2022-029 A by-law to regulate traffic and the Parking of Motor Vehicle ConsolidatedPage 1 of 91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW 2022-0 29 Consolidated Last amended by: • By-Law 2024-038, May 13, 2024 • By-Law 2023-090, November 13, 2023 • By-Law 2023-077, September 25, 2023 • By-Law 2023-030, March 13, 2023 • By-Law 2022-059, September 26, 2022 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE TRAFFIC AND THE PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG. Contents Section 1: Definitions ............................................................................................................. 5 Section 2: Reserved ............................................................................................................ 13 Section 3: Enforcement of By-Law ...................................................................................... 13 Part 1: Traffic ....................................................................................................................... 13 Section 4: Erection of Control Devices ............................................................................. 13 Section 5: Manner of Parallel Parking .............................................................................. 14 Section 6: Manner of Angle Parking ................................................................................. 14 Section 7: Manner of Parking on a One-Way Street ........................................................ 14 Section 8: No Stopping (Schedule 1) ............................................................................... 14 Section 9: No Parking in Unposted Locations .................................................................. 15 Section 10: Overnight Parking (Figure 9) ......................................................................... 16 Section 11: No Parking in Posted Locations .................................................................... 16 Section 12: Prohibited Parking on Specified Streets Anytime (Schedule 2) ..................... 17 Section 13: No Parking at Taxi Stands ............................................................................ 17 Section 14: No Parking in Loading Zones (Schedule 4) ................................................... 17 Section 15: No Parking in Horse Drawn Vehicles Stand .................................................. 17 Section 16: Parking During Emergencies & Special Events ............................................ 17 By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 2 of 91 Section 17: Restricted Parking on Specified Streets (Schedule 5) ................................... 18 Section 18: Angle Parking Permitted on Specified Streets (Schedule 6) ......................... 18 Section 19: Manner of Parking Motorcycles ..................................................................... 18 Section 20: Prohibited Turns (Schedule 7)....................................................................... 18 Section 21: Designated Lane Movements (Schedule 8) .................................................. 18 Section 22: Obstructing Traffic ......................................................................................... 19 Section 23: Entering Highway (Schedule 9 and 10) ......................................................... 19 Section 24: Funeral & Other Processions ........................................................................ 19 Section 25: One-Way Streets (Schedule 11) ................................................................... 19 Section 26: Through Highways (Schedule 12) ................................................................. 19 Section 27: Heavy Truck Restrictions (Schedule 13) ....................................................... 20 Section 28: Reduced Load Limit (Schedule 14) ............................................................... 20 Section 29: School Bus Loading Zones (Schedule 15) .................................................... 20 Section 30: Use of Sidewalks & Bridges .......................................................................... 21 Section 31: Coasting or Sliding ........................................................................................ 21 Section 32: Motor Vehicles to be Locked ......................................................................... 21 Section 33: Pedestrian Crossovers (Schedule 16) ........................................................... 21 Section 34: Higher & Lower Speed Limits (Schedule 17 (a) and 17 (b)) .......................... 21 Section 35: One Vehicle in Parking Space....................................................................... 22 Section 36: No Long Vehicle Parking ............................................................................... 22 Section 37: Community Safety Zone (Figure 16) ............................................................. 22 Part 2: Fire Routes .............................................................................................................. 22 Section 38: Official Sign (Figure 5) .................................................................................. 22 Section 39: Establishment of Fire Routes ........................................................................ 22 Section 40: Fire Chiefs Order ........................................................................................... 22 Section 41: Agreement with Owner of Roadway (Schedule 18) ....................................... 23 Section 42: Tampering with Signs .................................................................................... 23 Section 43: Conflicting Signs on Fire Route ..................................................................... 23 Section 44: Unauthorized use of Signs ............................................................................ 23 Section 45: No Parking on Fire Route .............................................................................. 23 Part 3: On-Street Parking for the Accessible Persons ......................................................... 23 By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 3 of 91 Section 46: Parking Space for Accessible Persons (Schedule 19) .................................. 23 Section 47: Display of Permit ........................................................................................... 23 Section 48: Prohibitions Regarding Permits ..................................................................... 24 Section 49: Official Sign (Figure 6) .................................................................................. 24 Part 4: Off-Street Parking for the Accessible ....................................................................... 24 Section 50: Designation of Parking Spaces ..................................................................... 24 Section 51: Parking Space for Accessible Persons ......................................................... 25 Part 5: Municipal Parking Lots ............................................................................................. 25 Section 52: Municipal Parking Lots .................................................................................. 25 Part 6: Privately-Owned Lots ............................................................................................... 25 Section 53: Privately Owned Off-Street Parking Lots (Schedule 20) ............................... 25 Part 7: Parking Permits ........................................................................................................ 26 Section 54: Parking Permit Fee ....................................................................................... 26 Section 55: Temporary Permits (Figure 1) ....................................................................... 26 Section 56: Designated Permits ....................................................................................... 26 Part 8: On Street Parking .................................................................................................... 26 Section 57: On Street Parking .......................................................................................... 26 Part 9: General Provisions ................................................................................................... 27 Section 58: General Penalty ............................................................................................ 27 Section 59: Illegally Parking Vehicles .............................................................................. 27 Section 60: Impoundment & Removal .............................................................................. 27 Section 61: Executive Acts Authorized ............................................................................ 27 Section 62: Headings not part of By-Law ......................................................................... 27 Section 63: Deviation from Form ...................................................................................... 28 Section 64: Conflict with the Highway Traffic Act ............................................................. 28 Section 65: Repeal ........................................................................................................... 28 Section 66: Effective Date ................................................................................................ 28 Schedule 1: No Stopping ..................................................................................................... 29 Schedule 2: Prohibited Parking on Specified Street ............................................................ 33 Schedule 3: No Parking at Taxi Stands ............................................................................... 39 Schedule 4: No Parking in Loading Zones .......................................................................... 39 By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 4 of 91 Schedule 5: Restricted Parking on Specified Streets .......................................................... 39 Schedule 6: Angle Parking Permitted on Specified Streets ................................................. 42 Schedule 7: Prohibited Turns .............................................................................................. 42 Schedule 8: Designated Lane Movements .......................................................................... 43 Schedule 9: Designated Stop Signs .................................................................................... 43 Schedule 10: Designated Yield Signs .................................................................................. 58 Schedule 11: One Way Streets ........................................................................................... 58 Schedule 12: Through Highways ......................................................................................... 59 Schedule 13: Heavy Traffic Routes ..................................................................................... 61 Schedule 14: Reduced Load Limit ....................................................................................... 62 Schedule 15: School Bus Loading Zones ............................................................................ 62 Schedule 16: Pedestrian Crossovers .................................................................................. 62 Schedule 17 (a): Higher Speed Limits ................................................................................. 63 Schedule 17 (b): Lower Speed Limits .................................................................................. 63 Schedule 18: Agreement with Owner of Roadway Regarding Fire Routes ......................... 65 Schedule 19: Accessible Parking Spaces ........................................................................... 67 Schedule 20: Agreement with Owner of Private Parking Lot Regarding Prohibited Parking 70 Schedule 21: Parking Permit Fee ........................................................................................ 72 Schedule 22: Designated On-Street Parking ....................................................................... 72 Schedule 23: No Heavy Trucks ........................................................................................... 72 Schedule 24: Community Safety Zone ............................................................................. 72 Schedule 25: Electric Vehicle Parking Space ...................................................................... 72 Figure 1: Parking Permit. ..................................................................................................... 73 Figure 2: Official Map Downtown Area ................................................................................ 74 Figure 3: Official Map Heavy Truck Routes ......................................................................... 75 Figure 4: Official Map Reduced Load .................................................................................. 76 Figure 5: Official Sign Fire Route ......................................................................................... 77 Figure 6: Official Sign Accessible Person’s ......................................................................... 78 Figure 7: Official Map Municipal Parking Lot ....................................................................... 79 Figure 8: Official Sign 2 Hour Parking ................................................................................. 80 Figure 9: Official Sign No Overnight Parking 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ................................... 83 By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 5 of 91 Figure 10: Official Sign No Parking – Emergency Vehicle Parking Only ............................. 84 Figure 11: Official Sign School Bus Loading Zone .............................................................. 85 Figure 12: Official Sign No Parking – Loading Zone ............................................................ 86 Figure 13: Official Sign No Stopping .................................................................................... 87 Figure 14: Official Sign Horse and Buggy Parking Only ...................................................... 88 Figure 15: Official Sign Bus Stop ......................................................................................... 89 Figure 16: Community Safety Zone Official Sign ................................................................. 90 Figure 17: Community Safety Zone Begins Sign ................................................................. 90 Figure 18: Community Safety Zone Ends Sign .................................................................... 90 Figure 19: Official Sign Electric Vehicle ............................................................................... 91 Section 1: Definitions In this by-law, unless a contrary intention appears, "Abandoned or Un-plated Vehicles" means a police officer or an officer appointed for carrying out the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act who discovers a vehicle abandoned on or near a highway without valid plates. "Accessible Parking Space" means any parking space on a highway or parking lot designated by an authorized accessible parking sign restricting parking only to motor vehicles displaying such accessible signage regulated and prescribed by the Province of Ontario with the spaces provided by the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg in the absence of Provincial regulation. "Accessible Person" means an individual who meets the eligibility requirements issued by the Ministry of Transportation under the authority of the Highway Traffic Act. "Agricultural Purposes" means land where animals or birds are kept for grazing, breeding, raising, boarding, training, or for the tillage of soil, rowing, harvesting of vegetables, fruits, field crops or landscaping materials. "Authorized Sign" means any sign or other device erected on a Highway by authority of the Ontario Provincial Police on direction of the Council for the Town of Tillsonburg, for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. "Bicycle" has the same meaning as in the Highway Traffic Act. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 6 of 91 "Boulevard" means that portion of every road allowance within the limits of the Town of Tillsonburg which is not used as a sidewalk, driveway access, traveled roadway or shoulder. "Bus" means a motor vehicle designed for carrying ten or more passengers and used for the transportation of persons. "Bus Bay" means a portion of the highway which is designed and constructed outside of the roadway adjacent to it for the purpose of stopping buses while in the act of picking up or discharging passengers. “Bus Stop” means a place where a municipal bus regularly stops while picking up or discharging passengers which have been designated by the Town of Tillsonburg and have been marked by signs or otherwise. “Bus Stop Sign” means a sign installed by the Town where the municipal bus stops to pick up or discharge passengers. "By-law Enforcement Officer" means a person duly appointed by the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg for the purpose of enforcing the parking provisions of this by - law. "Commercial Motor Vehicle" means any motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or delivery body, and includes ambulances, hearses, casket wagons, fire apparatus, motor buses and tractors used for hauling purposes on the highways. “Community Safety Zone” Town Council may by by-law designate a part of a highway under its jurisdiction as a community safety zone if, in the council's opinion, public safety is of special concern on that part of the highway. Further, Community Safety Zones may include roadways near schools, day care centres, playgrounds, parks, hospitals and senior citizen residences. Community Safety Zones may also be used for collision prone areas within a community. “Contractors” means an outside company that has been hired and appointed by the Municipality for the purpose of enforcing the parking provision of this by -law. "Corporation" means The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. "Council" means the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. "Crossover" means: i. that part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or in the absence of curbs from the edges of the roadway, or By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 7 of 91 ii. any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface thereof. "Curb" includes the edge of the traveled portion of a street or roadway. "Designated Parking Space" means a parking space designated under sections 46 and 47 of this by-law for the sole use of vehicles of an accessible person; ”Director of Operations” means the Director of Operations or any employee acting under their direction, which may include contract staff. “Director of Recreation” means the Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks or any employee acting under their direction, which may include Contractors. "Downtown Area" (See Figure 2 Attached) means that portion of the Town of Tillsonburg commencing at the intersection of the production westerly of the northerly limit of Bridge Street and the westerly limit of Rolph Street; thence southerly along the westerly limit of Rolph Street., to the production westerly of the southerly limit of Baldwin Street.; thence generally in a easterly direction to a point at the intersection of the southerly limit of Baldwin Street, and the westerly limit of Raccoon Alley; thence southerly along the westerly limit of Raccoon Alley to a point at the intersection of the southerly limit of London Street, and the westerly limit of Raccoon Alley; thence easterly along the southerly limit of London St. to a point at the intersection at the southerly limit of London St. and the westerly limit of Bidwell Street; thence generally in a southerly direction along the westerly limit of Bidwell Street., to a point at the intersection of the westerly limit of Bidwell St., and the northwesterly limit of John Pound Road; thence from the point commencing at the intersection of the production of the southeasterly limit of John Pound Road, and the southwesterly limit of Bloomer St.; thence generally in a easterly direction along the southerly limi t of Bloomer ST. to a point of the intersection of the north easterly limit of Bloomer St., and the southerly limit of Simcoe St.; thence generally in a northerly direction along the easterly limit of Tillson Avenue to the production easterly of the northern limit of Brock Street East.; thence generally in a westerly direction along the northerly limit of Brock Street East to a point at the intersection of the northerly limit of Brock St East and the easterly limit of Lisgar Avenue.; thence generally in a northerly direction along the easterly limit of Lisgar Avenue to a point at the intersection of the easterly limit of Lisgar Avenue and northerly limit of Bridge St. East; thence generally in a westerly direction along the northerly limit of Bridge St. to the point of commencement. "Double Parking" means the parking of a vehicle on any roadway, beside another vehicle which is legally parked adjacent to the curb of the roadway or edge of the roadway, so that vehicles are side by side or any part of the vehicles is side by side. "Driveway Access" means the portion of a street which is improved to permit the passage of vehicles between the adjacent roadway and the abutting property. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 8 of 91 "Electric Vehicle" means a vehicle that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy stored in one or more rechargeable batteries or another energy storage device and is capable of being plugged into an Electric Vehicle Charging Station and includes a plug-in electric car and a plug-in hybrid car. "Electric Vehicle Charging Station" means any facility or equipment that is used to charge a battery or other energy storage device of an Electric Vehicle. "Electric Vehicle Parking Space" means a parking space designated for the use of charging Electric Vehicles as indicated by a sign set out in Figure 19 to this Bylaw. "Fire Route" shall mean any private access, route, road way, lane ramp or other means of vehicular access to, or egress from a building and it may include part of a parking lot set aside for use of emergency vehicles. "Front Yard" means within the front yard of a property in a residential zone, as defined under the Town’s Zoning Bylaw. "Gross Weight" means the combined weight of vehicle and load. "Holiday" means a statutory holiday, namely, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Family Day, and Reconciliation Day. “Heavy Truck” includes any heavy vehicle having a registered gross weight in excess of 4,000 kilograms, but excludes buses, fire-fighting equipment, authorized emergency vehicles, public utility vehicles and vehicles operated by the Town of Tillsonburg. "Highway" means the same as Street definition. "Identifying Marker", when used with respect to parking for accessible persons means the accessible persons parking permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation under the authority of the Highway Traffic Act. "Inoperative Motor Vehicle" means a motor vehicle which is without a current license plate, and current insurance, and has its fenders, hood, trunk, roof, wheels, or any part of its superstructure removed, or a motor vehicle which is in a dilapidated condition. "Intersection" means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways which join one another at an angle, whether or not one highway crosses the other. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 9 of 91 "Laneway- Parking Lot" means a lane; aisle, passageway or access way intended for general traffic circulation within a parking lot, which affords a means of access for vehicles to the driveways and parking spaces. "Laneway- Municipal" means a lane, passageway, alleyway, fire lane or access way which is municipally owned, or under control of the Corporation, not intended for general traffic circulation, but which affords a means of access for vehicles behind or between properties. "Loading" means the physical activity of moving merchandise from or to a property or another vehicle and the physical activity of passengers entering or departing a vehicle. "Loading Zone" the part of a highway set apart for the exclusive purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload same. "Motor Vehicle" includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in this by-law, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include a street car, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act. “Municipality” means the same as the Town of Tillsonburg. “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” shall have the same meaning as By-Law Enforcement Officer in this by-law. "Municipal Parking Lot" shall mean any parking lot owned or under control of the Corporation, improved and intended to provide vehicle parking for the public. “Municipal Property” means property that is owned, leased or under the control of the Town of Tillsonburg but does not include a Street. "Official Sign" means a sign approved by the Ministry of Transportation. "One-Way Street" means a street upon which vehicular traffic is limited to movement in one direction. “Park" or "Parking", when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. "Parking Lot" any lands owned or leased by the Corporation, designed, maintained, regulated and enforced, for the purpose of providing public parking spaces, except a By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 10 of 91 roadway, which shall have the same status as a public highway for the purpose of this by - law. "Parking Meter Zone" means a part of a street designated by this by-law for parking purposes timed by parking meters. "Parking Space" means a portion of the surface of the roadway designated by suitable markings. "Parking Meter" means: i. a device, sometimes referred to as an "individual parking meter", which indicates thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may be parked, which device has as a part thereof a receptacle for the receiving and storing of coins and a slot or pla ce in which coins may be deposited to activate a timing mechanism to indicate the passage of the interval of time following the deposit of a coin or coins therein, the measurement of which interval is determined by the coin or coins so deposited, and which device also displays a signal when the said interval of time has elapsed; and a device, sometimes referred to as a "pay and display parking meter", which dispenses a piece of paper intended to be removed from the device and displayed by the operator of a vehicle on the interior right-hand side of the front windshield of the vehicle when parked, the paper being imprinted with a time and date beyond which the vehicle may not be parked, and which device has as a part thereof a receptacle for the receiving and storing of coins and a slot or place in which coins may be deposited to activate a mechanism to imprint a time and date on the piece of paper following the deposit of a coin or coins therein, the specific time and date being determined by the coin or coins so deposited. "Pedestrian Crossover" means any portion of a roadway designated by by-law of the municipality, at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs on the highway and by lines or other markings on the surface of the roadway as prescribed by the regulations pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, as amended. "Person" includes any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. "Private Property" is property other than that owned by the municipality, but shall include property owned by public authorities and local boards. "Private Roadway", when used with reference to a fire route, means any private road, lane, ramp or other vehicular access to or egress from a building or structure and it may include part of a parking lot. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 11 of 91 "Police Officer" means a member of the Ontario Provincial Police. "Public Parking Lot or Facility" means an off-street parking lot or other parking facility to which the public has access whether on payment of a fee or otherwise. “Recreation Area” means an area under the control of the Municipality for the purpose of offering recreation to the public, and is owned, leased or used by the Municipality. "Restricted Parking Zone" means a street or part of a street designated by this by- law for the purposes of time restricted parking. "Road Allowance" means all allowances for roads, except in so far as they have been stopped up according to law, made by the Crown surveyors, all highways laid out or established under the authority of any statute, all roads on which public money has been expended for opening them or on which statute labour has been usually performed, all roads dedicated by the owner of the land to public use, and all alterations and deviations of and all bridges over any such allowance for highway or road. "Roadway" means the part of a highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, but does not include the shoulder, and where a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" refers to any one roadway separately and not to all of the roadways collectively. "School Bus" means a bus that is used for the transportation of: i. children; or ii. mentally or physically disabled people to or from a training centre that bears on the front and rear thereof the words "school bus" and on the rear thereof the words "Do not pass when signals flashing". "School Vehicle" means a vehicle that is used for the transportation of: i. persons to or from school, or ii. mentally or physically disabled people to or from a training centre and shall only include the following: a. a school bus; b. a bus; and c. a vehicle that is designed to carry less than ten passengers and is used for the transportation of persons and which is identified by public vehicle plates and/or school safety stickers. "Shoulder" means that portion of every street which abuts the roadway and which is designed and intended for passage or stopping of motor vehicles but which extends no more than 3.6 metres in width from the limit of the roadway. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 12 of 91 "Sidewalk" means any municipal walkway, or that portion of a street between the curb line or the lateral line of a roadway and the adjacent property line, primarily intended for the use of pedestrians. "Stand" means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers. "Stop", when required, means the complete cessation of movement. "Stop" or "Stopping", when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal. "Street", includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway access, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle designed and intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. "Through Highway" means any highway or part of a highway designated as such by by- law of the municipality and all intersecting highways are marked by a stop sign or yield sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry of Transportation. "Time" means, where any expression of time occurs or where any hour or other period of time is stated, standard time or daylight saving time, whichever is in effect in the Town of Tillsonburg pursuant to the Time Act. "Tow Truck" means a motor vehicle for towing or otherwise conveying vehicles, as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, whether or not any such towed or conveyed vehicle is intact or in operable condition. “Town” means the Town of Tillsonburg “Town of Tillsonburg” means the Town of Tillsonburg "Town Council" means the Town Council of The Corporation of The Town of Tillsonburg. "Tractor-trailer Unit" means the combination of a commercial motor vehicle and a trailer or semi-trailer. "Trailer" means a vehicle that is at any time drawn upon a highway by a motor vehicle, except an implement of husbandry, a mobile home, another motor vehicle or any device or apparatus not designed to transport persons or property, temporarily drawn, propelled or By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 13 of 91 moved upon such highway, and except a side car attached to a motorcycle, and shall be considered a separate vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn. "Traffic" includes pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street for the purposes of travel. "Traffic Control Device" means any sign or other device erected or placed for the purpose of guiding, directing or regulating traffic. "Traffic Signal" means any device manually, electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation of traffic. "Unlicensed" shall mean without a license plate attached thereto or without a validated license plate attached thereto where such license plate is required to operate the vehicle on a highway. "U-turn" means to turn a vehicle upon a highway so as to proceed in the opposite direction. "Vehicle" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle, the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. "Vehicle of an Accessible Person" means any vehicle displaying an identifying marker issued by the Province of Ontario. Section 2: Short Title Traffic & Parking By-Law Section 3: Enforcement of By-Law & Obstruction 1. This by-law may be enforced by a Police Officer or a municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed by the Town Council 2. No person shall hinder or obstruct a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or Contractor during the course of their duties. Part 1: Traffic Section 4: Erection of Control Devices 1. Traffic control devices for the purpose of guiding, directing and regulating traffic shall be erected as authorized by the Council. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 14 of 91 2. No person shall place or exhibit any unauthorized device, sign, standard or other marking upon any street attempting or purporting to guide, direct or regulate traffic or the parking of vehicles on a street. 3. No unauthorized person shall give any signal or direction attempting or purporting to direct traffic unless in an emergency to direct traffic around the scene of an accident, or obstacle, excavation, debris, glass or other hazard. Section 5: Manner of Parallel Parking 1. No person shall park a vehicle on any street except upon the right-hand side of the roadway, having regard for the direction in which the vehicle is required to proceed, and when parked on a roadway, the right front and rear wheels or runners of the vehicle shall be parallel to and distant not more than 0.3 metres from the right-hand edge of the roadway adjacent to which such vehicle is parked. 2. Subsection (1) shall not apply where angle parking is authorized by this by -law, or upon one-way streets as authorized by this by-law. Section 6: Manner of Angle Parking 1. Where angle parking is permitted, a) no person shall park a vehicle except within the limits defined by pavement markings; or b) if no pavement markings are visible, no person shall park a vehicle except at an angle not exceeding sixty degrees with the permitted direction of travel, unless signed otherwise. c) and in all cases so that the front end of the vehicle is nearest to the curb or the edge of the street. 2. Notwithstanding subsection (1), no person shall park a vehicle at an angle if: a) the load being carried extends beyond the rear of the vehicle; or b) the vehicle has attached to it a trailer as defined by the Highway Traffic Act; or c) such vehicle obstructs or interferes with traffic in any way while so parked. Section 7: Manner of Parking on a One-Way Street 1. Subject to subsection (2), all persons may park vehicles on both sides of a one - way street in the permitted locations and facing in the direction in which the vehicle is required to proceed. 2. Unless otherwise regulated, when parked on the left hand side of the roadway, determined by the permitted direction of travel, the left front and left rear wheels or runners of the vehicle shall be parallel to and distant not more than 0.3 metres from the edge of the roadway adjacent to which such vehicle is parked. Section 8: No Stopping (Schedule 1) 1. No person shall stop a vehicle in a manner known as "double parking" or in any traffic lane other than the curb lane. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 15 of 91 2. No person shall stop a vehicle or any part of a vehicle in the following locations when appropriate signs have been erected and are on display, when signs are hereby authorized: a) in front of the entrance to the Town Centre Mall; b) within an intersection at any time; c) within 15 metres of any intersection; d) as locations set out in Schedule 1 e) where municipal bus stops are posted within the Town 3. Subsection (2) does not apply to: a) a school vehicle engaged in the transportation of persons when such vehicle is stopped to discharge or pick up passengers. b) A municipal bus when using the designated bus stops. 