Tillsonburg Subdivision Design Criteria - MAY 2008 (3)Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Operations Services
Customer Service Center
10 Lisgar Avenue
Tillsonburg, Ontario
N4G 5A5
Tel: (519) 842-9200
Fax: (519) 688-0759 Date: May 2008 (revised)
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
A-7, A-8, B-1, C-2,
C-6, D-4, D-5, E-1,
E-2, E-3, E-4
Minor Revisions Sep 17, 1991
Table of Contents,
E-2, C-7
Minor Revisions Oct 31, 1991
Table of Contents,
B-2, B-3, C-6, C-9,
Appendix ‘C’
Standard Details – Revisions plus additional
Oct 30, 1992
A-1, A-2, A-3, A-5,
A-11, A-14, A-15,
C-2, C-9
Minor Revisions Jun 10, 1993
Section C
All Other Sections
& Appendices
Storm Drainage – Complete Revision
Minor Revisions
Feb 14, 1995
E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9 Major Revisions Apr 25, 2000
All Sections Major Revisions Jan 20, 2005
B-3, B-6, C-7, E-2,
E-4, F-1, F-5, F-7
Minor Revisions May 26, 2008
Holders of this Design Manual are requested to contact the Town of Tillsonburg,
Operations Services / Engineering Department when commencing a project regarding
latest revisions to this manual.
All enquires should be directed to : Town of Tillsonburg
Operations Services / Engineering Department
Customer Service Center
10 Lisgar Avenue
N4G 5A5
(519) 842-9200
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
C3.02 5 year IDF curve Yarnell’s 2yr IDF Curve
C3.07 Minimum storm sewer pipe size 300mm for mainline and
250mm for CB leads.
300mm for all including CB leads
E6.00 Revised material specifications Old manufacturer’s specifications
F4.02 Minimum side yard swale to 1.5% 1.0%
B3.00 Minimum pavement structures increased to:
Local – 40 HL3, 50 HL8, 150 Gran.’A’, 300 Gran ‘B’
Collector – 50 HL3, 50 HL8, 150 Gran.’A’, 375 Gran.’B’
Arterial – 50 HL3, 50 HL8, 150 Gran.’A’, 450 Gran.’B’
Major overland flow contained on roadway or on block of
dedicated land
35mm HL3, 40mm HL8,150mm
Gran.’A’, 300mm Gran.’B’
Previously not included
D2.02 Use of individual lot boundaries for each sewer segment Entire area
B4.00 OPSD standards 600.01 and 600.10 Town standard
G1.00 Parkland revised standards
General Information & Drawing Submission Checklist 1
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
General Information & Drawing Submission Checklist 2
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
General Information:
Subdivision Name/Phase:__________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________ No. of Lots/Blocks_________
Subdivider/Developer: ____________________________________________________
Address:___________________________________________ Telephone:___________
___________________________________________ Fax:_________________
E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Engineering Consultant: ___________________________________________________
Address:___________________________________________ Telephone:___________
___________________________________________ Fax:_________________
E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________
Submitted By: _____________________________________ Date: ________________
1. A complete submission, including this form, is required with the first submission of engineering
drawings. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. The Town of Tillsonburg will inform
the engineer/ developer within 3 full business days if the application is deemed to be
2. All submissions will be reviewed on a first come-first served basis using the date of receipt of a
complete submission by the Town of Tillsonburg Operations / Engineering Department.
3. Submission process time is dependent on the size of development, order of submission in
regards to others, and available resources at time of submission.
4. Subdivision Review of fee $4500.00 collected at initial Draft Plan stage will be used for
engineering review, subdivision agreement and security calculations. This fee in non-
refundable. This fee will cover only one phase under a draft plan of subdivision. An additional
$4500.00 shall be required for all subsequent phases under the original draft plan subdivision.
General Information & Drawing Submission Checklist 3
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Report & Drawing Submission Checklist:
Report Name: Included Not-Required
(to be submitted at draft plan stage)
Stormwater Management Facility Reports
Slope Stability Reports
Traffic Study Reports
Geotechnical Reports
Noise Attenuation / Vibration Reports
Environmental Assessment Reports
Others: __________________
Drawing Name:
Cover Sheet / Drawing Index
Master Plan of Services
Storm Drainage Areas
External Storm Drainage Areas
Storm Sewer Design Sheet
Sanitary Drainage Areas
External Sanitary Drainage Areas
Sanitary Design Sheet
Watermain Key Plan
Plan & Profiles (Internal Works)
External Plan & Profiles (ie. external road works)
Stormwater Management Pond and Details
Lot Grading Plans
Erosion / Sediment Control Plans
Typical Sections (roads and sewers)
General Notes and Details
General Parkland Layout and Servicing
Others: __________________
Section B – Roadways B-1
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Section B – Roadways B-2
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
B 1.00 Street Classification
All roadways in new developments shall be classified according to the traffic volume
expected and to the intended use of the roadway. For predominantly residential areas
three classifications shall be noted as follows: Local, Collector, and Arterial.
B 2.00 Road Geometrics
B 2.01 Road Grades
The minimum allowable road grade is 0.5% and the maximum allowable is 8.0%.
B 2.02 Vertical Curves
All points of grade change in excess of 1.0% shall be designed with vertical curves as
outlined in the Manual of Geometric Design Standards for Canadian Roads. The
minimum tangent length of any road grade shall not be less than 15 meters.
B 2.03 Intersection Approach Grades
At all street intersections, the normal crossfall of the major street shall not be interrupted
by the crown line of the minor street. A 1.0 - 2.0% backfall shall be provided on the
minor street at all intersections. This backfall shall continue to the end of the curb return
radii to facilitate proper drainage of the intersection.
B 2.04 Right of Way and Pavement Widths
All road widths will be measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement.
Classification Road / R.O.W.
Local 8.0 / 20.0
Collector 10.0 / 22.0
Arterial 14.0 / 26.0
B 2.05 Curb Return Radii at Intersections
Street to Street Curb Return Radii (m)
Local to Local 7.5 m R.
Local to Collector 9.0 m R.
Local to Arterial 9.0 m R.
Collector to Collector 9.0 m R.
Collector to Arterial 12.0 m R.
Arterial to Arterial 15.0 m R.
Section B – Roadways B-3
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
B 2.06 Cul-de-sacs
Permanent cul-de-sacs shall be constructed in accordance with the Town’s Standard
Details, Dwg. RS-10. Minimum gutter grades of 0.5% shall be maintained along the flow
line of all gutters around the cul-de-sac.
B 2.07 Temporary Turning Circle
Temporary turning circles will be considered whenever a road is to be continued in the
future to an approved Plan of Subdivision and shall be constructed as per the Town’s
Standard Details, Dwg. RS-8. Temporary turning circles are to be adequately detailed
on the engineering drawings and are subject to the approval of the Town.
B 3.00 Pavement Design
The minimum pavement design for a Local Street shall be 40mm HL3, 50mm HL8,
150mm Granular ‘A’, and 300mm Granular ‘B’. Collector Road - 40mm HL3, 60mm HL8,
150mm Granular ‘A’, and 375mm Granular ‘B’. Arterial Road - 50mm HL3, 60mm HL8,
150mm Granular ‘A’, and 450mm Granular ‘B’. HL4 surface asphalt shall be substituted
in place of HL3 surface asphalt in industrial areas. A qualified soils consultant shall be
engaged by the developer to design a suitable pavement structure. The design for the
asphalt shall comply with the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and shall be
subject to approval by the Town of Tillsonburg.
B 4.00 Concrete Curb & Gutter
Concrete curb & gutter as per OPSD 600.01 (Concrete Barrier Curb with Wide Gutter)
and OPSD 600.10 (Concrete Mountable Curb with Narrow Gutter) shall be used on all
new subdivision roadways.
Concrete strength shall be a minimum of 30 MPa with 5% to 7% air entrainment and a
maximum slump of 75 mm.
All concrete shall conform to the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications.
B 5.00 Sidewalks
The location requirements for sidewalks in new subdivisions shall be confirmed with the
Town prior to commencing the detailed design. In general, sidewalks are required on
both sides of all urban arterial roadways and at least one side of all collector streets
unless warranted on both sides. For local and collector roadways, the locations of
school, parks, churches, commercial establishments, etc., the length of street, traffic
volume expected and the number of dwelling units serviced will be used as criteria in
determining whether sidewalks are required on both sides of the street.
Section B – Roadways B-4
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Sidewalks shall conform to the Town Standard Details with a thickness of 125 mm and a
width of 1.50 m and shall be installed at locations as shown on the typical road cross-
sections. All sidewalks shall generally follow road grades with a minimum gradient of
0.5% and a maximum gradient of 8.0%.
Concrete strength shall be a minimum of 30 MPa with 5% to 7% air entrainment and a
maximum slump of 75mm. All concrete shall conform to the Ontario Provincial Standard
B 6.00 Driveways
Driveway approaches are required to each lot and block within the subdivision.
Minimum design grade for all driveways shall be 2.0% and a maximum grade shall be
8.0%. The specified driveway grade shall be directed away from the lot towards the
roadway. The use of reverse fall driveways is not permitted.
Concrete driveways shall have a minimum thickness of 150 mm in depth. Asphalt
driveways shall have a minimum thickness of 50 mm. Both concrete and asphalt
driveways shall require a minimum of 150 mm Granular ‘A’ bedding compacted in
conformance to the Ontario Provincial Specification Standards.
B 7.00 Boulevards
All boulevard areas are to be graded between 2% and 8%. In order to minimize
construction problems for other utility companies, the grade of the boulevard shall be
constant from the back of curb to the street limit. Terracing or embankments within the
road allowance on new subdivisions shall not be permitted.
Boulevard areas shall be sodded with No. 1 Nursery Sod including a minimum of 100mm
clean, weed free imported topsoil.
B 8.00 Clearing and Grubbing and Area Rough Grading
The road allowance shall be cleared of all trees and shrubs not to be included in final
landscaping, and of all other obstructions for such widths as are required for the proper
installation of roads, services and other works. Rough grading shall be done to bring the
travelled portion of the road to the necessary grade and in conformity with the cross-
section shown on the drawings. Rough grading of all lots and easements must be
performed prior to the placement of granular materials in the roadways. The subgrade
for all roads shall be properly shaped and compacted to 100% Standard Proctor Density,
prior to any application of granular base course materials. In all cases, topsoil shall be
stripped for the complete width of the road allowance and stockpiled at locations
approved by the Consulting Engineer. For any excess fill removed to a disposal site
classified as “swamp, ravine, floodplain or lake”, the Developer must received prior
written permission from the local Conservation Authority.
B 9.00 Road Subdrains
Section B – Roadways B-5
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Subdrains will be required on a site specific basis, as recommended by a qualified
geotechnical consultant.
Section C – Storm Sewers C-1
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Section C – Storm Sewers C-2
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
C 1.00 Watershed Area
The watershed area shall be determined from contour plans and site inspections and
shall include all areas that naturally drain into the system, fringe areas not
accommodated in adjacent storm drainage systems and any other areas which may
become tributary by reason of future re-grading. This information shall be confirmed
with the Town prior to the start of design of the internal servicing of the site.
C 2.00 Storm Drainage Area Plans
The Storm Drainage Area Plan shall include all information as per Section A 3.05.
The external drainage area plan shall be prepared and shall be submitted to the Town at
the functional report stage and prior to the commencement of the detailed storm sewer
In the case of large areas under single ownership and/or blocks requiring future site plan
agreements, the design shall be prepared on the basis of the whole area being
contributory to one manhole in the abutting storm sewer. If more than one private storm
connection is necessary to service the property, the appropriate area tributary to each
connection shall be clearly shown and taken into account in the storm sewer design.
C 3.00 Storm Sewer Design
C 3.01 Design Flows
The design flow, in each manhole length of sewer, shall be computed on design sheets
according to the “rational” formula Q = 0.002778 AiC, where
A = contributing drainage area in hectares
i = rainfall intensity mm/hr
C = run-off co-efficient
Q = volume of run-off in m3/sec
C 3.02 Rainfall Intensity
For normal residential development storm sewer pipe design, the rainfall intensity shall
be determined from the 5-Year IDF Curve as per section C 4.05.
The 25-Year Storm Curve, as per Section C 4.05 shall be used for all culvert,
watercourse and major trunk sewer design, unless, a higher year storm duration curve is
required by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Long Point Region Conservation
Authority or the Ministry of Transportation.
C 3.03 Overland Flow
Section C – Storm Sewers C-3
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
The overland flow for the major 100-year storm shall be accommodated in the road
cross-section and/or in blocks of land dedicated to the Municipality as per Section
F 5.00. Complete design calculations and plans shall be prepared and submitted to the
Town for approval. Maximum ponding depth on roads is 0.30m.
