931014 BIA MIN• '· 10/93 • TILLSONBURG BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA BOARD Minutes of the BIA Board Thursday, October 14,1993 at 12:00PM in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices. Present -·vice-Chairperson B.Budarick Members: B.Carroll,M.Scholtz, K.Miggens, G.Heath, R. Youn_g, G. Reynolds Co<a Bl)C/3 Staff: Deputy Clerk-Administer D.Morris, Treasurer J.Arts, Co-ordinator J.Shelton ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Adoption of the minutes -September 9,1993 moved by B.Carroll seconded by M.Scholtz, CARRIED. B. Business arising from the minutes -neg, C. Adoption of agenda -all in favour. D. Reports: 1. Treasurers Report -J.Arts presented the members with a copy of the fina~cial report. The following are the out- standing bills; IGA-82.94, facade improvemnt project-695.50,down- town gardens-1500. Totalling 2278.44. a motion to pay all outstanding bills was made by G.Heath, seconded by G.Reynolds, CARRIED J.Arts asked the members to give consideration to next years budget. Promotions Committee and the Beautifications committe are asked to prepare a budget proposal for '94 and present it at Mov.10 meeting. 2. Promotions Report -J.Shelton reported that the Avestel Christmas P,romotion plans are underway. The cheques have been ordered and the quantities are increased. The cheques wil·l be in books of ten this year. The merchant banners are ordered. 3. Beautifications Report -K.Miggens repor·ted that the christmas lights are not in good condition. The best of the lights will be put on Broadway with replaced bulbs if needed. Any extra lights will be put on the side-streets. It was also suggested by K.Migges that the co-ordinator contact the school about the students doing artwork to help the appearance of the fire site. No work can be displayed without owners consent. It was suggested at this time that there be a general meeting on Nov. 1 O at 7: 30 open to al 1 BIA members. One of the topics will be the future of Experience Tillsonburg. 4. Traffic Report -neg. E. Communications 1 . ADHOC members answered questions regarding the pro- posed transit system. The BIA members feel although the idea is sound they have rservations on the towns ability to afford it. ADHOC will report back to council. 2. J.Berzins showed the latest design of the Welcome to Tillsonburg gateway. The sign committee will meet again to discuss further the design and colours to be used. It was suggested by the BIA members that the colours of the sign will be able to be used in the signage downtown in the future. 3. Zone changes -ZON. 7-221: B-76/93 and B-91/93 NO COMMENT. CD-93003; 32CDM-93005 -NO COMMENT \\~~ \)'t ~ 7~ t ' .. •4. Letters to the Chairm~n -A letter of resignation was submitted by J.Shelton-Co-ord1nator. A BIA member has been asked to attend a meeting at the Community Centre on October 19 at 7:00PM. The meeting is to discuss the Community Alcohol Policies. B.Carroll has volunteered to attend. Rick Young has been appointed to the BIA Board and will be representing Avestel Credit Union. Jeff Stevenson will be the representative for the mall. New Business Election nominations will be accepted at the November 10 meeting. Meeting adjourned, 73