2021-015 Schedule AAGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (the "Agreement" or "APS") BETWEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG (t he "Vendor") -and- Trevor and Lynn Mudford (the "Purchaser ") WHEREAS the Vendor is the owner, in fee simple, of the lands and premises described in Schedule "A" (the "Property"); NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual cove nants and prem ises in this Agreemen t, the parties agree as fo llows : SECTION 1-GENERAL 1. The Pu rchaser agrees to purchase the Property and the Vendor agrees to se ll the Property according to the terms of thi s Agreement. 2. In cons ideration o f the agreement referred to in the preceding paragraph, th e Purchaser shall pay to th e Vendor a Purchase Pri ce calcul ated at $1.86 per square foot. Th e estimated area of the Property is 2,574 s quare f ee t and th e estimated total Purchase Price is Four Thousa nd, Seven Hundred an d Eighty Seven D ollars ($4,787.64), T he final to tal Purchase Price sha ll be d etermined by the actual lot area of the Propert y con fi rmed by on Ont ario Land Surveyor. The fina l to tal Pu rchase Price sha ll be adjusted based on th e determined actual lot area. 3. Th e Purchase Price shall be pai d as fo llows : (a) Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) deposit is payable by the Purchas er by certified cheque upon Acc eptance of th is Agreement , to be held on an in te res t free basis by the So licitor for the · Vendor as a de pos it pend ing comp l etion of th is transaction on account of th e Purchase Price on comp letion , or if thi s Agreement is not completed through no fa ult of the Purchaser, the depo si t sha ll be return ed to the Purchaser; and (b) the ba l ance of th e Purchase Price, subject to adjustmen ts, sha ll b e paid to th e Vendor on th e Completion D ate , by cert ifi ed cheque or bank draft. SECTION II -PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 4. Irrevocab le Date (a ) This APS shall be irrevocab le and open for accep tance by the Vendor until 6:00 p.m. on the 27 "' day o f January, 2021 ("Acceptance "), and when accepted sha ll constitute a binding contract of purchase and sale, otherwise the APS shall be nu ll an d void and all deposit monies paid shall be returned to the Purchaser withou t deduction. (b) Acceptance sha ll mean the date upon wh ich th e Mayor and Clerk of the Town of Tillso nburg, or such other persons as th e Vend or may authorize from time to time , sig n and execute thi s APS subsequent to the req uirement that th e Council of The Corporation of the To wn of Tillson burg has passed a reso lu tion or by -law authorizing ~~~~pproving the sa le of th e Property to the Purchaser purs uan t to the t~erms of th is Buye r's Initials 7'M Se ller's Initi al s 7fY\. (c) The parties agree and acknowledge that negotiation of th is APS is not a va lid and bi nding agreement until accepted by the Council of T he Corporation of th e Town of Ti llso nburg. The Ch ief Administrative Officer of the Town of Till sonburg, or his or her designa te, sha ll negotiate the terms of this A P S in good faith . However, the nego tia ti on of the terms of this APS by the Chie f Adminis trative Officer of the Tow n of Tillsonbu rg , o r his or her de signate, in no ways binds The Co rpora tion of the Town of Tillsonburg until such time as this APS is authorized and app roved by the Council of The Co rporation of the Town o f Tillsonburg . 5. Council Approva l (a ) T his transact ion i s subject to compliance with Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 , S .O. 2001 , c. 25 as amended and the app roval of the Counci l of The Co rporation of the Town of T ill so nburg in its so le and absolute discretio n by resolutio n or by-law . 6. Deed!Transfer (a) Th e Vendor ag rees to deed or transfer th e Property to the Purchaser subject to the terms of this Agreement. 