211028 Museum Advisory Committee AgendaPage 1 of 7
The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Museum Advisory Committee
October 28, 2021
4:30 p.m.
Electronic Meeting
1.Call to Order
2.Adoption of Agenda
Proposed Resolution #1
Moved by:
Seconded by:
THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Museum Advisory Committee meeting of
October 28, 2021, be adopted.
3.Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Attached)
4.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
5.General Business and Reports
5.1. Tax Rolls/ Records Update
5.2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Update
5.3. Marketing Plan Review
5.4. Deaccession Policy Review
5.5. Financial Report
Page 2 of 7
5.6. Tour Guide Report
5.7. Curator’s Report
5.8. 2022 proposed Calendar of Events Review
6.Next Meeting
Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Proposed Resolution #2
Moved by:
Seconded by:
THAT the October 28, 2021 meeting be adjourned at _____ p.m.
Please contact the Staff Liaison listed below to gain access to this electronic
Patty Phelps, Culture and Heritage Manager/Curator
519-688-3009 Ext. 4211
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Museum Advisory Committee
September 23, 2021
4:30 p.m.
Electronic Meeting
Present: Joan Weston, Chris Rosehart, Donna Scanlan, Sherry Hamilton, Rosemary Dean, John Lessif
Absent Regrets: Bob Marsden Also Present:
Kyle Pratt, CAO, Christopher Baird - Director of RCP, Amelia Jaggard – Deputy Clerk,
Patricia Phelps- Culture & Heritage Manger/Curator 8. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m.
9. Adoption of Agenda
Resolution #1
Moved by: Donna Scanlan
Seconded by: Rosemary Dean
THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Museum Advisory Committee meeting of
September 23, 2021, be adopted.
10. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
11. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared.
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12. General Business and Reports
12.1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Nomination for Position of Chair
Resolution #2
Moved by: Rosemary Dean
Seconded by: Donna Scanlan
THAT Joan Weston be nominated for the position of Chair for the Museum
Advisory Committee
Nomination for Position of Vice Chair
Resolution #3
Moved by: Chris Rosehart
Seconded by: Donna Scanlan
THAT Rosemary Dean be nominated for the position of Vice Chair for the
Museum Advisory Committee
Resolution #4
Moved by: Donna Scanlan
Seconded by: Chris Rosehart
THAT Joan Weston be appointed as of Chair and Rosemary Dean be appointed
as Vice Chair of the Museum Advisory Committee
12.2. Slate Roof Update
Director Baird reported that a roof inspection using a drone was conducted in 2020
that identified the need for some minor repair work on the flat roof section of the
historic house and the need to replace about 5% of tiles that have cracks. The minor
repairs have been completed and dollars have been requested in the 2022 Capital
budget to undertake the remaining identified work.
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There was discussion by the committee regarding the timing of inspections. Director
Baird reported that the Town is in midst of developing a 5 year plan program for the
inspection of rooves on all town buildings.
12.3. Website/Marketing Update
Director Baird reported that the initial marketing plan request was not funded through
the budget process. Funding through the CAO office did enable a marketing plan to
be developed that resulted in 8 recommendations. The marketing plan will be placed
on the next agenda to be reviewed by the committee. There was discussion around
the need for a dedicated website for the museum, not just as part of the Town’s
12.4. Offsite Storage Update
The curator reported that the BIA had taken over the larger storage unit that the
museum used to rent, but there was still a need for the one small unit that is
currently being rented. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of any other free
storage space within town facilities. Staff directed to look in to this possibility.
12.5. Fence/Sign Update
Director Baird reported that the fence replacement was completed in the spring
of 2021 and that the large sign on the front lawn and the small sign on Brock St.
had also both been repainted and reinstalled in the late summer of 2021.
12.6. Tax Rolls/Records Update
Director Baird reported that a meeting was held with the town’s new Records &
Legislative Co-ordinator, Ms. Ann Wright, to discuss the disposal of the records
currently stored at the museum. Ms. Wright identified the records as permeant
records that are required by law to be retained. The fact that a new location is
needed for these records was agreed upon.
Resolution #5:
Moved by: Sherry Hamilton
Seconded by: John Lessiff
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THAT the Museum Advisory Committee requests that Council remove the Municipal
records stored at the museum no later than December 31, 2021
12.7. Deaccession Policy
The Deaccession Policy was received as information by the committee and was
requested to be included on the next agenda for discussion
12.8. Financial Report
The financial report on the balance in the Annandale House Trust was received as
information by the committee
12.9. Tour Guide Report
The tour guide report was received as information by the committee
12.10. Curator’s Report
The Curator’s report was received as information by the committee
12.11. Land Acknowledgement Statement
A land acknowledgement statement that would be read before all programs/events
at the museum, printed in the self-guided tour and posted in the museum entrance
was presented to the committee. Discussion ensued around the issue of whether or
not there is a need to read the statement before any/all programs and events at the
museum. Staff was directed to reach out to the Clerks department for further
clarification of the use of Land Acknowledgement Statements prior to in person
programs and events.
Resolution # 6:
Moved by: John Lessif
Seconded by: Sherri Hamilton
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That the Museum Advisory Committee supports the use of the staff written Land
Acknowledgement Statement for inclusion in the self-guided tour and in signage to be
posted in the museum entrance.
12.12. Christmas Decorating
Request by the Curator if any Advisory Committee member would be willing to assist
with decorating the first floor of Annandale House for the Christmas Season.
Members Sherry Hamilton, Donna Scanlan and Rosemary Dean volunteered to
decorate a room. Joan Weston offered to help in anyway that was needed but felt
she could not take on an entire room on her own.
