981215 Otter Valley Trail MINc
Tuesday, December 15, 1998 -7 PM -Bayham Council Chambers
Present: Chair S. Lamb, Vice-Chair C. Evanitski, M. Stewart,
B. Smith, C. Rosehart
Staff: L. Buchner, D. Morris, F. Bell, B. Bartlett
A. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by B. Smith and Seconded by C. Rosehart:
'That the minutes of November 24, 1998 meeting of the Otter
Valley Utility Corridor & Recreation Trail Committee, be
B. Business Arising From Minutes
C. Adoption of Agenda
Moved by C. Evanitski and Seconded by M. Stewart:
'That the Agenda for the meeting of the Otter Valley Utility Corridor
& Recreation Trail Committee dated December 15, 1998, be adopted.'
D. Deputations
1. 7:00 P.M. -Mr. Donald Good, LLB
Mr. Donald Good, LLB representing adjacent property owners to the
Trail addressed the Board of Management and presented their submission
dealing with the Line Fences Act, RSO 1990, zoning under the Planning
Act, RSO 1990 and liability with respect to the operation and
management of the Trail.
Mr. Good stated that he was proceeding on behalf of the adjacent
landowners to process an application under the Line Fences Act, RSO
1990 and it was the responsibility of the municipalities to erect and
maintain the fences in accordance with the Act which will require an
appropriate budget for materials and cost.
Mr. Good further stated that the municipalities should consider the
adoption of appropriate zoning under the Planning Act, RSO 1990 that
would recognize the Trail as a permitted land use.
In response to a question from C. Evanitski, Mr. Good stated that he
was instructed to proceed with an application under the Line Fences
Act, RSO 1990.
In response to a question from B. Smith, Mr. Good stated that he would
provide to the Board of Management with a list of the adjacent
landowners that he represents.
ii) 7:15 P.M. -Mr. Bob Gregson
Mr. Bob Gregson addressed Committee and requested that his property be
fenced along the entire length of the Trail as he has experienced
trespass with motorized vehicles.
In response to a question from the Board, Mr. Gregson stated that the
fences were in place by the Railway about 20 years ago.
Mr. Long addressed the Board meeting and stated the tracks have been
lifted for at least seven years.
Mr. Gregson requested that the issue with respect to his land locked
parcel and access to it across the Trail be resolved by the Board.
In response to a question from the Board, Mr. Gregson stated that he
had no problem with the lands when they were owned by the Railway and
that he had attempted to buy the lands for his own use.
In response to a question from Mr. Gregson, S. Lamb stated that no
funds have been committed as of yet for fencing.
iii) 7:30 P.M. -Mr. Bill Underhill
Mr. Bill Underhill addressed the Board and stated that the
municipalities are the new owners of the lands and it is their
responsibility to rezone the subject lands for a Trail. He further
advised that since the lands are a former railway they would take on
the zoning of those lands immediately adjacent to the railway and that
this is in accordance to the Bayham Zoning By-law.
E. Other Business
Mr. George Gilvesy addressed the Committee and expressed concern for
increased insurance premiums with the Trail. He expressed further
concern that costs for the development of the Trail by the
municipalities will be out of control. Mr. Gilvesy stated that the
adjacent landowners have the greatest amount at risk in the
development of the Trail and should have their concerns addressed by
the Board.
Mrs. Wanda Hoshal addressed the Board and stated that children need a
safe place to recreate and that the trail is an excellent place for
this activity. She further stated that it is the responsibility of the
municipalities to make sure the Trail is safe and accessible to all
people and users.
In response to a comment from a member of the public, Mr. Al Spicer
addressed the Board and stated that there are no dairy cattle
farming operations along the Trail.
Mr. Everett Vanvor, Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs addressed
the Board and explained the permit system for trail use across
Ontario. He further stated that both owned and leased trails are
insured by the Club, however, off trail use is not covered under their
insurance program. He stated that the permit system allows for trail
use only and that any other use would be trespass and that is a
criminal activity that can be enforced through policing. Mr. Vanvor
further stated that shared use with the Club would ensure proper rules
and procedures for the Trail, as well as a protection of landowner
interests through policing.
