By-law 2024-119 2025 Fees ScheduleTown of Tillsonburg
2025 Fees Schedule By-
law 2024-119, Schedule A
Effective January 1, 2025
Corporate/ Town-Wide
Clerks Office
Building-Bylaw/ Planning
Fire Services
Tillsonburg Community Centre
M useum
Cemetery / Parks
Airport/ Roads
Hydro/ Water
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Photocopying/ Printing double sided 0.65 0.68 4.62% HST
Photocopying/ Printing single sided 0.55 0.57 3.64% HST
Rzone Appeal 50.00 50.00 0.00% Exempt Set per policy.
Reoister Document on Title 317.00 327.00 3.15% Exempt
Remove/Release Document from Title 317.00 327.00 3.15% Exempt
Title Search 85.00 88.00 3.53% Exempt
OPP False Alarm 200.00 207.00 3.50% per incident, set by Fees by-law per By-law 2021-037
OPP False Alarm -appeal fee 45.00 -0% Appeals removed by By-law 2023-019
Town ofTillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 2
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Clerk Issued Documents -Licences Refer to Town Business Licence Bylaw for definitions and requirements
fur Clerk Issued Licences.
Business Licence
New Business 153.00 158.00 3.27% Exemp Schedule V Part VI (ETA)· Exempt
Home occuoation Business 153.00 158.00 3.27% Exemp Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Business Licence per vear
Auctioneer Licence 222.00 229.00 3.15% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)· Exempt
Pawnbroker Licence -renewal 74,00 n .oo 4.05% Exempt
Pawnbroker Licence -new 222.00 229.00 3.15% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Pawnbroker Security Deposit -refundable 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00% Exempt Fee prescribed by Pawnbrokers Act, s. 6 at $2,000
Vendino/Salesperson Licence 222.00 229.00 3.15% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Food Vending Licence 222.00 229.00 3.15% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Event Organizer Licence 222.00 229.00 3.15% Exempt Charge does not apply to not for profit organizations
Marriage Licence 148.00 153.00 3.38% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (Excise Tax Act (ETA))-Exempt
Marriage Ceremony • Council Chambers 285.00 294.00 3.16% HST In Council Chambers during business hours.
Marriage Ceremony -Other Location (plus applicable mileage) 343.00 354,00 3.21% HST Within Town limits -outside Town limits subject to mileage.
Witness if required 32.00 33.00 3.13% HST Two witnesses are required for each ceremony.
Burial Permits 27.00 28.00 3.70% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ET A)· Exempt
Commissioner of Oaths 32.00 33.00 3.13% Exempt Not applicable to Pension applications and Bankruptcy forms.
Freedom of Information Request (FOi) -Application Fee 5.00 5.00 0.00% Exempt Initial fee; Costs to fulfill request may apply, per S. 45(1) of MFIPPA.
Town ofTillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 3
By-law, Building, Planning
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Animal Control
Boardina Fee Cat 25.0C 25.0 0.CXl% HST As per Animal Control Contract
BoardinQ Fee DoQ 25.0C 25.0< 0.00% HST As per Animal Control Contract
Call out lee for service 115.0C 115.0( 0.00% HST As per Animal Control Contract
Euthanasia and Dispasal -Cat 60.0( 60.0( 0.00% HST As per Animal Control Contract
Euthanasia and Disposal -Dog 80.0( 80.0( 0.00% HST As per Animal Control Contract
Live Trap Placement 115.0( 115.0( 0.00% HST As per Animal Control Contract
Muzzle Order Appeal 264.0C 273.0( 3.41% Exempt
Dangerous or Muzzle Dog Licence 106.0( 110.0< 3.77% Exempt
Excise Tax Act Schedule V Part VI
By-law Enforcement
Invoice admin processing fee 317.0C 327.0< 3.15% HST
Issue Order 211 .0C 225.0( 6.64% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Title Corporate Search 50.0C 52.0( 4.00% HST
Registration or Discharge Order on Title (per registration/discharge) 300.0C 310.0C 3.33% HST
Registered Mail Actual Cost Actual Cost Exempt
By-law Enforcement Officer hourly rate (one hour min) 49.0C 51 .0 4.08% Exempt
Bv-Law Enforcement Supervisor hourly rate (one hour minimum) SB.DC 60.0( 3.45% Exempt
Execute Search Warrant 528.0< 545.0< 3.22% Exempt
Locksmith Service Cost+ 15% Cost+ 15% HST
Re-issuance of Permit/License/Document SB.DC 60.0< 3.45% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Fortification By-Law Exemption Application -sin ale family dwellinq or not-for-profrt 164.0C 170.oi 3.66% Exempt
Fortification Bv-Law Exemotion Aoolication -Mult~Residential, Commercial, Industrial 433.0C 447.oi 3.23% Exempt
Property Standards -Issuance of Certificate of Compliance ( Residential -oor unit) 111 .0C 115.oi 3.60% HST
Property Standards -Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (Commercial -per unit } 120.0C 124.0( 3.33% HST
27.0C 28.0( 3.70%
Property Standards -Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (lndustriaVlnsrnutional -per 92.9 sq.metre (1000112) per 92 .9 sq.metre ( 1000 112) o HST per unit ) of building area building area
200.0( 207.0C 3.50%
minimum minimum
Property Standards -Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (vacant and/or derelict 111 .0( 115.01 3.60% HST
Property Standards Appeal 450.0< 464.01 3.11% Exempt
Superior Court Judae -Appeal Prooertv Standards Decision 450.0( 464.0( 3.11% Exempt
Noise By-Law Exemption Permit -Minor 400.00 413.0( 3.25% Exempt
Noise By-law Exemption Permit -Major 425.00 439.0C 3.29% Exempt
Building -Fees
Buildina -photocopies -larger than ledger 3.21 4.0( 23.08% HST
Building Certificate 60.0< 62.01 3.33% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Building Certificate -urgent request -5 business days or less 80.0< 83.0( 3.75% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Permit fees -amend existina permit 64.0( 66.0( 3.13% Exempt
Permit Review Fee (per hour) -major amendment to existing permit 64.0< 66.0( 3.13% HST Per hour fee to review major changes to existing
permit(s) in accordance with By-Law 3198
Chief Building Official hourly rate (one ha~ hour minimum) 85.0( 88.0C 3.53% Exempt
Deputy Chief Building Official hourly rate (one half hour minimum) 66.0C 69.0C 4.55% Exempt
Building Inspector (one hour minimum) 60.0< 62.0C 3.33% Exempt
Building Enforcement Supervisor (one hour minimum) 60.0( 62.0( 3.33% Exempt
Town of Tillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 4
By-law, Building, Planning
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Fees in this section are per the Building Code Act,
I 1992, SO 1992, c 23 As legislatively required, a
Building -Permit Fees ii formal fee study is underway. No inflation added
for 2025 as further update to be brought to Council
on completion of fee study
Residential -New Low Density -Single Detached & Townhouses Minimum permit fee Minimum permit fee 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt.
$2,500.00, Maximum permit $2,500.00, Maximum permit
fee $5,000.00 fee $5,000.00
$140.00 Flat Rate+ $9.00 per $140.00 Flat Rate+ $9.00 per
each additional $1000.00 in each additional $1000.00 in
value of construction value of construction
-whichever is greater -whichever is greater
-plumbing permit fees -plumbing permit fees
Residential -Mobile Homes, Low Density, Medium Density, Additions, Alterations, $140.00 Flat Rate+ $9.00 per $140.00 Flat Rate + $9.00 per 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
etc. each additional $1000.00 in each additional $1000.00 in
value of construction. value of construction.
