971009 Otter Valley Trail MIN- Open HouseMINUTES
Public Open House #4
Thursday, October 9, 1997 -7 P.M.
Parish Hall -Village of Port Burwell
A. Introductions
Mr. G. Leachman, Chair, Otter Valley Utility Corridor & Recreation
Trail Committee welcomed all participants to the Open House and
explained the master planning process to date and confirmed that the
Management Committee is working towards its use as a utilidor.
Mr. B. Bartlett, Deputy Clerk, Town of Tillsonburg addressed the Open
House and introduced the consultants from Stanley Consulting: Mr. K.
Buck, Mr. J. Cranstone and Mr. D. Zimmer.
B. Status of Project & Process To Date
Mr. K. Buck explained in detail the master planning process to date
and gave the Open House a status update on the project. Mr. K. Buck
stated that the final plan document was being put together and would
be made available to the Management Committee in the very near future.
C. Overview of Master Plan & Permitted Uses
Mr. J. Cranstone presented to the Open House the location of the 4
staging areas along the trail, including Lake Lisgar, south
Tillsonburg, Straffordville and Port Burwell. He further explained
that each of the staging areas along the trail would have
a theme, such as Port Burwell-nautical, Tillsonburg -agriculture,
and Straffordville -railway. He also explained that
spaced evenly along the trail would be nodes or rest areas that would
interpret some of the natural features and environmental conditions
and other points of interest for trail users. Mr. Cranstone explained
the design detail of the nodes and staging areas through typical cross
sections of those locations. Also discussed were the needs for
bollards, gates, fencing, information kiosks, plantings, signage and
Mr. Cranstone explained that at Tunnel Road and Blackbridge Road some
uses would have to take alternate routes because of topography.
He further stated that motorbikes and ATV's would be restricted
through Blackbridge Road to Straffordville, Eden, and from Tunnel Road
to Port Burwell, as well as in Port Burwell. Snowmobiles would be
allowed along the entire length of the trail except from Blackbridge
lookout through to Straffordville.
Mr. Cranstone further advised that it was being recommended to have a
probationary period for the motorized uses through the Management
Committee and that a code of ethics for the trail must be developed by
that Committee to ensure everyones safety. He further explained the
planning to date to accomodate Pembina Exploration Limited in the
design of the trail with all other users.
D. Proposed Phasing
Mr. K. Buck explained the proposed phasing for the build-out of the
entire trail project. He stated that the Management Committee should
take ownership of the trail, which includes signage, fencing and
gating as soon as possible, to avoid trespass and form part of a risk
management plan for the trail. He further stated that the initial
phases should be to develop trail heads in Port Burwell and
Straffordville. Mr. Buck recommended that the final phase link
the entire trail through the south end of Tillsonburg as this part of
the trail has yet to be finalized as there are outstanding land route
E. Cost Estimates
Mr. Buck stated that the estimated cost for the trail assuming
design, build and contracted work would be about $1.8 million and
that it should be developed over 10 years at a cost of $180,000 per
annum. Mr. Buck further broke down the estimated costs for the project
as per the expected phasing plan. He further explained to the Open
House that the estimated costs did not take into account volunteerism,
in-kind services and any donations. All project costs and funding
would be at the discretion of the two (2) Councils through their
respective Management Committee. Mr. Buck stated that the final
phase linking the trail through the south end of
Tillsonburg was not estimated as the costs for land acquisitions,
right-of-ways, design and construction/building were still
F. Economic Benefits
Mr. Buck discussed direct and indirect economic benefits to the trail.
He explained that in the first year when $180,000.00 is spent it will
.generate a total economic benefit of $1.3 million. In the tenth year
of trail construction, the total economic benefit would be $18.0
million. Mr. Buck explained that the statistics developed by
Touristics is an accepted model used by financial institutions
and the statistics are fairly conservative. He further explained that
this model is used throughout the Province of Ontaio. Mr. Buck stated
that the utility use and the eventual link to the Trans Canada Trail
are not factored into the model.
Mr. Buck also discussed motorized uses on the trail along with a
proposed structure for the Management Committee.
G. Recommendations & Implementation
Mr. K. Buck discussed the recommendations that will be contained in
the final report on the master plan for the trail.
H. Discussion Period
Mr. Ron Bradfield initiated discussion on the work done thus far with
Pembina Exploration Limited. Mr. D. Zimmer responded that a great deal
of work has been done with Pembina and that their requirements are
brought into the master planning as shown in the typical cross
sections. The trail can accomodate Pembina through proper design and
construction and that they will need site specific drawings and
details and that these items should be reviewed by the Management
Committee with the assistance of qualified persons either on the
working Committees or subcontracted to other professionals.
Mr. Mason, Vice-Chair initiated discussion on phasing and further
stated that many elements already exist such as the heritage buildings
and other recreation facilities in the Village of Port Burwell,
Vienna and the Town of Tillsonburg.
