535-03 Page 134(�I ,
trustees d'cttts°ucu that the petitioning
should &bids by the decision of the meeting.
We did not think it in the interest of the
section to hold a meeting that was not to
accomplish the object far which it was
Mr. Deacon insinuate, in his letter of
April bth that Mr. Fletcher was in"mcerc
in stating that he would rather sneak in .
the school house to the ratepayers than
write. We know that Mr. Pletcher was
anxious to have the mooting. We Illy"
read what Mr. Fletcher wrote in his letter
regarding Mr. Deaeom'o offer to the trustees.
There is If Abing in it misrepresenting the
facte'ag insinuated by Nlr. Deacon.
In reference to the impresionl which Me -
Deacon says is left on the minde of the
audience that a girl appears in the chatoote'
of a pnostitute end a mad in the eharaeter
of a libertine, in 'John Smith," we have
carefully inquired still have not found any-
one on whom such an impression was made.
And in reference to the conversation in the
same play, which he nays is indecent, his
statement is false..
Mr. Deacon gays the girl who took the
ppart of Nancy fit "Irish Assurance nmd
Yankno Modesty" told her poster that she
felt from her first entrance into things of
this kind that she was wrong in doing it,
lit she gave up her judgment and followed
J1 Fletcher's. This i a falsehood, as we
1 find this in the complaint sent in by
`ir. Deacon and six others. "Yet we lieow
.fiat a number of names were gained for It
paper now in your posseesion approving of
Mr. Fletcher and his entertainments by the
above false statements being made and some
of as were thus induced to put our named to
that paper." Now, Hadiert Peck is the
only person whose name is signed to the
paper referred to and he says he has no
reason to believe he was deceived.
1° conclusion we desire to state that the
annual school meeting will be held on the
last Wednesday in Dmomhtr, when the
matter can be treaty discussed.
Yours truly,
J. It. DICKOU'1'.
710 file Editor of the. Tribune
DEAR SIR, -Duce more 1 have to ask
apace in your valuable paper to reply to
some statements made by Me Deacon
regarding the Salford school entertainment$
and myself.
Writing this letter is a very painful task,
for I shall have to write a good many very
unpleasant things, if it wets not that in bur.
Deacon's letter he accuses me directly o
indirectly of telling lies, I believe I ghoul
have remained silent ; but I feel that, fowl
I am forced to reply.
First let me compliment the reverend
gentleman on his able report of the Trusts
meeting. It is true he does not appear t
have heard quite as well as some of us will
eat farther from the Trustees, but in th
main his report is good. If there had been
all great a proportion of truth in the rust o
his communication I should have been
spared the trouble of writing this letter.
From the beginning of this row he ho
handled the truth in a very careless mail
nor, as f will show, but now he seems t
have let himself loose, and if he keeps on
dltall expect to find his letters soon withou
enengIt truth to hold Lis "facts" together.
He insinuates that I did not tell the, it tit
re. I said 1 would rather have spoke
have written. I ran prove, by tit
rusteeg end miters, that 1 expressed to th
rueteoe and uLhors my desire that a rate
"j fryers' meeting should be held.
He accuser me of '- 11 orepresenting, i
my letter, the facto" in reference to hi
offer to the trustees. The tfusthes say
have not done so. Iu his "complaint" h
accuses me of lying about the " Littl
Brown Jug," and I-o claims to have tw
witnesses to prove his story. 'Thera war
besides myself eight persons present whe
rho play was selected. One of these I hav
nut hearth from, but over the sigetaturee
Ibe other seven I have received the follow
iug :-" We have read the statement mad
by Mr. Dome of in his complaint to th
t sg ees, with reference to Mr. Fletcher
choice of the play in connection with t
school entertain ... ent, mud we do not his
tire to aay that it is untrue." Any w
wish may doe t l: original at my house.
Nir. Deacon s&ys that he heard me Be
that 1 believed he was sincere in his convi
L:ond. That is true, and I also. at the eau
tine, tiled to deft rid him against the char
on dlahnuundlleoudnct. At the time,l d'
6uiov:: ill his e.e,t i,ty, but I changed m
... wd when l loarld that he had deceive
e u ndvrrece to what live persona h
,,it silent the proposed entertainment
„ f.o<i would take regarding f
1 a n Blond, ale", teat uo tied gone to
minds of the audience I have spoken to
about thirty who were present and not one
p,1.1,a in IoLursoll, whose opinions he
it, din d to help him in his campaign ; that a
of these had ever received such an impres.
