170619 Town Hall MIN= ATTENDANCE: Mayor Stephen Molnar Councillor Penny Esseltine Andrew Gilvesy, Vice-Chair Rick Strouth John Veldman David Calder Cephas Panschow Laurie Kirwin Lana White 1. Call to Order - 3:11pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved By: P.Esseltine Seconded By: R.Strouth THAT the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Agenda dated June 19, 2017 be approved. Carried 3. Adoption of Minutes – March 15, 2017 Resolution #2 Moved By: Mayor Molnar Seconded By: P.Esseltine THAT the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Minutes dated March 15, 2017 be approved. Carried The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg TOWN HALL PROJECT COMMITTEE June 19, 2017 13:00 pm Annex Board Room 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7 MINUTES Town Hall Project Steering Committee Meeting – Minutes - 2 - 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 5. Economic Development Commissioner – Presentation – Request for Proposal Proposals from: i) RFP Solutions ii) Cambridge Solutions iii) Collier International (provided at meeting) The Development Commissioner presented his evaluation, discussing differences and similarities of the proposals. It was noted that we did not go out to get formal quotations. We went out to get various components. This was about making sure the RFP is a good solid document. Committee members asked various questions. What is Cambridge proposing to provide for the price they quoted? L.Kirwin suggested setting up meetings with them, to make presentations and take questions. A decision was not expected to be made at today’s meeting. Committee members were asked to further review the material, as well as additional information that is expected, before the next meeting. L.Kirwin to connect with the 3 companies. Further discussion will be held at the next meeting, with the intention of making a decision as to how to proceed. Approval for funding will be needed from Council prior to proceeding. Resolution #3 Moved By: J.Veldman Seconded By: R.Strouth THAT the proposals received from RFP Solutions, Cambridge Solutions and Colliers International be received. Carried Town Hall Project Steering Committee Meeting – Minutes - 3 - 6. Discussion - Additional Membership Recognizing the values and contributions of the late Marty Klein, the following resolution was passed. Resolution #4 Moved By: Mayor Molnar Seconded By: R.Strouth With respect and recognition of his contributions and commitment to the opportunity for a new Town Hall facility in Tillsonburg, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Marty Klein be recognized as Honourary Chair of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee, AND THAT this recommendation be forwarded to Council for support. Carried Discussion was held in regards to additional membership, supportive of the project, and with skill sets that will take us to the next level. Recognizing quorum issues, it was suggested that 1 or 2 additional members would be beneficial to the Committee. This can be through advertising or bringing names forward for consideration. Committee members were asked to think about this between now and the next meeting, at which point it will be further discussed. Also for the next meeting, a Chair will be determined by election. 7. Next Meeting – June 29, 2017 @ 12:00noon, 2 hours 8. Adjournment Resolution #5 Moved By: P.Esseltine Seconded By: J.Veldman THAT the Town Hall Project Steering Committee meeting be adjourned at 4:24pm. Carried