7. Comple ti on Date (a) The closing of th is tra nsaction sha ll take pl ace on March 10 , 2021 , o r such other date as mutually agreed upon (the "Com pletion Da te ") at wh ich time possession of the Property in "as is , whe re is" condit ion s hall be given to the Purchaser other than as prov ided in t his APS. T he Vendor a ck nowledges that it has th e right and authority to se ll the Prope rt y. 8 . Documents , Reports and In formation (a) Th e Ve ndo r will produce and deliver to the Purchaser by February 10, 2021 any documents, reports or informa tion in its possession in res pect t o th e Property . The Purchaser agrees to re turn a ll of the above d ocumentation to th e Vendor if thi s transaction is not completed . SECTION Ill -CONDITIONS , REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 9. "As Is" Condition (a ) Th e Purchase r acknow ledges that it is acquiring the Property in an "as is " condition and that it must satisfy itse lf by February 10, 2021 rega rding the con d iti on of the Property including , but not lim ited to , all existing physica l cond it io ns of thi s Property, enviro nmen ta l conditi ons, fitness fo r any purpose , suita bili ty for cons tru ction , soil beari ng capacity for any building proposed, and the availabili ty of municipal services and u ti lities necessary for th e Purchaser's proposed u se of the Property . The Purchase r acknowledges that the Vendor sha ll not be respons ible for an y physi cal defi ciencies of the Property or fo r any past, presen t or fu ture environmenta l liab ilitie s and hereby waives any claim s ag a inst the Vendor in respect of any environment al liabili ti es on the Property . The Purch aser ag rees t o sign a re l ea se and indemnity in fav our o f the Vendor on or before closing with respect to matters set out in the pre ced ing sentence . If the Purchase r is for any reason w hatsoever di ssa ti sfied with the Property, it sha ll deliver writte n notice to that effect to the Vend or by no later than the time specified herein , and this Agreemen t sh all be terminated and th e deposit shall be ret urned to the Purchaser wi th out intere st o r deduction. If the Vendor is no ti fied th at th e conditio n of the Property is not satisfa ctory, th e n the Purchas er shall , prior to receiving its deposit monies back and pri or t o bei ng entitled to a fu ll release from the Vendor w ith respect to th is Ag reem en t, restore the Property to its original co ndition as it e xisted prior to such testing or inspection by the Purchaser, at th e Purchase r's sole expense. If the Pu rchaser fai ls to deliver w ritte n notice to th e Vendor within the time specified herein regarding this condition , th is condition shall be deemed t o have been wa ived by the Purchase r. 10. Othe r Conditions (a) Th is APS and comp letion of this trans action is subj ect to the con ditions set out in S chedules "A", "B", and "C". Buye r's Initials -r/t.( Se lle r's I nit ia ls >rAA_ 11 . Investiga tion by the Purchaser (a) The Purchaser acknowl edges having inspected the Property prior to executing the APS and understands that upon Acceptance by the Vendor, and subject to any conditio ns herein, there sha ll be a binding ag reement of purchase and sale between the Purchaser and the Vendor. It shall be the Purchaser's responsibility to provide, at its own expense, any soi l bearing capacity tests or environmenta l inspection, as may be required or desired, and th e Vendor shall grant the Purchaser access fo r such testing or inspection at all reasonable times , on reasonable notice , for the purpose of co nducti ng reasonable inspections. 12. Future Use (a) The Vendor and the Purchaser agree that there is no co ndi ti on, exp ress or implied, representat ion or warran ty of any kind that the future intended use of the Property by the Purchaser is or w ill be lawful except as may be specifically stipulated e lsewhere in this Agreement. 13. Provision of Plans (a) The Purchaser agrees and covenants that prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Purchaser sha ll provide to the T own of Ti ll sonburg a plan showing the location of th e bui lding(s) and outside storage, the front e leva tion of the building(s), t he exterior building materials . the landscaping treatment and the screening of outside storage . The provis ions of th is paragraph sha ll survive clos ing . 