231026 Homelessness Working Group Notes The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Mayor’s Working Group on Homelessness October 26, 2023 10:00 a.m. 10 Lisgar Avenue Boardroom/Zoom Attendance: Councillor Rosehart; Lisa Lanthier, Manager, Human Services, Oxford County; Caroline Schneider, CMHA; Inspector Tony Hymers, OPP; Shawn Shapton, Operation Sharing; Peter Heywood, Southwest Public Health; Larry Scanlan, Police Services Board Chair; Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant; Kyle Pratt, CAO; Deb Gilvesy, Mayor; Councillor Bob Parsons, Mark Renaud, Executive Director, BIA; Colleen Pepper, Communications Officer; Andrea Greenway, Acting Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks; Teresa Martins, Executive Director, Oxford Ontario Health Team; Geno Vanhaelewyn, Chief Building Official 1. Oxford County – Housing Options Available The County has 628 rent geared to income units with more module units coming. They offer over 500 non-profit housing units associated with different boards across the County. There is rent supplement opportunities available and supplements to help individuals stay in their homes. The County is getting a new software system that will help alleviate the wait list for rent geared to income housing. The byname list is a provincial regulation that allows for every person that is experiencing homeless to be accounted for. There was a discussion regarding pressure put on affordable housing options when individuals don’t continue to move through the system. 2. Communications Strategy Lisa will send Laura an information sheet with information regarding housing and supports available through Oxford County. 3. Open Discussion Mark provided an overview of challenges the BIA is facing with regards to cleanup and security involved in the downtown area as a result of homelessness. The BIA will be looking at their November Board meeting to get an enforcement officer. Transitional Housing It was noted that United Way Oxford has transitioned two people to permanent housing. Salvation Army Day-Time Hub The Salvation Army is working towards opening a vacant building downtown to provide a day-time program for homeless individuals to be able to have showers, food and day-time care. The process has been cumbersome and may be too expensive at the current proposed location. Shelter The shelter will be reopening November 1st until May 1st at Avondale Church with 12 beds. The shelter in Woodstock is adding another 25 beds. Guests must be an Oxford County resident to stay in these shelters. Woodstock does have a day- time program available. Shawn proposed that Operation Sharing work with a small group from the Town for viable options for a daytime shelter in Town. In Woodstock, the shelter notifies the police dispatch once the shelter is nearly full so that the Salvation Army can step in and try and house the displaced individuals elsewhere. There was a discussion regarding the efficiency of offering portable washrooms in public areas. The Ingersoll Nurse-Practitioner does offer a shower program at their clinic. Outreach is going to be going out on Mondays as well as Wednesday’s starting in November. Kelly Gilson to be invited to the next meeting and to provide an overview of 211. The meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m.