200227 Museum MINThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Museum Advisory Committee Thursday, February 27, 2020 Program Room-2nd Floor Annandale NHS 30 Tillson Ave, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 2Z8 MINUTES Present: Bob Marsden, Patty Phelps, Rosemary Dean, Joan Weston, Donna Scanlan, Dianne MacKeigan, John Lessif Absent with Regrets: Sherry Hamilton, Chris Rosehart 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Rosemary Dean Seconded by: Joan Weston THAT the agenda as prepared for February 27 be adopted with the following additions under New Business: d) Terms of Reference e) Year end report Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes of the Meeting for January were circulated. Resolution #2 Moved by: Joan Weston Seconded by: Donna Scanlan THAT the minutes from January’s meeting be approved. Carried Business arising from Minutes: It was pointed out that the stocking report from January’s meeting was not included in the January minutes to Council. Resolution #3 Moved by: Donna Scanlan Seconded by: Joan Weston THAT amended minutes from January including the Christmas Stocking report be forwarded to Council. Carried 5. General Business & Reports 5.1 Financial Report- $134,394.97 is the balance in the Trust Account. A further deposit of about $3400.00 from the museum’s share of Trip of the Month has yet to be deposited. Resolution #4 Moved by: John Lessif Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT this committee receive quarterly operating budget reports. Carried John Lessif raised the question of 4 different figures in the town’s budget papers for the museum. Patty will find out about the discrepancies and report back at our next meeting. 5.2 Tour Guide Report 14 guides and 2 staff attended a meeting for tour guides on February 21. Emergency protocols were reviewed and time was given for guides to sign up for upcoming events at ANHS where their services will be needed. 5.3 Curator’s Report The Curator’s report was circulated and discussed and is attached. Resolution#5 Moved by: Joan Weston Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT the reports be accepted Carried 5.4 New Business (a) Bats- Pest Control visits twice a year to deal with bats that reside in the attic. Three bats were found during the facility tour. Pest Control assures us there is no danger and we do not have an infestation. Resolution #6 Moved by: John Lessif Seconded by: Joan Weston THAT Council be advised to increase Pest Control from two visits a year to quarterly. Carried (b)Signage- Bob Marsden raised concern about sign posts on Corless Lane at Hyman Street and asked for their removal. Donna Scanlan expressed concern about the state of the large sign on Tillson Avenue and its need for refurbishment. She had obtained a quote for the necessary work that she passed on to Patty for consideration. (c) Facility Tour Report- Resolution #7 Moved by: Donna Scanlan Seconded by: Joan Weston THAT the facility tour report be deferred to the next meeting when its author, Sherry Hamilton, will be present for the discussion. Carried (d)Terms of Reference- Revised terms of reference were distributed and should be added to our binders. (e) Year End Report- The year end report was circulated and will be presented to Council at a yet-to-be-determined date. 6. Next Meeting- Thursday, March 26, 2020 7. Adjournment Resolution #8 Moved by: Joan Weston Seconded by: Dianne MacKeigan THAT the February 27th meeting of the Museum Advisory Committee be adjourned at 5:57 pm. Carried