3368 Schedule "A" - To authorize an Agreement with the Tillsonburg Firefighters AssociationTi!!-;onburg l"·'irefight(:r's :'\sso~iation :'\gr~crn~nt 2008-201!
The Corporation of the Town ofTillsonburg,
"The Town"
Tillson burg Firefighter's Association
"The Association"
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IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT, if Council of the Town of Tillson burg finds it desirable to
provide a tiered response system, increased level of service, I. E. medical response, ice/ water rescue etc.
in the Town ofTillsonburg, the Association will continue to be consulted prior to any such action being
implemented. Such duties when implemented will be incorporated into existing responsibilities and
IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT this Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force and
effect until December 31, 20 II.
IT WITNESS WHEREOF the said Parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this the 19'h day
of May, 2009.
·riHsonburg F!reflg.hter~s Association :\greernent 2008-201 I 2 of4
THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this the 191h day of May, 2009.
Hereinafter referred to as "the Association"
Hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation"
WHEREAS the Town ofTillsonburg is desirous of entering into an Agreement for volunteer firefighting
I. The Corporation recognizes the Association in representing the Tillsonburg Volunteer Firefighters.
2. The Corporation shall pay to the Members of the Association in accordance with Appendix "A" to
this Agreement, attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement.
3. Trainer Facilitator to student ratios shall be in accordance with the training institution of record.
Trainer Facilitators shall be compensated for time spent in facilitating any training authorized by the
Fire Chief in accordance with Appendix "A" to this Agreement.
4. The Corporation shall pay to the Members of the Association a meeting per diem for attendance at
special fire training not considered regular scheduled training as authorized by the Fire Chief. The
per diem amount is established by the Personnel Policy, with the rate updated from time to time, and
is equal to that of the rate paid to Councillors; is paid through the payroll system; includes travel time;
and will be prorated to the nearest half day.
5. The Corporation shall contribute to the Association for 2008 towards the cost of a "Ladies Night" for
each Member in active employ of the Corporation including the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief,
and a Halloween standby amount, as set out in Appendix "A" to this Agreement, attached hereto and
forming part of this Agreement. For 2009 and thereafter, a lump sum payment to the Association will
be made in accordance with Appendix "A" to this Agreement.
6. The Corporation agrees that actively employed Members, from whom no coverage is available at
their regular place of employment, be permitted to enroll in the Corporation's medical and/or dental
insurance policy, on the provision and clear understanding that the cost of such benefits be deducted
from the Member's salary and is not to be paid for nor contributed towards by the Corporation.
7. The Corporation agrees to provide group life insurance, $35,000, and AD&D coverage, $70,000, to
each Member twenty four hours a day. The cost of such insurance shall be paid by the Corporation.
c'Ci!bonburg Firefightc(s A.ssociatlon :\greern;;nt 200S-20l! 3 of '·1
8. The Corporation agrees to provide accident insurance coverage as developed by Volunteer Firemen's
Insurance Services, Inc. The cost of such insurance coverage shall be paid by the Corporation.
9. The Corporation agrees that Members be provided with the opportunity to purchase RRSP's through
the payroJJ deduction plan, as administered and registered by the Corporation
I 0. For 2008, Members shall receive an annual dry-cleaning/Clothing damage allowance and an
Emergency Response fuel reimbursement as set out in Appendix "A" to this Agreement, attached
hereto and forming part of this Agreement.
II. The Corporation agrees that the blazer type uniforms, consisting of shirt and tie, a blue blazer and a
grey pair of trousers, as supplied to the Members of the Association, will be replaced for each
Member after every five (5) years, if requested. The initial such uniform will be issued to new
Members on completion of a twelve-month probationary period.
12. The term of this Agreement shall be from January I, 2008 to December 31, 20 II. This agreement will
be retroactive as set out in Appendix "A" from January I, 2008.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this the 19th day
of May, 2009.
4 pf 4
Appendix "A" to Tillsonburg Firefighter's Association Agreement Dated the !9'h day of May, 2009
Honorarium 2008 2009 2010 2011
Increase 2.5% 1.5% 2% 2%
Captain $5,885.82 $6,786.57 $6,922.30 $7,060.75
I" Class Firefighter $5,248.73 $5,786.57 $5,902.30 $6,020.35
2"d Class Firefighter $5,037.17 $5,571.83 $5,683.27 $5,796.93
3'd Class Firefighter $4,823.22 $5,354.67 $5,461.77 $5,571.00
New 2"• Class Firefighter $4,600.00 $4,692.00 $4,785.84
New 3'd Class Firefighter $4,000.00 $4,080.00 $4,161.60
Meeting Pay
Increase 2.5% 1.5% 2% 2%
Trainer/Facilitator $248.37 $252.09 $257.14 $262.28
Increase $1.00 $.50 $.50 $.50
Meeting Pay/hr* $27.38 $27.88 $28.38 $28.88
Probation training $17.26 $17.61 $17.96
Halloween Standby
Increase 2.4%
Ladies Night 2008
Increase 2.4%
Association Payments $6,790.00 $6,925.80 $7,064.32
Dry Cleaning 2008
Increase 2.4%
Fuel Allowance 2008
Increase $50.00 & 2.4%
*As supported by the provision of time sheets.