14 . Reasonab le Assistance (a) The Vendor agrees to provide reasonable assistance and co-operation to the Purchaser in obtain ing the necessary approvals for the development of the Property subject to the Purchaser's compliance with a ll re levan t build ing codes , by-laws. land use control s, any other statutory requirements and payment of the fees provided for in the Town of T ill sonburg's curren t fees by-law. 15. De ve lo pment Covenants and Res trictions (a) The Property shall be subject to the development covenants and restrictions more partic ularly set out in Schedule "D" attached to this APS , which sha ll survive the co mpletion of th is transaction and run with the Property . The development covenants and restrictions sh all be registered o n t itle by the Vendor. I n the event tha t the said covenants and restrictions are not registe red on title to the Property on or before c losing, the Purchaser covenants and agrees to conse nt to the regis tration of the covena nts and res trictions after closing. 16. Property Not for Resale (a ) T he Purc haser covenants t ha t it is purc h asing the Prope rty fo r the purpose o f conso lidating the parcel w ith t he Purchase r 's adj o ining pro p erty a nd not for t he p urp ose of resal e of vaca nt land. SECTI O N IV -PRIOR TO COMPLETION DATE 17. Purchaser May Inspect the Property (a) Th e Purchaser, its agent s and contractors s hall be permitted to inspect the Property and any buildings as frequen tl y as is reasonably necessary betwee n the date of Acceptance and the Completion Date at reasonabl e times and upon reasonable n otice to the Vendor. 18. In surance (a ) Pending cl osing, the Vendor sha ll hold all insurance policies and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as the ir interest may appea r and in the event o f damage to the Property. The Purchaser may e lect to either rece ive the proceeds of th e insurance and comp lete the purchase or to cance l the APS and have a ll the deposit monies paid to the Ve nd or returned together with all interest earned thereon without deducti on. Buyer's In itials ~ lJiA_ SEC TION V -COMPLETING THE TRANSACTION 19. Deedffransfer (a) The Deed or Transfer o f the Property wi ll be prepared by th e Vendor at th e expense of the Purchaser in a form acce ptable to t he so licitors for th e Purchaser and the Purchaser will pay a ll Land Transfer T ax , Harmonized Sa les Tax and other costs in connecti on w ith the registrati on of it. 20. Electronic Registration (a) Th e parties agree th at th e tran saction shall be compl ete d by el ectronic registrat io n pursuan t to Part Ill of the Land Registratio n Reform Act, R.S .O. 1990, c.L.4 as amended. The pa rti es acknowledge and agree th at the delivery and re lease of documen ts may , at the d is cre ti on of the lawyer: a) n ot occur con temporaneously with the regi stration of th e tra nsfer/deed and other registrabl e d ocumenta tion , a nd b) be subject to conditio ns whereby the lawyer receiving documents and/or m oney will be requ ire d to hold them in t rust and no t re lease them except in accorda nce w ith the terms of a written agreement between th e lawyers entered into in the form of the Document Registration Agreement adopted by the Joi nt LSU C -OBOA Committee on Elect ive Regi strat ion of Title Do cuments. 2 1. Survey or Refe rence Plan (a) The parties acknowledge that a su rvey , at the Purchaser's expense, is requ ired and a Refe re nce Plan ma y be registe red on title and may be us ed to provide a reg istrab le d escription of the Pro perty and any easements. 22. Lette rs and Reports from Offi cia ls of the Vendor (a) On or before the requ isi ti on date, the Vendor ag rees to provi de to th e Purchaser, if req uested , at the Vendor's expense, letters or rep orts from the Building and Zoning Depa rt men t of the Town of T ill sonb urg and the Fire Ch ief of th e Town of Till sonburg regard ing the status of com pli ance with a ll codes , by-laws, rul es and reg ul ations with respect to the Pro perty an d any bu ildings loca ted thereo n . 23. Examination of T itl e (a ) Ti tl e to the Property sha ll be g ood and marketab le and free from a ll encumbrances except for any servi ce ease ments o r rig hts-o f-w ay to be reserved in favour of th e Vendor and for an y easements or righ ts-of-way registered on title and a ny minor encroachments show n on the survey or Refe rence Plan delivered to th e Purchase r. Any re quired ease m ent shall be in the fo rm se t out in Sched ule "C". (b) The Purchase r is allowed until Fe bruary 24, 2021 to examine the title to the Pro perty . If on or be fo re this date the Purchaser furnis hes th e Vendor in writing wi th any va lid obj ecti ons : to the title; to any undisclosed outstandi ng work o rders ; to undisclosed non-comp liance with the municipal by -l aws or covenants and res tri c ti ons wh ich run wi th the land and cannot be reso lved before t he Completion Date; as to any objecti on of w hic h the Vendor shall b e unable to remedy or correct by the Completion Date and which the Pu rchaser wi ll n ot waive, then th is APS shall , no twit hstand ing any intermediate acts or negotiations, be terminated and th e d eposi t shall be returned to the Purchaser without dedu ction and the Vendor and the Purchaser shall not be lia ble for any cos ts , damages, compensation or expenses. 