-plumbing permit fees -plumbing permit fees
included included
IC! & High Density Residential -New $140.00 Flat Rate+ $5.00 per $140.00 Flat Rate+ $5.00 per 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
each additional $1000.00 in each additional $1000.00 in
value of construction. value of construction.
-plumbing permit fees -plumbing permit fees
included included
!Cl & High Density Residential Major Alterations/Renovations/Additions $1 ,000.00 Flat Rate+ $8.00 $1 ,000.00 Flat Rate+ $8.00 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
(> 100,000} per each additional $1000.00 per each additional $1000.00
in value of construction. in value of construction.
-plumbing permit fees -plumbing permit fees
included included
ICI & High Density Residential Minor Alteration/Renovations/Additions $275.00 Flat Rate + $8.00 per $275.00 Flat Rate+ $8.00 per 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
($100,000 or less) each additional $1000.00 in each additional $1000.00 in
value of construction. value of construction.
-plumbing permit fees -plumbing permit fees
included included
Decks, Sheds, Accessory Buildings, Pools, etc. $140.00 Flat Rate+ $10.00 $140.00 Flat Rate+ $10.00 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
per each additional $1000.00 per each additional $1000.00
in value of construction. in value of construction.
Part 9 Residential Demolition 140.0C 140.0C QOO% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Demolition -all others 550.0C 550.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
Water Connection, Sewer Connection or repair 140.0C 140.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Change of Use Permit (no construction} 270.0C 270.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Conditional Permit Agreement 270.0C 270.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Alternative Solution Review (Fee + Cost of Peer Review) 540.0C 540.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Occupant Load Inspection Analysis & Report (per hr, one hr minimum) 90.0C 90.0C D-00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
AGCO Agency Approval 90.0C 90.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Re-inspection 90.0C 90.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Issue Order 200.0C 200.0C 0.00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
Transfer Permit 125.0C 1250( 0 .. 00% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Construction w/o Permit Double the initial permit rate Double the initial permit rate Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
Town of Tillson burg 2025 Fee By-law 5
Permit fees -signs -permanent
Permit fees -siqns -mobile
Permit fees -sign -construction/placement without a permit
Sion Variance -Minor Variance -Director Aooroval
Sign Variance -Major Variance -Council Approval
Sian Variance -Aooeal Application
Sign Variance -after the fact
Sign Removal -General
Sian Removal -Mobile Sign
Sign Removal -Posters
Sian Removal -Temporary Signs
Sion Removal -A-Frame/Sandwich Board/Sidewalk Sians
Sign Removal -Banner Sign
Permit fees -temporary buildings
Permit fees -transfer of permit
Building Licences
Taxi Cab Dnvers Licence
Taxi Cab Owner Stand
Taxi Cab Owner Licence
Taxi Cab Vehicle Licence
Group Transportation Owner Licence
Group Transportation Drivers Licence
Group Transportation Vehicle Licence
Group Transportation Vehicle Licence Renewal
Limousine Drivers Licence
Limousine Owner Licence
Limousine Vehicle Licence
Kennel -new
Kennel • renewal
Planning & Development
Cash-in-lieu of parkland {low density residential consents)
Planning Application -Minor Variance
Planninq Application -Minor Variance -after the fact
Planning Application -Site Plan -Minor
Plannina APPiication -Site Plan -Minor -after construction
Planning Application -Site Plan -Major
Plannina Application -Site Plan -Maier -after construction
Planning Application • Site Plan -Amendment Application
Town of Tillsonburg
By-law, Building, Planning
a) $106.00 first $1 ,000.00 o
estimated value o
construction plus
b) S7.50 per each additional
$1,000.00 or part there o
double initial permit fee
1.5 the initial application rate
each + cost to repair any
damage to public property
1,371 .0(
a) $106.00 first $1,000.00 of
estimated value or construction
b) $7.50 per each additional
$1,000.00 or part there al
double initial permit fee
361 .0(
1.5 the initial application rate
each + cost to repair any
damage to public property
2025 Fee By-law
Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt, Part of Fee Study
Exemot Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI {ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI {ET A)-Exempt
HST per sign
HST each sign
HST each sign
HST each sign
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA}-Exempt
Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt, Part of Fee Study
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt, No increase per
Council Resolution
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt, No increase per
Council Resolution
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt, No increase per
Council Resolution
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt, No increase per
Council Resolution
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)· Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ET A)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)· Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI {ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)· Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Exempt Per Section 42.1 of the Planning Act -Up to 5% of lot
value for residential & 2.5% for commercial -based on
160k residential lot
Exempt As per Planning Fee Study
Exempt As per Planning Fee Study
By-law, Building, Planning
,=.-,...,.,,. ,!:. •••• ,~., . -•,:---:~ -... -
Planninq Application -Site Plan -Amendment Application after-the-fact 1,424.0C 1.468.0C 3.09% Exempt
Site Plan APPiication -3rd & subsequent submissions 712.0C 734.0C 3.09% Exempt
Site Plan Aqreement Administration Fee (includes reqistration on tttle) 712.0C 734.0C 3.09% Exempt
Planning Application -Zone Change-prior to use 1,793.0C 2,590.0C 44.45% Exempt As per Planning Fee Study
Planninq Application -Zone Chanoe-after use has occupied 3,585.0C 5,180.0C 44.49% Exempt
Planning Application -Zoning -Removal of (H) 317.0C 350.0C 10.41% Exempt
Subdivision Certificate 100.0C 104.0C 4.00% Exempt
Zoninq Certificate 58.0C 60.0( 3.45% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)· Exempt
Zoning Certificate -urgent request -less than 5 business days 80.0C 83.0C 3.75% Exempt
Civic Addressina -Readdressing 143.0C 148.0C 3.50% Exempt
Land Division (severance) Clearance Letter 80.0C 83.0C 3.75% Exempt
Severance Agreement 1.4 77.0C 1,523.0C 3.11% Exempt
Planninq -Preservina Aareement Administration fee 2,109.0C 2, 174.0C 3.08% HST
Subdivision Agreement Administration Fee 2,320.0C 2,392.0C 3.10% HST
Subdivision Drawing Review Fee (per lot) -1st and 2nd submission 132.0C 137.0C 3.79% Exempt
Subdivision Drawing Review Fee (per lot) -3rd submission & thereafter 70.0C 73.0C 4.29% Exempt
Engineering Inspection Fee 225.0C 232.0C 3.11 % Exempt To cover staff & vehicle time (roughly 2.5 hours)
Stonm Water Management Pond Review 686.0C 708.0C 3.21 % HST
Stonm Water System Development Review 600.0C 619.0C 3.17% HST Part of Consolidated Linear Infrastructure -
Environmental Compliance Approval
Stonm Water Application to Connect Review (Infill only) 78.0C Nev. Exempt per Service
Stonm Water Consolidated ECA Stonm sewers including appurtances 1,237.0C Nev. Exempt
Stonm Water EGA Inspections 1.50% Nev, Exempt Percentage of development securities for stonm
Actual Cost New
Connection to existing sewer (sewer depth 0-3 metres) 6,700.00 Exempt If work completed by owner's contractor, amount
Minimum collected as security deposit
Actual Cost New If work completed by owner's contractor, amount Connection to existing sewer (sewer depth >3 metres) 9,800.0C Exempt
Minimum collected as security deposit
Encroachment Agreement Fee 1,690.0C 1,743.0C 3.14% Exempt Schedule V Part VI (ETA)-Exempt
Encroachment Penmit Fee 50.0C 52.0C 4.00% Exempt a more realistic estimate of staff time
Easement Research Request 153.0C 158.0C 3.27% Exempt
Utility Authorization Penmit Review 100.0C 104.0C 4.00% Exempt This involves review of the utilities'/proponents'
proposal, site visit etc.
