A disastrous fire on June 1, flee which began in the morning establishments and several houses
1902 wrought this have on in the Buckberrough Blacksmith) before the day was out and it was
midway street from Brock to
Washington Grand Avenue. The shop ate through 12 business brought under control. The town
.._.- a .._...� -- __
28 Community Users
Own Watery Supply Serves
MT. EWUN, Jan, 14-4, (n-I The well is on the farm of Earl
Pie of this village eight milks Shuttleworth. It is 218 feet deep
north of Tillsonburg are fortunate with 18 feet in the rock and prom.
for their community can boast Imes plentiful supply for the village
something that a few others of users.
its size possess —a water system. The sponsors had no idea of a
Recently completed, the system money -making scheme and the
has 28 userm at present, and pros- service charge is sufficient only
pects for more this spring. The to cover the maintenance of the
excellent water comes from a rock system. The exceptional fall
well and has been rated grade "A" weather provided ideal working
by Oxford's Medical Officer of conditions for the laying of the
Health, pipes. About 6,000 feet of pipe
Mt. Elgin
,was required with about on(
thousand feet of two-inch plpe
for the main lines and the bal.
ance of one and a quarter Inch
pipes for the individual connec.
Each house -owner piped the wa-
ter to his home at hie own ex-
pense. Another shining example of
the community spirit evident In
the whole project is the fact that
outside of the actual digging of
the ditch all labor was gratis,
treet Names Recall
-listorical Personages
hall may be seen on the extreme TILLSONBURG, .Lune 4—There's a little bit of history at nearly
left and \Avondale Church on the every street corner in this fast-growing Oxford County town.
Authorities have been particular In their choice of street names
right. right from 1872, when the place was incorporated as a town, and
F.D. Tillson, son of the town's founder, became first mayor.
l! I + Prominent rebel leaders In
_�. 1 Western Ontario's early history,
One of the town's newer streets, are recalled by several of the
l - Lisgar avenue, commemorates principal streets — Mackenzie
- James Young, created Baron Lis• recalling the most well-known
I gar before he became governor- leader of the 1837 rebellion;
general of Canada in 1888. Brock Rolph street after Dr. John
street is named after General Rolph, of Toronto; Bidwell, after
Sir Isaac Brock. ! Marshall Bidwell, and Baldwin
Animal names such as wolf, after Robert Baldwin, the fam-
oua reformer.
bear and venison designate other
streets. Bloomer street developed from
Bloomery Forge, operated by
George Tillson, and was known
for many years as Derham
Forge, also the early name of
the settlement. Harvey street is
named after Harvey Tillson, to
whom George Tillson gave the
1 near by land.