Special and Property Committee MIN 1998(
EXECUTIVE MINUTES of the Special and Property Committee held
Wednesday, September 19th, 1990 at 4: 30 P. M. in the Committee
Room, Municipal Offices, Town Centre Mall, Tillsonburg, Ontario.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman G. Leachman, Members:
C. Braun, R. Epple
ALSO PRESENT: Chief Hank Harley
D.C. Morris, Deputy Clerk-Administrator
A. Adoption of Agenda
Moved by C. Braun
Seconded by R. Epple THAT the agenda be adopted.
B. Lease Renewal -Police Facilities
R. Miggens,
The Committee reviewed a proposal by Lover Ltd. for renewal
of the space currently occupied by the Police Department
at 126 Concession Street East. It was noted that the proposal
called for a base rent annually of $36,000.00 plus leasehold
improvements for $6,000 per year for 5 years. Leasehold
improvements were based on proposal to complete renovations
up to $25,000. Analysis by the Deputy Clerk-Administrator
was reviewed showing a base rent increase of 38%, 23% for
improvements, for a total of rental increase proposal of
The Deputy Clerk-Administrator reviewed other rental charges
available in the community as provided by the Economic
Development Officer. It appeared that rentals for similar
space would range in the $7 to $12 range per square foot.
Lover limited were proposing a base rent of $7.32 plus $1.22
per foot for improvements.
It was moved
Seconded by
by c. Braun
not proceed with the landlord doing the
as proposed.
The Committee met with Mr. Dale Lover who indicated the
base rent increase was required to bring the space occupied
up to comparable market rent. He was prepared to have the
municipality carry out the improvements as it required.
He was not prepared to accept less than a five year lease.
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The Committee indicated to Mr. Lover that he was expecting
a report from the Ontario Police Commission which in part
may deal with the facilities and until such was reviewed
the Committee was not prepared to recommend that a lease
be signed at this time.
C. Flag Raising Ceremony
The Committee reviewed briefly the upcoming October 2nd
flag raising. In order that sufficient time be available
for this and to meet with invited guests, it was suggested
that the reception be held in the Library following the
flag raising for all attending and no other business be
carried out on October 2nd. Instead, a Special Meeting
of the Special and Property Committee be held October 16th
at 4:30 P.M. at the Municipal Offices.
Meeting adjourned.
MINUTES of the Special and Property Committee held
September 4th, 1990 at 5:00 P.M. in the Committee Room,
Offices, Town Centre Mall, Tillsonburg, Ontario.
PRESENT: Chairman G. Leachman, Members: R. Miggens, C. Braun,
R. Epple
ALSO PRESENT: D.C. Morris, Deputy Clerk-Administrator
A. ReE_orts
1. Deputy Clerk-Administrator reported that following
Council's adoption of the Special and Property Committee's
recommendations with respect to possible acquisition
and development of John Pound Road property,
correspondence had been sent to the Long Point Region
Conservation Authority requesting inclusion in the funding
in their 1991 budget. The Deputy Clerk-Administrator
had spoken to Conservation Authority staff following
their receipt of this correspondence and the indication
was that some funding would be included in the draft
1991 Budget to commence this process, including mapping
of this area by the Conservation Authority.
2. Councillor Epple reported his concerns with respect
to Lake Lisgar and that something should be done to
look at possible development of this lake.
Moved by R. Epple
Seconded by C. Braun AND RESOLVED THAT grant information
be obtained as to improving water quality and the banks
of Lake Lisgar.
3. Deputy Clerk-Administrator reported that 30 Town flags
had now been received by the supplier. Discussion took
place as to an appropriate event to have an official
flag raising. It was recommended that an Official Flag
Raising be held Tuesday, October 2nd, 1990 at 4:30 P.M.
at the Library with those persons who participated in
the Design Contest being invited to attend and the
successful designer being presented with one of the
flags. The Mayor to be contacted and invited to
participate in this flag raising event. Flags to be
available for sale at the Municipal Office to individuals
and companies at a sale price of $45.00 each.
4. The Deputy Clerk-Administrator reported that the purchase
of the lands and station from CP Rail have now been
completed and the deed was now registered in the Town's
name. It was indicated that all parties previously
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expressing an interest in the station have been contacted
and only the Craft Guild was still interested. Craft
Guild to be invited to attend the next Property Committee
meeting at 5:00 on October 2nd, 1990 in order that their
interest in moving the building be further explored.
5. It was reported by the Deputy Clerk-Administrator that
Mr. Johnny Cowell had responded to Council's intent
to present him with Favourite Son/Daughter Award and
that he would be available on the )weekend of November
16th to 18th to participate in wha,tever functions the
municipality wanted to organize. Mr. Jack Whitmore
is in the process of making some preliminary contacts
with groups in Town that may wish to participate in
events and further information would be available in
the near future.
B. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Special and Property Committee was
set for Tuesday, October 2nd, 1990 at 5:00 P.M. with Official
Flag Raising Ceremony in front of the Library at 4:30 P.M.
Meeting adjourned.