Engineering Certificate Request 153.0( 158.0C 3.27% Exempt
Town of Tillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 7
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Finance -Taxes
Addition to the Tax Roll -Cost Recovery + 25% 25% of AR 25% of AR invoice amount
invoice amount Exempt Unpaid AR invoices added to the tax roll
Mortgage Billing Fee 11.00 12.00 9.09% Exempt per roll number/per billinQ
New Account Fee 32.00 33.00 3.13% Exempt
Past Due Notice Fee 6.00 7.00 16.67% Exempt
Payment Redistribution 16.00 17.00 6.25% Exempt
Payment Refund Administration Fee 27.00 28.00 3.70% Exempt
Tax Bill reprint 11.00 12.00 9.09% Exempt
Tax certificate 58.00 60.00 3.45% Exempt
Tax receiot 11.00 12.00 9.09% Exempt
Tax Sale Procedure service costs 25% of direct 25% of direct RealTax Exempt Tax Sale Registrations are handled by Realtax Recovery Specialists. RealTax costs costs
Tax Statement 11 .00 12.00 9.09% Exempt Charge for paper copy only
Town of Tillson burg 2025 Fee By-law 8
False Alarm Response Fee -Prevenlable Fire Alarm . Panel Alarms .
1st Offence
False Alarm Response Fee . Preventable Fire Alarm -Panel Alarms -
2nd and any additional Offence
False Alarm Response Fee -Work is being performed on a fire alarm
system and the owner fails to notify Fire Department or alarm company
and the alarm company reports the alarm to fire department.
False alarm response fee, when failure to maintain systems results in a
preventable response
Motor Vehicle Accident / Vehicle Fire Response Fee
Motor Vehicle Accident or Vehicle Fire Response fee on a Provincial
Natural Gas Leak Response Fee -Caused by an individual or company
Hazardous Ma1erials Response fee
Fire Watch or Stand By Authorized by the Fire Chief
Violation of Conditions of Burn Permit • 1st and any additional Offence
Open Air Burning -Illegal/Unauthorized Fire
Fee for expenses Incurred by Fire Services for equipment, expertise, or
materials required to mitigate an incident including but not limited to
heavy equipment, speiclized equipment, tow trucks, foam, engineers,
absorbant etc. 15% Administrative Fee Applies
Administrative fee for MTO • ARIS Owner/ Contact Information Search
Fee for Fire Department Incident Report
Fee for Fire Department Investigation Report
Fee for Fire Department File Search for Outstanding Orders / Inspection
Reports I Incident Reports
Fee Fire Department Request Fire Code Inspection -Commercial,
Industrial, or Institutional buildinQ less than 930m2 (10,000 SQ.ft.)
Town of Tillsonburg
1/2 Current MTO 1/2 Current MTO
Current MTO Rates
Current MTO Rates
Current MTO Rate +
Current MTO Rate +
Current MTO Rates
Current MTO Rate+
Current MTO Rate +
Current MTO Rates
Current MTO Rates
Actual Cost
+ hourly time
Current MTO
Current MTO
2 x Current MTO
Current MTO
Current MTO
Current MTO
Current MTO
Current MTO
Current MTO
Actual Cost
+ hourly time
2025 Fee By-law
3.21 %
Exempl Per Incident First Offence 50% of Regualr MTO Rates
Exempt Per Incident 2 Apparatus response
per hour or . . half hour Each incident based on 2 Apparatus response
Per Incident This fee is charged when failure to maintain systems results In a
preventable response
h This fee is charged to the registered owner of the vehicle and
~e\f :ur or divided equally between all parties involved in the incident The
a our + e d t b ·1 • • t th • • f materials owners ar encourage o su mt mvoIce o eIr insurer or
per hour or This fee will be charged to the Ministry or Transportation for all
half hour+ vehicle accident or vehicle fire related services that occur on
materials provincial highways.
per hour or This fee is chargeable to the property owner or contractor where
half hour + the fire department responds to a gas line strike and determines
materials the incident is caused direcUy by a person or company.
per hour or This fee is charged to the person or company In control of a
half hour+ Hazardous Materials that release resulting in a response by the
materials Fire Services.
This fee is charged to the property owner or insurer for fire
h services lo provide watch or stand by at a fire event or to per our or . t . . ft fi h . . . h If h ,r mam a,n scene security a er a ire or w ere In the opImon of the
a ou fire chief a fire may occur or where fire protection systems are
not functioninQ properly.
per hour or This fee is charged when complaint is received and property
half hour owner is in violation of bum permit conditions.
per hour or This fee is charged to property owner when complaint is received
half hour and open air bum is in violation of Town By-law regulations.
This fee is charged to the insurance company of the registered
owner of a property, otherwise the registered owner of the
Per Incident property where in the opinion of the fire chief or his designate ii is
necessary to employ heavy equipment to extinguish a fire or
protect adjacent properties from the spread of fire.
Fee added to the hourty fire department response charge any
Per Incident time that the fire department Is required to access the MTO ARIS
each Fee for copy of Incident Report
each Fee to provide Fire Investigation reports
per request
each OBC Classification A, B, D, E & F. Residential (OBC C) listed
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Fee for Fire Department Request Fire Code Inspection Each additional 40.00 42.00 5.00% HST each New fee for additional area over base fee 185m2 (2,000 sq.ft.) in a Commercial, Industrial or Institutional building
Fee Fire Department Request Fire Code Inspection a Residential 280.00 289.00 3.21% HST each OBC Classification C. Separated from other occupancies. building up to and including 4 suites or apartments
Fee Fire Department Request Fire Code Inspection each additional 40.00 42.00 5.00% HST each New fee for additonal unit(s). Fee per apartment over base fee. suite or apartment over base fee
Fee Fire Department Request Fire Code Inspection of a licensed 280.00 289.00 3.21% HST each Inspection fee Occupancy excluding a daycare
Fee Fire Department Request Fire Code Inspection of a Daycare 106.00 110.00 3.77% HST each Inspection fee Facilitv
Fee for Fire Department Request to Conduct Verification of Vulnerable 280.00 289.00 3.21% HST each Fee for Vulnerable Occupancy fire drills Occupancy Fire Drill Scenario
Fee to Conduct Business License Inspection 106.00 110.00 3.77% Exempt each Inspection fee
Fee for Re-Inspections if Violations not Remedied 280.00 289.00 3.21% HST each Fee for subsequent follow-up inspection required when fire code
violations are not corrected.
Residential Smoke or Carbon Monoxide Alarm provided to a resident 65.00 68.00 4.62% HST each Fee for response to residential alarms and providing Smoke or
leer alarm CO alarms to ensure Fire Code Comoliance
Fire Department approval of a Demolition Permit issued by the Building 143.00 148.00 3.50% HST each Fee for Fire Service to review and approve Demolition Permits
Department. through Building Department.
Fee to review an application for a licence to sell Consumer Fireworks 227.00 234.00 3.08% HST each Fee to review and inspect Fireworks Safety plan and site (F.1) induding a site inspection and review of Fire Safety Plan
Fee to Review Fireworks Display Application (F.2) Event 160.00 165.00 3.13% HST each Town of Tillsonburg sponsored events exempt from this fee.
