3345 Schedule "A" - To amend Zoning By-Law Number 3295, as amended! SCHEDULE II A II TO BY-LAW No. ·33i(~ LOT 15, PLAN 41M-241 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG A = 15.88 R = 265.00 "' 0 oo '\ lo "'. "'"' ...!.-"' () z 'v Of-1'"? ~ _jw ow ... ? zo:: ·+· • • 0 • ~ \ "' 0 "'o 'o <D· ""' ,..., :;:!: z tx / \~ ~ ~ «'v _ ____/ ~dJ'6' A = 9.72 O::f--<((/) R = 300.00 ~ .... •. SANDERS CRESCENT THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" Cl SUBJECT AREA REMOVE HOLDING PROVISIONS (H) ~--.fordCouut,~ ~~·owing stronger. ... ,: Information Sysrems ·' '£(1(;8 .. LANDS ; '!.7) BYLAW )-'-:, '• TO WHICH ~ rdCotJi1t}~ ... 0 . · zo. Sf1'011f!l r. .. · · '· · ~fOW/rh ' . emH2<•08 <' lnformationSyst KEY MAP ·+· APPLIES ZON 7-08-6 (Removal of Holding Provision) TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER ']{t../S: EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-Law Number 'S'3ff" is to remove the Holding Symbol (H) from the Low Density Residential-Type 2 (R2(H)) zone, applying to lands described as Lot 15, Plan 41M-241, in the Town of Tillsonburg. The amendment would allow for the development of the subject lands for a single detached dwelling, in accordance with the underlying zoning. The subject lands are owned by Victoria Wood {Tillson burg) GP Inc. The County of Oxford has provided written confirmation of water allocation for the subject lands. Any person wishing further information relative to Zoning By-Law Number '3'31r- may contact the undersigned: Mr. Michael Graves Clerk Town of Tillson burg 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor Town Centre Mall Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7 Telephone: 842-6428