4107 To Adopt the Town of Tillsonburg Reserve Policy and to Repeal By-Law 3779THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 4107 BEING A BY-LAW to Adopt the Town of Tillsonburg Reserve Policy and to repeal By -Law 3779 the former Reserve Policy. WHEREAS Section 270(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 requires the Municipality to adopt and maintain policies to ensure that it is accountable to the public for its actions, and the manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that its actions are transparent to the public. THEREFORE The Council of The Corporation of The Town of Tillsonburg hereby enact as follows: 1.0 DEFINITIONS In this By -Law: a) "Reserves" are a provision or amount that is designated for a future purpose and are established by approval of Council and are not restricted by legislation. They can be related to projects that are of a nature prescribed and managed by approval of Council. Examples include the Airport Reserve or IT Reserve. Reserves receive an annual interest allocation. b) "Reserve Funds" are restricted by municipal by-laws or agreements and receive an annual interest allocation based on the average annual balance. The Town has two classifications of Reserve Funds, Obligatory Reserve Funds and Discretionary Reserve Funds. c) Obligatory Reserve Funds are restricted by legislation, by-laws or agreements. Some of the Obligatory Reserve Funds are the Development Charge Fund, the Gas Tax Fund and the Building Permit Reserve Fund. d) Discretionary Reserve Funds have been created for a specific purpose by Council. Examples include Capital Infrastructure Reserve, Parking Reserve and Lake Lisgar Revitalization 2.0 POLICY STATEMENT 2.1 Objectives a) To establish reserves as approved by Council for: i. Future capital expenditures ii. Operating projects and surpluses iii. Sale of fixed assets or land iv. Unexpected or unplanned events V. The reduction of debt financing vi. Or any other purpose that Council designates that would otherwise cause fluctuations in the operating or capital budgets. b) To establish reserve funds through the adoption of a by-law for specific purposes as approved by Council. c) All reserves held in cash will be held in a separate bank account. 3.0 ACCOUNTABILITY The Director of Finance or his/her designate shall maintain accountability on behalf of Council relating to the administration of reserves, including the process to transfer to and from reserves once approved by Council and the allocation of interest. Staff provides recommendations on the transfer of funds. 4.0 PRESCRIBED COUNCIL AUTHORITY a) Establish new reserves; b) Close existing reserves; c) Amalgamate reserves d) Transfer funds to and from reserves via the approved annual budget; e) Transfer funds to and from reserves through Council resolution not addressed through the budget process 5.0 REPORTING Annually, as part of the budget process, staff will prepare an update on all of the reserve and reserve funds. Each fund will have a policy statement, source of revenue an expenses, recommended target levels, the year-end balance and any other pertinent data. The budget will provide any balances and show a summary of revenues and expenses. In addition, the balances of the reserve and reserve funds are provided in the Town's audited financial statements. 6.0 APPROVED RESERVES AND TRUST FUNDS Schedule A attached lists all of the Reserve Funds, Schedule B the Obligatory Reserve Funds and Schedule C the list of Trust Funds. These schedules will be reviewed annually and the schedules modified with new, amalgamated or closed reserves. 7.0 REPEAL FORMER BY-LAW THAT By -Law 3779, to Adopt the Town of Tillsonburg Reserve Policy, passed on the 91h day of December 2013, is hereby repealed. 8.0. FORCE AND EFFECT THAT This By -Law shall come into full force and effect on the day of it's passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 8th DAY OF MAY, 2017. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS $t DAY OF MAY, 2017. MAYOR- Stephen Molnar TOWN CLERK — Donna Wilson Reserve Policy Schedule A Airport Reserve Asset Management Funding Reserve Cemetery Reserve Council Reserve Development Remediation Reserve Downtown Parking Reserve Economic Development Reserve Election Reserve Engineering Reserve Facility Infrastructure Reserve Fire Department Equipment Reserve Fire Department Labour Reserve Fleet and Equipment Reserve IT Equipment Reserve Linear Infrastructure Reserve Physician Recruitment Reserve Police Reserve Police Services Board Reserve Recreation Culture and Parks Reserve Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Transit Reserve Waste Management Reserve Winter Maintenance Reserve Obligatory Reserve Policy Schedule B Building Fee Reserve Development Charge Reserves Gas Tax Rebate Reserve Trust Fund Policy Schedule C Annandale House Trust Cemetery Maintenance Trust Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Cemetery Prepaid Trust Community Trust Lake Lisgar Revitalization Trust Parkland Trust Scholarship Trust