Fee to Review Licence to Conduct a Pyrotechnics (F.3) Display 232.00 240.00 3.45% HST each Town of Tillsonburg sponsored events exempt from this fee. Application, Safety Plan Review, Site Plan Inspection
Fee for Open Air Burn Permit 80.00 83.00 3.75% HST each Fee to issue burn oermits
Fee to Review Fire Safety Plan 132.00 137.00 3.79% HST each Fee to review Fire Safety Plans
Fee to Review, Approve a Level 1 Risk Management Plan for TSSA 370.00 382.00 3.24% HST each Fee to review Level 1 TSSA Risk Management Plans Licence for Propane Storage
Fee lo Review, Approve Level 2 Risk Management Plan for TAAS Plus actual costs to retain a 3rd party engineer or other firm if Licence for Propane Storage, plus actual costs to retain a 3rd part 844.00 870.00 3.08% HST each required. engineer or other firm if required.
Fee for Fire Safetv Training, plus cost of materials 127.00 131 .00 3.15% HST oer hour Plus cost of materials
Fee for Fire Extinouisher Trainina (Theorvl 127.00 131 .00 3.15% HST Max 20 students
Fee for Fire Extinguisher Training (Practical with Bum Prop) 227.00 234.00 3.08% HST
Fee to Recharge SCBA Breathing Cylinder 37.00 39.00 5.41% HST per cylinder Excludes customers with special agreement
Rental of Training Room (excluding town emergency services) 248.00 256.00 3.23% HST per day
Town of Tillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 10
Tillsonburg Community Centre
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Communitv Centre -Aauatics
Water Fitness -1 o oasses 65.40 67.50 3.21% HST 10 oasses User Fee Surcharoe IUFSl aoolicable
Land Fitness • 10 nasscs 65.40 67.50 3.21% HST 10 aasses UFS aoolicable
Land Fitness 11/2 hour class) -10 oasses 32.70 33.80 3.36% HST 10 oasses
Water Fitness -20 oasses 105.60 108.90 3.13% HST 20 oasses UFS aoolicable
Land Fitness -20 aasses 105.60 108.90 3.13% HST 20 aasses UFS aoolicable
Land Fitness 1112 hour class) -20 oasses 52.90 54.60 3.21 % HST 20 oasses
30 minute Swimmino Lesson 7.80 8.10 3.85% Exempt oer lesson ScheduleV Part VI UFS Annlicable
45 minute Swimmina Lesson 8.30 8.60 3.61% Exemot Per lesson Schedule V Part VI UFS Aoolicable
60 minute Swimmina Lesson 8.70 9.00 3.45% Exemot oer lesson Schedule V Part VI UFS Aoolicable
Bronze Star 71 .20 73.40 3.09% HST °"'r course UFS applicable
Bronze Medallion 88.50 91.30 3.16% HST oer course UFS aPolicable
Bronze Cross 88.50 91.30 3.16% HST oer course UFS aoolicable
First Aid 112.00 115.50 3.13% HST oer course UFS applicable
First Aid Recert 78.40 80.90 3.19% HST oer course UFS applicable
National Lifeauard 244.60 252.20 3.11% HST °"'r course UFS aoolicable
National Life<iuard Recert 58.20 60.00 3.09% HST oer course UFS aPPlicable
Assistant Swimmino Instructors School 75.40 77.80 3.18% HST oer course UFS aoolicable
Additional Fee 31.20 32.20 3.21% HST oer course UFS aoolicable
Swim for Life Instructors School 118.90 122.60 3.11% HST oer course UFS aoolicable
Lifesavina Instructors 118.90 122.60 3.11% HST oer course UFS aoolicable
Swim/lifesaving Instructors 244.60 252.20 3.11 % HST per course UFS applicable
Private Lessons (14+ vearsl 22.00 22.70 3.18% HST per lesson UFS aoolicable
Private Lessons (Under 14l 22.00 22.70 3.18% Exemot oer lesson Youth, UFS aoolicable
Semi-Private Lessons 15.20 15.70 3.29% Exempt per lesson
Lifesaving Sport Fundamentals 8.30 8.60 3.61 % Exempt per lesson Youth
Swim Svnchro Swimmina Lessons 8.30 8.60 3.61% Exemot oer lesson Youth
Svnchronized Swimminn Team 565.20 582.70 3.10% Exemot 9 Months Youth UFS annlicable
First Aid Instructor 120.00 123.70 3.08% HST oer course
National Lifeouard Instructor 172.30 177.70 3.13% HST oer course UFS aoolicable
Examiner Standards/Advanced Instructors 43.30 44.70 3.23% HST oer course UFS annlicable
Community Centre -classes, courses, and camps
Babvsittina Course 61 .80 63.80 3.24% Exemot 8hr course ScheduleV Part VI
Youth Proaram 30 min class 7.10 7.40 4.23% Exemot oer lesson Schedule V Part VI
Youth Prooram 45 min class 8.10 8.40 3.70% Exemot oer lesson
Youth Prooram 60 min class 9.20 9.50 3.26% Exemot oer lesson ScheduleV Part VI
Youth Proaram -Soecialtv Course 12.90 13.30 3.10% Exempt oer lesson
Teen Proaram 30 min 7.10 7.40 4.23% HST oer lesson
Teen Prooram 45 min 8.10 8.40 3.70% HST ner lesson
Teen Proaram 60 min 9.20 9.50 3.26% HST oer lesson
Workshoos -1 /2 dav 30.80 31.80 3.25% HST
Workshoos -Soecialtv Course 93.10 96.00 3.11% HST
Workshoos -8 hours 123.50 127.40 3.16% HST
Youth Camo -week 157.80 162.70 3.11% Exemot week Schedule V Part VI
Youth Garno dav 39.20 40.50 3.32% Exemot dailv Schedule V Part VI
Youth Camp Lunch 8.50 8.80 3.53% Exempt each Schedule V, Part VI
Youth Camo Soecial 217.60 224.40 3.13% Exemot week Schedule V. Part VI
Youth Camo -short week 127.10 131.10 3.15% Exempt Schedule V Part VI
Community Centre -Events
Communitv Centre -Facilitv Rentals
Arena -Internet Access Fee 105.50 108.80 3.13% HST oer vear
Arena -Weekdavs before 5nm & after 11 om 107.40 110.80 3.17% HST hour Effective Aoril throuoh March
Arena -Weekdavs after Som & weekends 199.50 205.70 3.11% HST hour Effective Aoril throuoh March
Arena -Minor 140.20 144.60 3.14% HST hour Effective Aoril throuoh March
Arena -Shinnv 6.50 6.80 4.62% HST oer oerson
Town of Tillson burg 2025 Fee By-law 11
Tillsonburg Community Centre
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Arena -Ice Flat Rate 484.50 499.50 3.10% HST oer dav
Arena Floor -Commercial 2.552.90 2.631.60 3.08% HST oer dav
Arena Floor -Full Use 1.923.40 1 982.70 3.08% HST oer dav
Arena Floor -Flat Fee /no set uol 629.30 648.70 3.08% HST oer dav
Arena Floor -Chilled Floor /additional feel 2.422.10 --100_00% HST oer dav Service no lonaer offered
Arena Floor -Hourlv Leaaue Fee 77.70 80.10 3.09% HST oer hour
Arena Floor -Set uo Dav/Tear Down Dav 961 .80 991 .50 3.09% HST oer dav
Arena Storaae Room A 30.30 31 .30 3.30% HST aer month
