Seasonal Revenues 85,000 75,022 83,000 3325 Sports Fields Fees 22,800 22,055 22,250 3330 Youth Program Fees 214,000 236,109 202,000 3335 Adult Program Fees 52,000 34,089 36,500 3340 Summer Programs 85,000 97,274 51,500 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 187,000 189,522 187,000 3355 Figure Skating 60,000 43,294 47,000 3360 Programs 34,500 33,430 34,500 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 145,700 134,951 177,700 3505 Merchandise 15,000 9,155 12,000 3510 Concession Sales 35,000 30,148 35,000 3515 Vending Machines 30,000 27,066 30,000 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 25,000 30,233 31,000 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 10,000 7,075 12,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - - - 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 1,378,550 1,339,268 1,305,430 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 460 Recreation - Programs.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 1 of 2 92 460 - Recreation - Programs 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 1,021,000 953,837 937,400 5002 Full-Time Overtime - 1,102 - 5003 Part-Time Regular 285,445 310,854 366,617 5004 Part-Time Overtime - 10 - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 2,900 2,900 2,900 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 41,700 39,835 40,200 5300 Supplies 9,300 7,606 8,500 5305 Program Supplies 41,500 42,034 47,000 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 3,290 5,244 1,000 5315 Books & Publications - 650 650 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 5325 Heat, Light & Water - 189 - 5330 Insurance 51,806 52,506 50,101 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 13,028 12,655 13,417 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 31,000 38,167 36,000 5405 Meeting Expenses - 22 - 5410 Advertising & Promotions 28,000 25,441 23,500 5415 Training & Workshops 8,600 8,136 8,600 5420 Special Events 9,300 716 3,000 5425 Special Projects 13,000 8,526 6,000 5430 Membership Expenses 3,500 2,567 3,000 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges - - - 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit - - - 5505 Subcontractors Expense - - - 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves - - - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 1,563,369 1,513,000 1,547,885 184,819 173,732 242,455 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation - - - 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 184,819 173,732 242,455 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest - - - 5905 Debt Principal - - - 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 184,819 173,732 242,455 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 460 Recreation - Programs.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 2 of 2 93 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Health Club Equipment 10,000 2 Active Net Upgrade - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 2 Active Net Upgrade - 3 Lake Lisgar Waterpark Chairs & Tables 15,000 4 651 Cycling Master plan - cfwd 20,000 5 652 Master Plan Implementation -cfwd 35,000 2015 80,000 - 1 Recreation Master Plan implementation (Parks master plan)50,000 2 Health Club Equipment 25,000 3 4 5 2016 75,000 - 1 Health Club Equipment 25,000 2 3 4 5 2017 25,000 - 2017 25,000 - 1 Heath Club Equipment 25,000 2 3 4 5 2018 25,000 - 1 Health Club Equipment 25,000 2 33 4 5 2019 25,000 - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/201594 465 - Recreation - Facilities 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue - 35,500 - 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 5,700 5,726 5,700 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - 3,000 3,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges - 56,865 - 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds - - - Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 5,700 101,091 8,700 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 465 Recreation - Facilities.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 1 of 2 95 465 - Recreation - Facilities 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 698,600 729,732 648,500 5002 Full-Time Overtime 12,200 23,664 12,000 5003 Part-Time Regular 168,000 109,613 72,500 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 2,000 148 2,000 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 91,820 68,471 58,200 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 59,200 52,775 56,500 5315 Books & Publications - - - 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 67,400 80,743 68,300 5325 Heat, Light & Water 454,400 485,972 484,100 5330 Insurance 37,119 37,043 30,699 5331 Insurance Claims - - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 1,800 2,166 2,220 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 5,640 4,515 5,200 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions 5415 Training & Workshops 2,800 2,335 3,250 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 30,600 89,171 157,518 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 3,680 4,669 3,700 Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 