4. No Stopping at Bus Stops (Figure 15) a) When authorized signs are erected and are on display, which signs are hereby authorized, no person other than those persons operating a municipal bus of the Town of Tillsonburg shall stop a vehicle to load or unload passengers in the designated bus stop. Section 9: No Parking in Unposted Locations 1. Unless otherwise permitted in this bylaw, no person shall at any time park a vehicle in any of the following places: a) On or overhanging the sidewalk. b) between a sidewalk and the adjacent roadway at any time; c) on any boulevard at any time, except where authorized by by-law, enacted under the provisions of section 310 of the Municipal Act or a successor of that section; d) on a roadway or shoulder or in front of or within I metre of a driveway or Laneway at any time; e) within 9 metres of an intersection unless otherwise indicated by a sign. f) within 2 metres of a fire hydrant, from a point on the curb or edge of the roadway of any fire hydrant. g) on a crossover at any time; h) within 6 metres of the nearest crossover at an intersection at any time; i) on any street in a manner which obstructs traffic j) in a position which will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked at any time; k) on any ramp or maneuvering area established as part of a parking arrangement under the provisions of section 310 of the Municipal Act or a successor of that section at any time; l) within 15 metres of any intersection controlled by traffic signals; m) in a manner to obstruct municipal Laneway. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 16 of 91 n) on or over a curb within a driveway. o) In the front yard of any residential property that is not designated as a driveway. p) On municipal property without consent; q) Within 15 m of a pedestrian crossover; r) In place other than authorized parking area; s) Blocking gate or entrance t) Outside pavement markings. 2. No person shall park a vehicle in a Recreation Area contrary to the following: a) In place other than authorized parking area; b) Outside pavement markings; c) In a manner blocking driveway; d) In a manger blocking gate; e) Between 11 pm and 6am without written permission from the Director of Recreation; f) for overnight accommodation without written permission from the Director or Recreation; g) in a manner that causes damage to the property; h) Commercial Motor Vehicle overnight without written permission from the Director of Recreation; Section 10: Overnight Parking (Figure 9) 1. Overnight parking is permitted on all streets in the Town of Tillsonburg during the period of April 1st to November 14th except: a) On Broadway from Bridge Street to London Street, No Parking 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. b) During the period of November 15th to March 31st, No Parking 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. on any street. Section 11: No Parking in Posted Locations 1. No person shall park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle in the following locations when appropriate signs have been erected and are on display, which signs are hereby authorized: a) in front of the entrance to a hospital; b) upon that side of the street and immediately adjacent to any school property; c) within those areas around 45 Hardy Ave. that are posted "No Parking Emergency Vehicles Only" (See Figure 10 Attached); d) within the Municipal Lots of the Town of Tillsonburg. 2. No Parking Electric Vehicles Parking Space (Figure 19) (Schedule 25) a) No person shall park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle in an Electric Vehicle Parking Space where such vehicle is not an Electric Vehicle. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 17 of 91 b) No person shall park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle in an Electric Vehicle Parking Space where such vehicle is not connected to an Electric Vehicle Charging Station and charging. Section 12: Prohibited Parking on Specified Streets Anytime (Schedule 2) 1. No person shall park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle on the streets hereinafter set out in Column 1 in Schedule 2 of this by-law, the side or sides of streets set out in the corresponding line or lines in Column 2 thereof, between the points set out in Column 3 thereof and the points set out in Column 4 thereof, during the prohibited time or times set out in Column 5 thereof, when appropriate signs have been erected and are on display, which signs are hereby authorized. Section 13: No Parking at Taxi Stands 1. When authorized signs are erected and are on display, which signs are hereby authorized, no person other than those persons operating a taxi cab under a valid licence issued by the Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg shall park or stop a vehicle or any part of a vehicle to load or unload passengers or merchandise on any streets set out in Schedule 3 of this by-law. Section 14: No Parking in Loading Zones (Schedule 4) 1. When appropriate signs are erected and are on display, which signs are hereby authorized, no person shall park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle on any of the streets set out in Column 1 of this by-law, the side or sides of streets set out in Column 2 thereof, location or parts thereof set out in Column 3 thereof, unless such vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, and the entire vehicle is located within the designated loading zone; and the streets or portions thereof referred to in the said schedule are hereby designated as Loading Zones. Section 15: Horse Drawn Vehicles 1. That motor vehicles be prohibited from parking in spaces posted for the use of horse drawn vehicles in municipal parking lots. 2. Park a horse drawn vehicle on any angle parking Section 16: Parking During Emergencies & Special Events 2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this by-law to the contrary, in case of fire, a parade, an assembly of persons, a congestion of traffic, a construction project or an emergency, parking may be restricted or prohibited by the Town Council or its authorized representative or the Detachment Commander of the Ontario Provincial Police acting through police officers, and no person shall park a vehicle in contravention of such restrictions or prohibition. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 18 of 91 3. For the purposes of this section, "emergency" includes a snowfall or other act of God, which hinders, restricts or prohibits movement of vehicles or pedestrians on a highway. 4. The declaration of an emergency and the parking restrictions or prohibitions shall be effected by a systematic broadcast on local radio and television stations in the Town of Tillsonburg and such broadcast shall be deemed to be sufficient notification of t he restrictions or prohibition then in effect. Section 17: Restricted Parking on Specified Streets (Schedule 5) 1. When appropriate signs have been erected and are on display which signs are hereby authorized, no person shall park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle on any of the streets set out in Column I in Schedule 5 of this by -law the side or sides of streets set out in Column 2 thereof between the streets or parts thereof set out in Column 3 and 4 thereof, and during the time or times set out in Column 5 thereof, for a longer period than provided. Section 18: Angle Parking Permitted on Specified Streets (Schedule 6) 1. No person shall park a vehicle except at any angle, in a manner as described in section 18, on any of the streets set out in Column I in Schedule 6 of this by -law, on the side or sides of streets set out in Column 2 thereof, between the streets or parts thereof set out in Columns 3 and 4 thereof. Section 19: Manner of Parking Motorcycles 1. No person shall park a motorcycle at more than an angle of forty-five degrees to the curb. 2. Where parking space is designated by markings, no more than three motorcycles shall be parked in one space. Section 20: Prohibited Turns (Schedule 7) 1. Within 30 metres of an official sign designating "No-U-Turn" posted in accordance with Schedule 7 of this by-law, no driver or operator of a vehicle upon a highway shall make a U-turn. 2. Where an official sign forbidding a left or right tum or both has been posted in accordance with Schedule 7 of this by-law, every driver or operator of a vehicle shall obey such sign. Section 21: Designated Lane Movements (Schedule 8) 1. With respect to the highways set out in Column I of Schedule 8 of this by-law which have been divided into clearly marked lanes for traffic between the limits set out in Column 2 thereof, each of the said lanes indicated in Column 3 thereof is during the times and days set out in Column 5 thereof hereby designated for traffic moving in the particular direction set out in Column 4 thereof. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 19 of 91 2. Each designation made by subsection (I) of this by-law shall be effective upon the erection of official signs approved by the Ministry of Transportation indicating such designation. Section 22: Obstructing Traffic 1. No owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall obstruct a street with a motor vehicle, which becomes stalled or for any reason cannot be moved by its ordinary motive power. 2. Any vehicle stopped on any street shall be moved away by the owner or operator thereof at the direction of a police officer when traffic congestion, proximity to a fire or any other condition renders the removal of such vehicle expedient. 3. All costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any as may be incurred by the removal of a vehicle pursuant to Section 2 are lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act R.S.0. 1980, C, 198 S. 147 (13) and amendments thereto. Section 23: Entering Highway (Schedule 9 and 10) 1. In addition to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act requiring stop signs at intersections on through streets, stop signs shall also be installed facing the traffic proceeding in the directions indicated in Column 2 of Schedule 9 of this by - law, at the intersecting streets set out in Column I thereof. 2. Yield signs are authorized and shall be installed facing the traffic proceeding in the directions indicated in Column 2 of Schedule 10 of this by-law, at the intersecting streets set out in Column I thereof. Section 24: Funeral & Other Processions 1. No person shall drive a vehicle so that it intersects a funeral or other authorized procession in motion except under the direction of a police officer. 2. All persons driving vehicles in a funeral or other procession shall drive such vehicles as near to the right-hand edge of the roadway as is practical and safe. 3. No parade of vehicles or persons or both shall be held on any highway within the Town of Tillsonburg without prior approval of Council or Director of Operations. Section 25: One-Way Streets (Schedule 11) The highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 11 of this by-law between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3 are hereby designated for one-way traffic only in the directions set out in Column 4. Section 26: Through Highways (Schedule 12) The street or parts of streets set out in Schedule 12 of this By -law, are designated and declared to be through highways but shall not include any intersecting highways where traffic signals are installed. (Figure 2 Attached) By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 20 of 91 Section 27: Heavy Truck Restrictions (Schedule 13) 1. In this section "prohibited street" means any street or part thereof within the Town of Tillsonburg not set forth in Schedule 13 of this by-law and upon which there are erected signs prohibiting heavy trucks. (See Figure 3 Attached.) 2. No person shall operate or park a heavy truck on a prohibited street. 3. Subsection (2) does not apply where a heavy truck is being necessarily operated in the usual conduct of business and proceeds by way of the shortest route to or from any street or part thereof set forth in Schedule 13 of this by -law. 4. The Town of Tillsonburg shall keep and maintain accurate maps illustrating those streets or parts thereof in Schedule 13, which maps shall be available to the public. 5. The Town Council is hereby authorized to cause the streets not listed in Schedule 13 to be marked with signs to prohibit their use by heavy trucks as more specifically identified in Schedule 23. 6. This section does not apply to heavy trucks being used for deliveries to or removals from properties being used for agricultural purposes. 7. No person shall on any highway park a commercial truck with a gross weight of over 4,000 kgs in a residentially zoned area of the Town of Tillsonburg as set out in the "'Zoning By-law", as amended time to time, of the Town of Tillsonburg except for the purpose of delivery or receiving goods in such an area. Section 28: Reduced Load Limit (Schedule 14) 1. The highways set out in Column I of Schedule 14 of this by-law between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3 are restricted to a reduced load limit of a maximum weight of five (5) tones per axel for any vehicle traveling on the said highways during the per iod March 1 to April30 inclusive many year. (See Figure 4 Attached.) 2. The Town of Tillsonburg is authorized to erect such signage as is required to properly designate and identify the highways listed in Schedule 14 of this by -law as having reduced load limits during the period of time mentioned in paragraph (1) of this section. 3. No person shall operate a vehicle that does not comply with the reduced load limit regulations mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, on any of the highways listed in Schedule 14 of this by-law during the period of time mentioned in subsection (1) of this section. Section 29: School Bus Loading Zones (Schedule 15) 1. Highways or portions thereof as set out in Column I of Schedule 15 of this by- law, on the side of the street set out in Column 2, thereof, between the parts of the streets set out in Columns 3 and the times set out in column 4 which are hereby designated as School Bus Loading Zones. (Figure 11 attached). By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 21 of 91 2. No person shall park a school bus or a school vehicle or any part of a school bus or a school vehicle except entirely in a School Bus Zone that has been established under subsection 29 (1) of this by-law. 3. No person shall stop a vehicle other than a school bus or school vehicle in a designated school bus loading zone as set out in Schedule 15. Section 30: Use of Sidewalks & Bridges 1. No person shall use any sidewalk, path or boulevard for any purpose other than pedestrian traffic except as specifically permitted by this by-law or for the purpose of crossing such sidewalk, path or boulevard to enter or leave a driveway; provided that this section shall not apply to vehicles used for the carriage of small children or invalids and vehicles approved by the Detachment Commander of the Ontario Provincial Police. 2. No person shall jump, dive or fish from any bridge, either vehicular or pedestrian, in the Town of Tillsonburg. Section 31: Coasting or Sliding No person shall coast or slide by the use of any hand-sleigh or toboggan on any street. Section 32: Motor Vehicles to be Locked 1. No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle, other than a commercial motor vehicle, shall allow the same to stand unattended unless: a) the doors of the vehicle are locked and its windows are closed; or b) the key is not in the ignition or in a readily accessible location in the vehicle, so as to prevent the operation of the vehicle by any person not authorized by the owner, driver or person in charge. Section 33: Pedestrian Crossovers (Schedule 16) 1. The highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 16 of this by-law, at the locations set out in Column 2, are hereby designated as pedestrian Crossovers. 2. No person shall park within 15m of a pedestrian crossover unless permitted by way of sign Section 34: Higher & Lower Speed Limits (Schedule 17 (a) and 17 (b)) 1. The highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 17(a) of this by-law, between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3, are hereby restricted to maximum rates of speed as set out in Column 4. 2. The highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 17(b) of this bylaw, between the limits set out in Column 2 and 3, are hereby restricted to maximum rates of speed as set out in Column 4. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 22 of 91 Section 35: One Vehicle in Parking Space 1. No person shall park more than one vehicle in any one parking space at any one time. 2. No person shall park a vehicle in a parking space that is partly or completely occupied by another vehicle. Section 36: No Long Vehicle Parking No person shall park any motor vehicle in excess of 6.1 meters in length in a manner that shall obstruct the movement of other vehicles. Section 37: Community Safety Zone (Figure 16) 1. Community Safety Zone signs inform drivers that they are entering a zone that the community has designated as an area where the safety of its children/citizens is paramount. Traffic related offences committed within the zone are subject to increased fines (many set fines are doubled such as speeding and traffic signal related offences). 2. All zones require a sign with a BEGINS tab indicating the start of the designated area and a sign with an ENDS tab indicating where the zone concludes. Additional signs may be located within the zone and are a legal requirement for zones greater than 1000 metres in length. 