12.13. 2022 proposed Calendar of Events
Discussion about the 2022 proposed calendar of events was deferred to the next
13. Next Meeting
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
14. Adjournment
Resolution #7
Moved by: Sherry Hamilton
Seconded by: Donna Scanlan
THAT the September 23, 2021 Museum Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned
at 5.52 p.m.
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The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Museum Advisory Committee
September 23, 2021
4:30 p.m.
Electronic Meeting
Present: Joan Weston, Councillor Chris Rosehart, Donna Scanlan, Sherry Hamilton, Rosemary Dean and John Lessif.
Absent Regrets: Bob Marsden Also Present:
Patricia Phelps, Culture & Heritage Manger/Curator
Christopher Baird, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks Kyle Pratt, CAO (Left at 4:45 p.m.) Amelia Jaggard, Deputy Clerk (Left at 4:45 p.m.)
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m.
2. Adoption of Agenda
Resolution #1
Moved by: Donna Scanlan
Seconded by: Rosemary Dean
THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Museum Advisory Committee meeting of
September 23, 2021, be adopted.
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared.
5. General Business and Reports
5.1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Rosemary Dean nominated Joan Weston for the position of Chair. Donna
Scanlan seconded the nomination.
Councillor Chris Rosehart nominated Rosemary Dean for the position of Vice
Chair. Donna Scanlan seconded the nomination.
Resolution #3
Moved by: Donna Scanlan
Seconded by: Chris Rosehart
THAT Joan Weston be appointed as Chair and Rosemary Dean be appointed as
Vice Chair of the Museum Advisory Committee
5.2. Slate Roof Update
Staff reported that a roof inspection using a drone was conducted in 2020 that
identified the need for some minor repair work on the flat roof section of the historic
house and the need to replace about 5% of tiles that have cracks. The minor repairs
have been completed and dollars have been requested in the 2022 Capital budget to
undertake the remaining identified work.
There was discussion by the committee regarding the timing of inspections. Staff
noted that the Town is in midst of developing a 5 year plan program for the
inspection of rooves on all town buildings.
5.3. Website/Marketing Update
Staff reported that the initial marketing plan request was not funded through the
budget process. Funding through the CAO office did enable a marketing plan to be
developed that resulted in 8 recommendations. The marketing plan will be placed on
the next agenda to be reviewed by the committee. There was discussion regarding
a dedicated website for the museum that would be separate from the Town website.
5.4. Offsite Storage Update
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Staff provided an update on the status of offsite storage. Staff will be investigating
additional offsite storage options.
5.5. Fence/Sign Update
Staff noted that the fence replacement was completed in the spring of 2021 and that
the large sign on the front lawn and the small sign on Brock St. were repainted and
reinstalled in the late summer of 2021.
5.6. Tax Rolls/Records Update
Staff reported that a meeting was held with Town record’s staff to discuss the
records currently stored at the museum and what to do with the records that are
Resolution #5:
Moved by: Sherry Hamilton
Seconded by: John Lessiff
THAT the Museum Advisory Committee requests that Council remove the Municipal
records stored at the museum no later than December 31, 2021.
5.7. Deaccession Policy
The Deaccession Policy was received as information by the committee and was
requested to be included on the next agenda for discussion.
5.8. Financial Report
The financial report on the balance in the Annandale House Trust was received as
information by the committee.
5.9. Tour Guide Report
The tour guide report was received as information by the committee
5.10. Curator’s Report
The Curator’s report was received as information by the committee
5.11. Land Acknowledgement Statement
There was discussion regarding the proposed land acknowledgement statements for
the museum. Staff to provide further clarification on the use of Land
Acknowledgement Statements prior to in person programs and events. To be
discussed at next meeting.
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Resolution # 4:
Moved by: John Lessif
Seconded by: Sherri Hamilton
THAT the Museum Advisory Committee supports the use of the staff written Land
Acknowledgement Statement version 2 for inclusion in the self-guided tour and in
signage to be posted in the museum entrance.
5.12. Christmas Decorating
Request by the Curator if any Advisory Committee member would be willing to assist
with decorating the first floor of Annandale House for the Christmas Season.
Members Sherry Hamilton, Donna Scanlan and Rosemary Dean volunteered to
decorate a room. Joan Weston offered to help in anyway that was needed but felt
she could not take on an entire room on her own.
5.13. 2022 proposed Calendar of Events
Discussion about the 2022 proposed calendar of events was deferred to the next
6. Next Meeting
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
7. Adjournment
Resolution #5
Moved by: Sherry Hamilton
Seconded by: Donna Scanlan
THAT the September 23, 2021 Museum Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned
at 5.52 p.m.
mjw h e r i t ages e r vic es@g mai l.co m
Marketing and Promotion
Delivery Strategy 2021
Annandale National Historic Site
Prepared by:
Melissa Collver
MJW Community Heritage Services
1 Executive Summary
General Assessment
6 Actionable Workplan
Mission Statement/Mandate
Digital Media Strategy
Social Media Analytics
Social Media Platforms
Social Media Advertising
Marketing Concepts13
Program Delivery Methods16
Virtual Tours
Events and Education Programming
Beyond the Walls
21 Resources for Staff
Collections Management Project
Museum Collection
During this unprecedented time of a global
pandemic, many cultural industries including
museums and historic sites are evaluating and
reimagining their operational models. The
Town of Tillsonburg understands the value of
this process and has, through the Recreation,
Culture and Parks Department, commissioned
this report to determine recommendations to
ensure the future success and sustainability of
the Annandale National Historic Site (ANHS).