C 3.04 Runoff or Impervious Co-efficients
Runoff co-efficients to be used in storm sewer design shall not be less than:
Parks over 4 hectares 0.20
Parks 4 hectares and under 0.25
Single Family Residential – silt and clay areas 0.45
Single Family Residential – sand areas 0.35
Single Family Residential (Lot frontage < 12.2m) 0.50
Semi-detached Residential 0.50
Townhouses, Maisonette, Row houses, etc. 0.65
Apartments, Schools and Churches 0.70
Industrial - Light 0.70
- Heavy 0.80
Commercial - Downtown 0.85
- Neighbourhood 0.60
- Light 0.65
- Heavy 0.80
Heavily Developed Areas 0.90
Paved Areas 0.95
NOTE: Runoff co-efficients are subject to review by the Town of Tillsonburg and may be
increased in light of proposed development.
C 3.05 Pipe Capacities
Manning’s formula shall be used in determining the capacity of all storm sewers. The
capacity of the sewer shall be determined on the basis of the pipe flowing full.
The value of the roughness co-efficient ‘n’ used in the Manning’s formula shall be as
a) Concrete, PVC and HDPE (all sizes) 0.013
b) Concrete box culverts 0.013
c) Corrugated metal (13mm corrugations) 0.024
d) Corrugated metal (25% paved invert) 0.020
C 3.06 Flow Velocities
Minimum acceptable velocity = 0.9 m/sec
Maximum acceptable velocity = 4.50 m/sec
C 3.07 Minimum Size
Section C – Storm Sewers C-4
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
The minimum pipe diameter for mainline sewer, rear yard storm sewers and double
catchbasin leads shall be 300mm. The minimum pipe diameter for a single catchbasin
lead shall be 250mm.
C 3.08 Limits
All sewers shall be terminated at the upstream subdivision limit when external drainage
areas are considered in the design with suitable provision in the design of the terminal
manholes to allow for the future extension of the sewer.
C 3.09 Sewer Alignment
All sewers shall be laid in a straight line between manholes unless radial pipe has been
designed and approved.
The minimum distance between sewer centrelines shall be 3.0 m as per the Town of
Tillsonburg Typical Cross-section Detail.
C 3.10 Pipe Crossings
A minimum clearance of 0.15 m below and 0.50 m above shall be provided between the
outside of all pipe barrels at all points of crossings. In cases where the storm sewer
crosses a recent utility trench at an elevation higher than the elevation of the utility, a
support system shall be designed to prevent settlements of the storm sewer, or
alternatively the original trench will be re-excavated to the top of the utility and shall be
backfilled with compacted 19mm clear stone or concrete fill to adequately support the
storm sewer. When the storm sewer passed under an existing utility, adequate support
shall be provided for the utility during and after construction to prevent damage to that
C 3.11 Head Losses
Suitable drops shall be provided across all manholes to compensate for the loss of
energy due to the change in flow velocity and for the difference in the depth of flow in the
In order to reduce the amount of drop required, the designer shall, wherever possible,
restrict the change in velocity between the inlet and outlet pipes to 0.6 m/sec.
Hydraulic calculations shall be submitted for all junction and transition manholes on
sewers where the outlet is 1050 mm in diameter or greater. In addition, hydraulic
calculations may be required for manholes where the outlet pipe is less than 1050 mm if,
in the opinion of the Town, there is insufficient invert drop provided across any manhole.
The minimum drop across manholes shall be as follows:
Change in Direction Minimum Drop (mm)
Section C – Storm Sewers C-5
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
0 25
10 to 450 50
460 to 900 75
NOTE: Where pipe sizes change across a manhole, it is preferred that upstream and
downstream sewer obverts match, or to use the aforementioned minimum drops,
whichever is greater [see C 6.03(c)].
C 3.12 Pipes Abutting Upstream Lands
All pipes shall be sized to accept design flow from the ultimate, future tributary or from
the interim pre-development condition, whichever is greater.
C 4.00 Stormwater Management
C 4.01 General
The need for and extent of the Stormwater Management will be assessed on an
individual project basis after consultation with the Town of Tillsonburg, MNR, MOE and
the Long Point Region Conservation Authority.
Generally, all design concepts shall follow the MOE’s “Stormwater Management
Practices (SWMP) Planning and Design Manual”, June 1994 and revised 2003, subject
to the above-mentioned regulatory agencies.
C 4.02 Submission of a Conceptual Stormwater Management Report
Required with Draft Plan of Approval
A distinction shall be made between developments proceeding within a new planning
area and those developments taking place within an infill area that is part of an already
substantially completed neighbourhood. The distinction shall be made by the Town of
Tillsonburg, in conjunction with other regulatory agencies, such as MOE, MNR and
LPRCA. The stormwater management report for the first type of development shall
implement the recommendations of the subwatershed master drainage plan for the
larger planning area. The stormwater management report for the latter type of
development shall implement the SWM targets established in Section C 4.02(b) of this
guideline, complemented with any specific requirements by the above-mentioned
regulatory agencies.
The subwatershed master drainage plan and the stormwater management report shall
be prepared by a qualified consultant capable of providing a multi-disciplinary approach
to stormwater management approved by the Town of Tillsonburg and above-noted
The report is to include the following:
A) Subdivision development within a new planning area of District
1. Establishment of the subwatershed master drainage plan (MDP) findings,
conclusions and recommendations on the best stormwater management
Section C – Storm Sewers C-6
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
practices (SWMP) that are to be implemented within and adjacent to the
development area. Stormwater management criteria and associated control
targets are to be developed on a watershed and subwatershed basis.
Therefore, the preparation of a subdivision stormwater management plan
must be preceded by a subwatershed plan to identify the management
criteria and the regional facilities that are to be implemented to protect and
enhance the existing drainage features within the watershed, including all
measures required to migrate impacts of development on the hydrology,
water quality, existing water bodies, hydrogeology and creek base flow,
fishery, creek hydraulic capacity, the erosion potential of the receiving water
course and the terrestrial resources of the watershed.
In essence, the subwatershed master drainage plan must reflect an
ecosystems approach to land use planning which takes into account all of the
above water resources and be structured to include: inventory, impact
assessment, derivation of SWM targets for the subwatershed and
establishment of the MDP. Input by the MNR, MOE, LPRCA and OMAF is to
be obtained during the initiation and preparation of the plan. Environmental
enhancement rather than mitigation should be the primary goal of the MDP.
Cost estimates and cost sharing provisions based on land ownership, if
applicable, are to be included in the report recommendations.
2. Preparation of a conceptual (or preliminary) stormwater management plan for
the subdivision development which implements the best SWMP,
recommended by the subwatershed plan. In the event the subwatershed
plan recommendations indicate the need for a stormwater management
facility within or as part of the subdivision plan, the report is to be
accompanied by a plan showing the area and size of the stormwater
management facility that is to be incorporated into the subdivision plan,
based on detailed hydrologic modelling. The SWM block and it’s size is to be
identified as an open space block on the draft plan of the subdivision. Slopes
of pond embankments are to be a maximum 4(H):1(V) to ensure safety,
maintenance and accessibility. Maximum water depth above any terrace to
be 1.0m. The submission may need to be complemented by a list of the
planting materials that will be used to improve the aesthetics of the facility
and be based on the nature of the facility. Any soft SWMP’s, identified by the
subwatershed plan for the subject development area, are also to be shown
on a plan and detailed in the conceptual SWM plan.
3. Establishment of the major-minor drainage concept for the subdivision
development and the adjacent lands. Storm water flows from the site must
be released at a 5 year pre-development flow rate and the difference
between the 100 year pre-development and 100 year post-development must
be detained on-site.
4. Preparation of a plan, showing the erosion and sediment control measures
that are to be implemented during and after construction, as well as the
establishment of a maintenance schedule of these controls. The extent of
these measures is to be in accordance with the MOE criteria for sediment
Section C – Storm Sewers C-7
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
The conceptual plan should be reviewed and approved by the Town of
Tillsonburg prior to or at the time a submission is made for Draft Plan of
B) Subdivision development within an infill area is not part of a Subwatershed Master
Drainage Plan
In the absence of a subwatershed master drainage plan, a stormwater management
plan is to be prepared which is to address the means by which all post development
flows will be controlled to pre-development levels. The submission is to include the
water quality control measures that will be implemented for the first flush run-off
volume generated by the proposed development. Prior to initiating the preparation of
the conceptual stormwater management plan, the subdivider must consult with the
Ministries of the Environment, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Food (if required),
Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Town of Tillsonburg on the
stormwater management criteria that are to be implemented in the subdivision plan.
Guidelines issued by these agencies are to be followed for the prepartion of the
SWM plan.
The required detail of the submission of the conceptual SWM report t o the Town of
Tillsonburg is outlined in the above paragraphs A.2, A.3, A.4.
The conceptual plan should be reviewed and approved by the above noted agencies
prior to or at the time a submission is made for draft plan of subdivision approval.
C 4.03 The preparation of the conceptual stormwater management plan will be considered as
the basis for the submission of the final SWM report as part of the final engineering and
servicing design for the subdivision development.
C 4.04 Submission of the Final Stormwater Management Report
The final and (if requested) conceptual stormwater management reports shall be
submitted to the Town of Tillsonburg accompanied by:
Complete hand and/or computer simulation calculations in metric.
Acceptable computer models, subject to consultation with the above-mentioned
regulatory agencies, are listed in “MTO Drainage Management Technical
Guidelines”, Appendix C, Nov. 1989.
NOTE: Previously successful reports have utilized the SCS method of run-off (CN2) for
a 3-hour Chicago-type storm distribution. MIDUSS is an acceptable hydrologic
simulation model.
In the event that a computer simulation model is used, modelling logic diagrams,
area and parameter summaries, along with a copy of final output files, should be
included in appendices. (Files on 3 1/2” disc would supplement but not replace
Section C – Storm Sewers C-8
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
the hard paper copy.)
Final letters of approval and/or comments from MNR, MOEE, OMAF and
C 4.05 Rainfall Intensity
For stormwater management design and modelling, rainfall IDF curves shall be based
on “MTO Drainage Management Technical Guidelines”, District #2 – East of London,
Nov. 1989, as follows:
i = a mm/hr
(t + b)c
Return A B C
2 568.522 4.326 0.770
5 785.255 4.631 0.776
10 918.044 4.618 0.777
25 1065.506 4.618 0.773
50 1205.613 4.631 0.778
100 1289.347 4.236 0.775
C 4.06 SCS Curve Numbers
A modified SCS method of determining run-off is preferred with initial abstraction
(IA) = 0.1 x potential storage (S).
SCS curve numbers (CN) to be used in stormwater management design shall be as
A Deep, very well drained sand or gravel
Soil B Moderately well drained soil with medium texture
Type C Fine soil with infiltration impeding layer
D Clay, soil + permanent high water table, soil over rock
CN depends on soil type, antecedent moisture conditions and land use. For normal
moisture conditions, the curve # is defined as CN2. For very dry or very wet conditions,
the corresponding values of CN1 and CN3 can be expressed as a function of CN2 as
Dry: CN1 = 4.2 CN2/(10 – 0.058 CN2)
Wet: CN3 = 23 CN2/(10 + 0.13 CN2)
Curve Number Chart for CN2
Land Use Soil Type = A B C D
Cultivated land: No conservation treatment 72 81 88 91
With conservation treatment 62 71 78 81
Pasture, range: Poor condition 68 79 86 89
Section C – Storm Sewers C-9
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Good condition 39 61 74 81
Woodland: Poor cover 45 66 77 83
Good cover 25 55 70 77
Parkland: >75% grass cover 39 61 74 80
50% to 75% grass cover 49 69 79 84
Commercial and business 89 92 94 95
Industrial 81 88 91 93
Residential (previous fraction) 51 68 79 84
Paved areas (parking, driveways, roofs) 98 98 98 98
Gravel and dirt roads 74 84 88 90
The consultant responsible for the preparation of any SWM report is responsible for the
selection of the appropriate curve number as substantiated by a qualified soils
consultant and subject to the approval of the Town of Tillsonburg.
C 5.00 Sewer Pipe
C 5.01 Materials
Storm sewers shall be constructed of a material as approved by the Town of Tillsonburg.
The type and classification of all storm sewer pipe and the sewer bedding type shall be
clearly indicated on all profile drawings for each sewer length. Pipe design (structural)
shall be based on embankment conditions.