144,888 144,888 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - 56,865 - 1,780,147 1,892,770 1,604,687 1,774,447 1,791,680 1,595,987 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 17,620 17,620 18,193 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation 17,620 17,620 18,193 1,792,067 1,809,300 1,614,179 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 131,999 130,610 118,775 5905 Debt Principal 279,144 279,150 266,767 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 2,203,210 2,219,060 1,999,722 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 465 Recreation - Facilities.xls 08/01/2015 1:30 PM Page 2 of 2 96 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 672 Roofing repairs (Seniors Centre, Auditorium)150,000 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 1 672 Roofing repairs (Seniors Centre, Auditorium)150,000 2 Indoor Pool Maintenance/repairs 55,000 3 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 - 4 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 - 5 Arena floor cover & storage - - 678 Rotary Room Renos -CFWD 15,000 2015 220,000 - Energy Management Plan compliance 50,000 Community Centre Roofing ( detailed report to follow)90,000 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 65,000 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 20,000 Health Club 10,000 Health Club 10,000 Facility and Building Condition Assessments for Asset Management Plan 54,000 2016 204,000 85,000 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 2 08/01/201597 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs Replace Waterpark roof 50,000 Replace Waterpark roof 50,000 Arena hot water heaters 40,000 Energy Management Plan compliance 50,000 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 - 65,000 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 20,000 2017 140,000 85,000 1 Health Club 10,000 2 Resurfacer replacement 2018 100,000 2 Resurfacer replacement 2018 100,000 3 Indoor Pool Shutdown 50,000 4 Energy Management Plan compliance 50,000 5 5-yr Resurfacer replacement 2018 20,000 6 ice plant conversion - contribution to reserve for 2019 - 75,000 7 8 99 10 11 12 13 14 2018 210,000 20,000 1 ice plant conversion 1,000,000 2 Waterpark heater replacement 25,000 3 Energy management 50,000 4 5 6 2019 1,075,000 - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 2 of 2 08/01/201598 467 - Elliott Fairbairn Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 74,980 68,780 70,000 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves - - - 74,980 68,780 70,000 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 467 EFC.xls 08/01/2015 1:31 PM Page 1 of 2 99 467 - Elliott Fairbairn Centre 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary 2014 Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular - - - 5002 Full-Time Overtime - - - 5003 Part-Time Regular 200 - - 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 200 - 400 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs - - - 5315 Books & Publications 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance - - - 5325 Heat, Light & Water - - - 5330 Insurance 2,533 2,274 1,886 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 720 283 720 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 5,200 4,111 5,200 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions 5415 Training & Workshops - - - 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5430 Membership Expenses 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 3,600 4,580 5,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 815 815 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves - - - 13,268 12,064 13,206 (61,712) (56,716) (56,794) Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation5650Facilities Allocation 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - (61,712) (56,716) (56,794) Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 14,525 14,525 13,816 5905 Debt Principal 15,464 15,462 15,464 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy (31,723) (26,729) (27,513) H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 467 EFC.xls 08/01/2015 1:31 PM Page 2 of 2 100 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Roof repair/replace 115,000 2 3 4 5 2015 115,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2016 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2017 - - 1 New Gymnasium HVAC 12,000 2 3 4 5 2018 12,000 - 1 New Gymnasium Roof 60,000 2 3 4 5 2019 60,000 - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/2015101 475 - Museum 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal 3,365 3,365 - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 17,899 17,899 70,299 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other 1,500 1,192 1,200 Other Revenues 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,500 1,500 5,000 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 7,000 6,574 7,000 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships - - - 3320 Seasonal Revenues 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 6,000 4,734 6,000 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 