Annandale National Historic Site has
historically taken a traditional approach to its
program delivery and marketing strategy. Now
is the time to evaluate current methods and
adapt them to deal with the effects the global
pandemic has had on cultural industries
including museums.
Public engagement is a core function of
museum work. Even when museums are able to
open to the public, it is predicted that people
will not want to interact with the ANHS in the
same way they did pre-pandemic. This,
however, does not change the fact that the
visitor experience should continue to be the
focus of the museum’s work. The way in which
visitors interact and connect with the museum
may be different post-pandemic but a positive
visitor experience is just as important if not
more so.
To ensure that Annandale National Historic Site
remains relevant to the community it serves and
continues to attract new audiences, staff need
to think in new ways in terms of its
communication and interactions with the
public. A new, creative and bold approach is
required. As a result, the following
recommendations have been determined.
Develop a digital marketing strategy for Annandale
National Historic Site.
Invest in the infrastructure and equipment required to
offer a robust virtual delivery of programs.
Develop new and creative methods for program
delivery including virtual programming.
Invest in ongoing staff training in the use of current
digital strategies, platforms, and program delivery.
Digitize the collection.
Increase capacity through collaboration with
community organizations and businesses.
Improve gateway signage.
Commencing in 2023, coinciding with the 50th
Anniversary, review and revise Annandale National
Historic Site’s mission statement.
Tillsonburg’s first community museum was established in
1973. Today, the Town of Tillsonburg operates the Annandale
National Historic Site and has done so since 1989.
Annandale National Historic Site occupies the former residence of
Edwin Delevan Tillson, Tillsonburg’s first mayor, and is situated on
property located at 30 Tillson Avenue. The original home was built in
the 1880s and was part of a large 600-acre estate known as Annandale,
named after E.D.’s wife’s ancestral home in Scotland, United Kingdom.
In 1985, the Town of Tillsonburg assisted with the purchase of Annandale House
and moved the operations of Tillsonburg’s community museum to the site. In order
to accommodate the community museum’s operations and collection, an addition to Annandale
House was constructed in 1988. Today the addition houses the ANHS offices, temporary exhibit space,
collections storage, and a second-story event space.
The restoration of Annandale House was funded by community donations of over $1 million
demonstrating the people of Tillsonburg value the built heritage and history of their community and
recognize the importance of its preservation.
In 2020, Annandale National Historic Site like all cultural organizations globally, experienced an
unexpected and unprecedented closure in response to COVID-19. What was expected to be a two-week
closure extended into months and continues today.
The global pandemic has significantly impacted the cultural sector. According to the Honourable Lisa
McLeod’s white paper Reconnecting Ontarians, “Ontario’s heritage, sport, tourism and cultural industries
were among the first and hardest hit. They are expected to be the longest to recover.”
This messaging emphasizes the need and importance for museums to re-evaluate their operations
moving forward. Even as the pandemic abates, many people will be reluctant to gather in public spaces.
Traditionally museums have been gathering places, places for establishing connections and participating
in shared experiences. The pandemic disruption is encouraging museums to rethink their operating
models and shift their approach to better serve their communities.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are expressing anxiety about gathering in small crowds
and travelling to locations outside of their own public health unit zones. The public’s mindset has
changed and for many, this has resulted in changes in behaviour. This is what cultural industries are
referring to as the “new social reality” and it is a reality that will significantly impact the heritage sector for
many years to come.
Staff at the Town of Tillsonburg recognize the need for new methods to connect and communicate with
audiences to ensure the sustainability and the ongoing success of the Annandale National Historic Site
through the recovery period.
This report examines the need for new and alternative delivery methods to connect Annandale National
Historic Site to its many publics. It presents the benefits of a robust digital marketing strategy and sets out
an actionable work plan that can act as a blueprint for staff to follow.
Annandale House embodies the Aesthetic Arts Movement.
During an extensive restoration, that spanned twelve years,
the beauty of the architectural details of Annandale House
was revealed. The Victorian home boasts extravagant,
hand-painted ceilings, ornate mantles, inlaid floors, and
stained glass.
In 1997, the Historic Sites and Monuments Board deemed
Annandale House as the best surviving example of the
Aesthetic Art Movement in Canada designating it a National
Historic Site.
Annandale National Historic Site employs 3 full-time employees; the Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator,
a Program Coordinator, and a Collection & Exhibition Specialist.
The Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator reports to the Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks. There is
a Council-appointed Museum Advisory Committee.
The Program Coordinator and Collection & Exhibition Specialist report to the Culture & Heritage
Annandale National Historic Site reported 11,239 visitors in 2018 and 10,901 in 2019. In 2019, 100
volunteers contributed 4,000 hours of time to the site.
The ANHS’s mission statement was created in 2000 and has not been revised since.
Staff indicate that the site has attracted and connected with senior and children/youth audiences. The latter
primarily through the delivery of education programs. Staff indicated they want to focus on attracting a new
audience ranging between the ages of 20-50 years.
Annandale National Historic Site is a historic house museum with a separate but connected gallery space.
The Pratt Gallery hosts the museum’s temporary exhibits. The site promotes self-guided tours of the
temporary exhibits and the historic house. There is a five-year exhibit plan developed by staff that often
relates to anniversary dates, the Christmas season, and the Tillson family. Staff install four to five temporary
exhibits per year and create programming to complement the exhibits.
The site has dedicated collection storage located on the lower level of the 1987 addition. The museum’s
collection consists of approximately 18,000 artifacts, archives, and works of art.