Approved pipe materials for storm sewers are as follows:
a) Reinforced concrete pipe, certified by CSA standard A.257.2
b) PVC DR35 (smoothwall), certified by CSA standard B.182.2
c) Profile PVC (ribbed-320Kpa), certified by CSA B.182.4 (up to 450mm dia.)
d) HDPE (smooth inner wall-320 Kpa), certified by CSA B.182.6 (up to 600mm
Storm private drain connections shall be PVC SDR 28 (125mmø).
C 5.02 Pipe Bedding
Sewer bedding shall be in accordance with Standard Bedding Details in Appendix ‘A’.
C 6.00 Manholes
C 6.01 Maximum Spacing
The maximum spacing between manholes shall be as follows:
Pipe Size Maximum Manhole Spacing
Up to 750 mm 120 m
825 mm to 1200 mm 150 m
1200 mm and up 180 m
Section C – Storm Sewers C-10
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
C 6.02 Manhole Types
Refer to OPSD 701 Series with frame and covers as per OPSD 401.01.
C 6.03 Manhole Design
Refer to Standard Manhole Detail in Appendix ‘A’
a) All manhole chamber openings shall be located on the side of the manhole parallel to
the flow for straight run manholes, or on the upstream side of the manhole at all
b) Safety landings shall be provided in all manholes when the depth of the manhole
exceeds 5.0 m. The maximum spacing between safety landings shall not exceed
4.5 m. Refer to OPSD 404.02 for Safety Landing Detail.
c) The obvert of the inlet pipe shall not be lower than the obvert of the outlet pipe.
d) The maximum change in direction of flow in manholes shall not exceed 900, subject
to Section C 3.09.
e) Where the difference in elevation between the obvert of the inlet and outlet pipes
exceed 0.9 m, a drop structure shall be placed on the inlet pipe with the invert of the
drop pipe located at the springline of the outlet pipe.
f) All manholes shall be benched to the springline of the outlet pipe on a vertical
projection from the springline of the sewer unless otherwise directed.
g) The minimum width of benching in all manholes shall be 230 mm.
h) Manholes in boulevards shall be located, wherever possible, a minimum of 1.5 m
distance from the face of curb or other service.
C 6.04 Grades for Manhole Frame and Covers
All manholes located within the travelled portion of roadway shall have the rim elevation
set flush with the surface of the granular base or base course asphalt depending on the
staging of the construction. Frame and covers shall be raised to surface course asphalt
elevation just prior to paving.
C 7.00 Catchbasins
C 7.01 Location and Spacing
Catchbasins shall be selected, located and spaced in accordance with the conditions of
the design. The design of the catchbasin location and type shall take into consideration
the lot areas, the lot grades, pavement width, road grades and intersection locations.
The recommended maximum catchbasin spacings are as follows:
Section C – Storm Sewers C-11
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Pavement Width Road Grade Recommended Spacing
8.0 m Up to 4 % 95 m
8.0 m Over 4 % 69 m
10.0 m Up to 4 % 84 m
10.0 m Over 4 % 61 m
11.0 m Up to 3.5 % 76 m
11.0 m Over 3.5 % 53 m
14.0 m Up to 3 % 61 m
14.0 m Over 3 % 46 m
Catchbasins shall be generally located upstream of sidewalk crossings at intersections
and upstream of all pedestrian crossings. Catchbasins will normally be centered to a lot
line and/or 0.60 m from the Beginning of Curve (B.C.) and End of Curve (E.C.) of the
curb return at intersections. Catchbasins shall not be located in driveway curb
depressions, if at all possible.
Double catchbasins shall be normally required when the catchbasin intercepts flow from
more than one direction. Single catchbasins may be used in the case where the total
length of drainage to the catchbasin, from both directions, is less than 95 m.
Rear lot catchbasins and connections shall be located as outlined in the Lot Grading
Criteria, but are to be used as a last resort.
C 7.02 Catch basin Types
Refer to OPSD 705 Series with frame and covers as per OPSD 400.11.
Special catchbasins and inlet structures shall be fully designed and detailed by the
C 7.03 Catch basin Connections
For single catchbasins, the minimum size of the connection shall be 250 mm and the
minimum grade shall be 1.0%.
For rear lot and double catch basins, the minimum size of the connection shall be 300
mm and the minimum grade shall be 0.5%.
In general, catchbasins located in close proximity to a manhole (< 10 m), shall have their
leads connected to the manhole, wherever possible. Long catch basin leads and rear lot
catch basin leads, greater than 25 m, shall be connected into a manhole at the street.
Alternatively, the lead can be connected into the sewer, if the main line sewer is equal to
or greater than 825mm dia., with a 1200 mm dia. catchbasin manhole used in lieu of a
600 mm square catch basin at the upstream end.
Section C – Storm Sewers C-12
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
C 8.00 Private Drain Connections
All lots, including Parklands, will require storm private drain connections. Refer to the
Typical Lot Servicing Layout and the Private Drain Connection Details in Appendix ‘A’.
Weeping tiles must not be connected directly into the private drain connections but must
be connected using a sump pump and a backwater valve. No gravity connections shall
be allowed into the storm sewer via the storm PDC.
C 9.00 Culverts
The minimum culvert size shall be 450mm dia.
Approved pipe materials for culverts are as follows:
a) Corrugated Steel Pipe (Aluminized)
b) Corrugated HDPE
c) Smooth wall HDPE
C 10.00 Inlets, Outfalls and Special Structures
C 10.01 General
Inlet and outlet structures shall be designed on the engineering drawings. The details
provided shall include the existing topography, proposed grading and the work
necessary to protect against erosion.
C 10.02 Inlets
For other than minor swales, the grates on inlet structures generally consist of inclined
parallel bars or rods set in a plane at between 4:1 and 2:1 with the top furthest away
from the direction of flow. Cable concrete shall be provided at all inlets to protect against
erosion and to channel the flow to the inlet structure.
C 10.03 Outlets
The OPSD 800 Series Standard Headwalls shall be used for all storm sewers up to 1800
mm. For sewers over 1800 mm in diameter, the headwalls shall be individually
designed. All headwalls shall be equipped with OPSD 804.05 grating over the outlet end
of the pipe. Handrails shall also be installed at the top of all headwalls with grade
differences greater that 0.6m from top of headwall to pipe invert. Alternate outlet
designs will be considered on a specific basis.
All outlets shall bend in the direction of flow of the watercourse with the directional
change being taken up in the sewer rather than the channel.
Section C – Storm Sewers C-13
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Cable concrete or Rip-Rap protection shall be provided at all outlets to prevent erosion
of the watercourse and to the area adjacent to the outlet. The extent of the erosion
protection shall be indicated on the engineering drawings and shall be dependent upon
the velocity of the flow in the storm sewer outlet, the soil conditions, the flow in the
existing watercourse, site conditions and the requirements of the appropriate
conservation authority, if applicable.
Section D – Sanitary Sewer D-1
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Section D – Sanitary Sewer D-2
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
D 1.00 General
The basic design factors requiring evaluation are water consumption, land use and
population trends for the area served. Well-designed and well-constructed sewers may
reasonably be expected to have a life expectancy in excess of 50 years. Accordingly,
sanitary sewers are to be designed for a period not less than 50 years.
D 2.00 Quantity of Sanitary Sewage
D 2.01 Land Use
The municipality’s official land use plan is to be used to forecast the ultimate probable
land use in any particular area.
The net area shall be taken as the gross hectares less the area occupied by roads,
parks, right-of-ways, etc. The net area for residential and commercial lands shall be
taken as 73 per cent of the gross hectares.
D 2.02 Tributary Population
Residential and Commercial
The population density shall be taken as 60 persons per gross hectare or 80 persons per
net hectare.
The net area shall be taken as the gross hectares less the area occupied by roads,
parks, right-of-ways, etc. The net area for residential and commercial lands may also be
taken as 73 per cent of the gross hectares.
Population density shall be not less than 115 persons per net hectare.
The net area shall be taken as the gross hectares less the area occupied by roads,
parks, right-of-ways, etc. The net area for industrial lands may also be taken as 73 per
cent of the gross hectares.
D 2.03 Sewage Flow
Residential and Commercial
The average per capita sewage flow shall be taken as 345 litres per day.
Section D – Sanitary Sewer D-3
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
The average ultimate industrial sewage flow shall not be less than 39,000 litres per
hectare per day.
D 2.04 Uncertainty Factor
Use 1.1 for residential, commercial and industrial lands.
D 2.05 Peaking Factor
The following formulae are used for peak rates of flow for sewer design:
Residential and Commercial Industrial
M = 1 + 14 M = 0.8 (1 + 14 )
4 + P1/2 4+ P1/2
Where M = Peaking factor or the ration of the peak rate of flow to the average flow rate.
P = The factored tributary population in the thousands.
D 2.06 Infiltration
The infiltration rate into the sewers shall be taken as 0.12 litres/sec/hectare for
residential, commercial and industrial lands. The uncertainty factor does not apply to
D 3.00 Design of the Sewer System
D 3.01 Sanitary Sewage Design and Area Plan
The design computation sheet, incorporating the factors described herein, is to be used
for the design of the sanitary sewers. A copy of the design sheet, together with a
Sanitary Area Plan showing the tributary areas shall be submitted to the Town for review
and for their records. The Sanitary Area Plan shall include all information as per Section
A 3.04.
D 3.02 General
Sanitary sewer are to be located at the centre of the road allowance and are to be
installed with a minimum depth of cover to the top of the sewer from the road surface of
2.5 meters. The minimum diameter of any mainline sanitary sewer shall be 200 mm.
D 3.03 Velocities
The minimum acceptable velocity is to be 0.6 m/sec. Accordingly, the minimum grade
required to produce a velocity of 0.6 m/sec when pipes are flowing full are as indicated
below with the roughness co-efficient being as follows:
Section D – Sanitary Sewer D-4
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
- sewers up to and including 450mm (concrete) = 0.015
- sewers up to and including 450mm (PVC) = 0.013
- sewers 525mm and larger (all materials) = 0.013
D3.03 Velocities (cont’d)
Pipe Size Min. Grade
(mm-ø) %
200 0.50
250 0.34 *
300 0.26
375 0.20
450 0.15
525 0.10
The top run of all sanitary sewers shall be laid at a minimum of 1.0%.
Where there are only a few dwelling units connected into the upper section of a
sanitary sewer, the grade on the 200 mm sewer shall be in accordance with the following
1 to 5 units s = 1.00 %
6 to 8 units s = 0.60 %
9 or more units s = 0.50 %
The maximum velocity permitted in sanitary sewers shall be 4.5 m/sec.
D 3.04 Limits, Alignment, Pipe Crossings, Change in Pipe Sizes, and Head Losses
As per Sections C 3.08 to C 3.12.
D 4.00 Sewer Pipe
D 4.01 Materials
Pipe material shall be PVC SDR 35 (smoothwall) for mainline certified to CSA standard
B182.2 and PVC SDR 28 for private drain connections.
D 4.02 Bedding
Sewer bedding shall be in accordance with Standard Bedding Details in Appendix ‘A’.
D 4.03 Trench Backfill
In general, trench backfill shall consist of well-graded granular material and shall be
Section D – Sanitary Sewer D-5
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
mechanically compacted in layers. The use of on-site or other materials for trench
backfill within existing and/or future roadways will only be permitted if approved by Town
in writing.
D 5.00 Manholes
D 5.01 Maximum Spacing
The maximum distance between manholes for all sanitary sewers shall be 120 m.
D 5.02 Manhole Types
Refer to OPSD 701 Series with frame and covers as per OPSD 401.01.
D 5.03 Manhole Design
Refer to Standard Manhole Details, Appendix ‘A’.
Same as Section C 6.03, except for the following:
e) Where the … exceed 0.6 m, a drop structure … etc.
i) Does not apply.
D 5.04 Grades for Manhole Frame and Covers
As per Section C 6.04
D 6.00 Private Drain Connections
All lots, including Parklands (if required), will require sanitary private drain connections.
Refer to the Typical Lot Servicing Layout and the Private Drain Connection Details in
Appendix ‘A’.
D 7.00 Appurtenances and Special Structures
The need and design of other special appurtenances, such as pumping stations,
siphons, etc., should be reviewed and approved by the Town of Tillsonburg at the
preliminary design stage.
Section E – Watermain E -1
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Section E – Watermain E -2
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
E 1.00 General
The following information relates to the specifications for the installation of
watermain and service connections to be installed and connected to the water
distribution system of the Town of Tillsonburg.
E 2.00 Layout and Design of Mains
E 2.01 Location
All new watermain shall be located 4.5m from the property line. Any deviation
from this standard offset must be approved in writing by the Operations Services
The above standard shall be used where straight runs are being installed. On
radius curves, the main may deflect up to 1.0m from the standard offset of 4.5m
from property line by using manufactured bends, allowable deflection in pipe
joints, or allowable radius deflection of pipe. The location of the watermain shall
not encroach within the approved utility corridors for hydro, gas, bell and cable
TV. Separation between the storm and sanitary sewers shall be maintained as
per MOE guidelines.