3. For zones greater than 1000 metres in length, additional Community Safety Zone signs are required within the limits of the zone. The spacing of additional signs is dependent on the designated maximum speed limit of the roadway. When the speed limit is 60 km/h or less, signs are required every 300 metres, or less. Where the speed limit is greater than 60 km/h, additional signs are required) Part 2: Fire Routes Section 38: Official Sign (Figure 5) 1. In this part "official sign" means a fire route sign in the form set out in Figure 5 of this by-law. 2. All fire route signs legally in place on the 26th of February 2002 in the Town of Tillsonburg shall be deemed to be official signs pursuant to this by-law. Section 39: Establishment of Fire Routes A private roadway along which approval has been given by the Corporation for the erection of official signs is a fire route. Section 40: Fire Chiefs Order If after inspection of any building, the Fire Chief of the Corporation is satisfied that, in in order to suppress and prevent the spread of fires, a fire route is warranted in By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 23 of 91 respect of any building, he may serve or cause to be serviced by personal service or by prepaid registered mail to the owner of the building shown on the records of the Land Registry office, an order requiring the owner to comply with the provisions of Fire Code and I or building Code Act Regulations, and every owner shall comply with such order within sixty (60) days of the date of its service upon him or its mailing to him. Section 41: Agreement with Owner of Roadway (Schedule 18) The Corporation and the owner of a private roadway may enter into an agreement in the form set out in Schedule 18 of this by-law or in a development agreement pursuant to the site plan approval process providing for the designation of the roadway as a fire route. Section 42: Tampering with Signs No person shall move, remove or interfere with an official sign along a fire route or obstruct a view of an official sign along a fire route. Section 43: Conflicting Signs on Fire Route No person shall erect or maintain along a fire route an y sign which may conflict or be confused with an official sign. Section 44: Unauthorized use of Signs No person shall erect or maintain a facsimile of an official sign along any private roadway whether a fire route or not. Section 45: No Parking on Fire Route No person shall park a vehicle along a fire route or so that any part of a vehicle is located within the fire route. Part 3: On-Street Parking for the Accessible Persons Section 46: Parking Space for Accessible Persons (Schedule 19) 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other by-law, no person shall park, stand, stop or leave a motor vehicle in any designated parking space set out in Schedule 19 of this by-law except a motor vehicle: a) that is operated by or carries an accessible person; and b) that is identified by a current original identifying marker; and c) that is parked entirely within a designated parking space. Section 47: Display of Permit 1. An identifying marker shall be displayed on: By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 24 of 91 a) the inner surface of the windshield, as close as practicable to the lower left -hand corner and as close as practicable to the left-hand side of the motor vehicle, or b) the outer surface of the sun visor on the left-hand side of the motor vehicle so as to be visible through the windshield from the exterior of the car when the sun visor is in a lowered position. Section 48: Prohibitions Regarding Permits 1. No person shall: a) deface or alter any current original identifying marker furnished by the Ministry of Transportation; b) use or permit the use of a defaced or altered current original identifying marker furnished by the Minister of Transportation; c) use or permit the use of a current original identifying marker furnished by the Ministry of Transportation except the accessible person to whom the current original identifying marker is furnished; or a person transporting such accessible person; d) without the authority of the person to whom a current original identifying marker has been issued, remove a current original identifying marker furnished by the Ministry of Transportation from a motor vehicle. e) Fail to surrender an accessible permit to a By-Law Enforcement Officer; f) Fail to surrender an accessible permit to a Police Officer Section 49: Official Sign (Figure 6) In this Part, "official sign" means a sign in the form set out in Figure 6 of this by-law. Part 4: Off-Street Parking for the Accessible Section 50: Designation of Parking Spaces 1. Where in a public parking lot or facility one or more parking spaces are intended for the sole use of a vehicle of an accessible person, The Town of Tillsonburg shall identify each such parking space by erecting one or more official signs in such a manner that the official sign or signs shall be clearly visible to the operator of any vehicle approaching or entering such parking space. 2. Where the requirements of subsection (1) of this section are complied with, each such parking space is for the purposes of this by-law a designated parking space for the sole use of vehicles of accessible persons. 3. Notwithstanding any provision in this Part to the contrary, no designated parking space shall be located in a fire route designated under Part 2 of this by-law. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 25 of 91 Section 51: Parking Space for Accessible Persons No person shall park, stand, stop or leave a motor vehicle in any designated parking space except a motor vehicle that is identified by a current original identifying marker. Part 5: Municipal Parking Lots Section 52: Municipal Parking Lots 1. Parking is permitted in the municipal parking lots set out in Figure 7 .1 and 7.2 with the exception of: a) Figure 8.1 will be used to indicate a "2 Hour Limit"; b) No Person shall park an unlicensed vehicle on a municipal parking lot; c) No Person shall park an inoperable motor vehicle on a municipal parking lot; d) Where there are pavement markings or designated parking spaces, no person shall park a vehicle where it is not wholly within the designated parking space; e) No person shall park a vehicle so as to obstruct the passage of vehicles in a parking lot Laneway or any parking lot. f) No person shall park a vehicle exceeding 2 hours where posted by sign. g) No person shall park a vehicle with damaged plates in Municipal Parking Lots; h) No person shall park a vehicle overnight for accommodation; i) No person shall park a Commercial Motor Vehicle overnight without written permission from the Director of Operations. j) No person shall use a Municipal Parking Lots except for the purposes of parking vehicles unless written permission is granted from the Director of Operations. k) No person shall park between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. in any municipal parking lot in Figure 7.2 l) No person shall park between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. in the municipal parking Lot 2A shown in Figure 7.1 m) Figure 8.2 will be used to indicate a “30 Minute Limit” n) No person shall park a vehicle exceeding 30 minutes where posted by sign Part 6: Privately-Owned Lots Section 53: Privately Owned Off-Street Parking Lots (Schedule 20) No person shall permit a vehicle to be parked in the same parking space in a privately- owned parking lot or other parking facility for a longer period at any one time than the maximum period allowable if any for such vehicle as prescribed by signs posted upon such lot or facility. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 26 of 91 Part 7: Parking Permits Section 54: Parking Permit Fee 1. Parking Permits maybe applied for in situations where adequate parking is not available on the property. Issuance of permits will be granted at the discretion of the Town and will be valid for up to six (6) months. Permit fees are set out in Schedule 21 for any permits issued six (6) months after the passing of this bylaw. Permits are valid only for the vehicle and location for which they are registered and must be clearly displayed in the windshield while occupying the restricted parking site. a) The monthly fee per vehicle is set out in Schedule 21. Section 55: Temporary Permits (Figure 1) 1. Temporary Permits are available for driveway repairs and overnight guests. a) In order to obtain an exemption a Temporary Parking Permit application prescribed by the Town will be completed and submitted two (2) business days prior to the required request for review. b) A maximum of (5) Temporary Parking Permits are available in one calendar year per location/property. c) Exemptions are conditional during the winter months beginning November 15th to March 31, and become void if snow removal and or winter road maintenance operations become necessary. 2. Two (2) Parking exemption passes have been given to Maple Manor Nursing Home to be distributed and issued by Maple Manor Nursing Home for a period ending October 1, 2024. Section 56: Designated Permits Designated On-Street Parking Permits are identified in Schedule 22. Part 8: On Street Parking Section 57: On Street Parking 1. No Person shall permit any vehicle to be parked, stand, stopped or leave a vehicle on any streets longer than 48 hours except: a) Where it has been designated set out in Schedule 22. 2. No person shall park an inoperable motor vehicle on any street. 3. No person shall park an unlicensed vehicle on any street. 4. No person shall park a vehicle without a permit in a designated on street parking permit space as designated by Schedule 22. 5. No person shall park in a manner that impedes snowplowing operations 6. No person shall park a vehicle with damaged plates 7. No person shall park a vehicle for overnight accomodations By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 27 of 91 Part 9: General Provisions Section 58: General Penalty 1. Except where otherwise expressly provided by this by-law or the Highway Traffic Act, every person who: a) contravenes any provision of this by-law; or b) is the owner of a vehicle that is parked or stopped in contravention of any provision of this by-law, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to any penalty as provided in the Provincial Offences Act; Section 59: Illegally Parking Vehicles 1. Where a vehicle has been left parked, stopped or left standing in contravention of this by-law as passed, the owner of the vehicle, notwithstanding that he was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention of the by -law, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the fine prescribed for the offence unless, at the time of the offence, the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner without the owner's consent. 2. No person shall permit any vehicle to be parked or left on municipal owned property longer than 48 hours without the authorization of the Town of Tillsonburg . 3. Police, Fire, Tillsonburg Hydro and vehicles owned by the Town will be exempted from all parking & stopping restrictions in this By-law, while actively executing the course of their duties. This exemption does not apply to moving violations, which is enforced by Police Section 60: Impoundment & Removal A Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or Police Officer upon discovery of any motor vehicle parked or standing in contravention of the provisions of this By-Law shall cause it to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable location and all costs associated with its removal, and impoundment will be the responsibility of the registered owner of the vehicle. Section 61: Executive Acts Authorized The Mayor and the Administration are hereby authorized to do all things and the Mayor and the CAO are hereby authorized to execute on behalf and under the seal of the Corporation any document necessary to give effect to this by-law. Section 62: Headings not part of By-Law The headings in the body of this by-law form no part of the by-law but are inserted for convenience of reference only. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 28 of 91 Section 63: Deviation from Form Where a form or words or expressions are prescribed in any Schedule to this by -law, deviations therefrom not affecting the substance or calculated to mislead do not vitiate them. Section 64: Conflict with the Highway Traffic Act In the event of conflict between the provisions of this by-law and the Highway Traffic Act, the provisions of the said Act prevail. Section 65: Repeal That By-law 3701 and its amendments are hereby repealed upon the effective date noted in Section 66. Section 66: Effective Date This By-Law shall become effective upon the passing thereof and upon the approval of the set fines by the Regional Senior Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 14th day of FEBRUARY, 2022. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 14th day of FEBRUARY, 2022. Original signed by MAYOR – Stephen Molnar Original signed by CLERK – Michelle Smibert By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 29 of 91 Schedule 1: No Stopping HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Allen St East Christie St 20m South of Christie St Anytime Allen St East Christie St 25m North of Christie St Anytime Allen St West 31m South of Fernwood Drive 82m South of Fernwood Drive Anytime Cat Alley Alley Pl 500 BTN Ridout St. & Brock St. & adjacent to Lot 1112 to 1118 Plan 500 Both 41 meters South of Ridout St. Brock St. Anytime Baldwin St. North Rolph St. Wilson Avenue Anytime Bidwell St. West North side of Brock St. W. 28.5 m North of Brock St. W. Anytime Broadway East/West John Street Northern Town Limits Anytime Broadway East 143 meters North of Ridout St E 173 meters North of Ridout St E Anytime Brock St. E. North/South Harvey St. 23m west of Harvey St. Anytime Christie St South Allen St 25m east of Allen St Anytime Christie St North Allen St 23m East of Allen St Anytime Demeyere Ave. Both Concession St. East 10 m South of Concession St Anytime Dereham Drive North Quarter Town Line 17m West of Quarter Town Line Anytime Dereham Drive South Quarter Town Line 20m West of Quarter Town Line Anytime Esseltine Drive Both Quarter Town Line 34 Metres West of Quarter Town Anytime Frances St. South Tillson Ave 136m West of Kara Lane Anytime Frances St. South Kara Lane 48m West of Kara Lane Anytime Frances St. South 48m West of Kara Lane 136m West of Kara Lane Sept. 1- June 30 Mon-Fri 8am-9am 3pm-4pm By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 30 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Frances St. North 175 meters West of Kara Lane 181 meters West of Kara Lane Anytime Frances St North 82 meters West of Kara Lane 162 meters West of Kara Lane Sept. 1- June 30 Mon-Fri 8am- 9am 3pm-4pm Fox Alley East and West Venison St W 40 meters South of Venison St W Anytime Glendale Drive South Parkside Drive Allen St Sept 1 – June 30 Mon-Fri 7:30 am – 3:30 pm Glendale Drive North Craig St Allen St Sept 1 – June 30 Mon-Fri 7:30 am – 3:30 pm Grandview Drive North Quarter Town Line 57 Metres west of Quarter Town Line Sept 1 – June 30 Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 9:15 am 2:45 pm- 3:45pm Harvey St. East Bridge St. 109m South of Bridge St. Anytime Harvey St. East 15 m North of Ridout St. 86 m North of Ridout St. Anytime Harvey St. West, South of Bridge St. 39.5m South of Bridge St. 41.8m South of Bridge St. Anytime Harvey St. West, South of Bridge St. 67.7m South of Bridge St. 79.3m South of Bridge St. Anytime Harvey St. West Ridout St. 41 m North of Ridout Anytime Harvey St. West 86 m South of Bridge St. 127 m South of Bridge St. Anytime Harvey St. West Oxford St 38 m North of Oxford St Anytime John Pound Road Both London St. 5 John Pound Road Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 31 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Kara Lane Both Sides Frances St Peach St Sept. 1- June 30 Mon-Fri 8am- 9am 3pm-4pm Kara Lane Both Sides Frances St 20 meters South of Frances St Sept. 1- June 30 Mon-Fri 8am- 9am 3pm-4pm Lisgar Ave North Devonshire 30 Metres East of Crosswalk on Devonshire Anytime Lisgar Ave North Devonshire 15 Metres west of crosswalk on Devonshire Anytime Lisgar Ave South Hardy Ave 110 Metres east of Hardy Ave Anytime Maple Court West Maple Lane Concession St. East Anytime Maple Lane Both Concession St. Maple Court Anytime Oxford St. North/South Harvey St. Tillson Ave. Anytime Park Ave. Both Gowrie St. Concession St. Anytime Poplar St West Glendale Dr 20 metres north of Glendale drive Sept 1 – June 30 Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Queen St. East Concession St. East 49. m North of Concession St. East Anytime Quarter Town Line West Glendale Drive 30 metres north of Glendale Anytime Quarter Town Line West Glendale Drive 15 metres south of Glendale Anytime Quarter Town Line East Glendale Drive 30 metres south of Glendale Anytime Quarter Town Line East Glendale Drive 15 metres north of Glendale Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 32 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Quarter Town Line West Esseltine Drive 17 metres north of Dereham Drive Anytime Quarter Town Line East Sanders Cres 19 metres north of Dereham Drive Anytime Quarter Town Line West At East Leg of Veteran’s Walkway 30 metres north of East leg of Veteran’s Walkway Anytime Quarter Town Line West At East Leg of Veteran’s Walkway 15 metres south of East leg of Veteran’s Walkway Anytime Quarter Town Line East At East Leg of Veteran’s Walkway 30 metres south of East leg of Veteran’s Walkway Anytime Quarter Town Line East At East Leg of Veteran’s Walkway 15 metres north of East leg of Veteran’s Walkway Anytime Quarter Town Line West Southridge Rd. 50 meters north of Southridge Rd. Anytime Quarter Town Line East Southridge Rd. North Town Limits Anytime Ridout St. E. North Harvey St. Broadway Anytime Sander Cres Both Quarter Town Line 69 Metres East of Quarter Town Anytime *Simcoe St. Both Tillson Ave. West Town Line Anytime Southridge Rd. South Quarter Town Line 13A Southridge Road Sept. 1 – June 30 Mon – Fri 8 am – 9 am 3 pm – 4 pm Southridge Rd. North Quarter Town Line 29m West of Quarter Town Line Anytime Southridge Rd. North 100m West of Quarter Town Line 115m West of Quarter Town Line Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 33 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Spruce St North and South Vienna Road 310 Metres East of Vienna Road Anytime Spruce St. Both Vienna Rd 300 m East of Vienna Road Anytime Tillson Ave East Joseph St 56 metres north of Joseph St Anytime *Tillson Ave. West 26 meters North of Elgin St. Oxford St Anytime *Tillson Ave. West Fifth St. Clark St. Anytime *Tillson Ave. West Clark Street North St. Anytime *Tillson Ave. East Simcoe St. Concession St. Anytime *Tillson Ave. West Bridge St. Train Track Anytime *Vienna Road East/West Simcoe St. Highway #3 Anytime *County Road Schedule 2: Prohibited Parking on Specified Street HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Ball Alley Both Ball St. First Alley No Parking Anytime Barker St. North Tillson Ave. W ellington St. No Parking Anytime Bear St. North Broadway Rolph St. No Parking Anytime Bell Mill Road Both Hwy #3 Town Limits No Parking Anytime Bidwell St. East Prospect St. Concession St. No Parking Anytime Bidwell St. Both Prospect St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Bloomer St. Both Oxford St. Hydro Station No Parking Anytime 75 Bridge Street South 28 meters East of Queen Street 70 meters East of Queen Street No Parking Anytime Bridge St. East North Tillson Ave. Lisgar Ave. No Parking Anytime Bridge St. East South Queen St. Lisgar