Education programs for school-aged children are offered and staff report they are particularly popular
during the Christmas season. Special events such as Lunch and Learns are a regular and popular program
Annandale National Historic Site is owned and operated by the Town
of Tillsonburg and falls under the purview of the Recreation, Culture
and Parks Department.
10,901 2019
The Tillsonburg and District Historical Society (TDHS) is an independent organization affiliated with
Annandale National Historic Site and supports the ANHS through volunteerism and financial contributions.
The TDHS host events at the site, such as outdoor concerts on the lawn. They receive use of the property
free of charge but donate proceeds from these events to ANHS. Members of the historical society are
granted free admission to Annandale National Historic Society as a member benefit. The ANHS does not
have its own membership program.
Annandale National Historic Site is also supported by the Museum Advisory Committee. Members are
appointed by Council and a member of Council sits on the Committee. The Committee’s role is to advise
Council on matters related to Annandale National Historic Site and to act as advocates and ambassadors
for the site. They have expressed a commitment to developing a new direction for program delivery and
marketing in response to COVID-19.
Marketing is the responsibility of the Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator. Staff have employed a primarily
traditional approach of employing print media for the promotion of the site.
Annandale National Historic Site is represented on the Town of Tillsonburg’s website which is updated and
maintained by the Communications Department.
Prior to 2020, ANHS staff used digital platforms on an occasional and informal basis. No one staff person
was tasked with managing social media. With the global pandemic and resulting closure of the site, staff
recognized that new ways to remain connected to the public would be required.
It was at this point that the Program Coordinator was tasked with the responsibility of managing the site’s
social media. Staff began to use Facebook on a more regular basis. There is also a Twitter account that is
used regularly but is not referenced on the museum’s website. Both of these social media platforms are
used primarily to promote exhibits and events. This approach is not conducive to encouraging online
interaction with users.
General Assessment
In 2020, staff was able to adapt the site’s annual Christmas
education programming to a virtual offering. Working with the
Town of Tillsonburg’s Communication Department, pre-
recorded videos with program content were created. These
were available to registered classes via a YouTube link that
required a special code. Staff report that 50 classes registered
for the program which is approximately the same number as the
previous in-person sessions.
ANHS uses the PastPerfect Museum Software to manage its
collection. This program provides database storage for artifacts,
photographs, and documents. Of the 18,000 objects in the
collection, only 2.5% of the museum’s collection is digitized.
Develop a digital marketing strategy for
Annandale National Historic Site.
Invest in the infrastructure and equipment
required to offer a robust virtual delivery of
Develop new and creative methods for
program delivery including virtual
Invest in ongoing staff training in the use of
current digital strategies, platforms, and
program delivery.
Digitize the collection.
Increase capacity through collaboration with
community organizations and businesses.
Improve gateway signage.
Commencing in 2023, coinciding with the 50th
Anniversary, review and revise Annandale
National Historic Site’s mission statement.
Work Plan
Public engagement is a core function of a
museum’s work. Over the past few years, the use
of social media has become an increasingly
important tool for museums. It has led to greater
accessibility for audiences and allows museums
to interact with these audiences.
By engaging in social media, museums not only present content, but they can also generate feedback
on their content, events, education programs, and exhibitions. By allowing the public to interact
through social media, museums engage users on a more personal level and give them a voice. Social
media users can ask questions and the museum can respond in real-time. This interaction can lead to
long-term engagement and support.
There is an ever-growing amount of virtual content available as a result of COVID-19 and for the
foreseeable future that is only going to increase. With the increasing number of cultural industries vying
for a piece of the “virtual audience” it is important for Annandale National Historic Site to distinguish
In response to the global pandemic, Annandale National Historic Site needs to look to establish a digital
marketing and promotion strategy and new program delivery methods. These two concepts, while
different, are not mutually exclusive. They are intertwined.
Annandale National Historic Site should increase capacity by bolstering existing relationships and
establishing new ones, with local businesses and organizations, and explore ways in which
collaboration would be mutually beneficial. Innovation and collaboration combined with a willingness
to try something new are vital to future success and sustainability.
As a result of changes in public behaviour, museums will need to adopt a blended model to their
program delivery providing both safe in-person experiences as well as digital offerings for those who
want to experience the museum from the comfort of their own home. While virtual experiences will
continue to be an important component of marketing and programming, it needs to be recognized that
nothing replaces the personal experience of interacting with an artifact or in this particular case the
house itself.
As the province recovers from the impacts of the global pandemic, there are and will continue to be new
funding opportunities to allow cultural industries to embrace new technology. Staff should explore
ongoing funding opportunities to increase its capacity during the long recovery phase.
With the implementation of new initiatives and strategies, regular evaluation should be a built-in
component of the process so that staff can make adjustments to the plan as required. Ongoing
evaluation will ensure that ANHS continues to respond to the impacts of COVID-19.
Action Item #13 of the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism
and Cultural Industries white paper Reconnecting Ontarians
announced that in 2021 the Province will be offering a travel
incentive to encourage the residents of Ontario to explore
the province. $150 million has been set aside to provide
Ontarians with up to 20% for eligible tourism expenses “to
encourage them to safely discover Ontario in 2021.” This
introduces an excellent opportunity for the Annandale
National Historic Site to introduce itself to new visitors
within Oxford County and from across the province.
A mission statement is the guiding document of any museum, it sets the foundation for all policies and
planning. The mission statement directs the work of the organization ensuring everyone - staff, volunteers,
and governing bodies – understand the work of the museum. The Annandale National Historic Site’s
mission statement was created in 2000 and has not been revised since.