Mr. Matt Schafer addressed the Board and stated that there will be
increased risk if motorized uses are allowed on the Trail.
Mr. Spicer addressed the Board and stated that the trail concept
can work elsewhere and questioned why it doesn't work for the Otter
Mrs. Rose Laemers addressed the Committee and stated that there were
very few problems associated with the Trail, except for noise, and
that the municipalities should proceed with the trail concept and let
the policing be dealt with by the local snowmobile clubs.
Mrs. Linda Vandevever addressed the Board and stated that she has
experienced no noise problems with respect to the Trail.
Mrs. Gibbons addressed the Board and expressed concern for hunting
from the adjacent lands. Mr. Kevin Taylor stated that the East Elgin
Trail Association made users aware of hunting seasons in their club's
Mr. Long stated that the Board has to get the user groups and
landowners working together in Committees so that issues, such as
garbage dumping, can be addressed.
Mr. Dave Mason, Councillor addressed the Board and provided an
alternate route to Tunnel Road, through the former Village of Vienna,
and filed a copy with the Secretary.
Mr. David Hoshal, Southern Snowriders Club addressed the Board and
that the club would like to work with the municipalities, interested
groups and the landowners on the trail and share with the associated
costs of development. He further stated that signs are needed on the
trail to warn users of dangers.
F. Adjournment
The Committee meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
~~~ Woodstock, Ontario -410 Buller St., N4S 4N2 Tel. (519) 539-9800 Fax (519) 539-6206
E-mail address: ocbh@oxford.net
~ Woodstock, Ontario -Sexual Health Clinic, 204 Huron St., N4S 7A1 Tel (519) 539-4431 Fax (519) 539-3133
Brad Bartlett, Deputy Clerk
The Corporation of the Town ofTillsonburg
Municipal Offices, Town Centre Mall
200 Broadway
Second Floor, Suite 204
Tillsonburg, Ont. N4G 5A7
November 20, 1998
Dear Mr. Bartlett
.. , .. ,, .. , .. -•.-: "';":\' ' ~ ~---.
o-•~· •
The development of the Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail was recently brought to
my attention. I have been unable to learn the extent of the plans and development of the trail to
date. Since I am unable to attend the meeting on November 23n1, I wanted to write to express my
My main foci in public health are the prevention of injuries and the promotion of physical activity.
Thus, I strongly support trail development. It provides a safe place, away from traffic, for people to
be physically active.
The trail should have a surface which allows for cycling. In addition, it needs to be wide enough to
accommodate cyclists and people who are on foot .. In the winter it could make a great cross-
country ski trail.
The use of motorized vehicles such as snowmobiles, dirt bikes and off-road vehicles should be
prohibited. If they are permitted it would jeopardize the safety of those who are on the trail under
their own power. In fact, it would be very unlikely that active people would use the trail if it was
used by these vehicles. The noise, speed, and potential danger would totally destroy their enjoyment
of the peace and beauty of the countryside. The use of the trail would be restricted to the relatively
few who own such vehicles, and would render it inaccessible to the rest of the population.
I wish you well with the completion of this worthwhile project. The surge of trail development
across the province is most exciting indeed.
Sincerely --__,,_.,_ , __, H.
, ~---1. --~-..;:_. / ...... : .. ;:---\._/ ., __ r ... --~-
Loma Boratto RN BScN
Public Health Nurse
01/19/99 TUjl 12:21 FAX 519 866 3884 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYllAM
MOVED BY: ;,.<:? ~ DATE: January 14, 1999 i7
' '} SECONDED BY: ,_.,7'J;r 't -
Resolution # 99------
6.l(d) "THAT the Ch11rles E. Buch11nan correspondence dated December
22, 1998 regarding development of the Otter Valley Utility Corridor
and Recreation Trail, and the attached article be received;
AND THAl' the information be forwarded to the Otter Valley Utility
Corridor and Recreation Trail Joint Board ofM.anagemcnt."
· CARRIED ,(?/;44$.~DEFEATED _____ _ MAY~ T-MAYOR
Dept. Phone"'
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~001 •
01/15/99 FRI 11:15 FAX 519 866 3884 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYl!AM
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6.1 {d)
Jan 14/99 Motion # 99-
Port Burwell, Ontario,
December 22, 1998.