I have come. to the conclusion that
I:,I Id,d yuotnticu from one ploy and one
to leave
only & very corrupt imagination would have
Irmo soother were given so as
the impressfon that they were both from
thought of such & thing.
one play and in one Lase that it wam the
As to the contestation being indecent, it
fe Pimply another falsehood ; and so is it A
n 1 Bound at the
ploy we wcto about to have, and in another
faleubooel to say, as he does, that " damned
:nee that it was the play of one year ago,
or damned anything else is in the
In neither case was it mentioned that line
film the two earn
book. But if it had been in the book, it
quotation was playof Y
ago while no fault was found with last
This is a of his
would not have beam on the platform.
I take IE that a preacher who hoe time to
{ ,di:, Hj.
J( yenr'a concert. only sumplo
work in Ingersoll. Is it any wonder I have
Inanago Yublic School mrtertaiumante h&s
time to lied what landed literature goes out
Why thbe
except tL he
�� lion from If
...III changed m mind about his sincerity
Mrs. Deacon uonl lains that the report
from his Sunday School, and is to a certain
! litho
ono of
was circulated that he was "trying to break
extent respoindidalfor the books in it, at
least. I would direct his attention to Elsie
I.K. excited
et ite
up the entertainment." No wonder, for in
- the presence of about twenty people Ile held
and the Reverends, chapter 4, where he
the method
-_ al unlunt.
he would right the entertainment unless ho
will find a mesa that is much more liela a
match for the "bouncing boy." +°
told any
for"the or kpla;
wall given the supervision of the entire Pro.
T'reyeaglo's Head, on page Ib, a man fright'
Nlr. Flatc
gramme. Ile tells a falsehood when
sued at a ghost calla out "Our Father 'chart
about him a
says that Ile over said to me, or in my
that he only wanted the play let
in ebben" I page 229, God knows I have no
kind oiling
out and would be Burry to gee the rest of the
desire, etc.; page 8l, the heroine tells te
Floteher It,
entertainment given up. but of con me with some Peop a a is no maoar of has writing into win
I remember, that eighteen months age, he important 7.a bad character says "But good been more true to the reputation
told me that while he believed m duologues - - being a will think When one
Lord what'11 I do 3" Another says "And b Lupo lid think o[ never
r ale
I i did not believe in plays, ffer when Baked Y Y resentment Mr. ache who cover fools
1 7 d t show roc• the difference. But I Jove I'll do it, too," and "By Jove bare e, I4 Mr. Fletcher, indtpul 04 g
ale u
never imagined that would try to control
etc. 0& page 22b "More by Moses Ig s
P g 1
aignod by save
or etc one of the co aria, in toot, after
p '
codfish s then Good gracious ."
stack,Go "The " Oh
'is untrue," nt
the programme of the next year was out 1
a devil !"
"Good heavens !"
uut wanted to
borrowed rho organ and -lathe from
Lord 1" etc., are to be found further on
the book. This is one of the favorite hooks.
had tern or
or lid anon on
I baeommit of the church, from him. I hid
None of the expression, were excised befnro
self, it would
r t
no idea o: his hnoti.Ity, but some think ha
might have begat a year sooner only ha
the story was put into .the hoods of the
I do not Real
nL,kt...at th
had not yet worked his little financial
I have neither time nor space for more,
would have bI
huvo good tea
Be to tarok that do not nppraoi
but the list might be enlarged.
had,"That He
it playstdy, that
ate his kindness, if so, he thihlts right. 1
I palls no opinion on to whether the books
are or bad, but some people would
prmmpal part
others would I
do not appreciate having a man go to tho
them terrible if they ware d an
the piece was
people whom he knows to have bun° m
friscda fur yeora and tel: them Nat hue hry f
I find that in some quartene the impres-
what] had own
a groat respect for me, that I Pon an aWic
sign ham been made that the Brown
Jug" ryas got up by the pnpilP of the eehool.
aide it was rig
1 el
teacher, etc., and then spaud hours trying
Such is not the case.
ence to whatr.