Mission statements are often reviewed when change occurs. COVID-19 is that change agent. Staff need to
revisit and review the Annandale National Historic Site’s mission statement.
The mission statement should explain the museum’s reason for existing and its impacts on the community.
A good mission statement leans toward society impact rather than simply an explanation of operations,
transitioning from being about something to being for someone. (Weil, 1999).
Upon completion, have the revised mission statement approved by the governing authority, and once
approved incorporate it into all planning and policy development. It may be necessary to revise supporting
documents such as the museum’s policies to align with the revised mission statement.
Mission Statement/Mandate
Assemble a team. The team can include staff, members of the
museum advisory committee, members of council and key
Research the beginnings of the museum and explore how it
has evolved over time.
Examine the current mission statement. It needs to be
recognized that a mission statement may not always need to
be changed but it is important to acknowledge when it should
be. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the mission
statement to determine what modifications are needed.
Solicit feedback from key stakeholders to define the value of
the museum to the community. An online pulse survey is one
method to gather this feedback during a global pandemic.
There are many free online survey tools available. Virtual coffee
chats can be scheduled to engage stakeholders on a more
personal level.
Draft the revised mission statement and distribute it to
stakeholders to continue to refine until the document reflects
Annandale National Historic Site’s reason for existence and its
impact on the community.
The review process:
Staff need to create and adopt a digital marketing strategy. The digital marketing strategy will provide a
tangible plan for staff to follow and implement. It will ensure a strategic and scheduled roll out of
Social media is continuously evolving with the creation of new platforms and constant changes to existing
platforms. It is recommended that the digital marketing strategy be a “living” document that is constantly
evaluated and revised to respond to changes with social media itself but also the work of the museum and
its audiences.
It is recommended that one staff person be tasked with responsibility for Annandale National Historic
Site’s social media. This is not to say that content can’t be created by the staff team, but it should be
managed by one person, a Social Media Manager.
Staff need to determine the museum’s goals and how best to achieve them through their digital marketing
strategies. Digital marketing hinges on knowing your audience and finding the best online platforms to
reach them as well as determining the best time to post content. Many social media channels have a
scheduling option so that staff can schedule a post to appear outside of traditional working hours when
the targeted audience is more likely to engage. As an example, young professionals are most likely to
check their social media right after work. Awareness of these trends is essential to an effective digital
media strategy.
One of the strengths of social media, with the exception of staff time, is the low financial investment to get
started. Another is the unlimited audience reach.
Understanding the digital environment and optimizing marketing activities means examining the available
technologies and how they can communicate the Annandale National Historic Site brand. While many of
these may be new to staff, the effort will be worthwhile and in fact, is essential to the future growth and
development of the museum.
Social media can significantly boost awareness of the museum and its values. If potential followers come
across your platforms and see that the museum regularly interacts through social media, it will encourage
them to follow.
Digital Media Strategy
Two key factors distinguish digital marketing from
traditional marketing. One is the pace at which the
technology evolves and improves. Secondly, the
opportunity it presents to connect the organization and
people. With nothing but a smartphone, staff can create
digital content in minutes.
Museums and historic sites are chocked full of content
and social media has the ability to make the museum, its
collection and its programming more accessible than
ever before.
It should be noted that the municipality has a Social Media Policy as part of its Communications Strategy
which needs to be taken into account when developing the social media plan. The expertise and guidance of
the Communications Staff would assist Annandale National Historic Site in successfully implementing a new
digital media strategy.
Social media algorithms are constantly changing, and
organic posts are shown less and less often to your
followers, this is a strategy employed by social media
platforms to encourage users to purchase advertising.
However, with regular posts that encourage follower
engagement such as commenting, liking and sharing,
platforms will begin to show your posts to more people.
Consider social media as an extension of the customer
service experience. Responding to questions,
comments and concerns on social media is just as
important as answering an email or a telephone query.
Social media analytics is a critical tool in accessing the success of social media marketing. It will provide
information that relates to audience engagement and the success of digital marketing strategies. Through
data analysis, social media analytics software will present staff with all the information they need to
successfully manage their social media platforms. Simply put social media analytics will provide staff with
the data that allows them to identify what is working and what is not in terms of the content strategy. The
right software can also tell you how to fix what is not working.
As with traditional marketing methods, without measuring and analysing how content is being perceived
by users and performing, it will not be successful and the Return on Investment (ROI) will not be realized.
Analytics will track audience demographics, content performance, customer service, the value of paid
advertising campaigns, and much more.
There are a number of social media analytic tools available that are easy to use and easy to understand.
Many social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram incorporate analytics as part of their online
Social Media Analytics
Social Media Platforms
Some of the most familiar and popular social media platforms include: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Tumblr, YouTube, Reddit, LinkedIn, SnapChat, Pinterest, Flickr, TikTok, Vimeo, WhatsApp.
This list is not an exhaustive list of social media platforms available but is intended to present some of the
more popular and established platforms. In the ever-evolving world of social media, different platforms are
more effective depending on the application. Staff need to determine what they want to achieve and
research each platform and how it might meet their needs.
By the end of 2020, the number of social media users worldwide stood at 4 billion and 99% of all users access
platforms via their mobile devices. Facebook is the most popular platform globally with 1.8 billion daily users.
It’s imperative that the Social Media Manager understand where the museum’s existing and potential
audiences are active online. This will help to target messaging.
For example, ANHS staff have indicated that they would like to attract a younger audience. SnapChat records
300 million monthly users and 90% of those are between 13 and 24 years of age. While images disappear in
10 seconds, staff can post an artifact and pair it with popular music or memes that a younger demographic
would find engaging.
