110602 Annandale National Historic Site MINAnnandale National Historic Site
Advisory Committee
Minutes of Meeting-Thursday, June 2, 2011,
Meeting to Order: Dianne MacKeigan, Patty Phelps, Bob Marsden, Stan Windsor, Donna Peirce
at 7:50 pm
Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Stan, seconded by Donna Carried
Minutes and Business Arising from Minutes: Moved by Donna, seconded by Dianne that the minutes be accepted as circulated.
-terms of reference still being worked on
-no word on bylaw 3700
-still some concern about the councillor assigned to our group
-still wanting to retain the name of Annandale National Historic Site Advisory
Reports: Historical Society- plans to invite council members and CAO to a wine and cheese
reception here at Annandale with a tour of the site-September 9-Friday at 7:30.
TACAC-The Joy Mausoleum will be municipally designated an historic site on Decoration
Day, August 21- 2:00 pm. The Forshee/Tribe/Tampour Mausoleum will be designated at a later
Fundraising Committee-Wingfield Unbound- both performances sold out and should net a profit
of around $10 000.00
120 of the 275 Trip of the month tickets have been sold so far with about $10 000.00 to
go to the Annandale House Trust Fund.
Artifacts Committee- an offer of a salt and pepper collection doesn't fall within the parameters
of our collection and so the acting curator was instructed to decline the offer.
Financial Report- Both trust accounts balance were reviewed by the acting curator
Curator's Report- The acting curator reviewed her report. Some of the highlights included:
1) Because of the success of the Lunch and Learn lecture series, the committee
recommended that they carry on next year.
2) Three summer students have been hired for 15 weeks
3) Turtlefest activities scheduled for Saturday, June 25. Paulette Bourgeois to be reading
and signing her Franklin books on the lawn. Sears supplying the lawn furniture.
4) Patty briefed us on a Barn quilt block pattern planned for this area- 3 different routes
Tour Guide Report- Tour guides are being lined up for upcoming events.
Reports accepted as presented.
1) Grass cutting has been contracted out. Request a copy of the contract so we may know
what is included. E-mail forwarded to indicate the days that they should not be there.
2) Lawn clean-up- The contract does not include lawn clean up. If the parks department no
longer has the manpower to do this, we are concerned about arrangements for clean-up
for events like music on the lawn during the summer.
3) Window Check- We are waiting for quotes to check upstairs windows in the house. If
there are no bids we will use Royal Glass.
4) Gardens are tended by Bill and Sam with the Horticultural Society to assist this
5) Asphalt to pave the gravel spot in the parking area has been removed from the
budget. We are still waiting.
Other Business: We have received word that there is a plan to combine the Annandale House Trust with the
Acquisitions Trust. We have some concerns about this because of the parameters regarding the two
separate accounts. An email will be sent to Darrell Eddington and Kelly Coulter expressing our
concerns and asking for a meeting. (A meeting with Darrell Eddington, Bob and Dianne has taken
place-Wednesday, June 15.)
Correspondence: A letter was received from the Norfolk Branch of the OGS thanking us for the
Lunch and Learn series.
Next Meeting -Thursday, June 23 2011 7:30 pm
Adjournment: Moved by Donna -9:05pm