160609 Town Hall MIN= ATTENDANCE: Marty Klein, Chair Mayor Stephen Molnar Councillor Penny Esseltine Rick Strouth John Veldman David Calder Lana White Absent: Andrew Gilvesy 1. Call to Order - 12:09 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved by J.Veldman Seconded by R.Strouth THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Meeting of June 9, 2016 be adopted. ‘Carried’ 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting - April 13, 2016 Moved by P.Esseltine Seconded by S.Molnar THAT the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Minutes dated April 13, 2016 be approved. ‘Carried’ The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg TOWN HALL PROJECT COMMITTEE June 9, 2016 12:00noon Annex Board Room 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7 MINUTES Town Hall Project Steering Committee June 9, 2016 – Minutes - 2 - 5. General Business & Reports 5.1. Resolution of Council dated May 9, 2016 THAT Council receives Report CAO 16-05 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Space Needs Study Project; AND THAT Council approves the Town Hall Project Steering Committee's continued work on investigating site locations, budget requirements and possible financing options for a future Town Hall building. 5.2. Exploring Options Discussion was held around the table about options. Possibilities include: - Build to suit - Either the Town owns the land or not - Go for a RFP for a build to suit - A long-term lease 20+ years - Partnering - A RFI - A multi-purpose building The CAO has been approached about partnering – just general interest. Discussion was held about who makes the initial contacts, and also about asking interested partners who are willing to discuss being a tenant or a partner to contact the CAO or Development Commissioner. The Development Commissioner could filter and provide us with information. A RFI, posted in the usual places, may encourage more enquiries. If there is no interest then we know the Town has to drive this itself. 5.3. Next Steps The CAO will talk to the Purchasing Coordinator. We need to develop a criteria. We want to be open and transparent and give anybody the opportunity to be involved. Letters could be sent to varies parties. The following motion was passed. Moved by R.Strouth Town Hall Project Steering Committee June 9, 2016 – Minutes - 3 - Seconded by J.Veldman THAT the CAO be directed to draft a Notice regarding the Town Hall Project for public distribution; AND THAT the draft Notice and a covering letter come back to the next Town Hall Project Steering Committee Meeting for review. ‘Carried’ The Committee will meet again June 23rd. After the 23rd, this would go to Council as information. We could be a delegation at the June 27th Council Meeting. 6. Next Meeting – June 23rd @ 4:00pm. 7. Adjournment Moved by R.Strouth Seconded by P.Esseltine THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:54. ‘Carried’