The Social Media Manager should explore other similar accounts that can be followed in order to establish
and nurture online relationships. This can be accomplished by tagging other accounts in your posts.
Engaging content of other’s accounts where appropriate by liking, commenting, and sharing will encourage
others to engage in and share ANHS’s content, expanding the online audience your content reaches.
Instagram has a “Story” feature that allows for easy sharing of other’s content.
Hashtags stimulate global conservation and are
a useful social media marketing tool for
museums. They are linked by the # symbol
followed by a word or a series of words. Social
media users can connect to content by
searching the hashtag. Annandale National
Historic Site can employ hashtags to increase
the museum’s reach. Some of the most popular
museum-related hashtags include
#AskACurator, #MuseumSelfie, #MuseTech,
#ONheritageweek, and #MuseSocial to name a
few. Hashtags are primarily used with Twitter
but also apply to Instagram and Facebook.
Linking Annandale National Historic Site’s
social media platforms to the municipal website
would drive website visitors to your various
Lastly, there are many online forums for social
media managers to connect with other
professionals for support and advice. These
forums provide peer support and advice about
opportunities and challenges that arise
through social media engagement. See
Resources for Staff for a link to the Social Media
Managers Facebook page.
Video is a powerful marketing and
programming tool. Almost all museum
work can be shared through video. They
should be incorporated into exhibitions,
programming, and day-to-day operations
and approached with enthusiasm and
Videos intended for social media posts
should not be lengthy, ranging from a
few seconds to 3 to 5 minutes. Videos for
exhibit or programming purposes can be
longer. Many social media platforms,
such as Instagram offer various video
Using Instagram, staff can use the Reel function to produce a short video. Staff can easily add effects and
music to these videos before posting, increasing their entertainment factor.
Videos provide a great opportunity for followers to meet the staff and others who represent or interact with
the Annandale National Historic Site. It is this personal touch that people respond to even online. The most
effective videos are engaging. This may require staff to rehearse or practice in advance. Don't be afraid to
solicit constructive feedback from a test audience as this will assist staff in delivering experiences that further
cultivates visitor interest.
Add all videos to ANHS’s YouTube channel to build an online profile through this platform. The YouTube
video links can be easily shared on other social media platforms to increase your reach.
Most, if not all, social media platforms have an advertising component so that users can extend their reach
through paid advertising. These ad campaigns offer flexibility in terms of cost and duration. They allow the
advertiser to select their target audience based on age and geography. The platforms provide an ongoing
analysis of the campaign so that advertisers can evaluate the campaign’s success.
Social Media Advertising
The next phase of the Annandale National
Historic Site's collection management project
presents a unique opportunity to engage
audiences by including them in the behind-the-
scenes work that is collection management. In
the museum world, much of the important work
occurs out of the eye of the public. People are
naturally curious about the artifacts that are
housed in collection storage areas. Many are
unaware of the importance of this work or what is
involved in ensuring the safe and secure storage
of the collection.
Using the FaceBook and Instagram Live function,
staff are able to engage followers in real-time.
With this function, as soon as staff select “start
live video” followers will receive a notification.
Both platforms are an effective way to document
the day-to-day work of staff. Each has different
features that may lend themselves more
effectively to different applications.
During the “live” presentation, explain the work
you are doing and why you are doing it. Not only
are these live videos entertaining they are an
opportunity to educate the public. They can
demonstrate the skills and expertise museum
professionals possess as well as explain the
important role the museum plays as a steward of
the public trust.
Encourage watchers to interact during the video. Prompt them to ask questions throughout the “live” video
and be sure to answer them. If they can’t be answered during the video be sure to follow up afterward with
the answer. Request that followers like, comment and share during the video, this will extend the reach and
lead new followers to discover ANHS through social media. This practice is referred to as a "call to action".
Every time someone shares a post, the museum’s content is presented to a whole new audience. Ask
questions of your audience to encourage engagement. An example might be, do you know why we carefully
control the temperature and humidity in the museum? Allow time for responses and acknowledge them.
As museum professionals staff possess unique skills and expertise that can be shared with the public. Talk
about why different objects are stored in different ways. For example, explain why you store the museum’s
quilts on rolls. Demonstrate how to make a customized storage envelope for a document or explain why
acid-free materials are used.
Provide opportunities for the public to share their collections or a special possession and ask questions about
its care and storage. They could submit them by email or through social media. This could become a weekly
segment as a post or a live video.
Allowing the public to engage with the collection management project will make them feel a part of the
process. They will gain a greater understanding of the work staff do and its overall importance to Annandale
National Historic Site and by extension the Town of Tillsonburg.
Annandale National Historic Site’s use of collection management
software PastPerfect presents an opportunity for robust community
engagement online. Recognizing that only 2.5% of the collection is
accounted for in the system, there is a good deal of work to be done but
the process lends itself well to social media posts. As artifacts are
catalogued into the system, they are photographed resulting in a
digitized file of the artifact.
Highlighting artifacts in the collection through social media not only
demonstrates the diversity and scope of the collection but also
presents an opportunity to share the stories attached to them. These
posts lend themselves well to the “call to action” engaging audiences.
It is also an opportunity to encourage donations of artifacts to build the
collection ensuring the preservation of Tillsonburg’s past.
Increasing exposure to the collection can be realized. PastPerfect
offers a Web Edition that allows subscribers to share their collections
online through a searchable database. This is available as an upgrade
to current PastPerfect users for an annual hosting fee.
