4017 Schedule A - Delegation of Powers and Duties Policy> ' COUNCIL POLICY
~~ Policy Number 2-006
Approval Date 24/05/2016 Revision Date
The purpose of this policy is to establish provisions for the delegation of the powers and duties
of Council. Previously, Council could delegate administrative matters only, but now a
municipality's authority to delegate has been broadened to include legislative and quasi-judicial
powers that have traditionally been held by Council alone. This will help streamline Council's
decision-making process by enabling it to focus on larger issues as well as enhance community
engagement regarding specifically defined local issues.
The Council of the Town of Tillsonburg is directly accountable for all municipal powers and
duties as legislated under the Municipal Act, 2001 or any other Act and at the same time
recognizes that the delegation of powers and duties may provide for improved efficiencies, the
utilization of a particular expertise or enhanced engagement.
In determining any delegation of its powers and duties, Council shall abide by the legislative
restrictions and shall also ensure that such delegation will be accomplished maintaining the
principles of accountability and transparency.
1.0 Legislative Authority
1.1 Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, provides that a municipality shall
adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the delegation of its powers and duties.
1.2 Section 23.1 (1) of the Act further provides that a municipality may "delegate its powers
and duties under this or any other Act to a person or body" subject to certain restrictions.
1.3 Section 23.2 of the Act restricts the delegation of legislative and quasi-judicial powers to
powers under "this Act, the Planning Act, a private Act relating to the municipality and
such other Acts as may be prescribed".
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2.0 For the purposes of this Policy
2.1 "Act" shall mean the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25.
2.2 "Administrative Powers" shall mean those powers that a natural person could delegate
and that relate to the management of the municipal corporation.
2.3 "Legislative Powers" shall mean those powers that require policy setting and by-law
2.4 "Officer" shall mean an employee of the Town holding some position of responsibility or
2.5 "Policy" shall mean a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable
procedures especially of a governmental body.
2.6 "Procedure" shall mean specific methods employed to express policies in action in day-to-
day operations of the organization.
2.7 "Quasi-Judicial Powers" shall mean those powers that require judgement and decision
making. These decisions are based less on policy and procedure, and more on the
adjudication of individual rights and duties.
2.8 "Town" shall mean the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
3.0 Powers that cannot be Delegated
3.1 Section 23.3 (1) of the Act sets out the specific circumstances in which a municipality
cannot delegate its powers or duties as follows:
a) appointing or removing officers of the municipality whose appointment is required by
the Municipal Act (i.e. Clerk or Treasurer);
b) imposing taxes;
c) incorporating corporations;
d) adopting or amending the official plan;
e) passing zoning by-laws;
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h) adopting or amending the municipal budget; and
i) other powers or duties as prescribed.
4.0 Restrictions Regarding Delegation of Legislative and Quasi-Judicial Powers
4.1 Legislative and quasi-judicial powers may only be delegated to the following:
a) one or more members of Council or a committee of Council;
b) a body having at least two members of whom at least 50 per cent are members of Council
and/or Council appointees; or
c) an individual who is an officer, employee or agent of the Town, but only if the power
delegated is of a minor nature.
5.0 Scope of Power
5.1 All delegations of Council powers, duties or functions shall be effected by by-law.
5.2 Unless a power, duty or function of Council has been expressly delegated by by-law, all of
the powers, duties and functions of Council remain with Council.
5.3 A delegation may be restricted or revoked at any time without notice unless the delegation
by-law specifically limits Council's power to restrict or revoke the delegation. This limitation to
Council's power shall not extend beyond the term of the current council and will not restrict the
power of succeeding councils to revoke the delegation.
5.4 A delegation may provide that only the delegate can exercise the delegated power or that
both Council and the delegate can exercise the power jointly.
5.5 Where a power is delegated, the power is deemed to be delegated subject to any limits on
the power and to any procedural requirements, including such conditions, approvals and appeals
as Council considers appropriate.
5.6 Council has the authority to establish an appeal body to hear appeals or review decisions
made under a delegated power as per Section 284.1 of the Act. This includes the power to
determine procedures, powers and rules of those conducting the appeal.
