920305 Experience Tburg MINEXPERIENCE TILLSONBURG COMMITTEE MINUTES MINUTES of the meeting of the Experience Tillsonburg Committee held March 5, 1992 at 9:30 A.M. in Council Chambers. PRESENT: B. Carroll, E. Heath, W. Kleer, P. King, L. Albright, M. Sullivan, J. Armstrong 1. Theme: Suggestions were made around the· idea of "fun", such as "Fun Fest" or "Fun-tastic". Next year is "Year of the Craft." 2. Involvement of Areas Outside the Core: Discussion centered around some type of food fair in a controlled location. Restaurants would compete on a Friday or Saturday from 12-3:00 P.M. It was decided that Saturday, AugustJ2nd would be appropriate and compliment "Down on the Farm" Day. Letters will be sent to all food outlets to guage their interest. The Craft Guild will be holding "Down on the Farm" Day on August 22nd. ISSUE: 3. Media Is there a way .zt:.getting local talent perform in a variety of locations? w. Kleer will coordinate the media. 4. Date of Next Meeting to Thursday, April 2nd, 1992 at 9:30 A.M. in Council Chambers.