Arena Storaae Room B 18.30 18.90 3.28% HST ner month
Arena Storaae Room C 6.30 6.50 3.17% HST oer month
Arena -Mini Practice Rink 51 .70 53.30 3.09% HST hour
Auditorium -Fridav or Saturdav 605.50 624.20 3.09% HST oer dav
Auditorium -Sundav -Thursdav 338.40 348.90 3.10% HST oer evenina
Auditorium -Hourly 68.40 70.60 3.22% HST
Room Set ua/tear down & Decoratina Fee /Dav before/after' 127.00 131.00 3.15% HST
Statutorv Holidav rental fee 50% surcharae on aoolicable rental fee HST oer rental
Ball Diamond -Occasional Use 90.90 93.70 3.08% HST oer dav
Ball Diamond -Hourlv -20.00 HST oer hour New
Ball Diamond -Seasonal Youth Team 90.90 93.70 3.08% HST
Ball Diamond -Seasonal Team Practice 320.60 330.50 3.09% HST oerteam
Ball Diamond -Seasonal Adult Team 528.50 544.80 3.08% HST oerteam
Ball Diamond -2-dav Tournament /Annandale Diamonds) 623.40 642.70 3.10% HST 2 davs
Ball Diamond -Tournament oer diamond oer dav 90.90 93.70 3.08% HST oer diamond/dav
Ball Diamond -oortable washrooms -1 dav tournament 253.10 260.90 3.08% HST 2 units
Ball Diamond -oortable washrooms -2 dav tournament 316.30 326.10 3.10% HST 2 units
Tractor with Groomer -Pren Fridav 90.40 93.20 3.10% HST oer event
Tractor with Groomer -Preo Saturdav 47.50 49.00 3.16% HST oer event
Tractor with Groomer -Preo Sundav 47.50 49.00 3.16% HST oer event
T racier with Groomer -Reoair Mondav BB.SO 91 .30 3.16% HST oer event
Administrative Fees 11 8.70 122.40 3.12% HST ner event
Site clean uo -1 or 2 dav event 193.30 199.30 3.10% HST 3 staff
Ball Diamond -Kev Deoosit 15.90 16.40 3.14% HST each oer kev
Ball Diamonds -Liohts left on/eauiomen1 not stored orooerlv 58.20 60.00 3.09% HST oer occurrence
Damaae Deoosit 593.50 61 1.80 3.08% Exemot
Den -Fri or Sat 207.00 213.40 3.09% HST oer dav
Den -Sun -Thursdav 150.80 155.50 3.12% HST oer dav
Den -Hourlv 36.20 37.40 3.31 % HST
Entire TCC Buildina -1 arena 9am-4om 2.410.30 2 484.60 3.08% HST
Entire TCC Buildina -2 arenas 9am-4cm 3 027.60 3 120.90 3.08% HST
Gibson House 80.30 82.80 3.11% HST oer dav
Gibson House -Hcurlv 31.40 32.40 3.18% HST oer hour
Kinsmen Canteen 30.90 31 .90 3.24% HST oer dav
Kitchen Rental -Dailv 79.10 81.60 3.16% HST oerevent
Kitchen Rental -3 Dav Weekend 210.90 217.40 3.08% HST oer event
Lobbv Area 37 .20 38.40 3.23% HST
Marwood B or C 80.30 82.80 3.11% HST per day
Marwood BC 156.70 161 .60 3.13% HST per day
Marwood B or C -Hourly 30.30 31 .30 3.30% HST
Marwood BC -Hourlv 36.20 37.40 3.31 % HST
Memorial Pavilion (full) or Kinsmen Bandshell 104.70 108.00 3.15% HST per day
Memorial Pavilion hourly 20.00 20.70 3.50% HST per hour
set up/tear down for parks events 122.86 126.70 3.13% HST per day
Memorial Park for Major Concert (includes bandshell & 741 .80 764.70 3.09% HST per event up to 4 days
Memorial park greenspace between pavilion, bandshell and -192.00 HST per day New
ball diamond
Newman Park Gazebo 63.50 --100.00% HST oer dav Park no lonaer has a gazebo
Parkina Loi 127.00 131 .00 3.15% HST per day
School Lessons 4.50 4.70 4.44% Exempt per person Youth, UFS applicable
Town ofTillsonburg 202 5 Fee By-law 12
Tillsonburg Community Centre
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Soccer Field Rental -Adults (Gyulveszi Park) 5.30 5.50 3.77% HST per hour
Soccer Field Rental • Under age 14 (Gyulveszi Park) 5.30 5.50 3.77% Exempt per hour
Outdoor Recreation Pad Rental 25.00 25.80 3.20% HST per hour
Swim to Survive Rentals 104.10 107.40 3.17% Exempt per hour Youth, UFS applicable
Swim to Survive Instructor Fee 26.40 27.30 3.41% HST per hour
Swim Meet 357.50 368.60 3.10% HST per day UFS applicable
Swim Meet Evenino 175.40 180.90 3.14% HST per dav UFS applicable
Swim Team Practice 79.80 82.30 3.13% HST per hour
Storage Pool Deck 31.40 32.40 3.18% HST per month
Swim Lane 17.80 18.40 3.37% HST per hour
Storaoe Office A 30.80 31.80 3.25% HST per month
Storage Office B 18.70 19.30 3.21% HST per month
Storage Office C 6.40 6.60 3.13% HST per month
Pool • 0-50 swimmers 105.00 108.30 3.14% HST per hour UFS applicable
Pool• 101-+swimmers 266.00 274.20 3.08% HST per hour UFS applicable
Pool• 51-100 swimmers 143.00 147.50 3.15% HST per hour UFS applicable
WaterPark • 0-100 swimmers 363.40 374.60 3.08% HST hour UFS applicable
WaterPark-0-100 swimmers -extra hour 242.20 249.70 3.10% HST add. Hr. UFS applicable
Waterpark 101-300 swimmers 495.30 510.60 3.09% HST hour UFS applicable
Waterpark 101-300 swimmers -extra hour 363.40 374.60 3.08% HST add. Hr. UFS applicable
Waterpark 300+ swimmers 666.20 686.80 3.09% HST hour UFS applicable
Waterpark 300+ swimmers -extra hour 526.80 543.10 3.09% HST add . Hr. UFS applicable
Waterpark Board of Ed 100 swimmers 322.30 332.30 3.10% HST hour UFS applicable
Waterpark Board of Ed 100 swimmers add .. Hr. 179.10 184.70 3.13% HST add. Hr. UFS applicable
Waterpark Board of Ed 100+ swimmers 573.00 590.70 3.09% HST hour UFS applicable
Waterpark Board of Ed 100+ swimmers add. Hr. 286.70 295.60 3.10% HST add. Hr. UFS applicable
Community Centre -Leagues and Memberships
Adult League -Individual 67.70 -100.00% HST each Not required, using OVA fee
Adult l eague -Team 437.10 -100.00% HST per team Not required, using OVA fee
Adult League -OVA Refs Vollvball 634.50 654.10 3.09% HST per team
Court Membership • Adult 60.60 62.50 3.14% HST Seasonal
Court Membership -Youth 21 .80 22.50 3.21% HST Seasonal
Tennis Lessons -1 hour 12.10 12.50 3.31% HST per lesson
Tennis Lessons -1/2 hour 5.40 5.60 3.70% HST per lesson Youth
Tennis Advanced Lessons • 1 hour 12.70 13.10 3.15% HST per lesson
Tennis Lessons • 1 hour 96.80 99.80 3.10% HST 8Iessons UFS applicable
Tennis Lessons • 1 /2 hour 42.50 43.90 3.29% HST 8 Iessons
Tennis Advanced Lessons -1 hour 101 .00 104.20 3.17% HST 8Iessons
Adult Pickleball Program (11 weeks) 46.40 47.90 3.23% HST 11 weeks
Adult Pickleball -per session fee 4.35 HST per 2 hour session New
Membership -Land Fitness -12 mo 357.40 368.50 3.11% HST 12 month
