151203 HBC MIN= Attendance: Charles Baldwin, Paul DeCloet, Penny Esseltine, Robert Marsden, C. Nagy, Sue Saelens, Marian Smith, Maurice Verhoeve, Janet Wilkinson Regrets and Absent: Ken Butcher, Rick Cox, Corey Hill, Trisha Smith 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Robert Marsden. 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: S. Saelens Seconded By: P. Esseltine Proposed Resolution: THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Committee meeting of October 1, 2015 be adopted with additions under General Business. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None 4. Approval of previous minutes Moved By: J. Wilkinson Seconded By: P. DeCloet Proposed Resolution THAT the minutes for the November 5, 2015 meeting be approved. Carried 5. Presentations and Deputations: 6. General Business and Reports: a) Terms of Reference – P. Esseltine advised the meeting of a few changes to the Terms of Reference which will be forwarded to Trish Smith for updating. She also reviewed the suggested Goals and discussion took place with some of the goals being removed. Moved By: P. Esseltine Seconded By: S. Saelens Proposed Resolution THAT the Terms of Reference be approved with the suggested changes. The Goals will be reviewed and approved at the next meeting. Carried. b) Annandale NHS tree report deferred to next meeting. c) Trottier Woodlot- P. DeCloet read a report that recommends no commercial harvesting take place in this woodlot. Ash trees need to be cut as they die for safety reasons but should be left for natural decomposition. The woodlot needs to be kept as a natural beautiful resource and could be used by schools for nature lessons. Moved By: P. DeCloet Seconded By: C. Baldwin Proposed Resolution THAT the report on Trottier Woodlot prepared by P. DeCloet and C. Baldwin be received by this committee and referred to Rick Cox, Parks and Recreation. Carried. The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Heritage, Beautification & Cemetery Advisory Committee December 3, 2015 9:00 a.m. Marwood Lounge Tillsonburg Community Centre Minutes Heritage, Beautification & Cemetery Advisory Meeting – Minutes - 2 - d) Maintenance yard at Tillsonburg Cemetery – this committee directed that a letter be sent to Rick Cox, requesting the gate be kept closed when not in immediate use in respect for funerals taking place. 7. Correspondence: None 8. Other Business: a) M. Smith reported that Christine Nagy has been approved by Council for membership on this committee. b) Beautification sub-committee report – C. Nagy gave a brief summary of the last meeting where it was agreed to put together short and long term goals for the beautification of Tillsonburg. The next meeting is Dec. 10 at 9 a.m. in Marwood Lounge. c) It was suggested by J. Wilkinson that Laurel Beechey be invited to the January meeting (or the next available time) to discuss possible Heritage sites to be designated as part of our Goals. d) C. Baldwin handed out fruits from the Osage orange (a mock orange variety) from a tree growing in Norfolk County. 9. Next meeting: January 7, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Marwood Lounge. 10. Adjournment Moved By: C. Baldwin Proposed Resolution: THAT the December 3, 2015 meeting be adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Carried