24. Vendor to Di scharge all Encumbran ces (a) The Ve nd or ag rees to ob tain and reg ister at its own expense , on or before the Complet ion Dat e, a discharge of all li ens , en cumbran ces , ag reements and mortg ages now registered against the Prop erty and not assumed by th e Purchaser. The Vendor further cove nants and ag rees to discharge, on or before the Comple ti on Date, any and all liens, cha tt el m ortg ag es , assignments or any o th er security inte rest given by th e Vend or agains t its perso nal Property . 25. Adjustmen ts (a) T he Vendor ag rees that all deposits, if any, held by the V e ndor no t i ncl uding~-f rest th ereon shall be cred ited to the Pu rchaser in the Statement of Adjustments pr p red fo r th e Com pletio n Date. Buyer's I n itia ls ~-Se ller's I nit i als~ ~ {b) Any rents , mortgage, interest, taxes, local improvements , water and assessment rates shall be apportioned and allowed to the Completi on Date, the day itself to be apportioned to the Purchaser. 26. Deliveries by the Vendor To The Pur chaser on Cl os ing (a) The Vendor covenants and agrees to deliver t o the Purchaser on the Compl et ion Date, all such d eliveries to be a condition o f the Purchaser's ob ligation to c lose this transaction , the following : (i) a deed/transfer of the Prope rty ; (ii ) any survey or reference pl an of the Property in the possession of the Vendor; (iii) a Statutory Declaration b y an authorized offi cer o f the Vendor stating that accurateness and truthfulness of all of the r epresentations and warranties ; (iv) a Statutory Declaration by an au thorized officer of the Vendor as to possession o f the Pro perty in a form acceptable to th e soli citors for the Purchaser; (v) a Sta tut ory Declaration by an authorized officer of the Vendor th at it is not now, and upon completion wi ll not be, a "non-r esident person" within the meaning and for the purp ose of Section 116 of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C ., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.) as amended; (vi) certified copies of all appropriate certificates, by-Jaws and o ther documents of Vendor authorizing the tran saction her ei n ; and (vi i) such fu rther documentation and assurances as the Purchaser may reasonab ly r equire to complete the tra nsaction con templated by the APS. 27. Harmon ized Sales Tax (a) The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the transaction contemplated herein is su bject to the Harmonized Sa les Tax (H ST) und er the Excise Tax Act, R.S .C ., 1985, c . E -15 (the "Act") and th at the Purchase Price does not include HST. The Vendor shall provide the Purchaser with its HST Business Number. The Pur chaser sha ll pay t o the Vendor any HST imposed under the Act payable in connection wi th the transfe r of the Prope rty to the Pu rchaser, or as it may d irect, unless the Purchaser or its nominee, or it s assignee, provides : (i) a c er ti ficate on or before the Completion Date con ta ining a representation and warra nty to the Vendor that: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Buyer's Initials 7'"1 ~ it is regi stered fo r the purpo se of the HST on th e Compl etion Date and specifying th e HST reg istra ti on number; it will self-assess the HS T on its GST/HST return or file th e p rescribed form p ursuant to subsecti on 228(4) of the A c t in connecti on with the purchase of the Property; the Property transferred pu rsua nt to t his APS is being purchased by the Purchaser, or its nominee or assignee, as p rincipal for its own accoun t and is not being pur chased by the Purchaser as age nt, t rustee or otherwise on behalf of or for another person, and does not constitute a supp ly of residentia l complex made to an individ ual for the purpose o f paragraph 221 (2)(b) of th e Act ; an indemn ity, indemnifying and saving harml ess the Vendor fr om any HST payable on thi s transacti o n and penalty and interes t r elating to HST; and a n otarial true co py of its H ST registr ation confirm ation. SEC TION VI -MISCE L LANEOU S 28 . Entire Agreement (a) Th ere is no re presentation, warranty , co llatera l agreement or condition affecting this Agreement of th e Property other than expressed herein . 