to nonvincu tram that I am guilty of things
I have no doubt the public is becoming
proposed onto
would Luke re
which would wake me unworthy the m
spent of anybody, rind in some casea telling
nauseateda- eertly
f thumg
untruths to carry his point. Neither rho I
aril for thatlreason andhdetwo
i,ou , P p
1 have other work
ouch oll
e aril of them
appreciate hfs kindness in going to people,
for the Lotter, that
that needs oil my attention, I intend to let
among my str
Lwe 1 eve ov
who he knew Ind pledged me their word to
this be my last letter on the subject.
to plays. I lib
help me with the cetertainn o lt, as it was
Yours truly,
fu company w
published, and trying to got them to break
their pledge, which was given unasked by
Ingersoll to w
hour that, giv
me sad after duo consideration. A loan
_ _
To the Editor oftar Tribune:
he uses for l
would thol to
who respected his own word, it seeing to
wouldn't have done it.
DEAR 9itt,-In the letter al``ned by the true,
tees Lhe 9al[oid dohcul behold last
driving such b
tiros that I n'
Mr. Dencme says he is fighting theatricals '',
o4 I. week
I find the tollowiug;-"dome statements made
written down
°&L be predict
not ins. But I am the ono he has false) Y
by Mr, Deacon afro false." Thus stationmr, we
declare to false." Ills eW is Every
than that I kin
accused of lying, in fact I have take the
and "this le u t otni is a vary
tbatI made a
1 afterwards
knocks, and 1 have to defend myself,
outdoor deeiru on the part of thoac guntlmnen
,the part
He save a certain person " spent hours "
1' first with me and then with him as a peace-
to fix a his upon me.
It to not edifying to the pubis to hear persons
ewuo Pch
stlowa the be,
maker. The sicry fa false xd far as it cod-
giving each other the lie slid I will not rudest
to this method or argument. Lat the trustees
very much inn
1 hero
carat me, the rest of it is probably true,
Mr. Deacon that the irl who took
cell a rate aycrs' meeting and I will Pace all
such charges, and will have the mooting fully
not I:
lid the Leeks 1
it id
Y Irish
the part of "Nancy" in " Irleh Aseuranu°
re ortod.
�i.aalryrm my eLutomcut that I "offered to ap.
and notic
the frustum 1
and Yankee Modesty" "told her pastor that
pear hereto the trustees" etc., Mr. T. 1. Now-
this queatlon.
Bono matt
she Solt from her firer entrance into things
1 kind wrong in doing fin,
foil told the trustees that he hoard mo, slid
another guys the .rime thing. It seism rffilcu-
accuses mu of
the judgemen
of this that she was
e but that she did not think ut the tame that
lolls for the trusteed to be trying to make me
out (also fit this matter whoa everyone knows
Mr. Fletcher would lead her into anything
that for over two eodha 1 hi ve boon trying to
when fin I il
another I dill
4 that was wrtmg, old she, tlmrefore, gave up
followed his." The
g:`1 :l :'y.nl'i '�•
M)' HLatVlrlellt ad to flow 11tLm09 were deClll'gll
As to the in
lhavu spoke.
her judgment and
lady refoi red to and her mother, who
furacurhriupaper, by mtdre resumting me is
true. The trusteed do not deny it. In our
made of quota
Y g Y
wag present at their interview, tell the that
conlplaintwu add "nod some of us were tiles
induced to put our namoa that paper." n
,lid is to be foe
deelaired to b
s did not aay she thought she was doing
this eho trustees trillion s
is correct. When,
trauntion the
- wrung nor that she give. he her y
however, the paper wag written a
Pnil G.
o and followed mine, but she did any she did
nit, w, oexpecteditotile
of notices to ergs ell who, owing to the
very short
ter Nhe•t notice the trustees gave ud woro not
at Portion , 1 gc
1 not relieve 1 would loud her into anything
all It, slid wo lid not time to see then. Hums
anrlouN, dlr, d
t I wrong and she is of that opinion still.
the slight vedal error, while the fact remains
If Mr. Flutt
would talk of
I )lave not Paid, its Mr. Deacon insinuates,
h that the church entertainments were b ill,
As to our 11UL colnplaiming at the last annual
hills to do we
that that part
I or good, either ; but two young men inform
school meeting. That I, it,,. No on° into.
tlonod ontertarmnenta rm anyy way. I did nut
tfo edition Of
that it is "d-
e ins that they smoked real cigars not f mfta.
