200723 BIA MIN 1 Tillsonburg Business Improvement Area MINUTES - Board Meeting of Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 Carriage Hall & ZOOM Time: 7:37 am – 9:55 am 1. CALL TO ORDER: Time: 7:37 am QUORUM: 6/8, YES MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Gilvesy, C. Tomico, M. Tedesco, M. Van Geer Truyde, J. Tilson, D. Rasokas STAFF PRESENT: M. Renaud, K. Slattery TOWN REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: C. Pepper MEMBERS ABSENT: W. Cameron, A. Hicks Guests present: None. 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: a. moved by: D. Gilvesy seconded by: M. Van Geer Truyde “And resolved that the agenda, as prepared for the BIA Board of Management meeting for Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 be adopted”. “CARRIED” 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: a. None declared. 4. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES from the board meeting of June 25th, 2020 a. moved by: J. Tilson seconded by: M. Tedesco “And resolved that the minutes, as prepared for the OPEN SESSION meeting of June 25th, 2020 be adopted”. “CARRIED” 2 5. EVENTS AND MARKETING CO-ORDINATOR’S REPORT: The EMC delivered the report to the board. The EMC walked around the room to show the board members the various slides about social media metrics. There were double-digit increases in page hits with Facebook (+17%). Councillor Gilvesy requested what the numbers were referring to in terms of the time frame and the EMC answered that it was the previous 28-day period. The EMC indicated the current on-line strategies are to include additional video segments. The board asked a few questions about frequency of posts and felt that the EMC should be posting more content on a regular basis. 6. BEAUTIFICATION & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT & UPDATE: The ED gave the monthly report highlighting the accomplishments and priorities for the month. The general comments continued to be supportive. There was a discussion about the pop-up patios being constructed and maintained as the number one priority. The ED informed the Board about challenges related to watering with the extreme heat. Keeping things hydrated has been difficult. The weeding and tree trimming continues. There continues to be many favourable comments about the care and condition of the downtown core area. There also continues to be issues with back- alley and dumped garbage throughout the BIA service area. Some days there 30, 40 and upwards of 50 bags dumped. The areas of concern include residential apartments near or on Broadway, the former Royal Hotel, Cat Alley, rear of Library Lane and generally the downtown-south area, south of Baldwin-Oxford Streets. The part-time staff are doing an amazing job and often get “rewards” from random people as a thank-you for the efforts. Many BIA member businesses have also commented on the efficacy of the Clean Team effort. The BIA staff have also re-deployed and moved around various umbrellas and furniture as required. Shopping carts continue to be a challenge with many being abandoned throughout the BIA core area. 7. FINANCIAL REPORT: The ED presented the financial report. There were no questions. There are a number of outstanding revenue items including mask sales, sponsorship invoices, Turtlefest funds, HST rebate from 2019 and the sponsored labour credits from the Multi-Service Centre for the part-time summer students. The ED will be following up with these matters forthwith. The ED forecasts that revenues will continue to be lower than budgeted for the full-year given 1/12th of the levy being removed from the full-year budget; the lack of event income; and “other revenues”. Expenses for the pop-up patio project are also unbudgeted. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The ED delivered the details of the monthly report. There were few questions. There were several questions from the Board on the pop-up patio projects and general beautification matters. The BIA team will continue 3 9. BIA EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING PROGRAM: The Board agreed to keep the program active until further notice. 10. 2020 BIA ASSESSMENT REPORT: The ED discussed the matter and there were no questions from the group. The ED will provide update(s) at subsequent meetings. 11. 2021 BUDGET AND BUSINESS PLANS: The ED presented the details from this agenda item. The Board directed the BIA team to provide a 0% increase in the 2021 levy requirement. The Board did not support the apportionment of fixed-dollar levy amounts for the Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall. The Board are reminded to provide feedback to the BIA team to be included in the 2021 budget no later than August 21st. The BIA team will present the budget and business plan documents at the September 24th, 2020 meeting which is designated primarily as a budget meeting. The ED will provide a budget binder to each of the Board Members prior to this meeting. The binder will include 10 tabs as was the case for the 2020 budget document. 12. BIA OFFICE, MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS SPACE REQUIREMENT(S): The sub- committee had met and reviewed the available spaces in the downtown core area. The only feasible location is the Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall space. The ED is following up with Strathallen on Unit #A1045 at the front of the Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall formerly housing the Turtlefest office and prior to the that; GR Paret Realty. The ED will be meeting with Strathallen to try and formalize an agreement. The ED and sub-committee commits to providing a report for the board at subsequent meetings. 13. FAÇADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: There have been no FIP committee meetings since the pandemic began. The Board Chair and ED will be requesting that the Town of Tillsonburg in scheduling a meeting forthwith. There are still several interested parties who want to move forward with projects in 2020. 14. COUNTY OF OXFORD GOVERNMENT SURVEY: Councillor Gilvesy asked that this item be added to the agenda. Councillor Gilvesy and the ED spoke about the importance of filling out this survey before the deadline as it is relates to Tillsonburg’s impact on County government and governance. There were no further comments or questions from the Board. 15. ROUNDTABLE: No comments. 16. NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 24, 2020 – This is primarily a 2021 Budget and Business Plan meeting only. TIME AND VENUE TBD pending COVID-19. 4 17. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Time of adjournment: 9:55 am a. moved by: M. Van Geer Truyde b. seconded by: M. Tedesco “CARRIED”