Mains shall have no less than 1.7m or no more than 1.9m of cover from finished
grade. Variations from this cover may be made only if approved on the servicing
drawings or in writing by the Operations Services Division.
E 2.02 Pressure and Flow Requirements
All new watermain shall be sized to maintain the greater of:
i. Maximum day demand plus fire flow at a pressure not less than 140 kPa
at any hydrant.
ii. Peak hourly demand at a pressure not less than 280 kPa in residential
iii. Maximum residential pressure should not exceed 690 kPa.
E 2.03 Domestic Water Demand
Average domestic demand shall be 345 l/cap/day. Peaking factors to calculate
design demands are 3.5 for maximum day and 7.8 for peak hour. These factors
shall compensate for periods of high system demand such as lawn watering.
E 2.04 Commercial, Institutional, Industrial Water Demand
These demands vary significantly depending on the required use. If the required
demand is not known, the developer and/or engineer should refer to the Ministry
of Environment “Guidelines for the Design of Water Distribution Systems”.
Section E – Watermain E -3
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
E 2.05 Fire Demands
To estimate the fire flow requirements for a development or particular structure
the owner and/or engineer should refer to the “Fire Protection Water Supply
Guideline” by the Office of the Fire Marshal.
E 2.06 Friction Factors in Watermains
Hazen-Williams “C” values as per pipe manufacturer recommendations shall be
used for the design of water systems.
E 2.07 Minimum Pipe Size
The minimum pipe size for watermains shall be 150mm diameter, except for
E 2.08 Soil Testing
Soil tests shall be conducted to identify soil class and electrical conductivity for
pipe design. Corrosion protection and pipe material and class selection shall be
determined based on soil class.
E 2.09 Main Valves
Valves are normally located in sufficient quantity so that a maximum of 50
services can be isolated by operating no more than 4 valves. At a cross in the
watermain, 4 valves shall be installed and similarly at a tee in the watermain, 3
valves shall be installed.
Valves shall be located 0.5m from the main or at locations approved by the
Operations Services Division.
All hydrants shall be valved.
All valves shall open counter clockwise.
E 2.10 Hydrants
Hydrants will be located at locations as agreed upon by the Engineer. In
residential areas, hydrant spacing will not be approved in excess of 150 m (500');
90m (300') for commercial and industrial areas. All hydrants in residential areas
shall be located on a common lotline. Where necessary and required by the Fire
Department or as arranged by the property owners, hydrants will be located on
private property.
All hydrants shall open counter clockwise.
Hydrant location details shall be in accordance with Drawing No. W -2
Section E – Watermain E -4
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
E 2.11 Blow-Offs
With the increased concern with contamination, dead end blow offs are an
avenue for bacteria. When dead end mains are encountered with services, a fire
hydrant shall be used for the purpose of blowing off the main. No blow-offs
under 50 mm (2") shall be installed for dead end mains and no services
connected to it. 50mm (2”) Blow-offs shall not have a stop and drain.
E 2.12 Water Services
Services may be installed by the Developer or the Contractor with the Town's
Inspector present at the cost of the Developer.
The service pipe is to be laid at right angles to the main and will normally extend
in a straight line to the building. Its location will normally be at the mid point of
the building lot frontage. Deviations from the above may be approved by the
Engineer, but all drawings must show the location of the service as installed.
Any relocation work required because of violations of the requirement shall be at
the expense of the Developer.
All buildings shall each have their own water service. Under no condition will a
single service be permitted to supply more than one dwelling even though
dwellings may be attached to one another.
Where a fire service is required for a building, its installation must conform to the
Ontario Building Code and be approved by the Engineer. A separate fire service
may be taken into a building in addition to a domestic service or a combined
service will be permitted. Where the service is combined, the domestic service is
to be valved and will be outside the wall of the building. The service should be
installed under pressure after the main has been tested. Where a fire service is
required for a building in addition to a domestic service, the domestic service is to
be valved and will be 1.5 m (5') outside the building.
No couplings shall be allowed for any services ranging from ½" to 2".
E 2.12.1 Service Alignment and Grade
No services shall be installed until stakes are provided to indicate the proper
grade and centre line of the lot or the boundaries of the lot or the exact location
of the service laying line. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy
of all lines, levels and grades. Errors in service locations and/or grade shall be
corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the expense of the Developer.
E 2.12.2 Connecting Services to Mains
The Contractor will make all connections unless otherwise agreed to in writing.
The Developer or his Contractor will generally install service connections in
Section E – Watermain E -5
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
subdivisions or new developments.
Services of 100 mm (4") diameter and larger shall be connected as prescribed by
the Town of Tillsonburg by either cutting out a section of the main and installing a
tee or by using a tapping sleeve and valve.
Services of 18 mm (3/4") and 25 mm (1") diameter shall be installed according to
Drawing No. W -15.
All tapping must be undertaken by competent workmen skilled in this task and
equipped with tapping machines and other required equipment satisfactory to the
For copper services, tapping to the following maximum sizes will be allowed:
on 100 mm (4") mains - 25 mm (1") only
on 150 mm (6") mains - up to 50 mm (2") maximum
on 200 mm (8") mains - up to 50 mm (2") maximum
over 200 mm (8") mains - up to 50 mm (2") maximum
When services larger than the allowable tapping size are required, they shall be
installed according to Drawing No. W -16 And No. W -20. All tapping sleeves and
saddles shall be installed no less than one meter from the edge of a fitting or
valve, etc. to the closest edge of the tapping sleeve or saddle.
All connections to existing watermains shall be done under the supervision of the
Town of Tillsonburg Water Division.
E 2.12.3 Cutting of Service Pipe Before Flaring
Cutting of service pipe before flaring shall be by means of a disc cutter in order to
insure a square cut. Flaring must be accomplished by means of the proper
sizing and flaring tools.
E 2.12.4 Copper Services
Copper services from 18 mm (3/4") to 50 mm (2") shall enter through the building
wall or under the wall footing as shown on Drawing No. W -15. Sufficient pipe
shall be left for meter installation.
Services from 100 mm (4") to 300 mm (12") shall enter as shown on Drawing No.
E 2.12.5 Service Terminations
Service terminations for 18 mm (3/4") to 50 mm (2") copper services, the pipe
shall terminate with a plain end as shown on Drawings No. W -15 & No. W-16.
Section E – Watermain E -6
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
For 100 mm (4") and larger services, the service shall terminate with a flanged
end as shown on Drawing No. W -17.
E 2.13 Backflow Prevention
Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, a backflow prevention device is required,
such a device will be installed by the Developer at his expense. These devices
will be in accordance with the American Water Works Association standards.
Backflow Preventions shall be installed on all water services 38mm (1½”) and
E 2.14 Curb Stops (Service Valves)
Where the service is 50 mm (2") in diameter or less, a corporation stop shall be
installed at the main and a curb stop at the property line.
For services larger than 50 mm (2") in diameter, a single valve will be installed
not more than 0.46 m (18") from the main.
In building complexes such as town housing developments or shopping plazas,
where individual services are connected to a larger common service with a valve
on each individual service where it joins the common service. The valve must be
easily accessible for operation and must be in accordance with drawings
approved by the Engineer. Isolating valves on the common service may also be
E 2.15 Water Meters
A meter will be required on all services. The meter shall be installed immediately
inside the wall of the building. Variations must be approved in writing by the
Engineer. Sufficient space for installation and maintenance must be provided
with the meter protected against freezing and accessible f or meter reading.
Water Meters shall be purchased at the Town of Tillsonburg Customer Service
Centre, 10 Lisgar Avenue. Bypasses are to be closed and sealed by the
operation authority. Also provide stop and waste valves.
Shut off valves shall be installed before and after the meter approximately 150
mm (6") from the meter. Shut off valves shall be installed at the owner’s
Where the meter is 38 mm (1 1/2") or larger, a by-pass for this meter must be
installed. For meters smaller than 38 mm (1 1/2"), by-passes will be installed
where the customer cannot tolerate a shut-down of the water service during
normal working hours. Such locations would include coin-operated equipment
such as Laundromats, services in which there is water-cooled equipment,
production lines where a shut-down of approximately one hour would create
Section E – Watermain E -7
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Meter by-passes shall be installed according to Drawing No.W -8.
Meters will generally be sized one size smaller than the size of the service. The
Engineer, in accordance with the flow requirements, must review the size of the
water meter. The owner is referred to the minimum bill requirements of the Town
of Tillsonburg, which relates to meter sizes. Fire services are not required to be
E 3.00 Installation of Watermain
E 3.01 Inspection
All watermain installation shall be inspected by a representative of the Town of
Tillsonburg, and/or the Consulting Engineer herein call the Inspector. The work
shall be stopped by the Inspector if approved drawings are not on the site or
there is an insufficient quantity of suitable materials on the site or if defective
material or improper workmanship is being used. Work done in the absence of an
Inspector may be ordered to be opened up for thorough examination and may be
required to be rebuilt or replaced at no expense to the Town of Tillsonburg.
At no time will an Inspector be requested to approve the installation of defective
material or improper work. No verbal approval by an Inspector covering
defective material or improper work will be construed as acceptance. Orders
given by an Inspector relating to the material and workmanship shall be followed
by the Contractor. Inspectors do not have the authority to layout work, give
stakes, lines, levels or grades. The Contractor and the Owner will ensure that
the trench is in accordance with the Trench Excavators Act & the Construction
Safety Act and the responsibility for ensuring that these Acts are adhered to will
not be part of the Inspector's responsibility.
If an inspector from the Town of Tillsonburg is required the Owner or his
Contractor will pay the Town of Tillsonburg for the service of an Inspector at an
hourly rate which will be quoted to the Developer prior to entering into an
agreement. The hourly rate will be applicable on regular normal working days
from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. with the applicable overtime rates to be used outside
of these hours.
Only those directions as provided herein and as given by Inspectors shall be
binding upon the Town of Tillsonburg or the Contractor.
If the work on a site is widespread in the opinion of the Engineer, so that more
than one Inspector is required, the Engineer shall provide additional Inspectors at
the expense of the Developer.
Provision of an Inspector by the Town of Tillsonburg is not to be considered a
substitute for supervision by the Developer. The Developer or his Contractor
Section E – Watermain E -8
Operation Services
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
shall provide a competent and reliable agent or foreman, who shall be available
on the job at all times during construction and shall be considered as acting for
the Developer and all notices, communications, instructions or orders sent or
served upon such persons shall be taken as served upon the Developer.
E 3.02 Operation of Valves
The Contractor shall not shut down or change any existing watermain or operate
any existing valves or other control for any purpose. Operation of existing
valves, hydrants, blow-offs and curb stops shall be performed only by forces
provided by the Town of Tillsonburg. At least twenty-four hours prior notice must
be given to the Town of Tillsonburg when it is required to operate valves which
will shut off customers. When this is required, the Contractor shall distribute
notices to the Town of Tillsonburg's customers. The notices will be provided by
the Town of Tillsonburg.
E 3.03 Material Handling
All materials to be used in the installation must be loaded and unloaded by lifting
with hoists or by skidding so as to avoid shock damage. Under no conditions
shall materials be dropped. Pipe being skidded shall not be rolled against pipe
already on the ground. The lining and coating of pipes shall not be damaged.
Any required repairs will be made at the expense of the Contractor in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer.
E 3.04 Alignment and Grade
Developers shall provide stakes to indicate the line and grade in accordance with
the approved drawing before beginning any work. Mains shall be laid and
maintained to the required grades and locations with all valves, fittings, hydrants,
etc. to be plumb and in accordance with the drawing locations. No deviation in
excess of 150 mm (6") will be permitted.
E 3.05 Excavation and Preparation of Trench
All trenches shall be made in accordance with requirement of The Trench
Excavators Protection Act and the Construction Safety Act. Trenches shall be
provided so that pipe can be laid with the proper alignment and depth so as to
provide a uniform and continuous bearing and support for the pipe on solid and
undisturbed ground at all points.
Where excavation is done below grade on solid and undisturbed ground, it shall
be corrected with approved and compacted material. Where poor soil is
encountered, which, in the judgment of the Engineer, should be removed, the
Contractor shall excavate or remove such materials to the depth and width
ordered by the Engineer and replaced with approved, thoroughly compacted
material at no expense to the Town of Tillsonburg.
