180125 Museum MIN= ATTENDANCE Bob Marsden, Patty Phelps, Marianne Sandham, Mary Lou Sergeant, Dianne MacKeigan, Aleksandra Webber, Chris Rosehart MEMBERS ABSENT/REGRETS Jami Stephenson 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:35 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By- Dianne MacKeigan Seconded By- Mary Lou Sergeant Proposed Resolution #_1 THAT the Agenda for the Museum Advisory Committee meeting of January 25, 2018, be adopted. Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof- none 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the Meeting of November 23, 2017 Moved By: Mary Lou Sergeant Seconded By: Marianne Sandham Proposed Resolution #_2 THAT the Minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee Meeting of November 23 ,2017 be approved. Carried 5. Delegations and Presentations-none The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Museum Advisory Committee Thursday, January 25, 2018 4:30 pm Program Room- 2nd floor Annandale NHS 30 Tillson Ave., Tillsonburg MINUTES 297 6. General Business & Reports 6.1. Financial- $109 373.93 in the account 6.2. Tour Guides- Nothing new to report. 6.3. Curator’s Report- The Curator’s report was circulated and included the following highlights: 1. A frozen roof drain pipe where it entered the ground outside the building resulted in a flood in the program room with water seeping down into the reception area. It was discovered Tues. Jan 9. There was no damage to the historic house, Pratt Gallery or collection storage rooms. Museum was closed for repairs from Jan. 9 to the 29 but will reopen Jan. 30 or 31. 2. Numbers for November and December were slightly lower because of storms causing the cancellation of school classes 3. Made in Canada exhibit was well received. Next gallery exhibit will be “From Soldier to Civilian: Oxford’s Own” opening Feb 6. 4. Art in the OCCI Corner Gallery had been removed the week prior to the flood. New art to be installed week of Feb. 5. The museum saw $682.60 in commission earned from the sale of art works in 2017. 5. Three days of school programming was lost because of the weather 6. Christmas Season at Annandale was a huge success. 7. This year marks the 45 anniversary year of the museum with a special anniversary party planned for June 29 at 7 pm. Save the date. Moved By: Patty Phelps Seconded By: Marianne Sandham Proposed Resolution # 3 THAT the reports be adopted as circulated. Carried 7. Correspondence- none 8. Other Business 298 1. Flooding and repairs were discussed with the curator’s report. 2. Summer Staff-Jobs were posted over Christmas and have now closed. Three people have been shortlisted for the positions and interviews will take place in February 9. Closed Session 10. Next meeting- February 22, 2018 11. Adjournment Moved by Dianne MacKeigan Proposed Resolution #6 THAT the museum advisory committee meeting be adjourned at 5:20 pm 299