2,800 3,125 4,000 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 1,050 1,035 3,650 3505 Merchandise 1,400 1,032 1,100 3510 Concession Sales 2,400 2,611 - 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest - - - 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 38,000 34,338 35,000 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations 7,500 7,671 5,000 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 90,414 85,075 138,249 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 475 Museum.xls 08/01/2015 1:32 PM Page 1 of 2 102 475 - Museum 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 160,800 171,545 218,300 5002 Full-Time Overtime - 37 - 5003 Part-Time Regular 21,000 19,842 21,000 5004 Part-Time Overtime - - - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental 160 569 660 5110 Fuel & Oil 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 3,200 2,327 2,600 5305 Program Supplies 1,100 1,116 1,100 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 1,000 1,668 1,000 5315 Books & Publications 100 23 50 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 12,000 8,806 12,000 5325 Heat, Light & Water 18,000 15,037 25,000 5330 Insurance 5,064 4,983 4,133 5331 Insurance Claims - - - 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 3,500 3,888 3,900 5400 Miscellaneous Expense - - 1,800 5405 Meeting Expenses 60 - 50 5410 Advertising & Promotions 10,800 7,900 10,000 5415 Training & Workshops 1,500 580 2,000 5420 Special Events 22,450 21,705 22,500 5425 Special Projects - - 62,400 5430 Membership Expenses 300 282 300 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 11,600 16,817 13,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts - - - Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves - - - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 272,634 277,124 401,793 182,220 192,049 263,544 Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation - - - 182,220 192,049 263,544 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 5905 Debt Principal 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 182,220 192,049 263,544 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 475 Museum.xls 08/01/2015 1:32 PM Page 2 of 2 103 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves 1 Replacement HVAC (energy efficient equipment) 2/3 to reserves for 2016 15,000 2 Replacement of failed door frames and windows 15,000 3 4 5 2015 15,000 15,000 1 Replacement HVAC (energy efficient equipment)45,000 2 Collection Storage system expansion 20,000 3 4 5 2016 65,000 - 1 Up grade of Museum kitchen - scheduled upgrade. Moved from 2014 20,000 2 3 4 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 4 5 2017 20,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 3 4 5 2019 - - 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/2015104 300 - Cemetery 2015 Budget Projection Budget Revenues Special Levy, Local Improvements, PILS 3000 Taxes - Residential 3005 Taxes - Multi-Residential 3010 Taxes - Commercial 3012 Taxes - Commercial Vacant Unit 3014 Taxes - Commercial Vancant Land 3020 Taxes - Shopping Centre 3022 Taxes - Shopping Centre Vacant Unit 3030 Taxes - Industrial 3032 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Unit 3034 Taxes - Industrial Vacant Land 3040 Taxes - Pipelines 3050 Taxes - Farmland 3055 Taxes - Farmland Dev. Phase 1 3060 Taxes - Large Industrial 3062 Taxes - Large Industrial Vacant Unit 3070 Taxes - Supplementaries 3075 Taxes - Bill 79 Capped Levy 3080 Taxes - Capped Rebates/Claw Backs 3085 Taxes - W/O's 3090 Taxes - PIL's 3095 Local Improvements - Residential 3096 Local Improvements - Commercial 3100 Tax Adjustments 3105 Taxes - Penalty & Interest Government Grants & Subsidies 3200 Grants & Subsidies - Federal - - - 3205 Grants & Subsidies - Provincial 3210 Grants & Subsidies-Other User Charges 3300 Miscellaneous Revenue 140,680 114,497 - 3301 Residential Usage 3302 General Usage 3305 Admissions 3310 Fares & Fees 3315 Memberships 3320 Seasonal Revenues 11,800 7,987 10,500 3321 Niche Sales - - 32,600 3322 Plots Sales - - 24,500 3323 Services - Open and Close - - 80,000 3324 Plot Foundations - - 6,800 3325 Sports Fields Fees 3330 Youth Program Fees 3335 Adult Program Fees 3340 Summer Programs 3345 Participate Programs 3350 Minor Hockey 3355 Figure Skating 3360 Programs 3365 Landscaping 3400 Permit Fees 3410 Licence Fees 3420 Certificates 3430 Inspections 3500 Rentals 3505 Merchandise 3510 Concession Sales 3515 Vending Machines 3600 Interest 13,900 16,000 16,000 3601 Late Payment Charges 3700 Special 3701 Capital Surchrge - Residential 3702 Capital Surchrge - General 3705 Donations - 500 500 3800 Sewer Revenue-Surcharge 3801 Reg 170 Surchrge - Residential 3802 Reg 170 Surchrge - General 3815 Extraordinary Revenue 3999 Revenue Clearing Account Specified Revenues 3805 Development Charges 3810 Sale of Assets 3820 Debenture Proceeds Contribution from Reserves 3900 Contribution from Reserves - - - 3905 Contribution from DC Reserves 166,380 138,984 170,900 Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 300 Cemetery.xlsx 08/01/2015 1:33 PM Page 1 of 2 105 300 - Cemetery 2015 Budget Projection