Committee Handbook
Town of Tillsonburg
200 Broadway, Suite 204
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7
TEL: 519.688.3009
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................... 3
3. Definitions ................................................................................................................. 3
4. Vision Statement ....................................................................................................... 5
5. Appointment/Application Procedure .......................................................................... 5
6. Council Member Appointees ..................................................................................... 6
7. Mayor as Ex-Officio .................................................................................................. 6
8. Roles and Responsibilities of a Committee Member ................................................ 6
9. Chair of the Committee ............................................................................................. 7
10. Staff Liaisons ......................................................................................................... 7
11. Agenda Processes ................................................................................................ 7
12. Minutes .................................................................................................................. 8
13. List of current Committees of Council .................................................................... 8
14. Council Contact Information .................................................................................. 9
15. Resources ............................................................................................................. 9
1. Introduction
Welcome to Town of Tillsonburg as a committee member!
Committees and Boards are established by Council for the purpose of encouraging
community participation in specified areas. Volunteers who choose to serve on these
Committees are an essential part of running an effective and efficient local government.
These bodies play an important role in the corporate decision-making process by
providing advice and recommendations to the Town of Tillsonburg Council.
As you put your time and talent to work, it is critical that you keep the public interest in
mind. The Town of Tillsonburg appreciates your efforts and Committee involvement to
improve the Corporation. Our elected officials and staff are looking forward to working
with you! In this handbook we have included some materials that may assist you along
the way.
Your comments for revisions for future handbooks are always welcome.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to assist in guiding newly appointed citizens to
Committees to be influential members of the community. This document outlines a fair
and transparent approach and process for the establishment and operation of
This is an introductory handbook that contains basic information and should be used in
conjunction with materials specific to your Committee such as a Terms of Reference.
Some Committees are legislated by the province, some have specific guidelines
mandated by By-Law and others are created and organized through Council. You will
find a complete list of current Committees included in this manual.
3. Definitions
3.1 “Advisory Committee” means a committee constituted by Council from time to
time to act in an advisory capacity to Council and provide input on a discretionary basis
on a particular matter or undertake special projects as assigned and in accordance with
their terms of reference.
3.2 “Amendment to a Motion” means a motion to change the words of a pending
motion. Amendments are debateable if the original motion is debateable. The
amendment shall be germane (relevant) and not contrary to the main motion.
3.3 “Chair” shall mean the person presiding over a meeting, who is charged with the
responsibility to decide questions and points of order or practice, preserve order and
maintain decorum in the proceeding. The Chair (except when disqualified) shall vote on
all questions.
3.4 “Clerk” shall mean the Town Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
3.5 “Committee” shall mean a Committee established by Council.
3.6 “Council” shall mean the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
3.7 "Confidential Information" includes information in the possession of the Town that
the Town is prohibited from disclosing under the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter M.56, the Personal Health Information
Protection Act, 2004, S.O. 2004, Chapter 3, Schedule A, and other applicable
legislation. Confidential Information also means any information that is of a personal
nature to Town employees or clients or information that is not available to the public and
that, if disclosed, could result in loss or damage to the Town or could give the person to
whom it is disclosed an advantage. Confidential Information includes items disclosed or
discussed at closed sessions of Council and Committee meetings.
3.8 “Debate” shall mean discussion on the merits of a question/motion and whether the
proposed action should or should not be taken. A main motion must be introduced and if
required seconded before debate begins.
3.9 “Deputation” shall mean a person/group making a verbal presentation to Council.
3.10 “Division of the Question” shall mean a request by a Member to have a motion
divided into parts which are capable of standing alone, so that these parts may be
considered separately.
3.11 "Gift" includes any cash or monetary equivalent fee, object of value, service,
forbearance, preferential treatment or personal benefit received from a third party.
3.12 “Improper Conduct” shall mean conduct that obstructs in any way the
deliberations and/or proper action of Committee or Council.
3.13 “Meeting” shall mean any regular, special, Committee or other meeting of Council
and its Committees.
3.14 “Member” shall mean a member of the Council or a Committee of Council and
shall include the Mayor.
3.15 “Minutes” shall mean a record of the proceedings of a meeting, and shall be
made by the staff liaison without note or comment.
3.16 “Motion” shall mean a Resolution of Council or a Recommendation of a
Committee that is under debate by Council or a Committee.
3.17 “Order of Business” shall mean the sequence of business under consideration at
a meeting that has been duly called and constituted.
3.18 “Pecuniary Interest” includes a direct or indirect pecuniary interest of a member
in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
3.19 “Quorum” shall mean a majority of the whole number of Members required to
constitute a Council.
3.20 “Resolution” shall mean a motion that has been passed by Council.
4. Vision Statement
Our vision for Tillsonburg is to grow a vibrant and engaged community built on
partnerships and entrepreneurial spirit. The vision includes diverse housing,
employment options, modern amenities and sustainable growth that remains true to our
culture and heritage and positions the community as a regional centre.
5. Appointment/Application Procedure
When there are vacant positions to be filled by Council appointment, the Clerk publishes
a public notice inviting residents of Tillsonburg to apply. Vacancies for citizen
appointments shall be publicly advertised in the local newspapers, through social media
and on the Town website. It is not a requirement that applicants are a resident or
municipal taxpayer in Tillsonburg.
