BY-LAW 2020-069
A BY-LAW to amend Schedule A of By-Law 2020-001, being a Schedule of Fees
for certain Municipal applications, services and permits in the Town of
WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to amend By-Law 2020-001 to
include a new waterpark fee .
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Tillsonburg as follows:
1. THAT Schedule A of By -Law 2020-001 be amended to include the rate below:
Item 2019 Proposed % Tax Unit
Fee 2020 Fee Change
Waterpark 6 years & over -$3 .00 NEW Hst each 1 hour swim included
2. THAT these amendments to Schedule A of By-Law 2020-00 1 are hereby
declared to be part of that By-Law as if written therein .
3. THAT this By-Law shall come into full force and effect upon passing .
READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 13th day of July, 2020.
D FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 13th day of July, 2020.