19791015 Executive Committee ReportEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT MONDAY -October 15, 1979 -9 p.m. PRESENT: Councillors -Webster, Miggens, Story, Ferrie Bromley, Irvine, Unsworth & Linton The Executive Committee recommends to Council as follows: 1. Waiver of residency requirements for Ontario Housing accommodation be approved for the following: -Mr. Theodore Smith -Mr. & Mrs Basil Ongena -Mrs. Vera Kovacs Mrs. Doris Nowell. 2. The name of the new street as established or to be established from Rolph Street easterly to Queen Street on old right-of-way of Cn, be named "BRIDGE STREET" and that portion of Venison Street from Queen Street to Tillsoni, ,.Ave., be changed to "Bridge Street", said section being the continuation of the new street. 3. That C. J. Demeyere be instructed to prepare drainage report as a Local Improvement to service the area Bast of Broadway and South of North Street. 4. That the report of the Police Committee on salary negotiati-0ns wiith thE!I'illsonburg Polic Association be approved for the years 1979 and 1980 and the necessary agreement be prepared to implement the changes. 5. That the Clerk be instructed to advertize for eight persons, representing a cross-section of business and commerce within the Area established as a "Business Improvement Area", to serve on the Board of Directors, such persons to be qualified electors and to be owners, tenants or appointees of businesses within such area. Meeting Adjourned.