1859 - 1959
Origin of the first Baptist services at Mt. Elgin taken from the first book of records.
"In the month of September, 1859, Elder Geo. Wilson, pastor of West Oxford Baptist Church,
being about to visit some Baptist friends at Mt. Elgin, sent word that he would preach in the brick
school house one mile south of Mt. Elgin on Tues. and Wed. evenings of the third week of Sept."
Instead of two days, the meetings continued on week day evenings for two months. During this
time 45 souls were baptized into the fellowship and were organized into a branch of the West Oxford
In Sept., 1861, Mt. Elgin branch requested that they be granted the privilege of forming themselves
into an independent church. This was granted in October, 1861, and Dec. 7th met with delegates of
neighbouring churches and was recognized as a sister church.
In July, 1862, a bargain and sale between.Adam Tripp of the first part and Jacob File, Jared
Bodwell and Wm. Tripp of the second part for the purchase of 1/2 acre of land. In 1862 in November
meetings were removed from the red brick school to the Baptist Chapel.
In 1874 the church engaged a pastor in connection with the Springford Baptist Church. Prayer
meetings were begun in 1881 and the Indies Aid Society was formed in 1882. In 1883 the Home Mis-
sion Board suggested that we unite with Salford in the support of a pastor. This was agreed upon.
The first organ was bought for the church in 1894. In 1899 a fine new bell was presented to the
church by the young people. On one side is inscribed "Regular Baptist Church, Mt. Elgin, Ont., C. B.
Brown, Pastor". On the other "Presented to the church by Baptist Young People. Miss Minnie Taylor,
Pres., Miss Ethel Tripp, Vice-Pres." A text of scripture is engraved under the names. "A new com-
mandment I give unto you that you love one another." John 13:34.
In 1896 Foldens and Salford asked to confer about hiring a pastor and this was agreed upon.
A shed was constructed in 1901 and was replaced in 1926 and this was sold in 1945 also a lot
adjoining the church to north.
In 1905 preparations were made to put a basement under the church but this was dropped in
favour of putting in a furnace for heating, painting the outside of church, repair the belfry and pur-
chase of new seats.
In 1911 considerable improvements were done to the church building among them being registers
for furnace pipes. A new furnace and hydro were installed in 1917.
In 1942 a Women's Mission Circle was organized with a membership of 6.
In 1950 a new furnace was installed, a chimney built and shed built at back.
In 1957, steeple was repaired and painted. Extensive refinishing were done to walls and they
were painted, floor finished and aisle covers laid. In 1958, hangers were placed in entry and small
rooms were painted and linoleum laid.
Dr. H. S. HILLYER, B.A. B.D.
guest speaker