Membership -Water Fitness -12 mo 357.40 368.50 3.11% HST 12 month
Membership • Personal Trainino -20 225.90 232.90 3.10% HST 20 sessions 1/2 hr UFS applicable
Membership• Personal Training -1 O 128.40 132.40 3.12% HST 1 O sessions 1 /2 hr UFS applicable
Membership -Pool -12 month 226.80 233.80 3.09% HST each
Membership -Pool • 6 month 159.10 164.10 3.14% HST each
Membership -Pool 20 Pass 75.40 77.80 3.18% HST each
Membership -Skate 20 Pass 75.40 77.80 3.18% HST each
Membership -Weight Training 64.70 66.70 3.09% HST up to 6 hours
Membership • HC Plus -12 Month 674.80 695.60 3.08% HST 12 month
Membership• HC Adult -01 month 83.70 86.30 3.11% HST 1 month
Town of Tillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 13
Tillsonburg Community Centre
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Membership -HC Adult • 03 month 184.60 190.30 3.09% HST 3 month
Membership• HC Adult -12 month 491.60 506.80 3.09% HST 12 month
Membership • HC Adult -5 pass 52.00 53.70 3.27% HST 5 visits
Membership • HC Adult • 1 O pass 101.70 104.90 3.15% HST 10 visits
Membership -HC Adult. 20 Pass 194.70 200.70 3.08% HST 20 Visits
Membership• HC Family• 01 month 188.80 194.70 3.13% HST 1 month
Membership • HC Family. 03 month 416.40 429.30 3.10% HST 3 month
Membership -HC Family • 12 month 985.50 1,015.90 3.08% HST 12 month
Membership• HC StudenUSenior • 01 month 67.70 69.80 3.10% HST 1 month
Membership• HC StudenUSenior-03 month 154.40 159.20 3.11% HST 3 month
Membership • HC StudenUSenior-12 month 363.30 374.50 3.08% HST 12 month
Membership -Student -5 Passes 29.70 30.70 3.37% HST 5 visits
MembershiP -Student • 1 O Passes 53.70 55.40 3.17% HST 10 visits
Membership-Student -20 Passes 96.30 99.30 3.12% HST 20 Visits
Membership • HC Glendale Student 11 1.70 115.20 3.13% HST 5 Month
Membership -Replacement Card 6.00 6.20 3.33% HST each
Membership -Squash Adult -1 O pass 101.00 104.20 3.17% HST per court (1 hr
Pav as vou qo -Admission
AquatfiUFitness/Yoc:ia Class 9.00 9.30 3.33% HST included each
Fitness / Yooa (112 hr class) 4.40 4.60 4.55% HST included each
Board of Education • Souash/HC 3.10 3.20 3.23% HST included UFS applicable
Board of Education • Arena/Pool 3.40 3.60 5.88% HST included UFS applicable
Drop In Swimming Lessons 9.70 10.00 3.09% HST included per lesson Min Ac:ie of 12
Drop In Swimming Lessons -ea. Additional child 6.00 6.20 3.33% HST included per lesson
Drop-in Pickleball 7.20 7.50 4.17% HST included each
Health Club Adult 11.80 12.20 3.39% HST included each
Squash 12.1 0 12.50 3.31% HST included per court (1 hr) UFS applicable
Roller Skate • Admission No skate rental 3.20 3.30 3.13% HST included UFS applicable
Swim Child 2.70 2.80 3.70% HST included each
Swim Family 12.70 13.10 3.15% HST included each
Swim -Over 14 5.20 5.40 3.85% HST included each
Skate Child 2.70 2.80 3.70% HST included each
Skate Family 12.70 13.10 3.15% HST included each
Skate • Over 14 5.20 5.40 3.85% HST included each UFS applicable
Wallyball 12.60 13.00 3.17% HST included per court {1 hr UFS applicable
Waterpark 60 years & over 6.80 7.10 4.41% HST included each UFS applicable
Waterprak 60 vears & Over Half Price 3.40 3.60 5.88% HST included each UFS applicable
Waterpark 6-14 vrs 6.20 6.40 3.23% HST included each UFS applicable
Waterpark 6-14 yrs Half Price 3.20 3.30 3.1 3% HST included each UFS applicable
Waterpark Additional Family Member 2.70 2.80 3.70% HST included each UFS applicable
Waterpark Adult 9.00 9.30 3.33% HST included each UFS applicable
Waterpark Adult Half Price 4.50 4.70 4.44% HST included each UFS applicable
Wateroark Family 31.30 32.30 3.19% HST included per familv of 5 UF S applicable
Waterpark Family Half Price 15.70 16.20 3.18% HST included per family of 5 UFS applicable
Waterpark Tillsonburg Resident Pass (6 +) 43.10 44.50 3.25% HST per person Resident 6+ years
Waterpark Non-resident Pass (Youth & Srs 60+) 59.20 61.10 3.21% HST per person Youth and Seniors 60+
Waterpark Non-resident Pass (Adult under 60) 80.70 83.20 3.10% HST per person Adult under 60
Communitv Centre -Other fees
LLWP Sponsorship 1,266.00 1,305.00 3.08% Exempt each
Community Swim/Skate Sponsorship 211.00 217.50 3.08% Exempt each Effective April through March
Special Events Expenses + 5% Administrative Fee HST
Capital Re-Investment Fee -Ice Rentals 3.00 3.10 3.33% Exempt per hour Effective April through March
Town of Tillson burg 2025 Fee By-law 14
Tillsonburg Community Centre
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Capital Re-Investment Fee -Hall/Meeting room Rentals 5.00 5.20 4.00% Exempt per booking
Capital Re-Investment Fee -Ball Diamonds 25.00 25.80 3.20% Exempt per team
Capital Re-Investment Fee -Ball Diamonds occasional use 5.00 5.20 4.00% Exempt per booking
Aquatic User Fee Surcharqe -pay as you go admission 1.50 1.60 6.67% Exemot per booking
User Fee Surcharge -pay as you go admission -1.60 Exempt per bocking New
Aquatic User Fee Surcharge -5.00 5.20 4.00% Exempt per bocking
League and Membership User Fee Surcharge (Health Club, 5.00 5.20 4.00% HST per bocking
Adult sports and fitness)
10% additional on program/membership Exempt New Non-resident Fee fees
Admin -Refund Admin Fee 17.40 18.00 3.45% Exempt each
Admin -Reprint receipt 5.80 6.00 3.45% Exempt each
Admin -Consolidated Receipts (Child Tax Credit) 11.60 12.00 3.45% HST Operational requirements
Admin -Copies -Single sided 0.55 0.60 9.09% HST
Admin -Copies -Double sided 0.62 0.70 12.90% HST
Rentals -8' wooden tables 6.30 6.50 3.17% HST
Rentals -Black Plastic chairs 2.40 2.50 4.17% HST each
Deliverv of Table & Chairs 30.30 31 .30 3.30% HST oer round Irie
Rentals -Black curtains/hardware 3.10 3.20 3.23% HST oer foot
10% -30% Reductions may apply to multiple advertising A 2nd advertisement gets 10% off both, a 3rd ad gets 20% off all 3 and a 4th ad gets 30%
off the total for all 4.