Mayor Max. Stewart, Members of Council,
Municipality of Bayham.
Dear Sirs:
(213 ])
I have already outlined my reasons for development of the
Otter Valley Trail and its benefits to the entire co111111unity
including the adjacent land owners, in a letter dated July 8,
At the risk of being labelled a chronic complaining letter-
wri ter, I am again appealing to the better judgment of the
Council of Bayham regarding the development of the trail.
I recently learned that the adjacent land-owners have
engaged a high-powered lawyer to help them in their endeavors to
squashJthe trail, which is cer.tainly their prerogative. However
it has been suspected from the outset that the adjacent land-
owners main objective has been the acquisition of free land and
NOT ma or concerns about the use of the trail and its effect on
them oi their land. This is very evident from their refusal to
ins.pee other trails and to try to determine the real facts about
the us aqd development Of them. It is also evident from the
early re~entation of their lawyer. They are sifting the
provis~ons of the Line Fences Act to see if there are some straws
to,gra p which will discourage the development and use of the
trail, and have come up with the prohibitive cost of fencing the
entire trail with the escape for the community being to just turn
ov~r t e land to them and they will look after it.
T is would be a very short sighted approach and would
certai ly tell the whole community and the population, as a
whole, that, once again, money is more important than quality of
life and the outside perception of our community.
Another point is, if there are no fences or that some are
missing, who removed them? given the fact that the right-of way
was properly fenced when the CPR ceased using it.
I am enclosing an article outlining the importance of
trails, such as the one which we have an opportunity to
establish, to our neigbours to the south. I could not help but to
th~nk of the hundreds of thousapds of adjacent land-owners who
haye already set aside their greed and petty concerns for the
greater good of their communlty and the country. Just think of
it, America's trail system is more than SIX times the length of
the Interstate Highway System. It would certainly be interesting
to1 fini out how that equates in Canada and how many "adjacent
land-o ners" are involved.
A ain I say, this is a tremendous opportunity for us in this
community and for the future generations and their children who
coµld be using and enjoying the Otter Valley Trail long after the
pr~sen land-owners bordering it have ceased worrying about it.
I have every confidence that you, as the Charter Council
to~ th New Municipality of Bayham, will not capitulate to
pr~vat interests but will decide for the greater good for all .
I ?
Yorrs 1ncerely, -·=-~~ _,,J
Charle Port Burwell, Ont. 874-4963
~~~O=l~/15/99 FRt 11:15 FAX 519 866 3884 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAll
Bulletin Board
Millennium Trails Initiative
Connects America's Communities
TI recognize
Amenca's irans-
ponation legacy;
1hc Nalional Millen-
nium li'ails Pmgnun
kiclo:rl olf in October.
Under the projec~ 12
U.S. trails will be des-
ignattd OS flagship Na-
tional Millennium
Tullis, 52 will Ix desig-
nauxl as Millennium
li'ails chosen by the SO
st.ates, the: Disr:rict of
Columbia and Puerto
Rico, and more than
2,000 will be designat-
ed as Communicy Mil-
lennium Turils.
"Transportation is
abouc n1ore rhan con-
crcce, asp hale and
srctl; iris abou[ quali-
cyo!lifc for !he Ameri-
can people, mday and
intlu:fututt," said
liansportation Secre-
tary Rodney Slatei:
In addition m desig-
nacing the Millennium
Tullis. the project is dc-
volttl to enhancing,
building and extend-
ing America's overall
nail s;ysrem, which ro-
tals some 250.000 miles, mon: than six times the length 0£ che
naEion's Interstate Highway Systent. Funding £or thr: ntw uail
projects, as well as Lhe extension.. completion and cnhanc~mcn[
o[ existing trails, will come in pan from che nl:W liaru:porta[ion
equity Ace For the 21st cencury(TEA-1 I). tho landmark surface
cransponation legislation char was signed inro law las1June. Pub-
lic-priva<£ partoerships will provid• additional funds.
26 ffl/\fLt:,. Liff:.. JANUARY 1999
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