In response to a question from Mr. J. Long, Mr. K. Buck stated that
a trail width of 2.5 m. to 3.0 m. can be implemented to accomodate
equestrian uses along with horse drawn wagons. This was acceptable to
Mr. Long.
In response to questions from the audience, Mr. Buck further discussed
a Landowners Committee to look after land issues with broad
representation from the public and each area Council.
Mr. R. Bradfield addressed the Open House and explained that contacts
had been made with a firm planning a route across Lake Erie for a
In response to questions from Mr. F. Lewis, Mr. Buck stated that the
economic model is credible in that it is used by financial
institutions evaluating trail proposals across the Province of Ontario.
Mr. K. Buck stated that he would forward the names of those financial
.institutions once obtained from Touristics.
Mr. John Danbrook asked why the consultants proposed to meander the
trail in certain sections. Mr. Zimmer stated that some sections were
long and straight and would control speed and reduce monotony if a
meandering of the trail were introduced. Mr. Danbrook stated that the
existing rail bed was in excellent shape and that there would be
erosion and wash outs if the rail bed were removed and/or altered in
any way. Mr. Zimmer stated that the ultimate design is to be approved
by the Management Committee and that he agreed that the existing rail
bed was in excellent condition. The group further discussed the
condition of the rail bed along the trail and it was agreed that any
problem areas were probably located mainly at road crossings where
the rail bed has been disturbed through trail use and activity.
A representative of the Otter Ridge Dirt Riders stated that there are
two areas of concern: being Mabee Sideroad and Bayham Townline and
further explained that their Club was trying to alleviate these
problem areas through a code of ethics and enforcement. He further
stated that his Club is willing to work with all parties for the use
of the trail. Mr. Buck stated that his Club has already shown their
willingness to help by their participation at a walk on Ontario Hiking
day as sponsored by the Tillsonburg Trail Association and that this
effort was viewed very favourably by the hikers.
A representative of the Grand Valley Trail Association asked for an
update on the line between the Town of Tillsonburg and Town of
Burford. Mr. G. Leachman responded that it is his understanding that
the line is in public ownership but its ultimate use is unknown.
I. Next Steps
The following steps were discussed at the Open House:
1. Complete master plan in two (2) to three (3) weeks;
2. present master plan to Management Committee and Councils;
3. establish a new Management Committee; and
4. start construction.
The meeting ended at 9:40 p.m.
20 Spruce Street
Tillsonburg, Ontario
BUILDING· 842-2211 WORKS -842-5951 CEMETERY -842-3522 (519) 842-8775 -Fax
September 19, 1997
Otter Valley Recreational
Trail & Utility Corridor
c/o Town of Tillsonburg
200 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Tillsonburg, Ontario
N4G 5A7
ATTN: Chairman G. Leachman
Dear Chairman & Members:
RE: Otter Valley Trail Risk Management
On September 18th, 1997, Mr. Bryce Sibbick and Mr. Chris Demarest
of Frank Cowan Company Ltd. and myself, visually inspected the
trail from Rokeby Side Road to Port Burwell.
Numerous areas of concern where addressed regarding potential
immediate liability and future risk management.
Mr. Sibbick and Mr. Demarest are available to meet with the
Committee to address the Committee's concerns and risk management
proposals. They are prepared after your meeting to provide
written comments for review and further recommendation.
Please advise Mr. Sibbick/Mr. Demarest directly, as to when this
meeting could be arranged.
Trusting this is of assistance.
I remain,
Yours truly,
2Yd fl-V'-
M.C. Cowan, A.M.C.T.(A)
Director of Public Services
Town of Tillsonburg
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Item t. (a)
Item 2.
Item 3.
Item 4.
Item S.
Excm !.J.abl!!ty Policy
Policy Number:_,,c.,,o,.M,.5..,0""3"'0,_7...,14,__ ___ _
Agent Name & Number: South Western #3050
Name and Address
oflnsured: Yvon Boyce
R.R. I,
Courtland, Ontario, NOG I EO
Schedule of Underlying Insurance:
Carrier Type of Coverage
The Sovereign General lnsumacc Comprehensive General Liabilty
Limits of Underlying Insurance
$1,000,000. Each OccuITence
$1,000,000. Annual Aggregate
Limit of Coverage Hereunder: S 1,000,000. Each Occurrence
S 1,000,000. Annual Aggregate
Premium: $325.
Minimum Retained: s 325.
Term of Coverage Hereunder:
(a) From: December 12, 1996
To: December 12, 1997
12:01 a.m. Standard Time at the Address of the Named Insured as to each of said
dates; or
Unit! Cancelled as In the Policy, provided upon not less than Sixty (60) Days Prior Written
Dated: 13 Januazy 1997