Advertisino -Memorial Arena Board Back Lit 1,234.80 1,272.90 3.09% HST each
Advertisino -Communitv Arena Backlit 617.40 636.50 3.09% HST each
Advertisina -Memorial Arena Board 801 .50 826.20 3.08% HST each
Advertisina -Communitv Arena Board 492.80 508.00 3.08% HST each
Advertisino -Ice Re-Surfacer -Side 617.40 636.50 3.09% HST each
Advertisino -Ice Re-Surfacer -Tan 1 234.80 1 272.90 3.09% HST each
Advertisina -Ice Re-Surfacer -3 sides 2 730.80 2,815.00 3.08% HST each
Advertisina -Skate Aid 11.40 11.80 3.51% HST oer month
Advertisino -Inside FranVBack Paae Glossv 1 810.70 1 866.50 3.08% HST each
Advertisina -Back Paae Glossv 2.422.10 2 496.80 3.08% HST each
Advertisina -Brochure 1 /8 oaae 123.50 127.40 3.16% HST each
Advertisina -Brochure 114 oaoe 216.10 222.80 3.10% HST each
Advertisina -Brochure 112 oaae 369.20 380.60 3.09% HST each
Advertisina -Brochure 112 paae Inside/Back Paae Glossv 726.60 749.00 3.08% HST each
Advertisina -Brochure Full oaae 738.50 761.30 3.09% HST each
Advertisina -Brochure Full oaae /internal coroorate\ 242.30 249.80 3.10% HST each
Advertisi na -Miscellaneous 123.50 127.40 3.16% HST each
Advertisina -Diaital Ad Set uo 24.10 24.90 3.32% HST each
Advertising -Digital Ad -Monthly(min. 3 mos term) 60.60 62.50 3.14% HST each
Advertising -Diaital Ad -TournamenVSoecial Events 60.60 62.50 3.14% HST each
Advertisina -Fence -Per Season 135.40 139,60 3.10% HST oerseason
Advertising -Fence -Per Year 270.90 279.30 3.10% HST annually
Advertising -lnfocaster Set Up 56.00 57.80 3.21% HST each
Advertising -lnfocaster -Small Ad 28.00 28.90 3.21% HST oer month
Advertising -lnfocaster . Larqe Ad 56.00 57.80 3.21% HST per month
Advertising -lnfocaster -TournamenVSpecial Event 56.00 57.80 3.21% HST each
Town of Tillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 15
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Museum-Admission-Adult 6.86 7.08 3.21 % HST daily
Museum-Admission-Annual-Family Rate 51 .11 52.88 3.46% HST yearly
Museum-Admission-Annual-Individual 22.57 23.45 3.90% HST yearly
Museum-Admission-Child 2.43 2.65 9.05% HST daily
Museum-Admission-Family Rate 13.72 14.16 3.21 % HST daily
Museum-Admission-Group Rate 5.53 5.75 3.98% HST daily
Museum-Admission-Senior 5.75 5.97 3.83% HST daily
Museum-Admission-Student 3.54 3.76 6.21 % HST daily
Museum Volunteer-Admission-Free FREE -daily
Museum -Research (Genealogy) 31 .64 32.74 3.48% HST per hour
Museum-Permission Fees-Personal Use 15.50 16.15 4.19% HST each
Museum-Permission Fees-Publication Use 17.50 18.14 3.66% HST each
Museum-Rentals-Audio Visual Equipment-Corporate FREE -each
Museum-Rentals-Program Room or Grounds & Gardens-Non-Profit 42.26 43.58 3.12% HST each
Museum-Rentals-Grounds & Gardens-Corporate 200.00 206.19 3.10% HST each
Museum-Rentals-Program Room -half day -non profit 57.96 59.96 3.45% HST half day
Museum-Rentals-Program Room -full day -non profit 105.53 108.85 3.15% HST full day
Museum-Rentals-Program Room-Corporate -half day 105.53 108.85 3.15% HST half day
Museum-Rentals-Program Room-Corporate -full day 126.55 130.53 3.15% HST full day
Museum-Rentals-Tour Surcharge-Groups 100-150 126.55 130.53 3.15% HST each
Museum-Rentals-Tour Surcharge-Groups 25-50 73.89 76.33 3.30% HST each
Museum-Rentals-Tour Surcharge-Groups 51-100 89.82 92.70 3.21 % HST each
Museum-School Program-per student (1 hour) 3.25 3.50 7.69% Exempt each
Museum -School Program -per student (2 hours) 4.25 4.50 5.88% Exempt each
Museum -School Program -In Class 37.00 38.25 3.38% Exempt each
Museum -School Program -per student (1 .5 hours) 3.50 3.75 7.14% Exempt each
Museum -Youth Camp 157.80 162.75 3.14% Exempt weekly
100% 100% recovery
Museum-Programs & Workshops recovery of of program HST each program costs costs
Museum-Admission -Pratt Gallery only 3.32 3.54 6.63% HST each
Museum-Special Event-Lunch & Learn Series Pass 105.53 108.85 3.15% HST
Museum-Special Event -Lunch & Learn-Single ticket 31 .64 32.74 3.48% HST
Museum -Special Event -Luncheon 36.95 38.27 3.57% HST
Museum -Special Event -Dinner 65.93 68.14 3.35% HST per event
Museum -Special Event -Performance 43.14 44.47 3.08% HST
Special Events Admin: Expenses + 5% admin fee 5% 5% HST
Town ofTillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 16
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Pemetual care fees renulated bv the Province
lntennent Riohts
Grave 10ftx411 506.00 338.00 844.00 522.00 348.00 870.00 3.08% HST grave Perpetual Care Fee 1s set by the Bereavement Authority
of Ontario (BAO) as a % of lhe total sellino once
Infant Grave 3 f1 X 3 ft 50.00 175.00 225.00 50.00 175.00 225.00 0.00% HST Perpetual Care Fee 1s set by 1he BAO as a % or the total grave sellina orice.
Cremation Grave 3 ft X 3 ft 379.00 254.00 633.00 391 .00 262.00 653.00 3.16% HST Perpetual Care Fee 1s set by the BAO as a % of the total grave sellino price.
Columbarium Niche -Level 1 1,433.00 254.00 1,687.00 1,478.00 261.00 1,739.00 3.08% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by the BAO as a % of the total
sellina orice. Does not include enaravina.
Columbarium Niche • Level 2 1,479.00 261.00 1,740.00 1,524.00 270.00 1,794.00 3.10% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by the SAO as a% of the total
selling price. Does not include enqravinn.
Columbarium Niche • Level 3 1,524.00 269.00 1,793.00 1,571 .00 278.00 1,849.00 3.12% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by the BAO as a % or the total
sellina orice. Does not mdude enaravina.
Columbarium Niche -Level 4 1,569.00 277.00 1,846.00 1,617.00 286.00 1,903.00 3.09% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee ,s set by lhe BAO as a % of the total
semno orice Does not inciude enoravmo,
Columbarium Niche -Level 5 1,613.00 285.00 1,898.00 1,663.00 294.00 1,957.00 3.11% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by lhe BAO as a % of lhe total
sellinQ price. Does not include enoravinQ.
Cotumbarium Niche -Level 6 1,658.00 293,00 1,951.00 1.710.00 302.00 2.012.00 3.13% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by the BAO as a % of the total
sellina orice. Does not include enqravina.
Columbarium Niche -Level 7 1,703.00 301 .00 2,004.00 1,756.00 310.00 2,066.00 3.09% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by the BAO as a % o1 the total
selling price. Does not include enqravinn.
Columbarium Niche -Level 8 1,747.00 309.00 2.056.00 1,802.00 318.00 2,120.00 3.11% HST niche Perpetual Care Fee is set by the BAO as a % of ttie total
sellina orice. Does not inciude enaravina.