Ave. No Parking Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 34 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Bridge St. East Both Lisgar Ave. Broadway No Parking Anytime Bridge St. W est South Broadway Rolph St. No Parking Anytime Broadway Both Bridge Street John Street No Parking Anytime Broadway East 21 m south of Prospect St South Limit No Parking Anytime Broadway W est W ashington Grand 37.9m South of W ashington Grand No Parking Anytime Broadway W est 21 m South of Prospect St. South Limit No Parking Anytime Brock St. East North Maple Lane St. Tillson Ave. No Parking Anytime Brock St. East South Harvey St. 16.9m East of Harvey St. No Parking Anytime Brock St. East Both Tillson Ave. Lisgar Ave. No Parking Anytime Brock St. W est South Bidwell St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Cat Alley Both Brock St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Concession St. E. Both Broadway Tillson Ave. No Parking Anytime Concession St. E. North Tillson Avenue 67 m W est of Parkwood Drive No Parking Anytime Concession St. E. South Demeyer Avenue 45 m W est of centre line of Parkwood Drive No Parking Anytime Concession St. W . North Quarter Town Line Charlotte Ave. No Parking Anytime Concession St. W . Both W est Town Limits Quarter Town Line No Parking Anytime Concession St. W . Both Broadway Charlotte Ave. No Parking Anytime Raccoon Alley Both Concession St. W Venison St. West No Parking Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 35 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Raccoon Alley Both Bridge St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Coreless Lane Both Brock St. Hyman St. No Parking Anytime Coyle Lane Both Tillson Ave. Dead End No Parking Anytime Cranberry Road Both North St. Town Limits No Parking Anytime Denton Avenue Both 55 m North of Gowrie St. 65 m South of John St. No Parking Anytime Devonshire Ave. Both Broadway Lisgar Ave. No Parking Anytime Durham St North Lisgar Ave 20 m East of Lisgar Avenue No Parking Anytime Durham St South Lisgar Ave 70m East of Lisgar Avenue No Parking Anytime Ebert Alley Both Bridge St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Elgin St. North Tillson Ave. Lisgar Ave. No Parking Anytime Erie Court Both Devonshire Ave. Dead End No Parking Anytime First Street North King St. Tillson Ave. No Parking Anytime First Alley North Tillson St. Ball Alley No Parking Anytime Fourth St. South Lisgar Ave. Tillson Ave. No Parking Anytime Fox Alley Both Concession St. W Bridge St. W No Parking Anytime Fox Alley Both Lot 1B Dead End No Parking Anytime George St. Both John Pound Rd. Top of the Hill No Parking Anytime Glendale Drive South Parkside Drive Victoria St. No Parking Anytime Glendale Drive North Broadway St Craig St No Parking Anytime Glendale Drive South Parkside Drive Broadway St No Parking Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 36 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Hardy Ave. West Lisgar Ave. 137 m South on Hardy Ave. No Parking Anytime Hale Street North Raccoon Alley Rolph St. No Parking Anytime Hale Street North Rolph St. Valley View Lane No Parking Anytime Harvey Street W est Brock St. Ridout St. No Parking Anytime Harvey Street West London St. East Oxford St. No Parking Anytime Hickory Lane Both W ilson Ave. Dead End No Parking Anytime Hilliker Alley Both Elgin St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Hillyndale Road North Potters Road Lorriane Avenue No Parking Anytime Hyman St. North Tillson Ave. Maple Lane No Parking Anytime Joseph St. North Tillson Ave. Dead End No Parking Anytime King St. Both Bridge St Fourth St. No Parking Anytime Lamers Court Both Devonshire Ave. Dead End No Parking Anytime Lindsay St. Both Tillson Ave. 18 meters East of Tillson Ave. No Parking Anytime Lisgar Ave. Both Brock St. East Concession St. No Parking Anytime Lisgar Ave. East Fifth St. Van Norman Dr. No Parking Anytime Lisgar Ave. North 50.7 m W est of Van Norman Dr. 65.1 m W est of Van Norman Dr. No Parking Anytime Lisgar Ave. North 117.4 m W est of Van Norman Dr. 131.7 m W est of Van Norman Dr. No Parking Anytime Lisgar Ave. North 186.5 m W est of Van Norman Dr. 201 m West of Van Norman Dr. No Parking Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 37 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Lisgar Ave North 15m West of Devonshire Avenue Broadway St No Parking Anytime Lisgar Ave West/South Concession 25m from crosswalk on Lisgar Ave & Devonshire Ave No Parking Anytime London St. W est South Broadway Dead End No Parking Anytime Maple Lane Both Hyman Brock St. E. No Parking Anytime McKenzie Street South Harvey St. Dead End No Parking 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Neff Alley Both Tillson Street Ontario St. No Parking Anytime Niagara St. North Broadway Victoria St. No Parking Anytime North St. East Both Broadway East Town Limits No Parking Anytime Old Vienna Road Both Simcoe St. New Vienna Road No Parking Anytime Ontario St. Both Simcoe St. Dead End No Parking Anytime Oxford St. South Tillson Ave. Broadway No Parking Anytime Parkwood Dr. East Concession St. Demeyere Ave. No Parking Anytime Pine St. South Tillson Ave. Maple Lane No Parking Anytime Potters Road East Simcoe St. Town Limits No Parking Anytime Prospect St. South Broadway Bidwell St. No Parking Anytime PUC Alley Both Elgin St. Durham St. No Parking Anytime Queen Street West 36 m South of Bridge St 52 m South of Bridge Street No Parking Anytime Rogers St. South Alley North & South 1st Alley East of Tillson Avenue East Limit of Rogers Street No Parking Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 38 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Rolph St. W est Baldwin Street North Side of Ridout Street No Parking Anytime Rolph St. W est 41.7 m North of Ridout Street Concession St. W est No Parking Anytime Rolph St. East 24.9 m South of W olf Street 66.7 m South of W olf Street No Parking Anytime Rolph St. East North side of W olf Street 61 m North of W olf Street No Parking Anytime Rolph St. East 27 m South of Bear Street 35.3 m South of Bear Street No Parking Anytime Sanders St. South Broadway End No Parking Anytime Tulip Drive East Trillium Drive Southridge Road No Parking Anytime Valley View Lane Both Hale Street South Dead End No Parking Anytime Van Street North Old Vienna Rd Dead End No Parking Anytime Van Street South Dead End 13 m East of Dead End No Parking Anytime Venison Street W est South Rolph St Racoon Alley No Parking Anytime Vienna Road W est Old Vienna Road Young St. No Parking Anytime W abash Road Both Bell Mill Side Rd. Dead End No Parking Anytime W ashington Grand Ave. North Bidwell Street 27 m West of Broadway No Parking Anytime W ashington Grand Ave. North Rolph Street Dead End No Parking Anytime W olf St. North Broadway Rolph St. No Parking Anytime W oodcock Drive W est North Street 113.5 m North of W ren Court No Parking Anytime W ren Court Both W oodcock Drive W oodcock Drive No Parking Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 39 of 91 Schedule 3: No Parking at Taxi Stands HIGHWAY SIDE LOCATION NO. OF SPACES HOURS Schedule 4: No Parking in Loading Zones HIGHWAY SIDE LOCATION TIME OR DAYS Broadway East 119 m to 143 meters North of Ridout Street East 15 minutes Hardy Avenue East 102 m to 136 m North of Sanders Street 15 minutes Harvey St. W est 127 m South of Bridge Street to 41 m North of Ridout St. Anytime Lot 1A South Two Most East Parking Spots for North Mall Entrance 15 minutes Lot 3A South/East East of Cat Alley 30 minutes Lot 7A East Adjacent to Harvey Street 15 minutes Pearl Street South 13 m from Tillson Avenue Anytime Ridout Street W est South From Bidwell Street to 32 meters W est of Bidwell Street 30 minutes W ashington Grand Avenue North 1st space from Broadway Anytime Schedule 5: Restricted Parking on Specified Streets HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Baldwin Street Both Broadway Bidwell Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Bear Street South Rolph Street Bidwell Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 40 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Bidwell Street W est W ashington Grand 28.5 m North of Brock St. W . 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Bidwell Street W est 17.7 m South of Brock Street W est Baldwin Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Bridge Street W est North Broadway Rolph Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Broadway Both London Street Bridge Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Brock Street East Both Lisgar Avenue Broadway 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Brock Street W est Both Broadway Bidwell Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Brock Street W est North Bidwell Street Rolph Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Harvey Street W est London Street East Oxford Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Harvey Street East Oxford Street Ridout Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Harvey Street W est 28 m North of Oxford St. Brock Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Harvey Street W est 20 m South of Bridge St. 66 m South of Bridge St. 30 minutes Harvey Street W est 24.6 m South of Bridge St. 83.9 m South of Bridge St. 30 minutes London Street East Both Oxford Street Broadway 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays London Street W est North Broadway Bidwell Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays McKenzie Street North Harvey Street Dead End 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 41 of 91 HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Ridout Street East South Harvey Street Broadway 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Ridout Street W est Both Broadway Bidwell Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Ridout Street West North Bidwell Street Raccoon Alley 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Ridout Street West South 41 m West of Bidwell Street Raccoon Alley 2 hrs 9am -6pm except Sundays & Holidays Rolph Street East Baldwin Street Brock Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Rolph Street East W ashington Grand Avenue Venison Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Rolph Street East W olf Street 24.9 m South of W olf Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Rolph Street East 35 m North of Bear St. Venison St. W. 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays Venison St. W . North Rolph St. Bidwell St. 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays W ashington Grand North Broadway 8 W ashington Grand Ave. 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays W ashington Grand South Broadway Bidwell Street 2 hrs 9 am - 6pm except Sundays & Holidays By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 42 of 91 Schedule 6: Angle Parking Permitted on Specified Streets HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO Bridge Street North Broadway Fox Alley Bridge Street North Bidwell Street Rolph Street Broadway East & W est London Street Bridge Street Brock Street W est South Bidwell Street Broadway Maple Lane West 17 m South of Demeyere Avenue 49 m South of Demeyere Avenue Ridout Street East South Harvey Street 19 Ridout Street East Rolph Street West Ridout Street West 48 m North of Ridout Street West Schedule 7: Prohibited Turns INTERSECTION OR PORTION OF HIGHWAY DIRECTION TURNS PROHIBITED TIMES OR DAYS Broadway at John Pound Rd. South “U” Anytime Bloomer Street at John Pound Road W estbound Right Anytime Broadway at 247 Broadway Northbound Left Anytime Broadway at 200 Broadway Street Southbound Left Anytime Oxford Street @ 73 Oxford Street Westbound Left Anytime 73 Oxford St. @ Oxford St. (Exiting 73 Oxford St.) Westbound Left Anytime By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 43 of 91 Schedule 8: Designated Lane Movements HIGHWAY BETWEEN LANE DIRECTION TIME OR DAYS Broadway Concession Street to 70 meters north 1st lane from W est curb South & South to west At all times Broadway Concession Street to 70 meters north 2nd lane from W est curb South to East only At all times Broadway Concession Street to 70 meters South 1st lane from East curb North and North to East At all times Simcoe Street Tillson Avenue to 70 meters East 1st lane from North curb W est to North only At all times Simcoe Street Tillson Avenue to 70 meters East 2nd lane from North curb W est only At all times Oxford Street Bloomer Street to 70 meters W est 1st lane from South curb East and East to South At all times Oxford Street Bloomer Street to 70 meters W est 2nd lane from South curb East to North only At all times Tillson Avenue Oxford Street 1st lane from W est curb South and South to West At all times Tillson Avenue Oxford Street and Hyman St. 2nd lane from W est curb South to East only At all times Schedule 9: Designated Stop Signs INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Adams Avenue at Allen Street Eastbound on Adams Avenue Adams Avenue at Fernwood Drive Eastbound on Adams Avenue Alba Avenue at Devon Court Northbound & Southbound on Alba Avenue Alexander Avenue at Demeyere Avenue 2-Soundbound and 1-Northbound on Alexander Avenue By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 44 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Allen Street at Christie Street Northbound & Southbound on Allen Street Allen Street at Glendale Drive 2-W estbound on Allen Street Alley 1 (unnamed) Queen St. Westbound on (unnamed) Alley at Queen Street. Alley (unnamed) at King St Eastbound on Alley (unnamed at King St. Alley (unnamed) at Gowrie St. E Northbound and Southbound on Gowrie St. E Alley (unnamed) at Denton Avenue Northbound on Alley (unnamed) at Denton Avenue Alley (unnamed) at Third Street Southbound on Alley (unnamed) at Third Street Alley (unnamed) at Fourth Street Northbound on Alley (unnamed) at Fourth Street Alley (unnamed) at Rodgers Street (west access) Northbound on Alley (unnamed) at Rodgers Street Alley (unnamed) at Rodgers Street (east access) Northbound on Alley (unnamed) at Rodgers Street Alley (unnamed) at Pearl Street Northbound on Alley (unnamed) at Pearl Street Alley (unnamed) at Pearl Street Northbound on Alley (unnamed) at Pear Street Alley (unnamed) at Pine Street Southbound on Alley (unnamed) at Pine Street Alley (unnamed) at Pine Street Southbound on Alley (unnamed) at Pine Street Alley (unnamed) at Rolph Street Westbound on Alley (unnamed) at Rolph Street Alley (unnamed) at Raccoon Alley Eastbound on Alley (unnamed) at Raccoon Alley Alley (unnamed) at McKenzie Street Westbound on Alley (unnamed) at McKenzie Street Andover Avenue at Glendale Drive Northbound on Andover Avenue Andover Avenue at Glenridge Road Southbound on Andover Avenue Ann Street at Concession Street Southbound on Ann Street Ann Street at Victoria Street Westbound on Ann Street Arbor Lane at Parkwood Drive Eastbound on Arbor Lane Arbor Lane at Alexander Avenue Westbound on Arbor Lane Argyle Street at Quarter Town Line W estbound on Argyle Street Argyle Street at Gibson Drive Eastbound on Argyle Street Armstrong Drive at W ilson Avenue Eastbound and Northbound on Armstrong Drive Arnold Street at Denrich Avenue Eastbound on Arnold Street Arnold Street at Sanders Crescent Southbound on Arnold Street Balazs Court at W ilson Avenue W estbound on Balazs Court Baldwin Street at W eston Drive Northbound on Baldwin Street Baldwin Street at Quarter Town Line Eastbound and Westbound on Quarter Town Line Ball Alley at Ball Street Northbound and Southbound on Ball Alley Ball Alley at Cedar Street Northbound on Ball Alley Ball Alley at Oak Street Southbound on Ball Alley Ball Alley at Ontario Street Northbound and Southbound on Ontario St. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 45 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Ball Alley at Pine Avenue Northbound & Southbound on Ball Alley Ball Street at Duncan Street Northbound & Southbound on Ball Street Ball Street at Lincoln Street Northbound & Southbound on Ball Street Ball Street at Simcoe Street Northbound on Ball Street Ball Street at Town Line Road Southbound on Ball Street Barker Street at Magnolia Drive Southbound on Barker Street Barker Street at Tillson Avenue W estbound on Barker Street Bear Street at Broadway Eastbound on Bear Street Bear Street at Rolph Street W estbound on Bear Street Beckett Boulevard at North Street Southbound on Beckett Boulevard Beckett Boulevard at Cranberry Road W estbound on Beckett Boulevard Beech Boulevard at Quarter Town Line Eastbound on Beech Boulevard Beech Boulevard at Concession St. W Southbound on Beech Boulevard Belfast Circle at Gibson Drive Southbound on Belfast Circle Belmont Avenue at Allen St. Eastbound on Belmont Avenue Belmont Avenue at Lyndale Road W estbound on Belmont Avenue Beretta Street at Westtown Line Eastboudn on Beretta Street Beretta Street at Harvest Avenue Westbound on Beretta Street Beth Court at Trottier Drive Westbound on Beth Court Bidwell Street at Baldwin Street Northbound & Southbound on Bidwell St. Bidwell Street at Bear Street Northbound & Southbound on Bidwell St. Bidwell Street at Concession Street Northbound on Bidwell St. Bidwell Street at Ridout St. Northbound & Southbound on Bidwell St. Bidwell Street at Washington Grand Northbound & Southbound on Bidwell St. Birch Drive at Hillyndale Drive Southbound & Westbound on Birch Drive Birdyway Drive at Beech Blvd. Southbound of Birdyway Drive Bloomer Street at John Pound Road Southbound on Bloomer St. Bond Street at Wellington St. Eastbound on Bond St. Bond Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Bond St. Borden Crescent at John Pound Road Eastbound on Borden Crescent Brad Avenue at James Avenue Northbound on Brad Avenue Brad Avenue at North Street Southbound on Brad Avenue Brasher Drive at Wilson Avenue Eastbound & Southbound on Brasher Dr. Braun Avenue at North Street East Southbound on Braun Avenue Bridle Path at Baldwin Street Northbound on Bridle Path Bridge Street at Bidwell St. Eastbound & Westbound on Bridge St. Bridge Street East at Lisgar Avenue Westbound on Bridge St. Bridge Street at Rolph Street Westbound on Bridge St. Bridge Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Bridge St. Broadway at John Pound Road Northbound on Broadway Brock Street at Bidwell Street Eastbound & Westbound on Brock St. Brock Street at Harvey St. Eastbound & Westbound on Brock St. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 46 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Brookside Lane at Allen St. Southbound on Brookside Lane Brookside Lane at Glendale Drive Southbound on Brookside Lane Burdock Court at Goldenrod Drive Westbound on Burdock Court Burgess Cres & Jacko Street Northbound & Southbound on Burgess Cres Camdon Court at Glendale Drive 2-Westbound on Camdon Court Canary Street at Braun Street Eastbound on Canary Street Canary Street at Tanager Drive Westbound on Canary Street Cardinal Court at Owl Drive Southbound on Cardinal Court Carolina Street at Allen Street Westbound on Carolina St. Carolina Street at Broadway Eastbound on Carolina St. Cat Alley at Brock Street Northbound & Southbound on Cat Alley Cat Alley at London Street Southbound & Northbound on Cat Alley Cat Alley at Oxford Street Northbound & Southbound on Cat Alley Cat Alley at Ridout Street East Northbound on Cat Alley Catalpa Court at Beech Blvd. Northbound on Catalpa Court Cedar Street at Spruce Street Southbound on Cedar St. Cedar Street at Town Line Road Northbound & Southbound on Cedar St. Cedar Street at Lincoln Street Northbound & Southbound on Cedar St. Cedar Street at Simcoe Street Northbound on Cedar St. Centennial Avenue at Devonshire Avenue Westbound on Centennial Avenue Centennial Avenue at VanNorman Drive Eastbound on Centennial Avenue Charles Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Charles St. Charlotte Avenue at Concession Street Northbound on Charlotte Avenue Charlotte Avenue at Dereham Drive Southbound on Charlotte Avenue Chestnut Drive at Walnut Drive Westbound on Chestnut Drive Christie Street at Broadway Eastbound on Christie St. Christie Street at Allen Street Westbound on Christie St. Christopher Court at Alexander Avenue Westbound on Christopher Court Clarence Street at Charlotte Avenue Westbound on Clarence St. Clarke Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound & Westbound on Clarke St. Clear Valley Drive at Wilson Avenue Westbound on Clear Valley Drive Clearview Drive at Bayham Drive Westbound on Clearview Drive Clearview Drive at Highway #3 Southbound on Clearview Drive Clubhouse Way at John Pound Road Southbound on Clubhouse Way Clubhouse Way at Eagles Court Northbound & Southbound on Clubhouse Way Colin Avenue at Trottier Drive Eastbound on Colin Avenue Collin Avenue (East Leg) at Collin Avenue Northbound on Collin Avenue Concession Street at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound & Westbound on Concession St. Concession Street at Maple Lane Eastbound & Westbound on Concession St. Concession Street West at Quarter Town Line Eastbound & Westbound on Concession St. West By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 47 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Raccoon Alley at Baldwin Street Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Bear Street Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Bridge Street Northbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Brock Street West Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Concession Street West Northbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Hale Street Northbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at London Street West Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Ridout Street West Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Venison Street Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Washington Grand Avenue Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Raccoon Alley at Wolf Street Northbound & Southbound on Raccoon Alley Coreless Lane at Brock Street West Northbound on Coreless Lane Coreless Lane at Hyman Street Southbound on Coreless Lane Coulthard Street at Livingston Drive Southbound on Coulthard Street Coulthard Street at North Street East Northbound on Coulthard Street Coyle Lane at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Coyle Lane Craig Street on Allen Street Northbound on Craig Street Craig Street at Glendale Southbound on Craig Street Cranberry Road at North Street Southbound on Cranberry Road Crocus Avenue at Dogwood Avenue Eastbound on Crocus Avenue Curren Crescent at Livingston Drive Southbound on Curren Crescent (East) Curren Crescent at Livingston Drive Southbound on Curren Crescent (West) Darrow Drive at North Street West Northbound on Darrow Drive Delevan Crescent at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound on Delevan Crescent Demeyere Avenue at Concession Street East Northbound on Demeyere Avenue Demeyere Avenue at Maple Lane Westbound on Demeyere Avenue Denis Court at Lady Avenue Eastbound on Denis Court Denrich Avenue Dereham Drive Northbound & Southbound on Denrich Ave. Denrich Avenue at Sanders Crescent Northbound and Southbound on Denrich Avenue Denrich Avenue at Wilson Avenue Westbound on Denrich Avenue Denrich Avenue at Clarence Street Northbound on Denrich Avenue Denton Avenue at Gowrie Street Northbound & Southbound on Denton Avenue Denton Avenue at John Street Northbound on Denton Denton Avenue at Park Avenue Eastbound on Denton Avenue Dereham Drive at Wilson Avenue Eastbound on Dereham Drive Dereham Drive at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Dereham Drive Devon Court at Devonshire Avenue Northbound on Devon Court By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 48 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Devon Court at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound on Devon Court Devonshire Avenue at Broadway Westbound on Devonshire Avenue Devonshire Avenue at Lisgar Avenue Southbound on Devonshire Avenue Dogwood Drive at Trillium Drive Southbound on Dogwood Drive Duncan Street at Goshen Street Eastbound on Duncan Street Duncan Street at Tillson Street Westbound on Duncan Street Durham Street at Lisgar Avenue Westbound on Durham Street Durham Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Durham Street Eagles Court at Clubhouse Way Westbound on Clubhouse Way Earle Street at Cedar Street Westbound on Earle Street Earle Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Earle Street Ebert Alley at Bridge Street Northbound on Ebert Alley Ebert Alley at Brock Street East Northbound & Southbound on Ebert Alley Ebert Alley at Durham Street Northbound & Southbound on Ebert Alley Ebert Alley at Elgin Street Northbound & Southbound on Ebert Alley Eden Place at Andover Avenue Eastbound on Eden Avenue Edgewood Drive at Brock Street Northbound on Edgewood Drive Edwin Crescent at Wilson Avenue Eastbound on Edwin Crescent Edwin Crescent at Edwin Crescent Southbound on Edwin Crescent Eleanor Court at Potters Road Eastbound on Eleanor Court Elgin Street at Lisgar Avenue Westbound on Elgin Street Elgin Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Elgin Street Elm Street at Cedar Street Eastbound & Westbound on Elm Street Elm Street at Lincoln Street Southbound on Elm Street Erie Court at Devonshire Avenue Southbound on Erie Court Esseltine Drive at Quarter Town Line Eastbound on Esseltine Drive Evergreen Court at Victoria Way Northbound on Evergreen Court Fairfield Crescent at Parkwood Drive Southbound & Westbound on Fairfield Crescent Fairs Crescent at Baldwin Street Westbound on Fairs Crescent Fairs Crescent at Fairs Crescent Northbound on Fairs Crescent Fairview Street at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Fairview Street Fairway Hills Boulevard at Quarter Town Line Road Eastbound on Fairway Hills Boulevard Falcon Road at North Street Southbound on Falcon Road Falcon Road at Tanager Drive Northbound on Falcon Road Fernwood Drive at Allen Street Northbound & Southbound on Fernwood Drive First Alley at Tillson Street Westbound on First Alley Fifth Street at Lisgar Avenue Westbound on Fifth Street Fifth Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Fifth Street First Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on First Street By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 49 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC First Street at King Street Westbound on First Street First Street at Queen Street Westbound & Eastbound on First Street First Street at Lisgar Avenue Westbound on First Street Forest Glenn Court at Trottier Drive Westbound on Forest Glenn Court Fourth Street at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound & Westbound on Fourth Street Fourth Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Fourth Street Fox Alley at Baldwin Street Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Bear Street Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Brock Street West Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Concession Street West Northbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at London Street West Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Prospect Street Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Ridout Street West Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Venison Street West Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Washington Grand Avenue Southbound on Fox Alley Fox Alley at Wolf Street Northbound & Southbound on Fox Alley Frances Street at Kara Lane Eastbound on Frances Street Frances Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Frances Street Frank Street at Concession Street Northbound on Frank Street Frank Street at Delevan Crescent Southbound on Frank Street Frank Street at Fourth Street Northbound on Frank Street Frank Street at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound on Frank Street Frank Street at Second Street Northbound & Southbound on Frank St Frank Street at Third Street Northbound & Southbound on Frank St George Street at John Pound Road Eastbound on George Street Gibson Drive at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Gibson Drive Glendale Drive at Broadway Eastbound on Glendale Drive Glendale Drive at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Glendale Drive Glendale Drive at Quarter Town Line Eastbound on Glendale Drive Glendale Drive at McGuire Crescent (West Lag) Westbound on Glendale Drive Glenridge Road at Glendale Drive Eastbound on Glenridge Road Glenridge Road at Andover Avenue Eastbound on Andover Avenue Grandview Drive East Greenhill Drive at Baldwin Street Northbound on Greenhill Drive Goldenrod Drive at Baldwin Street Northbound on Goldenrod Drive Goldenrod Drive at Ridge Boulevard Southbound on Goldenrod Drive Goshen Street at Simcoe Street Northbound on Goshen Street Gowrie Street at Ann Street Westbound on Gowrie Street Gowrie Street at Broadway Eastbound & Westbound on Gowrie Street Gowrie Street at Park Avenue Eastbound on Gowrie Street Greeneagle Drive at Birdyway Drive Westbound on Greeneagle Drive By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 50 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Greeneagle Drive at Fairway Hills Blvd. Northbound on Greeneagle Drive Gyulveszi Park at Barker Street Southbound on Gyulveszi Park Gyulveszi Park at Wellington Street Westbound on Gyulveszi Park Hale Street at Raccoon Alley Eastbound on Hale Street Hale Street at Rolph Street Eastbound & Westbound on Hale Street Hampton Court at Gibson Drive Court Southbound on Hampton Hardy Avenue at Hardy Avenue Eastbound & Westbound & Southbound on Hardy Avenue Hardy Avenue at John Street Southbound on Hardy Avenue Hardy Avenue at Lisgar Avenue Northbound on Hardy Avenue Hardy Avenue at Sanders Street Northbound & Southbound on Hardy Avenue Harris Street at King Street Eastbound on Harris Street Harris Street at Lisgar Avenue Westbound on Harris Street Harvest Avenue at West Town Line Eastbound on Harvest Avenue Harvest Avenue at Potters Road Northbound on Harvest Avenue Harvey Street at Bridge Street Northbound on Harvey Street Harvey Street at Brock Street Northbound & Southbound on Harvey Street Harvey Street at London Street Southbound on Harvey Street Harvey Street at Oxford Street Northbound & Southbound on Harvey Street Harvey Street at Lot 7A Northbound & Southbound on Harvey Street Harwood Street at Harvest Avenue Westbound on Harwood Street Harwood Street at Seaton Crescent Eastbound on Harwood Street Hawkins Crescent at Wilson Avenue Eastbound on Hawkins Crescent Hawkins Crescent at Hawkins Crescent Southbound on Hawkins Crescent Hawthorne Crescent at Glendale Drive Northbound on Hawthorne Crescent Hawthorne Crescent at Parkside Drive Eastbound on Hawthorne Crescent Hemlock Drive at Beech Boulevard Westbound on Hemlock Drive Hemlock Drive at William St Eastbound on Sycamore Drive Herford Street at North Street Northbound on Herford Street Herford Street at Wellington Street Westbound on Herford Street Hickory Lane at Holland Gate Eastbound & Westbound on Hickory Lane Hickory Lane at Wilson Avenue Westbound on Hickory Lane Highland Drive at Hillyndale Road Northbound on Highland Drive Hilldrop Crescent at James Avenue Southbound on Hilldrop Crescent Hilldrop Crescent at Woodland Crescent Northbound on Hilldrop Crescent Hilliker Alley at Durham Street Northbound & Southbound on Hilliker Alley Hilliker Alley at Elgin Street Southbound on Hilliker Alley Hillside Drive at Birch Drive Eastbound on Hillside Drive Hillside Drive at Hillyndale Road Westbound on Hillside Drive Hillyndale Road at Potters Road Eastbound on Hillyndale Road Hogarth Drive at Esseltine Drive Northbound on Hogarth Drive By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 51 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Hogarth Drive at Weston Drive 2-Westbound on Hogarth Drive Hogarth Drive at Weston Drive Eastbound on Hogarth Drive Holland Gate at Baldwin Street Southbound on Holland Gate Holland Gate at Clear Valley Drive Northbound on Holland Gate Hollier Drive at Hogarth Drive Northbound on Hollier Drive Hollier Drive at Weston Drive Eastbound on Hollier Drive Howe Avenue at Denrich Avenue Northbound on Howe Avenue Howe Avenue at Segal Drive Southbound on Howe Avenue Howe Avenue at Trottier Drive Northbound on Howe Avenue Hurley Avenue at Wilson Avenue Northbound on Hurley Avenue Hunter Crescent at Windemere Avenue Northbound & Southbound on Hunter Crescent Huntley Avenue at Livingston Drive Southbound on Huntley Avenue Huntley Avenue at North Street East Northbound on Huntley Avenue Hurley Avenue at Clarence Street Southbound on Hurley Avenue Hyman Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Hyman Street Innovation Way & Highway 3 Northbound on Innovation Way Innovation Way & Progress Drive Southbound on Innovation Way Jacko Street & West Town Line Eastbound on Jacko Street Jacko Street & Harvest Avenue Westbound on Jacko Street Jackson Court at Wilson Avenue 2-Westboound on Jackson Court James Avenue at North Street Southbound on James Avenue James Avenue at Quarter Town Line Eastbound & Westbound on James Street James Avenue at Woodland Crescent Westbound on James Avenue Jane Street at Lowrie Crescent Westbound on Jane Street Jane Street at Parkdale Drive Eastbound on Jane Street Jean Ferrie Court Westbound on Jean Ferrie Court John Pound Road at Highway #3 Southbound on John Pound Road John Street at Broadway Westbound on John Street John Street at Reynolds Drive Eastbound on John Street Jones Crescent at Jones Crescent Westbound on Jones Crescent Jones Crescent at Weston Drive Southbound on Jones Crescent Joseph Street at Maple Lane Westbound & Eastbound on Joseph St. Joseph Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Joseph Street Judy Avenue at Trottier Drive Northbound on Judy Avenue Judy Avenue at Segal Drive Southbound on Judy Avenue Kara Lane at Kara Lane Southbound on Kara Lane Kamps Crescent at Denrich Avenue Westbound and Southbound on Kamps Crescent Keba Crescent at Keba Crescent Southbound on Keba Crescent Keba Crescent at Braun Avenue Eastbound on Braun Avenue By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 52 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC King Street at Bridge Street Northbound & Southbound on King Street King Street at Brock Street Southbound on King Street King Street at Concession Street Northbound & Southbound on King Street King Street at Durham Street Northbound & Southbound on King Street King Street at Elgin Street North & Southbound on King Street King Street at Fourth Street North & Southbound on King Street Lady Avenue at Baldwin Street Northbound on Lady Avenue Lady Avenue at Ridge Boulevard Southbound on Lady Avenue Lamers Court at Devonshire Avenue Southbound on Lamers Court Langrell Avenue at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Langrell Avenue Lark Street at Canary Street Northbound on Lark Street Lark Street at Keba Crescent Eastbound on Lark Street Lincoln Street at Goshen Road Eastbound on Lincoln Street Lincoln Street at Tillson Street West & Eastbound on Lincoln Street Lincoln Street at Vienna Road Westbound on Lincoln Street Lindsay Street at Magnolia Drive Eastbound on Lindsay Street Lindsay Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Lindsay Street Lisgar Avenue at Broadway Westbound on Lisgar Avenue Lisgar Avenue at Bridge Street Northbound & Southbound on Lisgar Avenue Lisgar Avenue at Brock Street Southbound on Lisgar Avenue Lisgar Avenue at Concession Street Northbound & Southbound on Lisgar Avenue Lisgar Court at Concession Street 2-Southbound on Lisgar Court Livingston Drive at Coulthard Street Westbound on Livingston Drive Livingston Drive at Huntley Avenue Eastbound on Livingston Drive London Street at Bidwell Street Eastbound & Westbound on London Street London Street at Broadway Eastbound & Westbound on London Street London Street at Oxford Street Eastbound on London Street Lorriane Avenue at Potters Road Eastbound on Lorriane Avenue Lot 7A at Harvey Street 2-Westbound on Lot 7A Lowrie Crescent at Dereham Drive Southbound on Lowrie Crescent Lowrie Crescent at Wilson Avenue Northbound on Lowrie Crescent Lyndale Road at Glendale Drive Southbound on Lyndale Road Magnolia Drive at Barker Street Northbound on Magnolia Drive Magnolia Drive at Peach Street Eastbound & Westbound on Magnolia Drive Mallard Street at Braun Avenue Eastbound on Mallard Street Maple Court at Concession Street Northbound on Maple Court Maple Court at Maple Lane Southbound on Maple Court Maple Lane at Brock Street East Northbound & Southbound on Maple Lane Maple Lane at Concession Street North & Southbound on Maple Lane Maple Lane at Joseph Street Northbound on Maple Lane Maple Villa Court at Concession St East Southbound on Maple Villa Court By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 53 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Martin Street at Canary Street Northbound & Southbound on Martin Street Martin Street at Lark Street Southbound on Martin Street Mary Street at Joseph Street Southbound on Mary Street Mary Street at Kara Lane Northbound on Mary Street McDonald Court at Wilson Avenue Westbound on McDonald McGuire Crescent (West Lag) at Glendale Drive Northbound on McGuire Crescent McGuire Crescent (East Lag) at Glendale Drive Northbound on McGuire Crescent McKenzie Street at Harvey Street Westbound on McKenzie