Section E – Watermain E -9
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Excavation of the trench shall not proceed more than 20m (66') in advance of
pipe laying unless authorized by the Engineer. The trench must be drained so
that workmen can work safely and efficiently with joints made in a dry condition
and with no drainage water entering the pipe.
Trench width shall be such as to allow the pipe to be laid and jointed properly
and backfill to be placed and compacted as specified. Extra width in trenches
will be required so as to permit convenient placing of supports, sheeting and
bracing where required. Bell holes shall be provided at each joint to permit
proper jointing. Boulders and large stones shall be removed to provide clearance
of at least 0.15 m (6") below and on the sides of all pipe, valves and fittings.
The minimum trench widths are as follows:
Pipe Diameter Min. Trench Bottom Width
mm mm
150 750
200 800
250 850
300 900
E 3.06 Back-filling
Back-filling on a public road allowance or in area which is to be designated as a
public road allowance shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the
Town of Tillsonburg or other appropriate road authority. Sand and gravel back-fill
will be used if, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is required. This shall be
supplied at no cost to the Town of Tillsonburg and will be installed as directed by
the Engineer or other road authority. Excavated material may be used for
back-fill provided that such material is suitable for back-filling in the opinion of the
All back-filling materials shall be free from foreign materials such as refuse,
cinders, wood, vegetable or organic matter, boulders, rocks, stones or any other
material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, should not be used for back-filling.
The Inspector may order the trench to be back-filled by hand from the bottom of
the trench to the centre line of the pipe with sand, gravel or other approved
material placed in layers of 76 mm (3") and compacted by tamping at no cost to
the Town of Tillsonburg. Back-filling material shall be deposited in a trench on
each side of the pipe simultaneously.
From the centre line of the pipe, fittings and appurtenances to a depth of 0.3 m
(1') above the pipe, the trench shall be back-filled by hand or by methods
approved by the Inspector. The type of back-fill material shall be sand, gravel or
Section E – Watermain E -10
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
approved excavation material. The Contractor shall use special care in placing
and compacting this portion of back-fill so as to avoid damaging or moving the
No frozen material shall be used for back-filling nor shall back-filling be carried
out where material in the trench is frozen.
The surface shall be restored so that all pavement, sidewalks, curbs, gutters,
shrubbery, fences, poles, sod and other property and surface structures removed
or disturbed during the work shall be restored to a condition at least equal to that
before the work began at no cost to the Town of Tillsonburg.
E 3.06 Pipe Laying
Proper implements, tools and facilities as required by the Engineer shall be
provided by the Contractor. All materials shall be lowered into the trenches by
suitable means.
The interior of the pipe shall be inspected and completely cleaned of all sand or
foreign materials before placing in the line. No foreign materials are to be placed
in the pipe during its laying.
The inside of the bell and the outside of the spigot shall be wire brushed and free
from all oil, grease or dirt before jointing. Precaution must be taken to prevent
dirt from entering the joint space. At all times when pipe laying is not in progress,
the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by water-tight plugs or other means
approved by the Inspector. This must be adhered to during the noon hour as
well as overnight. If water enters the trench, the seal at the end of the pipe shall
remain in place until the trench is pumped and dry.
Cutting of the pipe for inserting valves, fittings or closure pieces shall be done in
a neat manner without damage to the pipe or lining and so as to leave a smooth
end at right angles to the axis of the pipe.
Pipe shall be laid with the bell ends facing in the direction of laying. Deviation
from this shall only be permitted by the Engineer.
At grades greater than 10 per cent, laying shall start at the bottom with the bell
ends facing upward. Where deflection in the line of laying is required, either in
the vertical or horizontal plane, the deflection may be made at the joints with the
maximum allowable deflections not being exceeded. If, in the opinion of the
Inspector, the deflection is excessive, he will order the job stopped. The
Engineer or his representative, if he deems it necessary, will order that the
specials be used in order to provide the necessary deflection. Such installations
must be made in accordance with Drawings No. W-9 and No. W-10.
Where it is required that the new main shall cross existing utilities or where a
watermain is undermined during laying operations, the Engineer may order the
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installation of concrete support beams or the removal or replacement of the
undermined section of the existing watermain, if it is cast iron, with ductile iron
pipe, the Engineer shall decide the method to be used. In all cases where pipe is
laid on backfilled material, the backfill shall consist of granular material
compacted in 0.15 m (6") layers to 95 per cent Standard Proctor density. Pipe
must not be laid on blocks.
E 3.07 Jointing of Mechanical Joint Pipe
The jointing of pipe shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions or with reference to A.W.W.A. Standards C600, Section 9b. No
substitution of accessories will be permitted and only vegetable soap lubricants
as supplied by the manufacturer will be permitted. The deflection of
mechanical-joint pipe, in order to form long-radius curves, shall not exceed the
maximum limits as shown in the following Table.
3.63m 4.90m 5.5m
(12') (16') (18')
150 (6) 200 (8) 600 (24) 685 (27)
200 (8) 330 (13) 450 (18) 500 (20)
250 (10) 330 (13) 450 (18) 500 (20)
300 (12) 330 (13) 450 (18) 500 (20)
E 3.08 Jointing of Push on Joint Pipes
The jointing of the push on pipes will be in accordance with the pipe
manufacturer's specifications or with reference to A.W.W.A. Standard C600,
Section 9c.
The deflection of push on joint pipes, in order to form long-radius curves shall not
exceed the maximum limits as shown in the following table:
Section E – Watermain E -12
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3.65m 4.9m 5.5m
(12') (l6') (18')
150 (6) 300 (12) 430 (17) 480 (19)
200 (8) 300 (12) 430 (17) 480 (19)
250 (10) 300 (12) 430 (17) 525 (21)
300 (12) 300 (12) 430 (17) 525 (21)
E 3.09 Setting of Valves and Fittings
Cleaning, laying and jointing of valves and fittings shall be similar to that
described above for the laying of pipe.
Where connections are made to existing mains, the connections shall be carried
out by a qualified contractor approved by the Town of Tillsonburg. The method
of connecting to the existing main shall be determined by the Engineer. Where
connections are to be made to concrete or steel mains, the installation will be
such as to bare all coatings and materials in a proper manner.
The valve box will be installed on every valve in such a manner that no shock or
stress shall be transmitted to the valve. The box shall be centered and plumb
over the operating nut of the valve, with the box cover flush with the surface of
the finished pavement or such other level as may be directed. Valve extension
rods shall be installed on every valve according to Drawing No. W -11.
Cast iron plugs or caps shall be installed on all dead ends with the dead end
being equipped where necessary with a suitable blow-off. Caps and plugs
installed without a blow-off to provide for future main extensions shall be tapped
with a 50 mm (2") main stop to release trapped air from the pipe prior to removal
of a cap or plug. There shall be no services attached to these mains.
E 3.10 Setting of Hydrants
Hydrants shall be set at a grade such that the final grading of the street shall
conform to the ground line cast into the hydrant barrel. No depression or
ponding at the hydrant will be accepted.
E 3.11 Anchorage and Thrust Blocking
Suitable anchorage or thrust blocks of concrete will be provided for all fittings to
prevent movement in accordance with Drawings No. W-12, W-13 and W-14.
Metal hangers, tie-rods or clamps may be permitted if approved by the Engineer.
Preference should be given to mechanical restraint. As long as clear direction is
given as to how many joints should be restrained.
All socket, clamps and rods shall conform to the National Board of Fire
Underwriters. Clamps must be the "positive" type. The rods shall be of sufficient
Section E – Watermain E -13
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length to extend one pipe length from fitting. Clamp rods shall be 18 mm
(3/4") round steel.
All clamps, rods, etc. shall be coated with a protective material. All exposed
threads shall be painted with asphaltum, or taped with Denso, after nuts are
tightened. Cadmium plated components may be required.
E 4.00 Water Main Testing
E 4.01 Charging the Main
Before tests are carried out, the main will be charged under the s upervision of
the Town of Tillsonburg's Inspector or other assigned persons at the expense of
the Contractor from a temporary connection. The temporary connection shall
include an appropriate cross-connection control device consistent with the
degree of hazard (a double check valve assembly or a reduced pressure zone
assembly) and shall be disconnected (physically separated) from the new main
during the hydrostatic pressure test. The cross-connection control device shall
be certified for use by a qualified person on site. During the charging and
inspection each valve will be checked and will be left fully open or closed as
E 4.02 Pressure Testing
When the installation and back-filling of the pipe and all services and fittings has
been completed, the new installation or any valve section of the installation shall
be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 1035 Kpa. (150 psi) for a time of 2 hours.
Fire main testing shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 1380 Kpa (200psi)
for 2 hours as per the National Fire Code.
Each valve section of pipe shall be slowly filled and the specified test pressure,
based on the elevation of the lowest point of the line or section under test and
corrected to the elevation of the test gauge, shall be applied by means of a pump
connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The pump and
all connections and equipment shall be furnished by the Contractor at no
expense to the Town of Tillsonburg. The Town of Tillsonburg will furnish the
gauges for the test and the Contractor shall make all taps and shall furnish all
assistance for conducting the tests. Before applying the specified pressure, all
air shall be expelled from the pipe. If permanent air vents are not located at all
high points, the Contractor shall install corporation cocks at such points so that
the air can be expelled as the line is filled then replaced with a brass plug.
Any defective materials or equipment discovered as a result of this test will be
replaced with sound material until satisfactory to the Engineer.
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Where any section of the main under test is provided with concrete anchorage,
tests will not be carried out until at least five days after installation of the concrete
has elapsed.
E 4.03 Leakage Test
Leakage test may be conducted either with the pressure test or after the
pressure test has been satisfactorily completed. The duration of the leakage
tests shall be 2 hours with the pressure applied for this test to be 1035 Kpa (150
psi) at the low point in the line. The amount of water required to restore the
pressure to 1035 Kpa (150 psi) after the test period of 2 hours has elapsed will
be the amount of leakage. The allowable leakage is in accordance with that in
the following table.
AVERAGE TEST PRESSURE - 1035 Kpa (150 psi)
PIPE SIZE - MM 100 150 200 250 310 400
- IN (4) (6) (8) (10) (12) (16)
LITRES PER HRS. 1.97 2.62 3.50 4.38 5.24 7.00
PER 300m
If a line under test contains fittings or pipe lengths other than the nominal 5.5 m
(18') lengths, Table #3 will not be used and the leakage allowed shall be in
accordance with A.W.W.A. Standard C600, Section 13. If any section under test
discloses a leakage greater than that allowed, the Contractor shall locate and
repair the defective joint for leaks at their own expense.
E 4.04 Disinfection
The A.W.W.A. Standard C651-05 shall be used as a guide for the disinfection of
watermains. Disinfection equipment and materials will not be available from the
Town of Tillsonburg. All disinfection material (ie. Sodium Hypochlorite) shall be
NSF certified.
All labour, equipment and materials necessary for the sterilization will be
provided by the Contractor. Sterilization of the main must be carried out under
the supervision of the Town of Tillsonburg's forces.
All new water mains shall be cleaned by the use of a minimum of two (2) foam
swabs introduced at hydrants or at special entry sections and forced by water
pressure through the main to exit points approved by the Town of Tillsonburg.
Cleaning shall be repeated until the discharge water is clear and approved by the
Inspector. All new water mains shall be cleaned and swabbed after the water
services have been tapped and before the water mains have been disinfected.
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Foam swabs will be supplied, and disposed of, by the Contractor. Mains shall be
cleaned or flushed before hydrostatic testing and disinfection is done. The swabs
should be propelled through the main with sufficient flow so that their velocity is
approximately one meter per second. If the swabs are flushed through the
new water mains via the existing water mains, a properly tested backflow
device or a minimum of two valves must be utilized.
The connection between the existing and new water mains will be properly
separated by a double check or backflow device until all testing of the new
water main has been approved by the Town of Tillsonburg.
An exception to the above may be given by the Town of Tillsonburg when a new
water main is tapped from an existing water main, in this case, disinfection must
precede any pressure or leakage test performed on the new water main.
The continuous feed of chlorine solution is the preferred method because it
provides a uniform chlorine residual. Water from the existing distribution system
shall be made to flow at a constant rate into the new main through a properly
tested backflow device. The water shall receive a constant dose of chlorine also
fed at a constant rate. The hypochloride solutions shall be applied to the water
main with a gasoline or electrically powered chemical feed pump designed for
feeding chlorine solutions. The two rates shall be proportioned so that the
chlorine concentration in the water in the pipe is maintained between 50mg/l to
During the application of chlorine, valves shall be manipulated to prevent the
treatment dosage from flowing back into the line supplying the water. If the
proposed main is longer than 300m, two persons from the Town of Tillsonburg
shall be present to ensure no chlorinated waters enter into the existing
distribution system. Chlorine application shall not cease until the entire main is
filled with the chlorine solution. The inspector from the Town of Tillsonburg will
check at the time the main is filled to assure an even distribution. Chlorine shall
be applied on a continuous basis at a rate of 50 ppm or greater if required in
order to produce the residual of 10 ppm after a 24 hour retention period.
