535-03 Page 123I ��II L.—_. _--)-..,�-._..._�__.._...._ r:,� nrtee�,..a;�r r•hurch. The Bap -
I sold to Dereham
'sod as a council
later it burned
Y" Christian Par-
led by the min-�
r- ` -,sd church. This
'F.• appointments—
y Ebenzer, Zion (a
ed on property
ewart Williams)
"Heen the eighth
ions south of
m Mr. Fewster's
I appointments
nr zik+c •- ,., . *�" 892 when the
built they were
s i i.^ ;'s I'rtN dount Elgin and
on in1�t':�?,� r lereham 9Centre 1 'After the burn-
: at Versch.
xy. .,�"*+:` ^egation joined
^o„l^„ ::fir ,�; �,. " & , Are -Mount Eh G
1he ministry
9're. In 1892 thei
Lought the pros-
,';" am i ;, V from the Bap_
3oyd, the minis-
i ad a reputation
^hes. He found
�ereham Centre
This section of rail fence along the road leading to Dereham
Centre is one of the few remaining in the township, preserving
�,..•+""""- - TOpACCO FACTORY
urch our grave attention calls
wper sleeps within its walls"
'ter the ancient town of Dereham in
a name was applied to the Township
'd and Norfolk were separated.
vernment was North Half of Lot 12,
on Hackett, January 22, 1834, at 14
tzeteer published 1862-63 states: "A
ter is carried on in this township in
,ilities of transportation afforded by
s through it."
3 located in southeast part of the
d the mills own"
alled in honor "Tillson."
4,934 acres.
27 (largest of the townships).
01 Clerk: James D. Flanders.
John W. Smith, LeRoy E. Curtis,
ert J. Kelly.
s to co-operate
+r materials and
�- he building. On
:ittee were Jos-
etary; Thomas t
am Butler. The. r
the rustic flavor of rural living that still characterizes much of he. church at theti„g was com- r
Dereham. _Tingle, Thomas ,
.,, ,1 ,ueww,,.e, me urst'
„ rtobert Wright, William
Butle*, Joseph Hunsley, Leaman
Methodist service at Dereham
Harris and Joseph Curtis. The con -
Centre had been held in the Adam-
gregation co-operated to the full-
son barn which had just been
est degree in the building of the
built+ Mrs. Adamson remembers
new church. All team work was
attending that service --about 75
done live; Thomas Butler donated)
years ago. A minister came from
brick, sold logs to the church at a
Tillsonburg to hold services in the
reduced price and did the sawing
barn while the new frame church
free; Richard Butler donated the
was being erected on the property
silver communion set. The chan-
where the church shed now stands.
delier which cost $178 came from
In 1867 Thomas Sutton deeded
New York. The brick work and
this property to the Wesleyan
plastering and: also the building
Methodist church. The first regu-
of the stone walls of the church
lar minister lived in Brownsville
was done by Doyle Brothers and]
and had six appointments: Rich-
Joseph Esseltine was the carpen.
mond, Corinth, Brownsville, Cul-
loden, Delmer and Dereham Cen- I
ter. The total cost of the church
building was $6,019.82.,
For a number of years Dere-I
The new church was opened
barnCentreCentre had two churches —
January 8, 1893. Edward
the Bible Christian Church, hold-
played the organ on this occasion.
ing services in the old Baptist
The corneistotles were laid by Mr.
church, on the property where the
and Mrs. Tillson of Tillsonburg,
present church stands, and the
Mr. and Mrs. T. Butler, Mr. and
Methodist church, on the property
Mrs. Richard Butler, and Mr. and
� /��'�u�ndea1
Q-n/ •MF. Y,0 L i/aan 'IAras
CJxi 1 — ID LV-kwwl nwe �a
9 G.n.La ey l✓-^_� Pn..rc r -lA.:d Qu✓i.*
�°�G%tG s0¢.,z�a-.« 1CC✓Oal° Grn-
Mrs. Stevens of Ingersoll. At tha,�d
time Mr. Stevens was mayor otl.�
Ingersoll. In the cornerstone aids
the east side of the front door
was placed a box containing hymn
books, newspapers, and a few
coins, and several other articles.
The ministers of the Dereham
Centre church since 1892 have
been: Mr. Boyd, Mr. Deacon, Mr.
Collins, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Harmsr`' ,
well, Mr. Couch, Mr. Peters,, Ml::�;
Cavers, Mr. Bean, Mr. Brearley,
� r. Quigley, Mr. Strachan,. Mr.
Cook, Mr. Plyley, the present in-
cumbent, Rev. A. R. Taylor.
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