6. Council Member Appointees
A Council Member is appointed to sit on each advisory committee. Council Appointees
shall be active, participating Committee Members while having due regard to their role
as a Councillor.
7. Mayor as Ex-Officio
The Mayor of the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg is an ex officio member of every
Where a Committee is established by reference to a particular number of members
without specifically providing for the membership of the Mayor of the Council, such
number is automatically increased by one, being the Mayor of the Council, and all
members of the Committee are present.
If there is an absent member, the Mayor’s attendance replaces the absent member and
the membership number is not automatically increased by one.
The Mayor is able to participate in the business of the Committee without any restriction
including voting. Members of Council are able to attend any meeting, however only
members of Council who have been appointed to a Committee are entitled to vote.
8. Roles and Responsibilities of a Committee Member
As a member of a Committee of the Town of Tillsonburg, you are expected to represent
the Town in a professional, mindful matter at all times. Although each individual
Committee has their own specific mandate, it is your role to represent the interests of
the community and to advise Council of such.
Following being appointed to a Committee, it is your responsibility to attend regular
meetings and provide the necessary skills and knowledge that you were chosen for. If
you are unable to attend a meeting, it is your responsibility to advise the Staff Liaison
and the Chair of the Committee that you cannot attend. If you miss three (3)
consecutive meetings, without justification, the Chair of the Committee, along with the
Staff Liaison, will ask the member if they wish to remain on the Committee or if they
wish to resign.
It is also the responsibility of each individual Board Member to make decisions that best
reflect interests of the Town and be sure not to make decisions for personal gain. All
Board and Committees are expected to obey and comply with all the requirements of
any applicable laws, including municipal By-Laws.
9. Chair of the Committee
The leadership skills of the Chair of a Committee can be a critical factor in determining
the overall effectiveness of the meeting. The Chair must maintain high levels of
personal integrity and confidentiality at all times.
As the Chair of a Committee, your duties consist of (but are not limited to):
• Facilitate the meeting while following Policy for Committees;
• Participate as an active, voting member, encouraging participation by all
Committee Members;
• Maintain decorum and ensure fairness and accountability;
• Be the point of contact with Council; and
• Attend any training sessions offered by the Town.
10. Staff Liaisons
Each Committee will be provided a Staff Liaison to assist the Committee with the
administration of the Committee. The Staff Liaison will be required to work closely with
the Chair to ensure effective meeting management.
Prior to Committee Meetings, the Staff Liaison shall prepare the Agendas and other
relevant materials, distribute materials to all Committee Members, arrange for set up of
meeting areas and determine if quorum is met. During the meeting the Staff Liaison is
responsible for recording minutes and to offer procedural and process advice to the
Chair and Committee members. Following the meeting the Staff Liaison will finalize
meeting minutes, distribute to Committee members and follow-up with any resolutions
of Committee that require action.
11. Agenda Processes
It is recommended that all Committees of Council of the Town of Tillsonburg are
consistent and accountable. To achieve this we have created templates for Agenda’s
and Minutes that each Committee should follow. It is necessary to have consistency in
order to capture all recommendations to Council in a formal manner by utilizing the
As per the Policy for Boards and Committees of Council the following components are
to be included in the Agenda, where specific subject items are described in each
1. Date, time, location of meeting
2. Members present (include office, i.e. Chair, Recording Secretary)
3. Members absent/regrets
4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
6. Presentations/Deputations
7. General Business and Reports
8. Next meeting
9. Adjournment
12. Minutes
The minutes of all Town of Tillsonburg Committees must be recorded without note or
comment and should be uniform for readability. The minutes must contain the date, the
time, the location, members present and members absent. It is also recommended that
the Board/Committee minutes briefly outline the substance of each of the agenda items
discussed during the meeting, including actions taken and recommendations by motion.
Staff will be required to prepare a report for any recommendation of a Board/Committee
requiring action by Council.
13. List of current Committees of Council
• Accessibility Advisory Committee
• Affordable Housing Committee
• Boundary Adjustment Committee
• Economic Development Advisory Committee
• Museum, Cultural, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee
• Parks, Beautification and Cemeteries Advisory Committee
• Recreation and Sports Advisory Committee
• Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee
• Tillsonburg Traffic Advisory Committee
• Youth Engagement and Strategy Committee
14. Council Contact Information
Deb Gilvesy
T. 519-688-3009 ext 4053
Dave Beres
Deputy Mayor
T. 519-983-7551
Pete Luciani
T. 519-688-3009 ext 4054
Christopher (Chris) Parker
T. 519-688-3009 ext 4055
Bob Parsons
T. 519-688-3009 ext 4050
Chris Rosehart
T. 519-688-3009 ext 4056
Kelly Spencer
519-688-3009 ext 4052
15. Resources
It is important for Committee members to understand each of the following documents
as they outline the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for all Town of Tillsonburg
committee members.
• Terms of Reference
• Tillsonburg Procedural By-law
• Code of Conduct
• Policy for Boards and Committees