Budget Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan 2014 Operating Plan - Cost Code Summary Expenditures Labour 5001 Full-time Regular 65,400 70,076 66,100 5002 Full-Time Overtime 4,850 1,621 3,000 5003 Part-Time Regular 36,100 27,565 38,000 5004 Part-Time Overtime - 535 - Purchases 5105 Equipment Rental - 357 - 5110 Fuel & Oil - - - 5115 Discounts Taken 5200 Materials/Inventory 5300 Supplies 8,150 17,254 8,800 5305 Program Supplies 5310 Equipment Supplies & Repairs 2,382 1,404 1,600 5315 Books & Publications 7,000 7,041 7,000 5320 Building Repairs & Maintenance 600 58 600 5325 Heat, Light & Water 4,252 4,782 5,350 5330 Insurance 1,237 1,165 1,123 5331 Insurance Claims 5335 Telephone, Fax & Modem 3,600 5,045 4,800 5400 Miscellaneous Expense 300 36 300 5405 Meeting Expenses 5410 Advertising & Promotions - (0) - 5415 Training & Workshops 600 817 600 5420 Special Events 5425 Special Projects 5430 Membership Expenses 250 250 250 5600 Rent Expense 5605 Interest And Finance Charges 5850 Bad Debt Expense 5800 Tax External Payments Contracted Services 5500 Consultants, Legal & Audit 5505 Subcontractors Expense 15,000 25,922 22,000 5510 Equipment Maintenance Contracts Contributions to Reserves 5950 Contributions to Reserves 1,750 1,750 - 5955 Contributions to DC Reserves 151,471 165,676 159,523 (14,909) 26,692 (11,377) Interfunctional Adjustments 5100 Fleet Allocation 97,922 97,920 101,104 5650 Facilities Allocation - - - 5700 Corp Admin Allocation 5705 Comm. Services Allocation 5710 Operations Allocation 97,922 97,920 101,104 83,013 124,612 89,727 Debt Principal and Interest 5900 Debt Interest 5905 Debt Principal 3950 Prior year (surplus) deficit - - - Total Net Levy 83,013 124,612 89,727 H:\Finance\Financial Plans\2015\2015 Budgets\2015 Budget 300 Cemetery.xlsx 08/01/2015 1:33 PM Page 2 of 2 106 5 year Capital Plan Description Expenditures Contribution to Reserves Cremations garden installation 10,000 505 Water service (electrical, piping) -CFWD from 2014 9,000 501 Columbarium -CFWD 7,000 Columbarium 7,000 Pioneer Cemetery 27,100 2015 50,100 10,000 1 Columbarium units 20,000 2 3 4 5 2016 20,000 - 1 Columbarium unit 20,000 2 - 3 4 5 2017 20,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 2018 - - 1 2 Survey GPR Lands for Additional Plot Capacity 7,500 3 Columnbarium unit 20,000 4 5 2019 27,500 - Town of Tillsonburg 2015 Financial Plan Capital Costs 5 yr Capital Plan Page 1 of 1 08/01/2015107 STAFF REPORT RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Title: White Paper on the Roof Maintenance Program Report No.: RCP 15-03 Author: RICK COX Meeting Type: BUDGET MEETING Council/Committee Date: JANUARY 15, 2015 Attachments: • Elliot Fairbairn Roof Report • Elliott Fairbairn Roof Diagram EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Town staff has been working with outside experts for a number of years to monitor the condition of the roofs on Town facilities, to prioritize capital repairs, to identify annual maintenance requirements, and to prepare the specifications and tender documents for approved capital repairs. BACKGROUND The 2015 draft Budget includes three significant roof repair projects which have been identified and scheduled for 2015 through the Town’s ongoing roof monitoring program. The projects include the replacement of the OPP HQ roof, and repairs to roofs at the Elliott Fairbairn and Tillsonburg Community Centre. Attached to this report is a copy of the most recent report on the Elliott Fairbairn roof. The comprehensive analysis uses infrared thermography to identify the problem areas. By doing these on each facility every few years, areas of concern can be identified and addressed, and/or monitored more closely. Annual preventative maintenance actions and capital repairs are identified, scheduled, and planned for using these roof reports. RCP 15-03 - White paper on roof maintenance.docx 1/1 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3870 BEING A BY-LAW to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 15th day of January, 2015 WHEREAS Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipal corporation shall be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that municipal powers shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. All actions of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg at its special meeting and regular meeting held on January 15, 2015, with respect to every report, motion, by-law, or other action passed and taken by the Council, including the exercise of natural person powers, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this or a separate by-law. 2. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to do all the things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg referred to in the preceding section. 3. The Mayor and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect on the day of passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 15TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 15TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. ________________________________ Mayor – Stephen Molnar ________________________________ Municipal Clerk – Donna Wilson 126