29. Tend er (a) Any ten der of documents or moneys hereunder may be made upon the solicitor acting for the party upon whom tender is desired , and it sha ll be sufficient that a negotiable , certified cheque or bank draft may be tendered instead of cash . 30. Time of Essence (a) Time sha l l be of the essence of this Agreement. 31. Planning Act (a) This Agreement shall be effective on ly if the provisions of Section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S .O. 1990, c.P .13, as amended are complied w ith. 32. Notices (a ) All notices in this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to ha ve been g iven if del ivered by hand or mailed by ordinary mai l, postage prepaid , addressed to the solicitor for the person to whom such notice is intended to be give n at the following addressed: So licitors for t he Ve n dor: Duncan , Linton LLP A TIENTION: Steven Ross 45 Erb Street West Waterloo , ON N2J 4B5 Fax: (519) 886-8651 with a copy de livered to: The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg A TIENTION: Deve l opment Commissioner 204-200 Broadway Tillsonburg , ON N4G 5A7 Fax : 519-842-9431 Solicit ors for the P urch ase r : ATIENTION : Michael G. Szorenyi Gibson Bennett Groom & Szorenyi 36 BROADWAY, T ILLSONBURG N4G 3P1 Fax: (519)842-8001 If mailed, such notices must also be given by facsimile transmission on the date it was so mailed . If so give n , such notices shall be deemed to have been received on t he fi rs t business day following the date it was delivered or marked mailed out. 33. Successors and Assigns (a) Th e Purchaser sha ll be permitted to assign a ll of its ri ght, title and interest i n and to this APS w ith th e Vendor's written approval , which shall not be unreasonably withhe l d, including ass ignment to another corporation with the same sharehol de rs as the Purchaser. Subject to the restrictions in the preced i ng sentence , the Vendor ag re es to engross the Transfer/Deed of Land as d i rected by the Purchase on th e comple ti on Date as the Purchaser may elect , and the Vendor agrees to comp lete the transaction co ntemplated by this APS on the Completion Date with such assignee or nominee . The Purcha se r is released from all liability hereunder, if it assi ns its interest in this APS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties her to and their respective successors and assigns . Buyer's In itials 7',c.t Seller's Init ia ls ~ ~ 34. Schedules (a) The following Schedules sha ll form an integral part of this Agreement: (i) Schedule "A " Description of the Property ; (ii) Schedule "B " Cond itions; (iii) Schedule C" Easement ; and, (iv) 35. Acceptance by Fax or Email (a) The Purchaser and Vendor acknowledge and agree that the commun ication of this Agreement of Purchase and Sa le may be transmitted by way of facsimile or electronic mail, and that they agree to accept such signatu res and documents to be legal and binding upon them . 36. Co unterparts (a ) Th is Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts , each of w hich i s considered to be an original , and all of which are co nside red to be the same documen ts. 37. Severability (a) If any provis ion of th is Agreement, or the application th e reof to any c ircumstances , shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, then th e rema ining provisions of this Agreement, o r the app lication thereof to other ci rcums tan ces , shall not be affected , and sha ll be valid and enforceable . --Buyer's Initials /""< Jflil IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Purchaser has executed this Agreement: Dateda ~ ,Ontariothis /q dayof ~tl.4f 2021. Name : Lynn Mudford T;~~ Nam e: T revo r Mdfo d Titl e: I/We have authority to bind the Corpo rati on . The Vendor hereby accepts this Agreement accord ing to its terms . Dated at Till so nburg , Ontario this&50day of J'Q14AO~ , 2021 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor has executed this Agreement: Buy er's I nitia ls ~ ~ C lerk We have authori ty to bind The Co rp orat ion of th e T own of Tillsonburg . Sell e r's Initia ls SCHEDULE "A " ·LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY ALL A ND SINGULAR that certain pa rcel or tract of l and and pr emises situated , lying and being in the Town of Tillsonbu rg in the County of Oxford , be ing comprom i sed of part of Lot 22 , Pl an 966, and described as Part 1 on the draft p lan to be deposited: -·-............. . , .. 