Family Cotumbarium 9,320.00 1.645.00 10,965.00 9,607.00 1,696.00 11,303.00 3.08% HST columbarium Perpetual Care Fee is set by the BAO as a % of the total
(4 niches) selling price Does not include engraving
Cemeterv Services
Burial and cremation license recoverv fee 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 0_00% Exemot interment Fee is set bv the BAO
Columbarium Niche Ooen/Close 211 .00 211.00 218.00 218.00 3.32% HST each
Adult Interment 881.00 881 .00 909.00 909.00 3.18% HST each
Lead in fee per 1/2 hour minimum 32,00 32.00 33.00 33.00 3.13% HST oer 112 hour Charaed if lead in reouested bv Funeral Home
Child/ Infant Interment 317.00 317.00 327.00 327.00 3.15% HST each lenqth is 5' or less
Cremated Remains Interment Infant 211.00 211.00 218.00 218.00 3.32% HST each
Cremated Remains Interment Adult 370.00 370.00 382.00 382.00 3.24% HST each
Statutory Holidays -Funeral Fee 50% surcharge on applicable interment 50% surcharge on applicable interment HST each fee fee
Weekend -Funeral Fee 10:00am -3:00pm 25% surcharge on applicable interment 25% surcharge on applicable interment HST each lee fee
Weekend -Funeral Fee -before 10:00am or after 50% surcharge on applicable interment 50% surcharge on applicable intennent HST each 3:00pm fee fee
DisintermenUExhumation-Relocation in Same 2,201.00 2,201.00 2.269.00 2.269.00 3.09% HST each
DisintermenVExhumation-Relocation in Same 1.981.00 1,9B1 .00 2,043.00 2,043.00 3.13% HST each f'o~o•o~,.n,<.,,. t', •• o, ;n \/,.,,.
DisintermenVExhumation-Relocation in Another 1,651.00 1,651.00 1 702.00 1 702.00 3.09% HST each
Oisintermenl/Exhumation-Relocation in Another 1.486.00 1,486.00 1,532.00 f'omoOM,.O,<.,I, r~ck~• ;n \/a .. U 1,532.00 3.10% HST each
Disintermenl/Exhumation-Child Casket 791.00 791 .00 816.00 816.00 3.16% HST each Lenath is 5' or less
DisintermenVExhumation-Adull Cremains (Ground) 501.00 501 .00 517.00 517.00 3.19% HST each
DisintermenVExhumation-Child/lnfant Cremains 317.00 317.00 327.00 327.00 3.15% HST each
Marker/Foundation Services
Uori□ht Monument Foundation 15' denth\ 29.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 3.45% HST oer cubic foot
Veteran Standina Monument Sellin□ 211.00 211 .00 218.00 218.00 3.32% HST each
Flat Marker with Granite Border & no concrete 53.00 53.00 55.00 55.00 3.77% HST each
Flat Marker with 4·· concrete border 132.00 132.00 137.00 137.00 3.79% HST each
Monument Care & Maintenance
Flat Markers 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00% HST each Perpetual Care fees are set by the Bereavement Uoriaht Markers Uo to 48" 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00% HST each
Uoriah! Markers Over 48" 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00% HST each Authority of Ontario (BAO)
Other Fees & Services
Transfer Fee/Renlacemenl -lntennent Rinhts Cer1ificale 48.00 48.00 50.00 50.00 4.17% HST each
Memorial (Parl<) Benches 3,042.00 338.00 3,380.00 3.136.50 348.50 3,4B5.00 3.11% HST each Perpetual Care fee established by Town @ 10%, per
Cemeterv Reserve Policv
Brass Plaque 750.00 774.00 3.20% HST each
Genealogy Requests (per 112 hr) by appointment 32.00 32.00 32.00 33.00 3.13% HST per 112 hour
Town of Tillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 17
Airport -Roads
"":' -m--I .. -., ••••• 1•~• .. -.. .!/ . .
Airport -Aircraft Parkinq Fees -Daily 11.00 12.00 9.09% HST per day
Airport -Aircraft Parkinq Fees -Monthly 64.00 66.00 3.13% HST per month
Airport -Aircraft Parkinq Fees -Yearlv 633.00 653.00 3.16% HST per year
Airport -Basement Boardroom rental (15'x29') half day 48.00 50.00 4.17% HST per half day
Airport -Basement Boardroom rental (15'x29') full dav 85 .00 88.00 3.53% HST per full day
Airport -Basement Rental per hour 16.00 17.00 6.25% HST per hour
Airport -Boardroom Lonq term rental 306.00 316.00 3.27% HST per week
Airport -Hangar Land Lease per Sq. Ft. Fee Annually 0.37 0.39 5.41% HST per Sq. Ft.
Airport -Infrastructure fee < 5,000 SF hanqar 580.00 598.00 3.10% HST upon signing
Airport -Infrastructure fee > 5,000 SF hanqar 1,160.00 1,196.00 3.10% HST uoon sioning
Airport -Maintenance fee 150.00 155.00 3.33% HST oervear
Airport Toque 17.00 18.00 5.88% HST oer unit
Airport Fuel Call Out Fee -After Hours 200.00 207.00 3.50% HST per call out
Airport Administration Fee 50.00 52.00 4.00% HST per unit
Airport Hangar Application Fee 327.00 338.00 3.36% HST per application
Airport Hangar Transfer Fee 169.00 175.00 3.55% HST per application
Airport Development Permit Fee 654.00 675.00 3.21% HST per application
Airport MNR Landing Fee 275.00 284.00 3.27% HST per landinq
Airport Medavac (EMS) Landing Fee 350.00 361 .00 3.14% HST per landinq
Airport Hanqar Sublet Fee, per Sq. Ft. Annually, on top of the Land Lease -0.25 New HST per So . Ft. New fee in 2025
Airport Jet Fuel Surcharge Fee 0.0125 0.02 60.00% Exempt per liter
Airport Standard Fuel Surcharqe 0.01 0.02 100.00% Exempt per liter
Airport Corporate Parking Fee (waived with fuel purchase) 27.00 28.00 3.70% HST up to 4 hrs
Airport Corporate Parkinq Fee (waived with fuel purchase) 53.00 55.00 3.77% HST perdav
Airport Corporate Landing Fee (waived with fuel purchase) 43.00 45.00 4.65% HST per landing
Airport Facility Event Rental -1,000.00 New per event
Roads -
Public Works Administration Fee 55.00 57.00 3.64% HST flat rate
Roads-Labourer/Operator 44.00 46.00 4.55% HST per hour
Roads-Labourer/Operator Overtime 65.00 68.00 4.62% HST per hour
Roads-Labour Double Time 85.00 88.00 3.53% HST per hour
1/2 Ton Pickup Truck 16.00 17.00 6.25% HST per hour
1-Ton Truck 37.00 39.00 5.41 % HST per hour
Single Axle Dump Truck 85.00 88.00 3.53% HST per hour
With Plow & Wing 16.00 17.00 6.25% HST per hour
With Sander/Salter 22.00 23.00 4.55% HST per hour
With Plow, Wing & Sander/Salter 37.00 39.00 5.41% HST per hour
With Anti-Icing System 6.00 7.00 16.67% HST per hour
Front End Loader 75.00 78.00 4.00% HST per hour
With Plow Blade 8.50 9.00 5.88% HST per hour
With Snowblower 190.00 196.00 3.16% HST per hour
Backhoe 53.00 55.00 3.77% HST per hour
Grader 80.00 83.00 3.75% HST per hour
Street Sweeper 85.00 88.00 3.53% HST per hour
Sidewalk Machine 50.00 52.00 4.00% HST per hour
With Plow 7.50 8.00 6.67% HST per hour
Town ofTillsonburg 2025 Fee By-law 18