Museum Collection
We provide investment of $15,000 to $250,000 for online projects by Canadian museums and heritage
organizations that engage their audiences.
We help organizations build digital capacity by providing support and leadership.”
Another option is to apply to the Digital Museums Canada program. They are the largest funding program to
assist museums with creating online content. It is important to keep in mind that matching municipal funding
is required.
Digital Museums Canada website reads:
“We believe in the power of great content and digital technologies to connect with and inspire people.
Staff should study the eligibility requirements of this funding program and subscribe to receive notification of
its annual call for proposals. Digital Museums Canada provides many online resources to assist potential
applicants plan and prepare for their application. This funding opportunity could significantly increase the
ANHS’s digital presence.
A podcast is an audio program that can extend the museum’s
reach. They can range in length and can include one person to
several. As they are audio-only, they can be created with little
financial outlay. As with any of these approaches a strategy is
recommended. Staff should determine what they are trying to
achieve through the podcast.
Museums are well-positioned to present content that is original
and engaging. Storytelling is an inherent part of museum work.
Stories are told through exhibits, during tours, education
programs and even events. Podcasts are an extension of this
To quickly develop a podcast, staff should consider what
stories they know well enough to tell without too much
research or preparation. The Annandale National Historic Site
lends itself to a number of engaging topics that could be
explored through a podcast such as the aesthetic art
movement, architecture, Tillson family, objects in the collection,
Town of Tillsonburg, or the building restoration project. Staff
are well versed in these areas and they could easily create a
podcast that is informative and entertaining. Each of the
proposed topics could be turned into a series. Inviting others to
participate, adds to the podcast experience for listeners by
offering a variety of perspectives. Podcasts can take a
conversational or scripted delivery approach.
With the likelihood of the global pandemic
continuing for the foreseeable future and the
corresponding change in the public’s behaviour,
staff should implement a blended approach to
Whenever possible, staff should integrate both an
in-person and digital component. Exhibits lend
themselves to both approaches and both have
merit. The online exhibit could duplicate the in-
house experience or be an extension of it by offering
supplementary information not presented in the
main exhibit. If using the latter approach, the onsite
exhibit will require prompts to direct visitors to the
online material.
Virtual Tours
Virtual tours of the Annandale National Historic Site
hosted online would allow the public to tour the site
from the comfort of their own home. An “app” could
be developed that would allow the public access to
tours of Annandale House anytime from their mobile
Alternately, tours could be pre-recorded or live and
posted to social media and the museum’s website.
This online experience could tour the Pratt Gallery
and the exhibits installed there. Virtual tours of
Annandale House should be offered. Live virtual
tours allow staff to interact with followers/visitors in
real-time. These tours should be scheduled on a
regular basis. For example, schedule tours on the
first Wednesday of every month with a focus on a
different theme to encourage repeat views from
followers. These tours could offer a value-added
component such as a hands-on activity that
expands on the tour’s theme.
Staff should explore ways to adapt current in-person programming such as the Lunch and Learns and
education programs to a digital format. There are many video conferencing services that lend themselves
well to this type of presentation that allow interaction between the hosts and the audience.
Explore opportunities for community partnerships and collaborations by finding ways to host joint events.
These shared synergies increase the capacity for all involved parties.
Participating in a variety of local, provincial, national and international movements such as Culture Days,
Ontario Heritage Week, Music on the Porch is a great way to connect with other cultural colleagues and
present programming to the public that is part of a broader experience.
Annandale House presents the opportunity to provide a truly unique visitor experience. To do this museum
staff need to consider creative ways to present the house and its many stories to engage the public.
Annandale House is the perfect setting for hosting original and interactive in-person events. These events
would involve only a limited number of participants to comply with COVID-19 safety protocols.
Events and Education Programming
Hosting a special dinner party on site is one
such event. The museum could involve
community partners such as a local restaurant
to cater the meal. Local musicians or theatre
company could provide entertainment
throughout the evening. Actors taking on the
roles of the Tillson family could host the dinner
regaling participants with stories of their life in
the house, transporting participants to an
earlier time. This event could be easily
adapted to an online offering with participants
picking up their meal at a partnering local
restaurant and providing entertainment
There are a number of opportunities to promote Annandale National Historic Site beyond the walls of the
Gateway signage at the entrances of the Town of Tillsonburg should be improved to announce the presence
of ANHS along with a wayfinding system encompassing creative signage and maps visually connecting them
to the site.
Annandale National Historic Site is located on Tillson Avenue a busy thoroughfare in the Town of Tillsonburg.
The exterior museum signage was offsite undergoing refurbishment during our site visits but was described
by staff. The addition of a LED ticker display, similar to the one in Tillsonburg’s downtown core, would be an
easy and effective way of promoting museum events and information to the passing public, taking advantage
of its high traffic location.
As stated earlier, the cultural sector recognizes that going forward that some members of the public may be
hesitant to gather indoors so an interpretive plan for the property provides a unique opportunity to reach an
expanded local audience. The property itself is an underutilized asset and can act as both an effective
marketing and program delivery tool in response to COVID-19.
Beyond the Walls
Interpretive panels that illustrate the history of the Annandale National Historic Site and the Town of
Tillsonburg should be installed in strategic spots throughout the property. These storyboards would
encourage the public to wander the property and learn more about the site without having to enter the
building. These would also act as an introduction to the site for those who do choose to visit the museum.
The Annandale National Historic Site property has a
long and storied connection to the Town of Tillsonburg.
It is situated on a large, picturesque corner lot which
has a great deal of potential that should be leveraged in
new and non-traditional ways.