1 .1 ,;._~j ·.rr •t .... ... . ... ' ...... \ I 'li. \ • ..,-.... r .. ,_ -. -· / ~T 1 1tJ.."iT .·,,~-----·.J. _____ ..:._ ___ _ r . / .. {. Buye r's In itia ls 7'~ ~ I • ,.,\):'...., .. ,,, _.: . ;· --_,,. ~--.. -.-.:. __ • .. -i!'r : .:.! • ... ·r···.· ... ·_. --.:~.. f "1 ' •• • .. ··.,. N !tr :r t o T n 11cn~.ro1.[.r> ?Uol'I 'o:.ti n;,11•1 t r lllLi'CtWdM.1: C:.Nl•Tf (;f"" ().o.P'C.)t0 II" H \-.i !.;."-·l+l .. l t! '.Y<'t •tfV-4'!> (:()(vt1;,1,l[ -~-·-;.~"-;~ '!;_• ...... ·,{,~ •. - SCHEDULE "8" -PURCHASER CONDITIONS 1. The transaction of purchase and sale contempla ted herein sha ll be subject to the fu lfillment of the following terms and conditions on or before . which terms and conditions are for the exclusive benefit of the Purchaser and may be waived i n whole or in part by the Purchaser. If the conditions are not fulfilled or waived then the deposit s hall be returned and Agreement arising from the offer shall be at an end and all parties released from their obligations : (a) Buyer's I niti a ls ("'f. ~ Sel ler's Initials SCHEDULE"C"-EASEMENT TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE EASEMENT: The Owner hereby grants, conveys and confirms to The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg (the "Town "), its successors and assigns, in perpetuity, the free, un i nterrupted and undisturbed right and easement to enter upon the lands herein described at any time for the purposes of constructing , installing and maintain ing all municipal services of any kind (includ ing wale r di stribution pipes and sanitary and storm sewers) in , under, over and upon the said la nds , and wi th th e further and con ti nuing right to the Town, its successors and assigns , and its servants, agents and workers to enter upon the l ands at any time to construct, repair, correct, operate , replace and maintain at all times in g ood cond ition and repa ir the municipal services and for every such purpose the Town sha ll have access to the said lands at all times by its agents , servants, employees and workers . 2. The Town covenants and agrees that, upon completion of any work undertaken hereunder, the Town will restore the areas of land upon which it has performed work to the same condition as that in which the lands were found prior to the commencement of the work. 3. The Owner covenants with the Town to keep the lands herein described free and clear of any tre es , b uild ing s, structures or other ob structions which may limit the use , opera ti on , repa ir , replacement or maintenance of the easement and lo use the lands herein described on ly in a manner and for purposes not incons istent with the exercise of the rights created by this indenture and wi th out limiting the generality of the foregoing, only as a yard , lawn, garden, flowerbed , roadway, driveway or parking area and the Owner agrees not to do or suffer to be done anything wh ich m ight injure any of the works of the Town hereon. The term "building" as set out herein shall specifically include any window sills , chimney breasts , cornices , eaves or other architectural features projecting from the first floor of the building but sha ll not include window si ll s, ch imney breasts, cornices , eaves or other architectural features proje cting fr om the second floor of the bu ild ing by less than two (2) feet and such second floor proje ctions shall be specifically authorized and allowed to encroach upon the lands herein described . 4. The Town, by the acceptance and registration of the w ith in easement, agrees to be bound by the te rms and provisi ons contained herein. 5 . The burden and benefit of this easement shall run with the lands herein described and sha ll extend to and be bi nding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, exe cutors, administrators , su ccesso rs and ass igns. 6. Th is is an easement in gross. Buyer's Initials 7'"'1. Sell er's I nitials J)#A