Chlorine solution shall be applied to the new system at the following rates:
Approx. Flow Rates Time Required
L/min. (300m in length; 150mm dia.)
18mm dia. – 20 L/min 4.4 hrs.
25mm dia. – 26.7 L/min 3.3 hrs.
38mm dia. – 40.4 L/min 2.2 hrs.
50mm dia. – 53 L/min 1.7 hrs.
After the retention period of 24 hrs. the Operator from the Town of Tillsonburg will
take tests at several locations for adequate residuals (25 mg/l minimum). If the
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test is successful, the main will be thoroughly flushed and tested again to ensure
that the chlorine concentration in the water leaving the main is no higher than
that generally prevailing in the system, or less than 1mg/L. If residual is below
minimum (25mg/L), the complete sterilization procedure must be repeated. Two
sets of samples should be taken, twenty-four hours apart. Ecoli, total and
background should all be less than one.
The water samples shall be delivered to a qualified lab by Town of Tillsonburg
Water Staff for bacteria testing after disinfecting of all new water mains and
services 50 mm (2") or larger at no cost to the Town of Tillsonburg. Upon
receiving approval from the lab, the Town of Tillsonburg will allow the connection
of new water mains and services to its distribution system.
The installation shall not be turned on into the existing and operating distribution
system of the Town of Tillsonburg until the chlorine residual has been reduced to
a level satisfactory to the Engineer. Prior to the disinfecting, the water mains
shall be thoroughly flushed under the supervision of the Town of Tillsonburg. All
other labour, materials or supervision made necessary by additional pressure
testing, sterilization or leak repairs shall be paid for by the Contractor.
E 4.04 Disposal of Chlorinated Water
All chlorinated water used for testing, flushing and disinfecting water mains shall
be disposed of safely. Acceptable means of disposal are by discharge to storm
sewer or open environment (drainage ditch or receiving water) with a maximum
chlorine residual of 0.0 mg/L (i.e. no detectable level of chlorine).
Discharge of chlorinated water directly to sanitary sewer is no longer acceptable
as of January 1, 2003.
When discharging to the open environment or storm sewer, it will be the
responsibility of the contractor to ensure the effectiveness of the dechlorination
process. The acceptable chemicals available for dechlorination can be found in
the table below. The chemical that the contractor will use must be submitted to
the Town of Tillsonburg for approval, along with the process used in
dechlorinating. Adequate mixing and dosage of the chemical with chlorinated
water must be ensured. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that there is
appropriate measures in place to avoid erosion at the point of discharge and
downstream. The contractor must provide a location for monitoring the chlorine
residual at the point of discharge.
Use of Chemicals for Dechlorination of Water
There are several chemicals, which can be used to dechlorinate effectively. The
following comments are offered with respect to potential impacts of each on the
receiving body*.
Section E – Watermain E -17
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Chemical Comments/Impacts
This is the best chemical when discharging to an
environmentally sensitive watercourse. An overdose
will only add more oxygen.
Sulphur Dioxide This will slightly lower the pH in the receiving water.
Will cause some sulphur turbidity, but an excess is
Excess will lower dissolved oxygen.
Excess will lower dissolved oxygen.
*the above information was taken from the former MOE Bulletin 65-W-4
“Chlorination of Potable Water Supplies”.
E 5.00 Final Inspection and Warranty Period
E 5.01 Final Inspection
All works installed under this specification will n ot be accepted by the Town of
Tillsonburg until a final inspection has been made by the Engineer or his
representative. A competent person representing the Developer shall be
provided to accompany the Engineer on this inspection. Inspection shall not be
made until all finished roads, grades and lines are established to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.
When the grades are so established, it shall be the responsibility of the
Developer to adjust and/or re-install to correct line, grade and location, all pipes,
curb boxes, valve chambers, hydrants and other appurtenances. If the
Developer has not made these adjustments within one month of receiving written
notice from the Engineer, the Town of Tillsonburg reserves the right to make
these adjustments and charge all costs to the Developer.
Work undertaken by the Town of Tillsonburg's forces shall not relieve the
Developer or Contractor of any obligations contained in any Performance Bond,
Maintenance Bond or Specifications applying to the project.
E 5.02 Acceptance
After the area has been inspected and corrections made to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, the Developer will be issued with a "Certificate of Acceptance" in the
form of a letter stating that the area is accepted SUBJECT TO A TWO YEAR
WARRANTY PERIOD. At the end of this warranty period, the installation will
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become the responsibility of the Town of Tillsonburg provided that all
requirements herein have been met to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Regardless of the TWO YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD, those lots which are not
built upon at the end of the warranty period will remain the responsibility of the
Developer for the protection of the water installations. Any required repairs to
these installations, up to and including the time of the setting of the water meter
or of the turning on of the water for a building, shall be the responsibility of the
Developer and any work undertaken by the Town of Tillsonburg's forces to
correct deficiencies shall be charged to the Developer.
No water service shall be provided to a premises previously served by a private
well until the Engineer is satisfied that no cross connection can take place
between the private well and the new services, all in accordance with the Public
Health Act.
The acceptance of an area by a body other than the Town of Tillsonburg will not
be construed as an acceptance of the water distribution installation within that
E 5.03 General Maintenance
When repairs are undertaken by the Developer or his forces during the warranty
period, such repairs shall be made while a Town of Tillsonburg Inspector is
present. The Inspector's fees shall be paid by the Developer.
E 5.04 Emergency Repairs
During the warranty period, where maintenance of water service to the customer
or customers is required, or where, in the opinion of the Engineer, a faulty or
damaged installation may cause inconvenience or further damage, immediate
repairs shall be undertaken by the Town of Tillsonburg.
The Town of Tillsonburg will not be required to notify the Developer before these
repairs are undertaken and the cost of such repairs will be collected from the
Developer. The decision of the Engineer will be final as to the necessity of
repairs done or required and the amount expended for these repairs.
E 6.00 Materials
Materials, other than those listed, may be used subject to the approval in writing
by the Engineer.
Soil samples must be taken prior to the installation of the watermain. A report of
soil analysis and recommendation will be sent to the Town of Tillsonburg to
determine cathodic protection, which will be required in accordance with
ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5.
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Pipe shall have push-on or mechanical joints.
E 6.01 Hyprescon Pipe and Fittings
Concrete pressure pipe shall conform to AWWA C301. All exposed metal
surfaces, bolts, etc. shall be covered with Denso paste and tape.
E 6.02 Ductile Iron Pipe
All pipe couplings shall be new, and free from defects.
Ductile iron pipe shall conform to AWWA C150 ANSI 21.50-91 for design and
shall be minimum Class 52 (100-300 mm), Class 51 (400-500mm).
Ductile iron pipe shall conform to ANSI A21.51. (AWWA C151) for manufacture.
All pipe and fittings shall be cement-mortar lined and seal coated in accordance
with ANSI A21.4 (AWWA C104)
Pipe joints shall be bolted Mechanical Joint or "Tyton" Joint in accordance with
ANSI A 21.11 (AWWA C1110) electrical conductivity connections unless stated
otherwise. Lubricants shall be as supplied by the pipe manufacturer.
Fittings shall be cast iron with rubber gasket mechanical joints in accordance with
ANSI A21.10 (AWWA C110). Fittings shall be cement-mortar lined Class 250.
All pipe and fittings unless stated otherwise shall be coated outside with
bituminous material in accordance with ANSI A21.51.
Joint lubricants shall be as supplied by the pipe manufacturer and approved by
the Engineer.
Copper jumper straps, wedges or other approved means of providing an
electrical continuity must be installed as part of push-on type joints.
E 6.03 Ductile Iron Pipe – FRP Concrete Coated (Hyrotec Pipe) If required.
Where designated on the Drawings, the watermain pipe and fittings shall be coated
manufactured by Canada Pipe Ltd.
All pipe shall be supplied with wrap-around joint diapers for installation of cement-
grout joint protection or with "Flex-protex" type of joint sleeves and buckle straps.
("Flex-protex" consists of Portland cement in a urethane suspension).
All exposed iron surfaces are to receive a coat of bituminouos coal tar of at least 1
mil thickness.
Conductivity strips shall NOT be used with Hyprotec pipe. A solid 12 gauge T.W.U.
copper tracer wire will be required as per Section 1.2(e)
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All fittings are to be coated with FRC material by hand using at least TWO COATS.
The joints are to be protected similar to standard pipe joints. Where the bell
configuration, such as Mechanical Joint fittings, does not allow using "Flex-protex"
joint protection, diapers and grout must be used.
It is imperative that the hyprotec pipe be handled carefully to avoid damage to the
coating. All damaged areas must be repaired as per manufacturer's instructions.
Pipes with excessive damage shall be rejected and removed from the site as ordered
by the Engineer.
E 6.04 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Nominal Pipe Sizes - 100 to 300 mm
PVC pipe shall conform to AWWA C900 and shall be Class 150, DR 18 with Ductile
Iron O.D. dimensions.
Nominal Pipe Sizes - 350 to 400 mm
PVC pipe shall conform to AWWA C905 and shall be Class 165, DR 25 with Ductile
Iron O.D. dimensions.
Fittings shall be a PVC moulded push-on fittings for use with Class 150 DR 18, PVC
fabricated push-on fittings for use Class 165 DR 28, Ductile Iron fittings (Cement
lined) conforming to C153 with a minimum Class of 350.
A solid 12 gauge T.W.U. copper wire must be supplied along the full length of the
pipe to provide electrical continuity for location purposes. The wire shall be
strapped to the top of the pipe at 6 m (19'6") intervals, and looped to the surface at
each valve box. Cadweld the tracer wire to existing iron pipe at points of connection
or to the iron fitting at the end of the watermain stub. The tracer wire must be
continuous underground. Any joints in the tracer wire must occur at the surface
loop inside a testing station or watervalve. When there is no other option but to
splice a tracer wire underground it must be enclosed in a watertight jacket . All cad
welds must be coated with Denso paste and tape.
Joint lubricants shall be as supplied by the pipe manufacturer and approved by the
E 6.05 Thrust Restraint Materials
Thrust restraint shall be designed for 2070 Kpa (300 psi), representing a factor of
safety of 2.0 on the anticipated test pressure of 1035 Kpa (150 psi).
Restraint devices for PVC pressure pipe of all diameters shall be manufactured of
high strength ductile iron, ASTM A536, grade 65-45-12, and shall incorporate a
Section E – Watermain E -21
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series of machined serrations on the inside diameter to provide 360 degree contact
and support of the pipe wall. Connecting bolts shall be of high strength, low alloy
material, ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.
Restraint devices shall meet or exceed the requirements of Uni-B-13-92
Recommended Performance Specification for Joint Restraint Devices for Use With
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and shall be FM approved. Notarized original
certification shall be included with submittal documents.
Restraint devices for PVC Pipe and mechanical joint fittings, valves, hydrants or
appurtenances shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300, Romac “Grip Ring” (black grip ring)
or approved equal. When restraint is required for bell and spigot joints of PVC Pipe,
restraint devices shall be Uni-Flange Series 1350 or approved equal.
Restraint devices for Ductile Iron pipe of all diameters shall be Uni-Flange Series
1390 for bell and spigot, or approved equals.
Al joints shall be restrained as per table “Thrust restraint for Pressure Mains” as
located in Appendix “A”. All restraint devices shall be coated with a protective
material. All exposed threads shall be covered with Denso Paste and Denso Tape
after nuts are tightened.
Anchor tees are required where possible to connect hydrant lateral valves to mains.
All valves including in-line valves are to be restrained with thrust rods. Tees are to
be rodded in three directions unless anchor tees are used, then roddded in two
directions. Concrete thrust blocking will be required on 90 degree and 45 degree
bends on 300 mm diameter pipe and larger in addition to thrust rods.
E 6.06 Watermain Valves
Valve shall be AVK, Clow, Mueller A2360, resilient wedge type gate valves
manufactured to A.W.W.A. C-509 with stainless steel stem and bolts coated inside
and outside with epoxy to A.W.W.A 500 standard. Valves shall OPEN Counter
Note: The Town of Tillsonburg will allow resilient wedge type gate valves
manufactured to AWWA C-509, with stainless steel stem and bolts, coated inside
and outside with epoxy to AWWA 550 standard.