Street Monice Street at Barker Street Westbound on Monice Street Moose Street at Broadway Street Eastbound on Moose Street Morning Glory Drive at Crocus Avenue Northbound on Morning Glory Drive Morning Glory Drive at Trillium Drive Southbound on Morning Glory Drive Myrtle Street at William Street Northbound on Myrtle Street Nancy Court at Glendale Drive Southbound on Nancy Court Neff Alley at Ball Street Eastbound and Westbound on Ball St. Neff Alley at Goshen Street Eastbound on Goshen Street Neff Alley at Ontario Street Eastbound and Westbound on Neff Alley Neff Alley at Tillson Street Westbound on Neff Alley Nelson Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Nelson Street Nelson Street at Wellington Street Eastbound on Nelson Street Newell Road at Baldwin Street Northbound on Newell Road Niagara Street at Broadway Eastbound on Niagara Street Niagara Street at Victoria Street Westbound on Niagara Street Northern Lane at North Street East Southbound on Northern Lane North Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound & Westbound on North Street North Street West at Quarter Town Line Eastbound & Westbound on North Street West Northview Drive at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Northview Drive Oak Street at Earle Street Southbound on Oak Street Oak Street at Tillson Street Eastbound on Oak Street Old Vienna Road at Simcoe Street Northbound on Old Vienna Road Old Vienna Road at Vienna Road Southbound on Old Vienna Road Ontario Street at Duncan Street Northbound & Southbound on Ontario Street Ontario Street at Lincoln Street Northbound & Southbound on Ontario Street Ontario Street at Simcoe Street Northbound on Ontario Street Otter Court at Demeyere Avenue Westbound on Otter Court Owl Drive at Tanager Drive Eastbound on Owl Drive Owl Drive at Woodcock Drive Westbound on Owl Drive By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 54 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Palmer Alley at Sanders Street Southbound on Palmer Alley Palmer Alley at Hardy Avenue Southbound on Palmer Alley Park Avenue at Concession Street Southbound on Park Avenue Park Avenue at Gowrie Street Northbound on Park Avenue Parkdale Avenue at Charlotte Avenue 2-Eastbound on Parkdale Park Drive at North Street West Northbound on Park Drive Park Drive at Park Place Southbound on Park Drive Park Place at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Park Place Parkdale Avenue at Charlotte Avenue 2-Eastbound on Parkdale Avenue Parkside Drive at Glendale Drive Northbound on Parkside Drive Parkwood Drive at Concession Street Northbound & Southbound on Parkwood Drive Parkwood Drive at Demeyere Avenue North & Southbound on Parkwood Drive Parkwood Court at Parkwood Drive Westbound on Parkwood Court Peach Street at Barker Street Northbound & Southbound on Peach Street Peach Street at Kara Lane Southbound on Peach Street Peach Street at Magnolia Drive Northbound & Southbound on Peach Street Pearl Street at Maple Lane Eastbound & Westbound on Pearl Street Pearl Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Pearl Street Pheasant Court at Woodcock Drive Southbound on Pheasant Court Pine Avenue at Earle Street Northbound & Southbound on Pine Avenue Pine Avenue at Simcoe Street Northbound on Pine Avenue Pine Street at Maple Lane Eastbound & Westbound on Pine Street Pine Street at Pearl Street Northbound on Pine Street Pine Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Pine Street Poplar Street at Allen Street Northbound on Poplar Street Poplar Street at Glendale Drive Southbound on Poplar Street Primrose Drive at Crocus Avenue Northbound on Primrose Drive Primrose Drive at Trillium Drive Southbound on Primrose Drive Progress Drive & Innovation Way Eastbound on Progress Drive Prospect Street at Broadway Eastbound on Prospect Street Prospect Street at Bidwell Street Westbound on Prospect Street PUC Alley at Elgin Street Southbound on PUC Alley PUC Alley at Durham Street Northbound on PUC Alley Quarter Town Line at Concession Street North & Southbound on Quarter Town Line Quarter Town Line Road at North Street Northbound & Southbound on Quarter Town Line Quarter Town Line at Baldwin Street Southbound on Quarter Town Line Queen Street at Bridge Street Northbound & Southbound on Queen St. Queen Street at Concession Street Northbound & Southbound on Queen St. Queen Street at Durham Street North & Southbound on Queen St. Queen Street at Elgin Street Northbound & Southbound on Queen St. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 55 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Queen Street at Fourth Street Northbound & Southbound on Queen St. Queen Street at Lisgar Avenue Southbound on Queen Street Railway Street & Gowrie Street East Northbound on Railway Street Railway Alley at Denton Avenue Westbound on Railway Alley Railway Alley at Gowrie Street Southbound on Railway Alley Reid Street at Concession Street West Northbound on Reid Street Reid Street at Wilson Avenue Southbound on Reid Street Ridge Boulevard at Woodhaven Drive Westbound on Ridge Boulevard Ridgeview Avenue at Vienna Road (Hwy #19) Eastbound on Ridgeview Avenue Ridout Street at Bidwell Street Eastbound & Westbound on Ridout Street Ridout Street at Harvey Street Eastbound on Ridout Street Ridout Street at Rolph Street Westbound on Ridout Street Richard Court at Lady Avenue Westbound on Richard Court Robin Road at Bobolink Drive Northbound on Robin Road Robin Road at Owl Drive Southbound on Robin Road Rodgers Street at Tillson Avenue Westbound on Rodgers Street Rokeby Side Road at Bell Mill Side Road Eastbound on Rokeby Side Road Rolph Street at Baldwin Southbound on Rolph Street Rolph Street at Bear Street North & Southbound on Rolph Street Rolph Street at Concession Street Northbound on Rolph Street Rosalynn Circle at Allen Street Eastbound on Rosalynn Circle Ross Street at Gowrie Street Southbound on Ross Street Rouse Street at Young Street Westbound on Rouse Street Rouse Street at Vienna Road Eastbound & Westbound on Rouse Street Sanders Street at Broadway Westbound on Sanders Street Sanders Street at Reynolds Drive Eastbound on Sanders Streets Sanders Crescent at Dereham Drive Northbound on Sanders Crescent Sanders Crescent at Quarter Town Line Westbound on Sanders Crescent Sandy Court at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Sandy Court Seaton Crescent at Beretta Street Southbound on Seaton Crescent Seaton Crescent at Harvest Avenue Westbound on Seaton Crescent Second Street at Delevan Crescent Westbound on Second Street Second Street at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound on Second Street Segal Drive at Trottier Drive Westbound on Segal Drive Seres Drive at Wilson Avenue 2-Eastbound on Seres Drive Sierra Street at Trailview Drive Westbound on Sierra Street Sierra Street at Victoria Way Eastbound on Sierra Street Sinclair Drive at Wilson Avenue 2-Eastbound on Sinclair Drive Southridge Road at Quarter Town Line Eastbound on Southridge Road Southridge Road at Dogwood Drive Westbound on Southridge Road Spruce Street at Vienna Road Westbound on Spruce Street By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 56 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Spruce Street at Bell Mill Side Road Eastbound on Spruce Street Stoney Court at Van Norman Drive Eastbound on Stoney Court Stubbs Court at Cedar Street Eastbound on Stubbs Court Sycamore Drive at Beech Street Westbound on Sycamore Drive Sycamore Drive at William Street Eastbound on Sycamore Drive Sycamore Drive at Beech Boulevard Westbound on Sycamore Drive Tanager Drive at Falcon Road Eastbound on Tanager Drive Tanager Drive at Falcon Road Southbound on Tanager Drive Tanager Drive at Owl Drive Northbound on Tanager Drive Third Street at Delevan Crescent Westbound on Third Street Third Street at King Street Westbound on Third Street Third Street at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound & Westbound on Third Street Third Street at Queen Street Eastbound on Third Street Third Street at Tillson Avenue Eastbound on Third Street Thistle Court at Goldenrod Drive Westbound on Thistle Court Thomas Avenue at Demeyere Avenue 2-Southbound on Thomas Avenue Thorncliffe Circle at Allen Street Southbound on Thorncliffe Circle Thompson Court at Westwinds Gate Northboudn on Thompson Gate Tillson Avenue at North Street Northbound on Tillson Avenue Tillson Street at Town Line Road Southbound on Tillson Street Town Line Road at Goshen Road Eastbound & Westbound on Town Line Road Town Line Road at Vienna Road Westbound on Town Line Road Trailview Drive at Victoria Way Eastbound on Trailview Drive Trillium Drive at Quarter Town Line Eastbound on Trillium Drive Trottier Drive at Baldwin Street Southbound on Trottier Drive Trottier Drive at Segal Drive Southbound on Trottier Drive Tulip Drive at Southridge Road Northbound on Tulip Drive Tulip Drive at Trillium Drive Southbound on Tulip Drive Valley Road at Glenridge Road Northbound on Valley Road Valleyview Lane at Washington Grand Avenue Northbound & Southbound on Valleyview Lane Van Street at Old Vienna Road Eastbound on Van Street Van Norman Drive at Centennial Avenue Southbound on Van Norman Drive Van Norman Drive at Lisgar Avenue Southbound on Van Norman Drive Vance Drive at North Street Northbound on Vance Drive Venison Street at Rolph Street Eastbound & Westbound on Venison Street Venison Street at Bidwell Street Eastbound & Westbound on Venison Street Venison Street at Broadway Eastbound & Westbound on Venison Street Venison Street at Lisgar Avenue Eastbound on Venison Street Verna Drive at Tillson Street Eastbound on Verna Drive Victoria Street at Concession Street Southbound on Victoria Street Victoria Street at Glendale Drive Northbound on Victoria Street Victoria Way at Sanders Crescent Northbound on Victoria Way By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 57 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Victoria Way at Trailview Drive Westbound on Victoria Way Virginia Street at Adams Avenue Westbound on Virginia Street Wabash Road at Bell Mill Side Road East & Westbound on Wabash Road Walnut Drive at Concession Street West Southbound on Walnut Drive Walnut Drive at Hemlock Drive Northbound on Walnut Drive Washington Grand Avenue at Bidwell Street Eastbound & Westbound on Washington Grand Avenue Washington Grand Avenue at Broadway Eastbound on Washington Grand Avenue Washington Grand Avenue at Rolph Street Eastbound & Westbound on Washington Grand Avenue Waterhouse Cres & Jacko Street Northbound & Southbound on Waterhouse Cres Welding Road at Sanders Street Southbound on Welding Road Wellington Street at Barker Street Southbound on Wellington Street Wellington Street at Clarke Street Northbound on Wellington Street Wellington Street at North Street Northbound on Wellington Street Westfield Drive at Quarter Town Lin Road Eastbound on Driveway Weston Drive at Baldwin Street Northbound on Weston Drive Weston Drive at Esseltine Drive Northbound on Weston Drive Westwinds Gate at Darrow Drive Westboudn on Westwinds Gate Westwinds Gate at Quarter Town Line Eastboudn on Westwinds Gate Whispering Pine Lane at Baldwin Street Northbound on Whispering Pine Lane Wilkins Crescent at Wilson Avenue Westbound on Wilkins Crescent Wilkins Crescent at Wilkins Crescent Northbound on Wilkins Crescent William Street at Quarter Town Line Eastbound on Williams Street William Street at Beech Street Westbound on William Street Wilson Avenue at Baldwin Street Southbound on Wilson Avenue Wilson Avenue at Charlotte Avenue Eastbound & Westbound on Wilson Avenue Wilson Avenue at Denrich Avenue Eastbound on Wilson Avenue Wilson Avenue at Dereham Drive Northbound & Southbound on Wilson Avenue Windemere Avenue at Allen Street Northbound on Windemere Avenue Windemere Avenue at Winona Drive Southbound on Windemere Avenue Winona Drive at Adams Avenue Eastbound on Winona Drive Winona Drive at Glendale Drive Westbound on Winona Drive Wolf Street at Bidwell Street Eastbound & Westbound on Wolf Street Wolf Street at Broadway Eastbound on Wolf Street Wolf Street at Rolph Street Westbound on Wolf Street Woodcock Drive at Bobolink Drive Northbound on Woodcock Drive Woodcock Drive at North Street Southbound on Woodcock Drive Woodhaven Drive at Baldwin Street Northbound on Woodhaven Drive Woodhaven Drive at Woodhaven Drive Eastbound on Woodhaven By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 58 of 91 INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Woodland Crescent at North Street Southbound on Woodland Crescent Woodland Crescent at Quarter Town Line Road Eastbound on Woodland Crescent Woodside Drive at Hilldrop Crescent Eastbound on Woodside Drive Woodside Drive at Woodland Crescent Westbound on Woodside Crescent Wren Court at Woodcock Drive Northbound on Wren Court Young Street at Vienna Road Eastbound on Young Street Schedule 10: Designated Yield Signs INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Merging lane Broadway to North St W Westbound on North St W Merging lane Broadway to North St E Eastbound on North St E Merging lane Tillson Ave to North St E Eastbound on North St E Merging lane North St E to Cranberry Rd Northbound on Cranberry Rd Merging lane North St W to Tillson Ave Southbound on Tillson Ave Merging lane Cranberry Rd to North St E Westbound on North St E Merging lane Simcoe St to Tillson Ave Northbound on Tillson Ave Merging lane Simcoe Street to Vienna Road Southbound on Vienna Road Merging lane Vienna Rd to Highway 3 Westbound on Highway 3 Merging lane Highway 3 to Highway 19 Northbound on Highway 19 Merging lane Highway 19 to Highway 3 Eastbound on Highway 3 Merging lane Highway 3 to Vienna Rd Southbound on Vienna Rd Merging lane John Pound Rd to Highway 3 Westbound on Highway 3 Schedule 11: One Way Streets HIGHWAY FROM TO DIRECTION Hale Street Raccoon Alley Rolph Street West/East Fox Alley Venison St W 40 meters South of Venison St W North By-Law 2022-029 Page 59 of 91 Schedule 12: Through Highways HIGHWAY FROM TO Allen Street Northerly limits of Adams Avenue Easterly limits of Glendale Drive Baldwin Street Easterly limits of Quarter Town Line W esterly limits of Broadway Bear Street W esterly limits of Rolph Street W esterly limits of Broadway Bell Mill Road Southerly limits of Town Line Road Southerly limits of Wabash Road Bidwell Street Southerly limits of Prospect Street Southerly limits of Baldwin Street Bidwell Street Northerly limits of Baldwin Street Southerly limits of W ashington Grand Avenue Bidwell Street Northerly limits of W ashington Grand Avenue Southerly limits of Bear Street Bidwell Street Northerly limits of Bear Street Southerly limits of Concession Street Bridge Street East Easterly limits of Broadway W esterly limits of Lisgar Avenue Bridge Street East Easterly limits of Lisgar Avenue W esterly limits of Tillson Avenue Broadway Southerly limits of London Street Northerly Town limits Broadway Easterly limits of Broadway W esterly limits of Harvey Street Brock Street Easterly limits of Tillson Avenue Easterly limits of Maple Lane Brock Street Easterly limits of Broadway W esterly limits of Harvey Street Brock Street Easterly limits of Harvey Street W esterly limits of Tillson Avenue Cedar Street Southerly limits of Simcoe Street Northerly limits of Lincoln Street Charlotte Avenue Southerly limits of Concession Street Northerly limits of Dereham Street Concession Street W est Town limits of Broadway W esterly limits of Lisgar Avenue Concession Street Easterly limits of Lisgar Avenue W esterly limits of Tillson Avenue Concession Street Easterly limits of Tillson Avenue CPR Railway Crossing Concession Street Easterly limits of Tillson Avenue W esterly limits of Maple Lane Concession Street Easterly limits of Maple Lane East Town Limit Dereham Drive Easterly limits of Sanders Crescent Northerly limits of Baldwin Street Devonshire Avenue Easterly limits of Broadway Northerly limits of Lisgar Avenue Duncan Street Easterly limits of Tillson Avenue W esterly limits of Goshen Street Durham Street Easterly limits of Lisgar Avenue W esterly limits of Tillson Avenue Elgin Street W esterly limits of Queen Street W esterly limits of Tillson Avenue Falcon Road Northerly limits of North Street Northerly limits of Owl Drive Fourth Street Easterly limits of Lisgar A venue Westerly limits of Tillsonburg By-Law 2022-029 Page 60 of 91 HIGHWAY FROM TO Glendale Drive Northerly limits of Camdon Court Westerly limits of Broadway Goshen Street Southerly limits of Simcoe Street Southerly limits of Town L ine Road Gowrie Street Easterly limits of Broadway Easterly limits of Park Avenue Bridge/Venison Street Easterly limits of Broadway Westerly limits of Tillson Avenue Hardy Avenue Northerly limits of Sanders Street Easterly limits of Hardy Avenue Harvey Street Northerly limits of Brock Street Northerly limits of Ridout Street Hillyndale Road Northerly limits of Potter s Road Northerly limits of Birch Drive John Street Easterly limits of Broadway Entrance to Memorial Park John Pound Road Southerly limits of London Street Northerly limits of Kings Hwy #3 King Street Southerly limits of Fourth Street Northerly limits of Concession Street Lincoln Street Westerly limits of Goshen Street Easterly limits of Tillson Street Lincoln Street Westerly limits of Tillson Street Easterly limits of Vienna Road Lisgar Avenue Southerly limits of Bridge Street Northerly limits of Brock Street Lisgar Avenue Northerly limits of Hale Street Southerly limits of Concession Street Lisgar Avenue Northerly limits of Concession Street Easterly limits of Broadway Lorraine Avenue Northerly limits of Birch Drive Northerly limits of Potters Road North Street Westerly limits of Woodland Crescent Westerly limits of Broadway *North Street Easterly limits of Broadway Easterly limits of Angus Street Oxford Street Easterly limits of Broadway Easterly limits of Tillson Avenue Parkwood Drive Easterly limits of Maple Lane Southerly limits of Concession Street Potters Road Northerly limits of Simcoe Street Westerly limits of North Town L ine Road Quarter Town Line Southerly limits of Baldwin Street Southerly limits of Concession Street Quarter Town Line Northerly limits on Concession Street Southerly limits of North Street Quarter Town Line Northerly limits of North Street Northerly limits of Fairview Street Queen Street Northerly limits of Concession Street Southerly limits of Fourth Street By-Law 2022-029 Page 61 of 91 HIGHWAY FROM TO Rolph Street Northerly limits of Baldwin Street Southerly limits of Bear Street Rolph Street Northerly limits of Bear Street Southerly limits of Concession Street Sanders Street Easterly limits of Broadway Entrance to Memorial Park Simcoe Street *from Vienna Road East Easterly limits