930408 BIA MINBIA 04-93
Minutes of the meeting of the BIA Board Thursday, April 8, 1993
at 12:00 P.M. in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices.
Present -Chairperson B.McBride
Members; M.Sullivan, B.Morgan. D.Rosenthal. B.Carroll,
K.Miggens, M.Scholtz, G.Heath. B.Budarick
Staff; Deputy Clerk-Administer D.Morris, Treasurer J.
Arts, Economic Developer F.B1-own, Co-ordinator J.Shelton
Guests; J.Berzins, J.Kovacs
A. Adoption of Minutes -An amendment should be made to item C No.1
a motion was made by G.Reynolds and seconded by B.Budarick to
pay all outstanding bills. This motion should include the total
sum of these bills which equalled $1,283.69.
B. Reports -1. Promotions Report: Jobs Ontario have supplied
the BIA with brochures which have been placed in the library.
Sidewalk Days; the theme will be Alice in Wonderland. Many
suggestions were made such as a Tea Party, a croquet game, a bike
decorating contest and many more. Any other suggestions are
welcome. Air Show'93; a request was made to the BIA to sponser
an aircraft for $500. Amotion was made by B.Morgan and seconded
by K.Miggens to approach the Chamber of Commerce to split the
cost . .C::: . .'\JilU_EJ> .
? Beautifications Report: An update for the Facade
Improvement Project was given by J.Berzins. The image motif
is mainly "Traditional". At the next board meeting, Mr.Berzins
will have the preliminary concepts in signage.
3. Treasurers Report: The 1993 budget was presented.
Expenses totalling $36,500 and a motion to accept it was made by
B. Morgan and seconded ,by M. Sul 1 i van. CARRI ED.
C. Communications -1. D.Rosenthal: 7-213 requesting a zone
change, a motion to accept the change was made by D.Rosenthal and
seconded by B.Budarick. chBB-1.EJ>.
Zone 7-217-No Comment
2. D.Morris: supplied the board with a copy of the
by-law regarding Transient Salespeople. It was reccommended
that all merchants ask for the salespersons' licence and if it
cannot be producedcall the police. It was also suggested the
P.C.Cops Program and the newsletter confirm this line of action
for any walk-in salespeople.
At ·1 : 1 5 chairperson B. McBride tur·ned the meeting over to M.
3. B.Carroll: aware of the increasing vacant stores,
asks for any suggestions as to how to encourage new business. and
improve the appearance of the empty store-fronts.
4. F.Brown: A committee has been established to examine
the current role of tobacco in the region. It has been suggested
that the BIA appoint a representative. The BIA co-ordinator
will find a volunteer among the member·s.
5 .. Summer-Help Program -There is insufficient funds in
this years budget to hire summer help. The board feels it
should be considered for next years' budget.
l; motion to adjourn the meeting at ·1: 50 was made by B. Carroll and
seconded by K. Miggens. i:;_ARRJJ;:Q.