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5.7 Unless specifically authorized by statute or regulation, any delegation of Council decision-
making powers and duties to any Board or Committee of Council shall be authorized by by-law.
Such delegated powers and duties, if any, shall be set out in the terms of reference adopted by
Council pursuant to the Town's Procedure By-law.
6.0 Authorization of Expenditures
6.1 Council has the ultimate authority for all expenditures. Council delegates this authority
through the authorization of budgets, the purchasing policy or by specific resolution.
6.2 The Purchasing Policy sets out the authority for Procurement and sets purchase limits. It
also provides direction on the circumstances in which certain purchasing mechanisms are
appropriate (i.e. informal quotes, written quotes, tender submissions or requests for proposal).
7.0 Authority to Execute Agreements
7.1 Despite Section 5 (3) of the Act, Section 23.1 (3) provides that Council may require that the
delegate act by by-law, resolution or otherwise.
7.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate certain
powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize a Director to enter into an agreement and
shall authorize the Director and the CAO to legally bind the Corporation by jointly executing said
agreement without by-law approval if the following criteria are met:
a) the subject matter is non-financial;
b) the subject matter is financial or procured in accordance with the purchasing policy and
for which approved operating or capital budget exists;
c) the subject matter is of an administrative or operational nature and relates to the
management of the municipal corporation; and
d) the agreement is for a term not exceeding five (5) years.
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8.0 Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Operations
8.1 Planning Agreements
8.1.1 Section 5 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 provides that Council may, by by-law,
delegate any authority, subject to certain restrictions, to an appointed officer identified in the by-
law either by name or position occupied.
8.1.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs in respect to the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 Section 30, 41, 50,51 and 53 to delegate certain powers and duties
to appointed officers for the purpose of expediting the execution of certain agreements, this
policy shall authorize the GAO and the Director of Operations to execute on behalf Of the
Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg:
a) community improvement plan agreements;
b) development agreements for the purpose of site plan control;
c) part lot control agreements;
d) severance agreements;
e) easement agreements;
f) pre-servicing agreements; and
g) subdivision agreements.
9.0 Chief Administrative Officer (GAO)
9.1 Site Plan Control (By-Law 3513)
9.1.1 Section 5 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 provides that Council may, by by-law,
delegate any authority, subject to certain restrictions, to an appointed officer identified in the by-
law either by name or position occupied.
9.1.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, and for the purpose of shortening the time period required to
process applications for Site Plan Control, this policy shall authorize the GAO and the County
Development Planner to:
a) sign final site plans for the purpose of indicating that final approval has been granted by
the approval authority and is acceptable for registration purposes;
b) grant extensions of site plan approval; and
c) change the conditions of site plan approved plans and draft approved site plans.
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9.2 Appeal of Planning Decisions to the Ontario Municipal Board
9.2.1 Section 5 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 provides that Council may, by by-law,
delegate any authority, subject to certain restrictions, to an appointed officer identified in the by-
law either by name or position occupied.
9.2.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs in respect to the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 to delegate certain powers and duties to staff, and for the purpose of
lodging appeals prior to the end of an appeal period for a planning application, this policy shall
authorize the CAO, in consultation with the County Development Planner to appeal the decision
of a planning application on the basis of sound planning reasons, subject to the appeal being
confirmed by Council at the following Council session.
9.3 Minor Sign Variances -Sign By-Law 3798
9.3.1 Section 23.1 (1) of the Act provides that a municipality may "delegate its powers and duties
under this or any other Act to a person or body" subject to certain restrictions.
9.3.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate certain
powers and duties to staff, and for the purpose of shortening the time period required to process
applications for Minor Sign Variances, this policy shall authorize the CAO or his/her designate to
consider minor sign variances applications with regard to:
a) Special circumstances or conditions applying to the property, building or use;
b) Pre-existing special circumstances or conditions not created by the owner;
c) Sign will detrimentally alter the character of the building, property or area; and
d) The general intent and purpose of the Sign By-law is maintained.