A cast iron valve chamber or valve box shall be supplied and installed on every
watermain valve and hydrant shut-off valve. The valve chambers shall be screw
type D. All valve boxes shall include 700mm (28”) upper “screw” type section for
adjustment, as manufactured by Bibby or approved equal.
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E 6.07 Fire Hydrants
Hydrants shall be approved by A.W.W.A. equivalent to Canada Valve Century
model, McAvity M-67, mechanical joint suitable for a 1.8 m trench. Hydrants shall
have two 2½" openings and one 4" STORZ opening, all with caps. Hydrants shall
Open Counter Clockwise - M.J. fitting on bottom of hydrant. The colour shall be
All metallic components of the hydrant lateral shall be bonded from the tee to the
hydrant boot.
Fittings shall be mechanical joint only and shall conform to A.W.W.A. Specification
C 110.
E 6.08 Services
For 100 mm (4") diameter and larger services, all material shall be a specified in the
Section on Mains.
Copper type shall be new seamless water tube Type "K" conforming with ASTM B-
88. Copper connectors are not permitted in the road allowance (between main stop
and curb stop).
100 mm (4") and 150 mm (6") services shall be of an approved pipe material.
All services on PVC pipe and 25 mm (1") or larger services on Ductile Iron pipe
shall be installed using service saddles.
Service saddles shall be double strap. For iron pipe the saddle body shall be
ductile or malleable iron and the straps shall be low alloy steel galvanized or plated.
For PVC pipe, the saddle body shall be stainless steel.
Approved saddles are:
Mueller H-10522 (100 mm) Mueller 521-529 Servi-Seal
Mueller H-10526 (150 mm) Clamps (100 mm to 300 mm)
Mueller H-10530 (200 mm) Minimum Length - 457 mm
Mueller H-10534 (250 mm) Robar 2706 (150 to 300 mm)
Mueller H-10536 (300 mm) Cambridge Brass (100 mm to 300 mm)
Robar 0408 (100 mm to 300 mm)
Robar 2706 (400 mm to 450 mm)
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Rockwell 313 (100 mm to 450 mm) epoxy stainless steel.
Main stops and saddles shall be coated with Denso Paste and wrapped with Denso
The following fittings are acceptable:
18 mm F1000 H15008 301-A3H3
25 mm F1000 H15008 301-A4H4
38 mm F1000 H15008 301-A6H6
50 mm F1000 H15008 301-A7H7
Main stops shall have thaw nut connectors.
18 mm B44-333-G H12922 202-H3HE3
25 mm B44-444-G H12922 202-H4HE4
38 mm B44-666-G H12922 202-H6HE6
50 mm B44-777-G H12922 202-H7HE7
Curb stop rods to be stainless steel only if soil corrosion test is negative.
Curb stops shall have thaw nut connectors.
18 mm and 25 mm services A726 Series 161
38 mm and 50 mm services A728 Series 161-1
All curb boxes shall have an 18 mm hexagon head plug.
Shall be compression. Approved couplings are:
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Mueller H15403
Cambridge Brass, Series 118
Ford C44
Dresser Style 88
E 6.09 Bedding Material
See sanitary bedding materials.
E 6.10 Backfill Material
All material used for backfilling shall be clean dry sand unless noted otherwise on
the Construction Drawings.
E 6.11 Cathodic Protection - Anodes
The magnesium casting alloy shall conform to the latest edition of ASTM B107
Type M-1 or AZ63A alloy type H-1.
The zinc casting allow shall conform to the latest edition of ASTM B-418 Type II.
Anodes shall be installed as follows:
i) Fire Hydrant Boots – 24 lb. anode.
ii) Valves and all fittings, ie. bends, reducers etc. - 24 lb. anode.
iii) Curb stops – 12 lb. anode.
The following anodes are acceptable:
Magnesium M32-22 DMP1450 32D5
M17-51 DMP780
Zinc Z24-48 DZP1100
Z12-24 DZP500
The anode casting shall be surrounded with a selected backfill material within a
protected outer cover. The backfill material shall have an electrical resistivity less
than 50 ohm/cm wet, a compacted density of 1.5 g/cm. and the following:
Gypsum 77% +/- 2%
Bentonite 15% +/- 1%
Sodium Sulphite 8% +/- 1%
Anodes shall be supplied with #10/7 STR copper cable having TWH blue
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insulation, or equivalent approved by the manufacturer of the anode.
The anode lead shall be thermite welded to the watermain, using a No. CAHAA-1G
welder and a No. CA-15 cartridge of F-33 alloy powder.
Each anode shall be placed horizontally at the springline of the pipe, parallel to,
and a minimum of 1.5 m (5’) from the pipe.
The anode lead shall be wrapped around the pipe and knotted. Sufficient slack
shall be left in the wire to prevent any stress on either anode or pipe during
The anode shall be installed at all valves, hydrants, fittings, curbstops and services
(including epoxy coated) using the “cadweld” method and shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacture’s recommendations and specifications. All
“cadwelds” are to be covered with mastik material.
An area 50 mm x 50 mm (2" x 2") of the pipe surface shall be cleaned and filed to a
white metal finish.
The end of anode wire shall be bared of insulation and attached to the prepared
metal surface by a thermite weld method.
After cooling, the thermite weld shall be tapped with a hammer to ensure that a
strong connection has been accomplished. The weld shall be repeated if
Bituminous coating material Tapecoat TC Mastic shall be used on all exposed bolts
and anode connections to seal against moisture penetration.
Anode test stations shall be placed above ground in a convenient location
approved by the Tillsonburg Water Division. All anodes and test station locations
are to be mapped and given to the Tillsonburg Water Division.
E 6.12 Valves, Chambers and Rods
Valves shall be gate valves manufacturer to A.W.W.A. Specification C500,
standard iron body. All valves must be mechanical joint and must open counter
A cast iron valve chamber or valve box shall be supplied and installed on every
watermain valve and hydrant shut-off valve. The valve chamber shall be screw
type D.
All valve boxes shall include 700 mm (28") upper “screw” type section for
Section E – Watermain E -26
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
E 6.13 Copper Pipe
Copper pipe shall all be Type "K" copper. No copper pipe shall be installed less
than 18 mm (3/4") diameter nominal size and all pipe shall be new.
Section F – Lot Grading F -1
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Section F – Lot Grading F -2
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
F 1.00 General
Please refer to the Tillsonburg Parks Recreation Advisory Committee and Section G for
requirements for all Parklands, Walkways, etc.
The grading of all lots and blocks in new development must be carefully monitored by
the Consulting Engineer in order to provide grades that are suitable for the erection of
buildings and to provide satisfactory drainage from all lands within and outside the
development. In this regard, the design of the grading for all developments will be of
primary concern to the municipality and the following criteria shall be used in preparation
of all lot grading plans for new developments. In applying the criteria, while maximum
limits are specified, the main objective is to ensure that the property owner (ie. Resident)
will have maximum usage of their property while still providing good drainage.
Consequently, initial grading design shall avoid maximum grades unless there are no
F 1.01 Slope Stability Requirements
Consideration shall be given to all developable lands adjacent to rivers and streams that
may be subject to flooding and erosion. For these lands, a slope stability report shall be
prepared by a qualified engineer and submitted to the Town of Tillsonburg for review.
This report shall include, but is not limited to, Toe Erosion Allowance, Top of Stable
Slope, Erosion Access Allowance, and Erosion Hazard Limit.
The study shall be prepared in accordance with the manual “Understanding Natural
Hazards” by the Ministry of Natural Resources, latest revision.
F 2.00 Drainage
F 2.01 Lot drainage is to be self contained within the limits of the subdivision. All multi-family,
commercial, high density, industrial block drainage is to be contained within the block.
F 2.02 Where a new subdivision abuts and existing development or undeveloped land, the
existing ground elevations at the common property line are to remain unchanged and the
existing drainage of abutting lands are not to be disturbed or obstructed. Drainage from
within the subdivision shall only be allowed to drain over onto abutting properties in
exceptional cases at the discretion of the Town of Tillsonburg. In this case, written
permission from abutting property owners shall be required prior to approval by the
Town of Tillsonburg.
F 2.02 The lot grading design shall provide for drainage of abutting lands on the upstream side
of the development, plus all blocks of land within the subdivision that are intended for
future development under site plan agreement.
F 2.03 The lot grading plan shall provide for the present and future drainage of abutting lands
which are tributary to the proposed development, plus all lands within the limits of the
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F 2.04 The boulevard and a minimum of 7.5m at the front of any residential lot must drain
towards the abutting road.
F 2.05 Drainage from single family lots may drain onto single family lots in the same
development when the drainage is contained in swales. (either rear or sideyard).
F 2.06 Driveways shall not be used as outlets for swales.
F 2.07 All lot surfaces shall be constructed to a 2.0% minimum grade and a maximum of 8.0%.
F 2.08 The grade of driveways and walkways shall not exceed 8% maximum. Driveways shall
not slope back from the streetline to the building and shall have a minimum grade of 2%
to provide positive drainage away from the building.
F 2.09 All surface runoff shall be directed away from the house into defined swales which outlet
to the street or rear yard swales.
F 2.10 A maximum flow allowable to a side yard swale shall be that from 4 backyards.
F 2.11 The maximum flow from a rear yard swale discharging across a boulevard shall from 4
F 2.12 Berms and side slopes on swales and ditches shall have a maximum slope of 3
horizontal to 1 vertical.
F 2.13 A 0.6m wide path sloping at 2.0% away from the building wall shall be constructed along
one side of the building to allow proper access to rear yards.
F 2.14 Rear yard catchbasins shall be located so the catchbasin manhole and the storm sewer
is located entirely on one lot. The storm sewer shall be located 0.30m from the lot line
and the catchbasin manhole shall be located 1.5m from the rear lot line. A 3.0m
easement is required for rear yard catchbasins and shall be centered over the storm
F 3.00 Elevations
F 3.01 Contours are to be shown on all lot grading plans at an interval of 0.5m. Contours shall
extend a minimum of 30m beyond the proposed development onto existing land.
F 3.02 Existing spot elevations shall be shown at all lot/block corners along the boundary of the
development, and overland flow routes.
F 3.03 Centerline of road elevations shall be shown at 30m intervals, break points, BVC’s,
EVC’s, low points and high points for all proposed roads within the development and
existing roads around perimeter of site.
F 3.04 Proposed grades shall be shown at all lot corners, break points, high points, building
corners, and the top and bottom of swales, ditches, slopes, and retaining walls.
F 3.05 Proposed curb and gutter grades shall be shown at edge of asphalt for all BC’s, EC’s,
Section F – Lot Grading F -4
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and breakpoints at intersection radii, elbows and cul-de-sacs. Additional grades shall be
shown at 15m intervals (minimum) for elbows and cul-de-sacs.
F 4.00 Swales
F 4.01 Drainage flows to be carried around houses shall be confined in defined swales located
along the common lot line.
F 4.02 Minimum grade on a side yard swale along a common lot line shall be 1.5%.
F 4.03 Minimum grade on a rear yard swale shall be 1.0%.
F 4.04 The maximum length of a rear yard swale shall be 90m between outlets.
F 4.05 Rear yard swales shall be located on the upstream side of the common lot line between
adjacent lots and a maximum of 1.5m off the lot line.
F 4.06 The minimum swale depth shall be 0.15m, maximum swale depth shall be 0.50m.
F 4.07 A 3.0m easement shall be provided over all rear yard swales designed to carry drainage
from more than one property.
F 5.00 Major Overland Flow
F 5.01 Storm sewers are designed to accommodate storm runoff from a 5-year storm event, the
lot grading design shall be designed to accommodate runoff from a major storm event
that exceeds the capacity of the storm sewer system. This runoff shall be provided for in
an effective major overland flow route from residential areas to an acceptable outlet
location such as a storm water management facility.
F 5.02 Major overland flow routes shall follow low areas in subdivision grading.
F 5.03 All major overland flows shall be directed into storm water management facilities.
F 5.04 Ponding on roadways shall only be a last resort after other road grading options have
been exhausted. Maximum allowable ponding at gutterline is 300mm.
F 5.05 Building opening elevations adjacent to major overland flow routes through lots or blocks
within a subdivision shall be at least 450mm above the major overland flow route
elevation (ie. no window wells).
F 5.06 The overland flow for major 100-year storm shall be accommodated in road cross-
sections and/or on blocks of land dedicated to the municipality. Complete design
calculations and plans shall be prepared and submitted for approval by the town.
F 6.00 Retaining Walls
F 6.01 Where a slope is greater than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical a retaining wall will be required to
Section F – Lot Grading F -5
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make up the grade change between the two elevations. All design and specifications for
retaining walls shall be in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, Latest Revision.
