200813 PBC AGDThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Parks, Beautification & Cemeteries Advisory Committee Meeting August 13, 2020 9:00 a.m. Electronic Meeting AGENDA 1.Roll Call 2.Call to Order 3.Adoption of Agenda Proposed Resolution #1 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Parks, Beautification & Cemeteries Advisory Committee meeting of August 13, 2020, be adopted. 4.Adoption of Previous Minutes Proposed Resolution #2 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Parks, Beautification & Cemeteries Advisory Committee meeting of July 9, 2020, be adopted. 5.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 6.Cemetery Flower Campaign 7.Explore 2021 8.Cemetery By-Law Update 9.Fall Beautification Program 10. Next Meeting 11. Adjournment Proposed Resolution #3 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the August 13, 2020 Parks, Beautification and Cemeteries Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at _____ a.m. he Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Parks, Beautification and Cemetery Committee Meeting June 9, 2020 7:30 a.m. Electronic Meeting MINUTES Present: Marian Smith, Councillor Esseltine, Christine Nagy, Barbara Wareing, Maurice Verhoeve, Paul DeCloet Regrets: Ken Butcher, Mike Dean, Bob Marsden, Sue Saelens, Donna Scanlan Staff: Laura Pickersgill, Legislative Services Coordinator 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:09 a.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Marian Smith Seconded by: Councillor Esseltine THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Parks, Beautification and Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting of July 9, 2020, be adopted. Carried 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes Resolution #2 Moved by: Councillor Esseltine Seconded by: Barbara Wareing THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Parks, Beautification and Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting of February 6, 2020, be adopted. Carried 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 5. General Business & Reports 5.1 Cemetery By-Law Councillor Esseltine and the Town Clerk, Michelle Smibert have met to compile the Committee’s proposed revisions to the Cemetery By-Law. Michelle will be reviewing by-laws from other communities and will be drafting an updated by-law. This draft will be brought to the Committee for review and comment before finalization. 5.2 Cemetery Flower Campaign Councillor Esseltine provided an update on the Cemetery Flower Campaign noting the number of people subscribing to this program had dropped and was subsequently cancelled for this summer. It was noted that there were not enough shepherds hooks and planters purchased to cover the cost of a summer student to manage this program. The winter wreath program will run as usual. Maurice indicated that it would be beneficial in the future to align a Cemetery Flower campaign with the Decoration Day at the cemetery. Maurice suggested that a marketing campaign could be solicited through the horticultural society and at local floral shops to promote this program. It was noted that this would be a good opportunity to receive donations for the cemetery also. Laura will invite Matt Johnson, Supervisor of Parks and Cemeteries to the next meeting to further discuss this idea. It was noted that it would be too late to do something for Decoration Day this year as it is held in August but the Committee could look at ideas for next year. 5.3 COVID-19 Impact Parks & Cemetery Laura will circulate Report CAO 20-05 Reopening of Municipal Facilities that went to Council on June 22, 2020 that includes greater detail on the safety measures the Cemetery office has in place with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Laura will provide the contact information for Stacey Leighfield who is acting in the Cemetery Registrar position for the time being. 5.4 Beautification Project Update Laura provided an updated on the Beautification Project on behalf of Matt Johnson, outlining that this program was stalled this year. It was noted that staff cleaned and maintained sites but that no plantings were done. There was more effort put into the cemetery gardens this year. Christine Nagy indicated that the horticultural society had donated funds towards the planters located downtown and that these planters were installed by the BIA. 5.5 Annual Committee Report Update Paul DeCloet presented the Committee’s year-end report update to Council earlier this spring and he noted that it was well received by Council. 5.6 Explore 2021 The group discussed hosting this event on Saturday, June 5, 2021. Laura indicated that members should start thinking of ideas they would like to see take place at to provide them at the next meeting. Laura noted that a report would then have to go to Council for adoption of the event. Councillor Esseltine noted that there was already money in the budget for this event and there are funds leftover from the Trans Canada Trail Cleanup project from 2019. Paul DeCloet noted that this event could coincide with the Carroll Trail Restoration Project. 5.7 Carroll Trail Restoration Paul DeCloet provided a summary of the report written by Paul Gagnon from the LPRCA. Paul DeCloet noted that the LPRCA has expressed interest in helping the Town wherever possible with various initiatives. 6. Round Table Laura provided an update on the columbarium and noted that a 96 unit niche columbarium and a 4 unit niche family columbarium is set to be installed in the cemetery by the end of July 2020. 7. Next Meeting August 13, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. 8. Adjournment Resolution #3 Moved by: Paul DeCloet Seconded by: Maurice Verhoeve THAT the July 9, 2020 Parks, Beautification and Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at 9:51 a.m. Carried