9.3.2 Whereas applications that are considered not to be minor in nature will be considered by
Town Council and any minor variance applications at the discretion of the CAO to be determined
not to be minor in nature will be considered by Town Council for final decision.
9.3 Restricted Acts after Nomination Day (By-Law 3444)
9.3.1 In the event that Council becomes "lame duck" and restricted by the provisions of Section
275 of the Municipal Act, 2001 in an election year, the following duties shall hereby be delegated
to the CAO:
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a) the appointment or removal from office of any officer of the municipality, except officers
whose appointment is required by the Municipal Act (i.e. Clerk or Treasurer);
b) the hiring or dismissal of any employee of the municipality;
c) the disposition of any real or personal property of the municipality which has a value
exceeding $50,000 at the time of disposal, if the disposition was not included in the most
recent budget; and
d) making any expenditure or incurring any other liability which exceeds $50,000, if the
liability was not included in the most recent budget.
9.3.2 Section 275 (6) provides that nothing in the Act "prevents any person or body exercising
any authority of a municipality that is delegated to the person or body prior to nomination day".
10.0 Town Clerk
10.1 Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (By-Law 2535)
10.1.1 Section 3 (1) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
2001, R.S.O. 1990 provides that the members of the council of a municipality may by by-law
designate from among themselves an individual or a committee of the council to act as head of
the municipality for the purposes of the Act.
10.1.2 Section 49 (1) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
further provides that a head may in writing delegate a power or duty granted or vested in the
head to an officer of the institution.
1 0.1.3 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to designate a
head for the purposes of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and
to delegate certain powers and duties vested in the head to an officer of the corporation, this
policy shall designate the Mayor as head and shall authorize the Town Clerk or his/her
designate to act as head pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act.
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1 0.2 Records Retention (By-Law 3933)
1 0.2.1 Whereas Section 255 (3) of the Municipal Act 2001 provides that a municipality may,
subject to the approval of the municipal auditor, establish retention periods during which the
records of the municipality and local boards of the municipality must be retained and preserved.
1 0.2.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Town Clerk or his/her designate
to establish or amend retention periods for the records of the Corporation of the Town of
Tillsonburg, subject to the approval of the municipal auditor.
10.3 Licensing of Businesses with the Town ofTillsonburg (By-Law 3666)
10.3.1 Whereas Section 150 & 151 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, without
limiting the broad powers granted to municipalities through sections 9, 10 and 11 of the
Municipal Act, 2001, c. 25 provides that a local municipality may licence, regulate and govern
any business wholly or partly carried on within the municipality.
10.3.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Town Clerk or his/her designate
to act as Licensing Officer for the purpose of issuing a Business License pursuant to the terms
and conditions set out in the current By-Law to govern the licensing of businesses within the
Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
10.4 Municipal Significant Events
1 0.4.1 Whereas the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) Regulation 389/91
requires that an organization that is not a registered Charity Organization or does not have a not
for profit organization designation, they must by designated as a 'municipal significant event" by
the municipality in order to obtain a Special Occasion Permit (SOP).
10.4.1 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Town Clerk or his/her designate
to provide the designation for the purpose of obtaining a Special Occasion Permit from the
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11.0 Director of Operations
11.1 Encroachment on Municipal Land (Policy Aug 12, 2013 Council Resolution)
11.1.1 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs in respect of
encroachments on Municipal land to delegate certain powers and duties to appointed officers for
the purpose of expediting the execution of certain agreements, this policy shall authorize the
Director of Operations and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to approve and jointly execute
on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg encroachment agreements for the
purpose of allowing certain encroachments on town owned land for a determined period of
time. In addition, The Director of Operations or his/her designate shall be authorized to approve
temporary encroachment permits on municipal land for a short period of time.