F 6.02 All retaining walls 1.0m in height and greater shall be designed by a Registered
Professional Engineer as per the Ontario Building Code, Latest Revision.
F 6.03 Retaining walls 0.6m in height and greater shall have a railing installed along the top of
the retaining wall as per the Ontario Building Code, Latest Revision.
F 6.04 All retaining walls within or adjacent to a road allowance shall be concrete or masonry
material, approved in writing by the Town of Tillsonburg.
F 6.05 All retaining walls within the lot or block may be concrete, masonry or pressure treated
wood material.
F 7.00 Approval and Certification
F 7.01 Lot Grading Approval
Prior to application for building permit, individual site grading plans for each lot shall be
approved by the Consulting Engineer for the development and submitted to the Building
Division of the Town of Tillsonburg for their review. The consulting engineer shall
ensure the site grading plan submitted for review by the Town of Tillsonburg is in
conformance with the approved subdivision lot grading plan approved by the Town of
Where an in-fill or severed lot exists and there is no active developer of the subdivision
then the Town of Tillsonburg will accept the site grading plans designed by a Registered
Professional Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor.
The proposed site grading plan shall include the following:
Site plan submitted shall be to scale, on a 8.5x14 or 11x17 sheet, all units in metric,
dimensioned property limits, building location with ties to property, finished floor
elevation, top of foundation, basement slab and underside of footing elevation, proposed
grades at all lot corners, front and rear of building, break points, sideyard and rearyard
swale grades, building corners, catchbasin lid elevation, percent grades for driveways
and sideyard and rearyard swales, all slopes labelled (3:1), retaining walls, above
ground utilities (streetlights, pedestals, etc.), existing grades along all property limits of
development, existing grades for all limits if for infill lot.
Approved site grading plan shall be submitted with the building permit application.
F 7.02 Foundation Control Certificate
The Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall provide the Town of Tillsonburg
Building Division with a foundation control certificate confirming the foundation grade
and layout is in conformance with the approved site grading plan.
The foundation control certificate shall be approved by the Town of Tillsonburg Building
Section F – Lot Grading F -6
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Division before house construction proceeds beyond the basement level. Placement of
finished floor prior to backfill only will be allowed to reduce potential for foundation
cracking from backfilling.
This certificate shall include the following:
(a) The Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall confirm the footing and
foundation elevations are in conformance with the approved lot grading plan and
zoning bylaw.
(b) An Ontario Land Surveyor shall provide the town with a building location survey
confirming the foundations are in conformance with applicable zoning by-law.
(c) The Consulting Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor shall confirm the lot grades
are within a tolerance of 100 mm of the approved lot grading plan all swale
gradients and lot surface gradients are to be within allowable limits.
(d) The builder will supply all Engineered Product Drawings at this time. ie. truss,
floor drawings.
Any non-conformance of the foundation or site elevations shall be brought to the Town's
attention for further direction prior to proceeding with any further construction. Exposed
foundation heights are to be in accordance with the Ontario Building Code.
F 7.03 As -Constructed Site Grading Plan/Final Grading Certificate
An “As Constructed” site grading plan shall be prepared, after the lot as been final
graded (preferably prior to sod/seed) and shall be submitted to the Consulting Engineer
of record for approval to confirm the lot has been graded in conformance with the
approved lot grading plan. Final “As Constructed” lot grades shall conform to the
approved lot grading plan and shall be within the 100mm grading tolerance for lot
grading and all swale gradients and lot surface gradients are to be within allowable
A final lot grading certificate shall be prepared by the Consulting Engineer of record,
certifying the lot grading has been checked and found to be in conformance with the
approved site grading plan and the overall subdivision lot grading plan.
A copy of the approved “As Constructed” site grading plan and final lot grading certificate
shall be forwarded to the Town of Tillsonburg Building Division immediately upon
completion. The final lot grading certificate shall follow the format of the attached
Deck, shed and pool permits shall not be issued for individual lots until a Final Lot
Grading Certificate has been certified and approved by the engineer of record and
submitted to the Town of Tillsonburg Building Division.
F 7.04 Builders Deposit
Section F – Lot Grading F -7
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
A refundable deposit of $1,200.00 shall be submitted with the approved site grading plan
at the time of building permit application. W here multiple building permits by a single
builder have been issued the refundable deposit for the second and additional lots shall
be $500. The $1,200 for the first lot will be held until the deposit can be released and
there is at least one outstanding building permit issued to the builder. In the event a
builder is found to be in non-compliance of one of the below items then council has the
right to require $1,200 per building permit for the second and additional building permits.
This deposit will be held by the town until the following issues are in compliance:
1. Curbs have been repaired in the event of damage caused by the builder.
2. Sidewalks have been repaired in the event of damage caused by the builder.
3. Water curb stop has been repaired adjusted to finished grade in the event of
damage caused by the builder.
4. The builder shall provide confirmation the property bars are undisturbed and at/or
within 0.2 m below finished grade or the Ontario Land Surveyor provide a written
undertaking to locate buried property bars for all lots within the new subdivisions
at no cost to the home owner.
5. Foundation control certificate has been received.
6. All mud tracking issues are addressed as per town policy.
7. An approved as-constructed site grading plan has been received and reviewed
by the Town of Tillsonburg Building Division.
8. All building deficiencies have been corrected and a final inspection completed.
9. Surveyors Real Property Report (B.L.S.) has been completed by an Ontario Land
Surveyor and a copy submitted to the Town of Tillsonburg Building Division for
In the event a deposit must be used to correct any of the above items and the actual
costs exceed the builders deposit amount, then the builder will be invoiced the
difference. The builders deposit, or any portion of, is refundable when the deficiencies
have been corrected and given final approval from the CBO. All deficiencies shall be
corrected within one year from the date of occupancy.
The builders deposit, or any portion remaining after all of the above mentioned issues
have been satisfied shall be refunded to the builder upon request. Portions of the
deposit not claimed after all issues have been satisfied shall be forfeited to the Town of
F 7.05 Mud Tracking Policy
All municipal and private roads leading to and from construction sites shall be kept free
of soils and mud. When alleged complaints are received from residents effected by mud
tracking from construction sites, contractors must respond to the complaints
immediately. Mud and soil from roads must be cleared at the end of the day that the
complaint is alleged. If the soils and/or mud in question is not removed and the
complaint is considered founded by the Building Department, the road will be cleaned
and the contractor will be held responsible for the total cost of the clean up.
F 7.06 General Earthwork Requirements
Section F – Lot Grading F -8
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Where earth cuts and fills in excess of 0.5 m are required, rough grading must be
performed in conjunction with the initial road construction. All major e arthwork activities
must be completed prior to the placement of the base course asphalt.
F 7.07 Sediment and Erosion Control
The sediment and erosion control measures as indicated on the servicing drawings shall
be install and implemented prior to any construction taking place.
Sediment and erosion control measures and notes are to be identified on all lot grading
drawings, storm water management facility drawings, channels, outlet structure drawings
and plan and profile drawings where applicable. If sediment and erosion control
measures are extensive a separate drawing may be required.
All sediment and erosion control measures and notes shall follow the guidelines as per
the Ministry of Natural Resources Guidelines on Erosion and Sediment Control for Urban
Construction Sites.
Any regulated works other than those identified on the servicing drawings shall require
additional approvals from all applicable authorities.
The consulting engineer shall monitor all sediment and erosion control measures during
construction and make any modifications to the measures as required to ensure that no
silt or sediment enters onto private property, existing roadways, existing sewer systems,
rivers or watercourses and Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA).
Section G – Parkland G-1
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Section G – Parkland G-2
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
G 1.00 Grading Plan
The developer shall be responsible for preparing a detailed grading plan in accordance
with Section E Lot Grading for all lands to be dedicated for park purposes. This plan
must be submitted to, and approved by the Town of Tillsonburg. The plan shall show all
existing trees and features that are in conformity with the end use of the park (as
directed by the Town of Tillsonburg) and that are to remain. It is expected that the
Parkland will be conveyed in its original state without alteration, with the exception of
those changes required by the Town, and inserted as part of the specific design criteria
plan agreement. No alteration such as cutting trees, logging, filling, removal of topsoil
will take place between the time of the original submission and the actual conveyance of
the property to the Town. Changes that take place which alter the original value of
aesthetics of the land to be conveyed might render the land unacceptable to the Town of
Tillsonburg and the Tillsonburg Parks Recreation Advisory Committee.
It is the preference of the Town of Tillsonburg and advantageous to both the Town of
Tillsonburg and the Developer that the parkland be developed to end use condition; at
the time when 35% of the development in phase one is complete. Advantageous to
Developer as would provide selling feature for potential new residents and provide a
recreation area for existing residents of Tillsonburg.
G 2.00 Trees/Shrubs
Bordering on commercial zoned property, a row of suitable trees, in accordance with tree
policy, must be planted to provide suitable site screen.
Various other locations for tree planting will be selected by the Town of Tillsonburg,
material and labour to be supplied by the developer.
The developer will be notified of types of trees/shrubs to be planted, location and calliper
of base as per the Town’s tree policy
An application of fertilizer will be applied to each tree at the developer's cost.
G 3.00 Grading
The park shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan with particular
care being taken to avoid damage to those trees or features that are to remain. All
graded areas shall be covered with a minimum of 150 mm (6 inches) of approved topsoil
and shall be sodded or seeded in accordance with the specifications of the Town of
Tillsonburg. All stones and debris shall be removed and disposed of prior to the sodding
or seeding of any park. All drainage plans for parkland to be submitted as soon as
possible to the Town of Tillsonburg. It is understood that placement of detention basins
or potential erosion problems must be approved by Town prior to plan approval.
Section G – Parkland G-3
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G 4.00 Turf
Upon final grade approval, the developer will either (a) hydra-seed or (b) sod, (using
grade A Ontario sod), the park area as per Town of Tillsonburg standards.
The developer may be required to irrigate the property if necessary.
The grass selection will be agreed upon by the Town of Tillsonburg prior to the
application. Parks will be responsible for mowing.
G 5.00 Fertilizer
Due to IPM restrictions and regulations our Parks Department will handle all fertilization
and weed control
G 6.00 Soil
See above
G 7.00 Maintenance
Maintenance of the referenced parkland by the Parks Department of the Town of
Tillsonburg shall commence only after Registration of Plan.
G 8.00 Services
Water and sewer services shall be so designed and constructed within the plan of
subdivision to provide service connections to parkland along street frontage as directed
by the Town.
G 9.00 Certification
The Consulting Engineer shall certify that the development of the Parks conforms to the
approved grading plan. This shall be a condition of "Preliminary Acceptance" of the
services by the Town and copy of same made immediately available to the Tillsonburg
Parks Recreation Advisory Committee.
G 10.00 Perimter Fencing
1.8 m galvanized chainlink fencing, including all hardware and end posts, installed by the
developer. Gates will be set and supplied if requested by the Tillsonburg Parks
Section G – Parkland G-4
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Recreation Advisory Committee.
G 11.00 Easeway Fencing
1.5 m galvanized chainlink fencing, including all hardware and end posts, installed by the
developer. Gates will be set and supplied if requested by the Tillsonburg Parks
Recreation Advisory Committee.
G 12.00 Easeway Walkway
Will be poured concrete sidewalks with wheelchair accessibility provided by the
developer. All walkways shall be 3.0m wide and the full width of the walkway shall be
concrete with no grassed area. All pedestrian walkways shall have a 2% crossfall with
runoff directed to a swale along the common property line.
Walkway grades shall not exceed 8%.
G 13.00 Park Benches
Four benches per acre of parkland to be purchased from an agreed upon manufacturer
and to be installed by developer at locations set by the Tillsonburg Parks Recreation
Advisory Committee.
G 14.00 Playground Equipment
Once the specific user group is identified, the developer will supply and install an agreed
upon piece or pieces of equipment purchased by a leading manufacturer. The
equipment will be installed by a qualified personnel to the standards outlined by the
The equipment will be in an enclosed parcel containing 8" x 8" pressure treated timber
sides and filled to a depth of not less than 6" with pea gravel. The bed of pea gravel will
be lined with landscaping cloth.
In some cases, we will request additional equipment be supplied, i.e. a basketball pad
and standards, at a cost to the developer not to exceed the specified amount set by the
Tillsonburg Parks Recreation Advisory Committee.
It is understood by the developer that the above referenced information is only a "general guideline".
The Tillsonburg Parks Recreation Advisory Committee reserves the right to request additional
conditions depending on density and location. This could be, but is not limited to, play equipment,
trails, pedestrian way, lighting, sod, trees, shrubs. It is to the benefit of all parties to initiate dialogue as
Section G – Parkland G-5
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soon as possible to prevent any future misunderstandings or potential disputes.