151203 HBC MIN - ATT01 2018 Goals
Town of Tillsonburg
Heritage, Beautification and Cemetery Committee
2015 – 2018 Goals
Addendum to Terms of Reference
Goals for 2015 – 2018 Term
1. Continue to update the municipal register of buildings and places within Tillsonburg which have
significant heritage and cultural value to the community. (TACAC records)
2. Review criteria for designating heritage properties within the town. (Municipal, Provincial and
National designations)
3. Revise the Town of Tillsonburg Tree By-Law complete with Appendix A of both recommended
and not recommended trees for planting in public spaces in the town.
4. Develop an information pamphlet with names, descriptions, photographs and locations of
heritage and/or significant trees in Tillsonburg.
5. Continue to plan and execute an annual community-wide environmental event which includes
tree planting as well as a spring cleanup within local parks and public areas in the municipality.
6. Establish a Beautification Working Group, a subcommittee of the Heritage, Beautification and
Cemetery Committee to address town-wide beautification strategies.
7. Assess dollar requirements and identify funding sources to implement beautification plans.
8. Assess anti-littering efforts and if required develop an anti-littering program within the town.
9. Develop recommendations for amendments to the Cemetery By-Law (By-Law 3640 – Operation
of Municipal Cemeteries) regarding Cemetery Lot Decorations. Submit these recommended
changes to Council for consideration and approval.
Final – January 7, 2016