because I had told Mr. Flotnlmr my objactions
enco only it `
d lion once, in an entertainment I referred to
ot a furnmr one slid did not knsw, aL the thee,
that there was to be one at all this year.
people to bras
' before,
Ho says whnn l told him at one two
I not sorry that. the young lady who took the
port tsoot,
'1' o fact b
wring In the
n w•nmg things in the church he told me be
m mberNancy,t e conversation referred
to remember sationt ref rred to as
the uonverduat
men givIDgh
'ate to hpap;
a was sorry, etc. A nro fabrication
Y` P
I H says •' Mr. Fletcher asked the to admit
wpl\ all I do. 1 am wnlldunG that 3 could enLL
do. t
it upp to their memories. Buttha ubllc must
sue Uy this time that it there was the slightedt
The L�ipusitl
who " do t t
c l wbet is good to read is good to act." I (lid
verbal inaccuracy re. my statement (though it
should substantially true) that would be
day, and nos I
coal and ore
e not. Ha is gettingu A straw man to allow
o how easy it ill to knock him doom, I would
aufficent ground for calling my statement "a
dIts 1 .Ot rIV
such Lh'ugd
humbly suggest that when the reverend
What the trusteed day as to my position on
vary ruling
Lhe ]bee
n gentleman next edifies himself by reading of
Feb. 10theertanlymakositlookveryunreasom-
able. I will not say that their statement is
number uP m
of t
„ fie
e I'ULIpraT's wltV ° ll[ Ot " ItCthtlflel)a
false, but it is distorted, and distorted filings
°l0[Rltl Of Lr
take a turn also at the story of Ananias and
look ugly. It the continuance of theatricals is
dsoadily leave
always help c
. Sapphira.
e An man with the instincts of a gentle.
to depend on whether I have been roomonabid
or not in the method of ay opposition, it is a
more plays w
Mr. Fle4:r
s man, would know that Mr. Deacon's letters
pity. Barre higher giound of eettling it should
be found.
zany hard it
's are not only an insult to the trustees, who
The trustees refer to their treatment of oar
their letters t
they done Nc
are all members of his church, and those
petition. I treated this question fully re. it
armer letter, and I ale. Nnrs that they utterly
wondered if i
i who have. taken part in the concerts, but to
Pail to clear themselves of the charge of treat.
gentleman so
the scores of ladies and gentlemen who have
iug the putitiun with continent and insult.
oily more
against your
attended them year after year, and who nay
As to the question LaingB sobtied at the next
annual school meeting, ttis trustees know that
re s, anyway
y they never saw the red of.ity, obscenity ty have
c- immorality complained of. They halo
1 at Issue will rat be the asot$9 at that time,
child with
cause they nr
and a quesCof that has VagsVfl tp much ag1W
l,ne them ap-
e which that
Igusgo regard-
." It at dialed,"
to to carry It's
is abnply ..I
Ither ouch ex -
in my letter I
l him
a paper
ly state.
ahead can only be settled at
y as they relate to u private
Lou us ill my own study and
saris word against that of
best to say nothin
Ision mado in 'Julio Smith"
eve. Nothing id denied in my
except that the word daam-
❑ title book. To Pay do is
alsehood. As this is an flle.-
Ams way 1 am accused of
IAge give the quotation in
SMITH lasidul Takes ma for
is, (aloud) Fmuty, Sir; Put
wd iambs."
was Out angry with file and
home matter. as I have asked
d compare books. It maybe
ar word word was left out of
play that he has or it may be
which would make mo differ.
d be ground enough for dome
,e with falsehood.
r. Fletcher has been doing
it of ontertaimucrA6 Ina had
]ford, and it will nut Loch his
s on me for opposing thane.
had been successful. Many
t' are thinking eoriously Lce
1layq Lobo sinful and dalger-
urmutod that their children
tied to think there. good. I4
r again It will be lit spite of
ition from a largo number of
P this community and a largo
rs who want to protect the
:Idldrufi. As the number is
g and it, Mr. Flotehor's letters
Ile, we do at think that any
itthe trustees day a great
about me. Eleven Wood it,
"case one of falsehood. Had
so some people might eve
ego. But ELEVEN 'TIME ! A
i me That won, t hurt you
if I throw so many stands
s." and it does not in my feel
'win wnmg one j
to prove Lhmn
Po -
have failed to
the future fill
Y occupy in a