of Tillso n Avenue Westerly limits of Town L ine Road Tanager Drive Northerly limits of Owl Drive Northerly limits of Bobolink Drive *Tillson Avenue Northerly limits of Oxford Street Southerly limits of North Street *Tillson Avenue Northerly limits of Nort h Street CPR Railway Crossing Tillson Street Southerly limits of Simcoe Street Northerly limits of Town Line Road Town Line Road Easterly limits of Vienna Road Westerly limits of Goshen Street Town Line Road Easterly limits of Gosh en Street Westerly limits of Nort h Town L ine Trottier Drive Northerly limits of Baldw in Street Northerly limits of Segal Drive Van Norman Drive Northerly limits of Lisgar Avenue Northerly limits of Centennial Avenue Victoria Street Northerly limits of Concession Street Southerly limits of Glendale Drive Vienna Road Southerly limits of Simcoe Street Northerly limits of Kings Hwy #3 Vienna Road Southerly limits of Kings Hwy #3 CNR Wabash Railway Crossing Wilson Avenue Easterly limits of Charlotte Avenue Northerly limits of Denrich Avenue Wilson Avenue Southerly limits of Denrich Avenue Northerly limits of Baldwin Street Woodcock Drive Northerly limits of North Street Southerly limits of Bobolink Drive Note: *denotes County Roads within jurisdiction of Municipality Schedule 13: Heavy Traffic Routes HIGHWAY FROM TO PERMITTED TIME Broadway Northern Limit John Pound Road 24 Hours Concession Street W estern Limit Maple Lane 24 Hours Page 62 of 91 HIGHWAY FROM TO PERMITTED TIME John Pound Road Broadway Highway No. 3 24 Hours North Street W estern Limit Eastern Limit 24 Hours Oxford/Simcoe Street Broadway Eastern Limit 24 Hours Tillson Avenue Simcoe Street North Street 24 Hours Vienna Road Simcoe Street Southern Limit 24 Hours Schedule 14: Reduced Load Limit HIGHWAY FROM TO PERMITTED TIME Rokeby Road Bell Mill Side Road Southern Limit 24 Hours Newell Road Baldwin Street W estern Limit 24 Hours Concession St. W est Broadway W estern Limit 24 Hours Cranberry Road North Street Northern Limit 24 Hours Schedule 15: School Bus Loading Zones HIGHWAY SIDE PLACE TIME OR DAY Frances Street South St. Joseph School Sept. 1- June 30 Mon- Fri 8am-9am 3pm-4pm Grandview Drive South From Quarter Town Line to 57 m West of Quarter Town Line Sept 1 – June 30 Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 9:15 am 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm Schedule 16: Pedestrian Crossovers HIGHWAY LOCATION Broadway 25 m from South Side of W ashington Grand Ave to middle of crosswalk By-Law 2022-___ Page 63 of 91 HIGHWAY LOCATION Lisgar Avenue At the intersection with Devonshire Avenue W ilson Avenue 184 m from South Side of Dereham Drive to the centre of crosswalk Broadway Glendale Drive and Broadway intersection Broadway 130 m South of Moose Street Quarter Town Line At the intersection with Glendale Drive Quarter Town Line At the intersection with South Ridge Road Quarter Town Line 106 m South of Dereham Drive Quarter Town Line At the East leg of Veteran’s Walkway Tillson Avenue At the intersection of Fourth Street Frances Street 140 m West of Kara Lane Schedule 17 (a): Higher Speed Limits HIGHWAY FROM TO MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED Broadway (Hwy 19) North Street North Town Limit 60 km/hr *Simcoe Street Easterly Town Limit 400 m West of Easterly Town Limit 60 km/hr Vienna Road Simcoe Street South Town Limit 60 km/hr Schedule 17 (b): Lower Speed Limits HIGHWAY FROM TO LOWER RATE OF SPEED Frances Street 144 m East of Tillson Avenue 45 m W est of Kara Lane 40 km/hr Glendale Drive 22 m South of Allen Street 35 m W est of Victoria Street 40 km/hr Hardy Avenue Sanders Street Lisgar Avenue 40 km/hr Maple Lane 82 m South of Concession Street 150 m North of Brock Street East 40 km/hr By-Law 2022-___ Page 64 of 91 HIGHWAY FROM TO LOWER RATE OF SPEED Quarter Town Line 6 m North of Fairway Hills Blvd 104 m North of Glendale Drive 40 km/hr Sept 1-June 30- When Flashing 8:00am- 8:45am, 11:30am-12:30pm, 2:45pm-3:30pm Quarter Town Line 110 m North of Langrell Avenue 150 m North of North Town Limits 40 km/hr Sept 1-June 30- When Flashing 8:15am- 9:15am, 1:00-2:00pm, 3:15pm-4:00pm Quarter Town Line 60 m South of Sanders Crescent 150 m North of Dereham Drive 40 km/hr Sept 1-June 30- When Flashing 8:15am-9:15am, 1:00pm-2:00pm, 3:15pm-4:00pm Rolph Street 11 m North of Brock Street W est 17 m South of Bear Street 40 km/hr Southridge Road Quarter Town Line Dogwood Drive 40 km/hr Tillson Avenue 1 m North of Brock Street East Concession Street 40 km/hr Wilson Avenue Baldwin Street Charlotte Avenue 40 km/hr By-Law 2022-___ Page 65 of 91 Schedule 18: Agreement with Owner of Roadway Regarding Fire Routes By-law THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this Day of ________, 2001 BETW EEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW N OF TILLSONBURG Here in after called ''Town'' of the FIRST PART. AND: hereinafter called the "Owner'' of the SECOND PART. WHEREAS the Owner is the registered owner of the lands and premises in the Town of Tillsonburg known for municipal purposes as upon which have been laid out certain private roadways identified in the schedule hereto which the Owner had requested be designated and administered by the Town as fire routes pursuant to section 210(52) of The Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that for good and valuable consideration now paid by the Town to the Owner, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Owner: 1. The Owner consents during the term of this agreement to the designation by the Town of the private roadways identified in the schedule hereto as fire routes pursuant to section 210 (52) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, and to the full and free administration and enforcement with respect to such private roadways of by-laws pertaining to the fire routes including, but without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the right of free and unhindered entry and re-entry at all times upon the Owner's lands and premises by the Town's employees, servants and agents and by municipal by-law enforcement officers. Constables and Officers appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act for the purposes of erecting, maintaining and removing official signs, prohibiting parking, and ticketing, removing and impounding vehicles parked or left along the fire routes. 2. The Owner covenants and agrees: a) that the Town shall be responsible for initially erecting official signs and standards for which the Owner shall pay to the Town $ at the time of application and the material and labour costs of the Town of erecting official signs and standards in accordance with its Municipal Maintenance By-Law 2022-___ Page 66 of 91 Management System; b) that once official signs are erected, the Owner shall be responsible for their maintenance at his expense in accordance with the standards of the Town; c) that the Town shall have the right to remove or re- erect official signs; d) that the Town shall have the right to remove any signs which may conflict or may be confused with official signs; e) that the Owner shall not permit anything to be done which obstructs the plain view of any official sign by the driver of a vehicle along a fire route; f) the Owner shall at all times keep the fire route in good repair, free and clear of any obstruction, excavation, object or thing likely to hinder, obstruct or interfere with the movement of a fire truck or emergency vehicle along the fire route. 3. The Owner releases the Town from all manner of debts, claims, demands, causes of action or suits which the Owner may now or hereafter have against the Town, its employees, servants or agents in respect of any matter contained in or arising from this agreement. 4. The Owner agrees that this agreement shall continue in full force and effect from the date Hereof until terminated by the Town upon one month's prior written notice delivered personally or sent by First Class Mail to the Owner at his last known address. 5. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Town and the Owner, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, as the case maybe. IN W ITNESS W HEREOF the Owner has here unto set his hand and seal or affixed its corporate seal attested to by the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf, as the case may be. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of By-Law 2022-___ Page 67 of 91 Schedule 19: Accessible Parking Spaces HIGHWAY SIDE LOCATION Broadway East Ninth & Tenth space North of Oxford Broadway East Eighth & Ninth space North of Brock Street East Broadway East Twelfth & Thirteenth space North of Ridout East Broadway East Sixth & Seventh space North of Washington Grand Ave Broadway West Seventh & Eighth space North of Baldwin Street Broadway West Seventh & Eighth space North of Brock Street West Street Brock St. W . North First space W est of Broadway Brock St. W . North First space East of Bidwell Street Brock St. W . North W est of Bidwell Street Brock St. E. South First space east of Broadway Brock St. East North Second space at 10 Brock St E Harvey Street East 103.3 m North of Brock Street East to 115.6 m North of Brock Street East Ridout St. W . North First space W est of Broadway Ridout St. E. South First space East of Broadway Rolph St. East 50.8 m North of Venison Street W est to 58 m North of Venison St. W . W ashington Grand Avenue South First space W est of Broadway Parking Lots PARKING LOT LOCATION Community Centre (Lot 1C) First six spaces East of Senior Citizen’s Entrance – North side of One-W ay access Community Centre (Lot 1C) Three Spaces West of swimming pool – East of Hardy Avenue Community Centre (Lot 6C) Three spaces East Entrance off Memorial Arena Parking Lot By-Law 2022-___ Page 68 of 91 PARKING LOT LOCATION Community Centre (Lot 1C) Two spaces West of Hardy Ave – Skate Park parking lot Community Centre (Lot 1C) Three spaces North of Outdoor Recreational Pad Community Centre (Lot 2C) Three spaces East of Senior Citizen’s Entrance at the easterly limit of South Side of the One Way access Community Centre First six spaces north of East Entrance off Memorial Arena Parking Lot Fire Hall Parking Lot First space North of Fire Hall OPP Lot First space East of Main Entra nce Lot 1A Four spaces – South/West corner of lot Lot 2A Two spaces on North W est Entrance, 2 spaces North East Entrance, 1 space North East corner, 1 space South East corner, 2 spaces W est side of Parking Lot Lot 3A Two spaces – North East corner of lot Lot 3A Three spaces – North West corner of lot Lot 4A Two spaces – North East corner of lot Lot 5A Two spaces – North side (15 Oxford St) Lot 6A Eight spaces – South of Canadian Tire Store Lot 7A Eight spaces – East of 200 Broadway (Tillsonburg Town Centre) Lot 7C Southwest corner of parking lot by entrance for splash pad Lot 8A Four spaces – East side of lot Lot 9A Five spaces North West corner of lot Lot 10A Three spaces – South side of lot Lot 11A One space north side 4th space east of 15 Oxford St. Lot 11A One space – North side – 1st space East of sidewalk to Park Entrance Lot 1B First space East end of the North lane Lot 1B First space South East of Bidwell Street (St. Paul’s) Lot 1B One space – North West corner of lot Lot 2B First space North East of Bidwell Street Lot 2B Three spaces North West corner of lot Lot 3B Two spaces South East corner of lot Lot 3B Two spaces North of 40 Baldwin Street Lot 4B First space – South East corner of Lot Lot 4B Two spaces – South of 36 Bidwell Street Lot 5B Two spaces – South East corner of lot Lot 6B Two spaces – North East corner of lot 20 Spruce St One space in southwest parking lot at 20 Spruce St Cemetery Office One space west of the Cemetery Office Annandale NHS & Museum One space on north side parking lot for Annandale NHS & Museum By-Law 2022-___ Page 69 of 91 PARKING LOT LOCATION Customer Service Centre 10 Lisgar Ave Two spaces south side of Customer Service Centre at 10 Lisgar Ave By-Law 2022-___ Page 70 of 91 Schedule 20: Agreement with Owner of Private Parking Lot Regarding Prohibited Parking By-law 2 103 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this Day of ___________, 2001 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG Here in after called "Town" of the FIRST PART. AND: hereinafter called the "'Owner'' of the SECOND PART. WHEREAS the Owner is the registered owner of the lands and premises in the Town of Tillsonburg known for municipal purposes as upon which have been laid out certain private parking lots identified in the schedule hereto which the Owner had requested be designated and administered by the Town as prohibited parking pursuant to section 210(131) of The Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that for good and valuable consideration now paid by the Town to the Owner, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Owner: 1. The Owner consents during the term of this agreement to the designation by the Town of the private parking lots identified in the schedule hereto as prohibited parking pursuant to section 210 (131) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45. and to the full and free administration and enforcement with respect to such private parking lots of by-laws pertaining to the parking lot including, but without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the right of free and unhindered entry and re-entry at all times upon the Owner's lands and premises by the Town's employees, servants and agents and by municipal by-law enforcement officers. Constables and Officers appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of t he Highway Traffic Act for the purposes of erecting, maintaining and removing official signs, prohibiting parking, and ticketing, removing and impounding vehicles parked or left along the fire routes. 2. The Owner covenants and agrees: a) that the Town shall be responsible for initially erecting official signs and standards for which the Owner shall pay to the Town $ at the time of By-Law 2022-___ Page 71 of 91 application and the material and labour costs of the Town of erecting official signs and standards in accordance with its Municipal Maintenance Management System: b) that once official signs are erected, the Owner shall be responsible for their maintenance at his expense in accordance with the standards of the Town: c) that the Town shall have the right to remove or re-erect official signs; d) that the Town shall have the right to remove any signs which may conflict or may be confused with official signs; e) that the Owner shall not permit anything to be done which obstructs the plain view of any official sign by the driver of a vehicle in the parking lot; 2. The Owner releases the Town from all manner of debts, claims, demands, causes of action or suits which the Owner may now or hereafter have against the Town, its employees, servants or agents in respect of any matter contained in or arising from this agreement. 3. The Owner agrees that this agreement shall continue in full force and effect from the date Hereof until terminated by the Town upon one month's prior written notice delivered personally or sent by First Class Mail to the Owner at his last known address. 4. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Town and the Owner and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, as the case maybe. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owner has here unto set his hand and seal or affixed its corporate seal attested to by the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf, as the case may be. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of By-Law 2022-___ Page 72 of 91 Schedule 21: Parking Permit Fee The monthly fee per vehicle is $50.00 a month. Schedule 22: Designated On-Street Parking HIGHWAY SIDE LOCATION TIME OR DAYS London Street East South 2 Parking spaces adjacent to 29 London Street East Roll No. 020 020 3260 0000 PIN - 000370103 Anytime Washington Grand North/West 2 Parking Spaces adjacent to 71 Washington Grand Avenue Roll No. 040 040 44300 0000 PIN - 00033 0045 Anytime Schedule 23: No Heavy Trucks HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OF DAY COMMENTS Newell Road Both Directions West Town Limit Baldwin Street All Day Baldwin Street Both Directions Quarter Town Line Broadway All Day Quarter Town Line Both Directions Baldwin Street Broadway/Highway 19 All Day Schedule 24: Community Safety Zone HIGHWAY FROM TO TIME OR DAYS Wilson Avenue Baldwin Street Charlotte Avenue Anytime Schedule 25: Electric Vehicle Parking Space PARKING LOT LOCATION Lot 5B Two spaces North East corner of lot Community Centre Eleventh Space East Entrance of Memorial Arena Parking Lot By-Law 2022-___ Page 73 of 91 Figure 1: Parking Permit. By-Law 2022-___ Page 74 of 91 Figure 2: Official Map Downtown Area By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 75 of 91 Figure 3: Official Map Heavy Truck Routes By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 76 of 91 Figure 4: Official Map Reduced Load By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 77 of 91 Figure 5: Official Sign Fire Route By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 78 of 91 Figure 6: Official Sign Accessible Person’s By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 79 of 91 Figure 7.1: Municipal Parking Lot (Downtown) By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 80 of 91 Figure 7.2: Municipal Parking Lots (Recreation) By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 81 of 91 Figure 8.1: Official Sign 2 Hour Parking By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 82 of 91 Figure 8.1: Official Sign 30 Minute Parking By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 83 of 91 Figure 9: Official Sign No Overnight Parking 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 84 of 91 Figure 10: Official Sign No Parking – Emergency Vehicle Parking Only By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 85 of 91 Figure 11: Official Sign School Bus Loading Zone By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 86 of 91 Figure 12: Official Sign No Parking – Loading Zone By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 87 of 91 Figure 13: Official Sign No Stopping By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 88 of 91 Figure 14: Official Sign Horse and Buggy Parking Only By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 89 of 91 Figure 15: Official Sign Bus Stop By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 90 of 91 Figure 16: Community Safety Zone Official Sign Figure 17: Community Safety Zone Begins Sign Figure 18: Community Safety Zone Ends Sign By-Law 2022-029 Consolidated Page 91 of 91 Figure 19: Official Sign Electric Vehicle