ANHS possesses a rich archival collection that includes
many photographs and papers related to the history of
the site, the Tillson family, and the Town of Tillsonburg.
It also has photographs that illustrate the extensive
restoration the building underwent and photographs
depicting the interior of Annandale House. The archival
material should be incorporated into the interactive
In response to the global pandemic, there is an opportunity to install temporary exhibits in spaces throughout
town such as local businesses and schools where people are already congregating.
Approaching local businesses and organizations to host exhibits will increase the capacity of Annandale
National Historic Site.
These “pop-up” exhibits could be a unique, self-contained exhibit or could act as a “teaser” or promotion of an
exhibit available online or onsite at Annandale National Historic Site. A small exhibit installed in a school
classroom could be augmented with a museum-generated curriculum-based education program with staff
delivering the program virtually through Zoom or a similar platform that allows “live” interaction with
educators and students.
Storyboards that tell the story of the extensive restoration the building underwent accompanied by floor
plans and photographs of the interior would afford visitors the visual experience of touring the house
without entering the building.
The storyboards could be augmented with an audio guide. Audio guides provide pre-recorded
information and context that adds to the visitor’s appreciation of the material they are viewing. Audio
guides are compact, portable, and easily customisable and can be delivered through an app or a
dedicated device that the museum rents out to users.
By tailoring content, the museum can meet the demands of all visitors from children to adults as well as
offer audio tours in other languages. Working with a local theatre organization could lead to entertaining
and creative audio content.
The storyboard initiative is one that lends itself to partnering with community organizations and
businesses to assist with the cost of the boards. This could be achieved through a cost-sharing initiative
or by offering sponsorship opportunities.
Temporary outdoor exhibits could be investigated to augment the exhibit on display inside the museum
or could tell a different story. Hardware could be designed and manufactured allowing the easy
exchange of large exhibit panels. Exterior lighting focussed on the exhibit panels would extend the
amount of time the exhibit could be viewed and would generate additional attention to the site.
The 1988 addition at the north end of the museum presents a unique programming opportunity. The
exterior walls are light in colour and flat. This surface makes a potential “screen” for presentations during
the summer months including Lunch and Learns, movies, and other. This approach would allow people
to participate in-person by presenting what is traditionally an indoor activity outside leading to a greater
level of comfort and feeling of safety on the part of the participants.
It is recognized that this new approach to marketing
and program delivery will require significant staff
time and resources to pivot and implement. This will
require the commitment of Council, senior
management, the Museum Advisory Committee,
and staff.
To roll out these new initiatives, staff will need to
realign operations. An example might see staff
installing fewer temporary exhibits each year and
dedicate some of this staff time to community
outreach or the digital marketing strategy.
Incorporating a digital marketing strategy is a key
component that must be implemented. It will
improve the Annandale National Historic Site’s
online presence and lead to a larger market and
increased brand recognition. Throughout
implementation and beyond, continued
engagement with social media users, community
stakeholders, members, volunteers, and sponsors is
Annandale National Historic Site has unlimited
potential to reimagine its goals and its impact on the
community. Through a willingness to realign
ANHS’s current operational model and employ a
creative and blended program delivery approach,
the Town of Tillsonburg ensures future success and
sustainability of Annandale National Historic Site.
Reconnecting Ontarians: Re-emerging as a Global Leader (gov.on.ca)
Ontario COVID-19 Response Framework: https://www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19-response-framework-
Digital Museums: https://www.digitalmuseums.ca/
Instagram Business: https://business.instagram.com/
Facebook Business Manager: https://business.facebook.com/
Museum Social Media Managers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/musesocial
Hootsuite: https://www.hootsuite.com/
Culture Days: https://culturedays.ca
Doors Open Ontario: https://doorsopenontario.on.ca
Ontario Museum Association: https://members.museumsontario.ca
Canadian Museum Association: https://www.museums.ca/
National Heritage Trust: https://nationaltrustcanada.ca/
Resources for Staff
Annandale National Historic Site
30 Tillson Avenue
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 2Z8
Town of Tillsonburg
200 Broadway
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A8
• Visitors slowly returning
• 490 for the quarter – which is higher than 2020 but no where near a “normal” year
Q-3 2019 Q – 3 2020 Q – 3 2021
4,532 402 490
Oxford Creative Connections Ins. Small Wonders Art Show & Sale
o In gallery until Oct. 31st
o To date 15 pieces have sold
o Trust Account receives 20% commission on these sales
Opening of Art Show and Sale with small Art Show on lawn on September 11, well attended
o 80 people attended throughout the day
o Capacity limits were obeyed for gallery
o People waiting to visit as needed
Pebble Art Fun Workshop for children & adults
o PD Day program
o Children program booked to 80% capacity
o Adult program booked to 100% capacity
Painted Gourd Workshop
o Adult only workshop
o Booked to 90% capacity
Family Pumpkin Party on lawn for families
o Has been cancelled due to lack of participation
o Only 2 families had signed up
o $17, 899 received from the Province
o Has been placed in 2021 operating budget
o Grant has been applied for
o Eligible for $44,000
o Volunteer Sub-Committee of the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee
o Curator sits on committee as staff support
o Committee members have selected July 1, 2022 as the day to celebrate Town’s Anniversary
o This date still needs approval of the CHSA Committee and Council
o Planning a day of family events
o Curator sits on this committee
o Meeting being planned for first week of November
o Curator will keep Museum Committee updated as plans unfold
The Annandale House Trust balance as of September 30, 2021 is $145,332.34
Nothing new to report, as the museum is unable to host large group tours under the current social
distancing regulations.