11.2 Temporary Road Closures
11.2.1 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Director of Operations or his/her
designate to temporarily close a road or any part of it under the jurisdiction of the Town for any
11.2.2 Such a temporary road closure is appropriate in the following circumstances:
a) during construction, repair or improvement of the road or any works under, over, along,
across or upon it, where the construction, repair or improvement is initiated either by the Town or
a utility company with a statutory right of access or an access agreement with the Town allowing
occupancy of the highway OR where it is privately initiated by other than a utility company with a
statutory right of access or an access agreement with the Town allowing occupancy of the
highway but only for a period not exceeding 21 days;
b) where, in the opinion of the Director of Operations or his/her designate, environmental factors
such as, but not limited to, flooding of the road, erosion of the roadbed, trees or tree limbs fallen
across or along the road, or other material lying or being upon the road, would present a hazard
to the traveling public;
c) to facilitate a social, recreational, community, athletic, or cinematographic event, or any
combination of them where the organization requesting the event accepts the responsibility for
establishing suitable detour roads, erection and removal of barricades and signs, maintenance
and restoration of detour roads and all associated costs, provide $5,000,000.00 liability
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insurance naming the Town as an additional insured, and holds the Town harmless from any
action or cause or style of action; or
d) to facilitate the movement of an oversized load.
11.3 Environmental Approvals
1 0.3.1 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Director of Operations or his/her
designate to sign applications for environmental approvals under the Ontario Water Resources
Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended and the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
11.4 Construction Zone Designations
11.4.1 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Director of Operations or his/her
designate to designate a highway or portion of a highway under the municipality's jurisdiction as
a construction zone in accordance with subsection 128(8.1) of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O.
1990, for the purpose of reducing the maximum rate of speed.
12.0 Chief Building Official
12.1 Prohibit and Regulate the Fortification to Land !By-Law 4006)
12.1.1 Section 23.1 (1) of the Act provides that a municipality may "delegate its powers and
duties under this or any other Act to a person or body" subject to certain restrictions.
12.1.2 Whereas The Corporation of the Town ofTillsonburg (the "Town') deems it to be in the
interest of public health, safety and well-being to regulate fortification and protective elements
with respect to land, and particularly to ensure that such fortification and protective elements do
not hinder the lawful access to and egress from land, building and structures by law enforcement
officers, emergency services personnel and the public;
12.1.3. Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to the Chief Building Official or his or her designates pursuant to Part I
of the Municipal Act, including particularly sections 23.1, 23.2 and 23.5, to consider, grant and
refuse exemptions under the "Fortification By-Law" since the exemptions provided for would be
limited to particular properties and limited in their impact on the duties of law enforcement
officers and emergency services personnel.
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12.2 License. Regulate and Govern Taxicabs(By-Law 2995)
12.2.1 Whereas Section 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended,
provides, among other things, that the council of a local municipality may pass By-Laws for licensing, regulating and governing owners and drivers of taxicabs and accessible taxicabs used for hire or any class or classes thereof.
12.2.2 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs to delegate
certain powers and duties to staff, this policy shall authorize the Chief Building Official or his/her
designate to act as Licensing Officer for the purpose of issuing a Taxicab License pursuant to the terms and conditions set out in the current By-Law to Provide for the Licensing, Regulating
and Governing of Owners and Drivers of Accessible Taxicabs and Taxicabs Used for Hire within
the Town.
12.3 Conditional Building Permit Agreements !Council Resolution Sept. 28, 2015)
12.3.1 Section 23.1 (1) of the Act provides that a municipality may "delegate its powers and duties under this or any other Act to a person or body" subject to certain restrictions.
12.3.2 Whereas the Building code Act, Section 8(3) authorizes Chief Building Officials at his or her discretion, to issue or not to issue a conditional permit for any stage of construction even though all the requirements to obtain a permit have not been met.
12.3.3 Whereas it is desirable and expedient in the conduct of Council's affairs in respect to the
Building Code Act, to delegate certain powers and duties to the Chief Building Official for the
purpose of expediting the execution of conditional building permit agreements, this policy shall
authorize the Chief Building Official to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of
Tillsonburg such agreements.
13.0 General
13.1 Where any of the delegated powers set out in this Policy are contested the matter shall be
considered in accordance with Section 5.6.
13.2 This policy shall be reviewed periodically as deemed appropriate by the Chief
Administrative Officer.
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