160330 Physician Recruitment MIN=
Chair and Deputy Mayor Dave Beres, Mayor Stephen Molnar, Councillor Penny Esseltine, Dr.
Mohamed Abdalla, Crystal Houze, Lance Scott, David Calder, Gaby Yang Teng from Hengshui
City - China, Lana White
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
Moved By: LScott Seconded By: D.Calder
THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Committee meeting of March 30, 2016, be adopted,
with the addition of:
vi) Incentives.
3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
4. Minutes – March 9, 2016
5. Moved By: C.Houze Seconded By: D.Calder
THAT the Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee Minutes dated March 9, 2016 be
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Physician Recruitment and Retention
March 30, 2016
Annex Board Room, Corporate Office
200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7
Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee Minutes – March 30, 2016 - 2 -
The Chair recapped items discussed at the March 9th meeting – disadvantages to doctors
when patients visit walk-in clinics; how many physicians are currently in town; how many
physicians are needed in town; how the designation through LHINS will allow more from the
Ministry of Health; and when a doctor chooses to work one day a week they are still
considered one spot by the Ministry of Health.
6. General Business
i) Introduction of Gaby
Chair Beres introduced Gaby Yang Teng from Hengshui City, China
visiting Tillsonburg for the purpose of a Hospital Administration shadowing
ii) Press Release
The Chair commented that he would like to provide the community with an update
from the Mayor.
With the support of this Committee, we will share the status within the next week or
two. To include comments from C.Houze and the medical staff, as well as a list of
physicians, and over what period of time new doctors have been recruited. D.Calder
noted the doctors should be contacted before doing that otherwise, in the press
release, just refer to the number of new doctors rather than naming them.
iii) Patients without a Family Physician
Discussion was held about a centralized waiting list and who would be the
gatekeeper. Perhaps there could be a campaign to identify those in need of a family
physician. Privacy issues have to be considered. With that in hand, we would be
prepared to provide new recruits with information, and also be prepared with high
needs information.
For purposes of the press release, provide the Ontario number of people without a
family physician - 8,000.
It was noted that we can’t really clarify what it means that we are high needs now.
Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee Minutes – March 30, 2016 - 3 -
All three existing family health organizations in Town can expand.
A request was made for an index of terminology. C.Houze will provide a list, to be
circulated with these Minutes.
The question was asked…is there an opportunity for another family health
organization to open up in town. Response was, if three were coming as a group,
they could apply to be a new family health organization.
Discussion was held regarding a recruiter/coordinator, and if this is something the
family health organization, or the Committee, should push for, as there are benefits
of having an individual organize visits. D.Calder knows of an individual identified as
a possibility.
iv) LHINS Update
Noted that Jane is going to discuss needing a business plan. The plan will be
reviewed every six months. We’ve already lost a month.
Question about family health organizations. C.Houze explained that refers to an
organizational model provided for by the province. Further questions – Who owns a
family health organization? Who takes the lead? Is there a management structure
depending on ownership of facilities, etc.? C.Houze explained they all run a bit
differently. One model may be more attractive to a doctor, depending on what
he/she is looking for. She also noted there are no barriers to starting up a stand
alone/independent physician.
v) Next Steps
C.Houze noted that the Foundation and the Hospital are hosting a social for new
physicians to meet physicians.
D.Calder noted that when he recently met with a doctor, that individual was
interested in the community and what is offered. He was also impressed that the
Mayor and CAO would take time to meet.
Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee Minutes – March 30, 2016 - 4 -
With respect to the waiting list, is there an actionable item on this? Is there a formula
or a network where we can reach out? A sample-size mailing was suggested, or a
centralized aspect where people are added to a list.
There is also a provincial agency where people can leave their name for a list.
A survey was also suggested, similar to what was used recently for the Transfer
The CAO was asked to bring back a report with options on how to get it done, and
implementation of privacy. This approach will demonstrate leadership. We will need
to be careful as to how we reach out to outside our border, and also be careful not to
set expectations.
Mayor Molnar to draft a letter to the Minister regarding high needs status.
vi) Incentives
Mayor Molnar spoke about the programs that were previously in place. If we look
back at the incentive programs, and identify what worked, we can build from there.
Perhaps we need to put more of our own capital into the game, challenging the
Hospital, Real Estate Board, Chamber, public, etc. For the next meeting, it was
suggested we have pre-distributed agreements for review and discussion. We need
a solid strong sustainable program. The income stabilization part was questionable.
Other parts included moving expenses, house allowances, family health organization
support .
It was noted that the Sub-Committee had some of this material.
To proceed with this, Council would need to make a decision to get involved again.
With respect to the Hospital, C.Houze confirmed there is money available for this.
Doctors have the ability to tailor to a specific situation.
7. Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 12:00 noon
Noted that C.Houze and D.Calder are meeting next week.
Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee Minutes – March 30, 2016 - 5 -
If an update is crafted it can be circulated by email.
8. Adjournment
Moved By: C.Houze
THAT the March 30, 2016 meeting be adjourned at 1:02pm.
Chair and Deputy Mayor Dave Beres, Dr. Howard Lamb, Dr. Gerry Rowland, Dr. Mohamed
Abdalla, Mayor Stephen Molnar, Crystal Houze, David Calder, Lana White
Regrets: Councillor Penny Esseltine
1. Call to Order – 12:06pm
2. Adoption of Agenda
Moved By: Dr. Rowland Seconded By: Dr. Lamb
THAT the Agenda as prepared for the meeting of March 9, 2016, be adopted.
3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
4. Meeting Notes – February 29, 2016
The meeting notes from February 29th were recapped, noting again that Councillor Esseltine
was appointed by Council to this Committee, to replace Councillor Adam.
Dr. Rowland had provided helpful information at the meeting on the 29th. He made it very
clear that when a patient is seen in a walk-in clinic for instance, the patient’s regular
physician pays for that. He also explained that a family physician that is not full-time is
considered one spot by the Ministry of Health.
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Physician Recruitment and Retention
March 9, 2016
Annex Board Room, Corporate Office
200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7
Physician Recruitment and Retention - March 9, 2016 - 2 -
It was noted that the Town’s role is to work closely with the physician offices to provide
health care to the people who live here, and to attract people. The Town wants to help. The
public is generally not aware of how payment to walk-in clinics work, and these types of
things need to be clarified.
Chair Beres read a statement that C.Houze had prepared and provided.
Discussion was held regarding preparing a press release, as follow-up to the article written
in January.
A correction to the notes from the 29th. The average age of family doctors in Tillsonburg is
54 not 53. The average age of persons in Ontario is 43.
Mayor Molnar asked for the average age of patients in Tillsonburg.
It was noted that the list of physicians attached to the meeting notes from February 29th was
incorrect. A revised list was provided.
5. General Business
i) Walk-in Clinics – Definition and how it affects Family Physicians
This was discussed (above) and that information should be made available to the
ii) Press Release
Discussion was held about preparation a Press Release, perhaps a status report that
celebrates and understand the challenges, and progress.
Dr. Lamb noted that he had been unable to attend the previous meeting and
reflected on the issues at hand. More full-time doctors are needed in town. Until
recently, when offices needed new doctors, they recruited. We need to convince the
Ministry of Health that we are not over-serviced. A walk-in clinic is not the issue. It
may decrease some of the numbers going to emerg but that may not even be the
Physician Recruitment and Retention - March 9, 2016 - 3 -
It was suggested that we rally the community to lobby. A meeting was promised to
us in the fall of last year, to have Tillsonburg reassessed.
C.Houze noted that she had been told last week that we will be on the high needs
list. LHINS did put our name forward to be high needs. At this point, this is unofficial
though. Discussion was held regarding what to do when we do received the official
Dr. Rowland also noted the existing facilities are full, so perhaps offices could add on
or time shift. Perhaps clinics could have more than one location.
The priority at this time is Dr. Rowland’s office.
Discussion was held regarding Mayor Molnar preparing a letter to the Minister.
iii) Physician Recruitment Coordinator
Discussion was held regarding a profession recruiter than can shop universities and
go around.
C. Houze responded recruiters do exist. Welland has the same model as Chatham.
They have a coordinator that goes out to meet with schools.
It was noted that a recruiter would be helpful, however in some ways not very
successful. Also noted, there is a group in Vancouver that specialises in bringing in
international graduates.
A network group between the BIA, Chamber and Town was briefly discussed, where
projects can be handed off. There are resources and people that could give value.
Perhaps there is a conduit to use the Chamber or BIA to get the spouse of a new
doctor involved in the community. We would then be prepared to officer something
to the recruit, as well as opportunities for the spouse.
Physician Recruitment and Retention - March 9, 2016 - 4 -
A full inventory of assets would be helpful. Perhaps part of the new model would be
using some of the resources we already have. We could work with real estate, the
Chamber, BIA, the Town’s Development Commissioner, etc.
iv) Next Steps
Perhaps by the next meeting (April 30) we will have official information from LHINS.
A press release could be prepared for the first part of April, incorporating comments
from C.Houze, as well as a motion from the medical staff.
C.Houze to provide a list of residents that currently do not have a family doctor.
A centralized community waiting list was discussed. People visiting emerg could be
asked if they want to be put on a waiting list.
Between now and March 30th, and into April, we need to identify two or three
actionable items that are being worked on.
C.Houze to email Jane this afternoon.
6. Next Meeting – March 30 at 12:00noon
7. Adjournment
Moved By: C.Houze
THAT the March 9, 2016 meeting be adjourned at 1:03pm.