940512 BIA MINB.I.A. 05/94
MINUTES of the meeting of the Tillsonburg B.I.A. Board of
Management held Thursday, May 12th, 1994 at 12: 00 noon in the
Committee Room, Municipal Office.
PRESENT: Chairman B. Budarick, Members: B. Morgan, D. Rosenthal,
E. Heath, K. Miggens, R. Young, B. Carroll and M.
J. Arts, Treasurer
L. Glover, Co-ordinator
L. verstraeten, Recording Secretary
A. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by M. Scholtz
Seconded by B. Morgan THAT the Minutes of the B.I.A. Board
of Management under date of April 14th, 1994 be adopted
as printed.
Business from Minutes
J. Arts requested effective date with respect to the hiring
of Linda Glover as B.I.A. Co-ordinator. He was advised
that effective date was April 15th, 1994.
B. Adoption of Agenda
Moved by D. Rosenthal
Seconded by K. Miggens THAT the agenda as prepared for meeting
of May 12th, 1994 be adopted as printed, with the addition
D. Communications
1. County of Oxford RE: Re-zoning (D. Rosenthal)
C. Reports
1. Treasurer's Report
J. Arts presented members with a copy of the financial
report. Bills for the month of May 1994 totalled $161.90.
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Moved by E. Heath
Seconded by D. Rosenthal THAT the month of May 1994,
in the amount of $161.90, be payed as submitted.
2. Promotions Report
It was noted that J. Stephenson, Sifton Properties,
was present at Promotions Meeting of May 5th, 1994 to
discuss the possibility of a billboard, as a piggyback
approach of promoting with Wal-Mart.
B. Morgan advised the Committee that she had contacted
a talent agent in London and found a steel-band. The
cost to hire the 6 or 7 person band is $350-$400 per
night. It was suggested that hiring such a band for
Friday nights from mid August to mid September would
encourage customers, especially off-shore workers, to
shop downtown. It was suggested that the location for
the band change each week to promote different areas
of the town. It was noted that there would have to
be some changes made to the budget to cover the cost
of the band. It was also suggested that the Drop-In
Centre be approached about selling snacks and refreshments
as a fundraiser during the playing of the steel-band.
Moved by E. Heath
Seconded by o. Rosenthal THAT the B.I.A. Board
Management approve the hiring of the steel-band,
the budget permits.
3. Beautifications Report
K. Miggens reported that she had spoken with Maglin
Furniture Systems in Woodstock with respect to purchasing
benches and waste receptacles.
Following discussion, K. Miggens recommended that the
following be purchased:
1 bench for the Rotary Club -$695 + taxes
18 waste receptacles -approximately $7,000
It was noted that there would be some recovery of GST.
It was moved by K. Miggens
Seconded by D. Rosenthal
purchase 1 bench, to be
and 18 waste receptacles.
THAT approval
donated to the
be given to
Rotary Club,
••• 3
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4. Traffic Committee
B. Carroll reported on the meeting of the Traffic
Committee, at which they:
a) approved changes in the entrance/exit off Harvey
Street for the proposed Taco Bell
b) made recommendation for 1 handicap parking space
in the area of Canadian Tire
c) discussed the issue of a handicap parking space for
P. Smith, an employee of I.G.A.
5. Experience Tillsonburg
B. Carroll reported Experience
that the Committee was asking
close Broadway from 5:00 to 9:00
Moved by B. Morgan
for B. I.A.
on Friday.
and advised
approval to
Seconded by E. Heath THAT the B.I.A. Board of Management
approve the closing of Broadway on Friday from 5:00
to 9:00 P.M. for the purpose of Experience Tillsonburg.
D. Communications
1. D. Rosenthal advised that a letter had been received
from the County of Oxford with respect to a re-zoning
application for the property south of the abandoned
factory on Tillson Avenue. She noted there was a proposal
to build a medical/dental complex with possibly commercial
and residential units on the property.
The B.I.A. had no objections.
E. Other Business
1. There was discussion with respect to the positions of
B.I.A. Co-ordinator and Recording Secretary.
Meeting adjourned at 1:35 P.M.