535-03 Page 148l A CAIRN commemorating (the dairy industry at Browns- ville was unveiled in the com- :munity last year. From left are, Leslie Jacob, chairman of the committ, ham Williamsor the Historical Arthur Helsdon, the Brownsville Kerr, representing the try; Harold Manuel, wl seated a plaque on be the Borden Company. rlaw'6w, • �J►y/�'' who are on her committee, Brownsville C 'a' ir'n Marks were responsible for several h( hibits at this Craft Show. Tbc Craft Show was held to raise mon ey to pay cost of purebasinz Two Historic Dairy Events the leather cover (tooled) wi; design won in a contest for this purpose by Mrs. William Williamson of Brownsville. BROWNSVILLE — A Cairn)feeder station for Tillsonburg in 1953. He was the last living Some of our exhibits �%vrc with two plaques marking his- l and Belmont plants. It w a s I Superintendent of the P 1 a n t. Hats and Hat making by toric firsts in the dairy Industry closed in 1953. Opening prayer was given by Iyilliam Balaz, Carnival Glas, mveiled at. Bfowas'iille in SUGGESTS DESIGN ' Rev. George Cardy of the Unit. I by Mr, L. Jacob, Display of 966. It was Owen Hawkins w h o I ed Church of Canada, Browns- Books loaned by the Library h> The cairn, a centennial pro• suggested we have plaques to ville, and the closing prayer byI Mrs, T. Nant and display of ject of the Brownsville Women's c o m m e m o rate these two Earl Holland, Baptist Church work done by A. R. C. Indu> Institute, bears plaques con- "Firsts" but it was through the Pastor, Brownsville. tries by Mrs. Richard Baxter memorating the first J o i n t- interest and work of L e s 1 i e After the ceremony the guests Also a ,most interesting one wa, Stock Cheese Company, formed Jacob that the Cairn was final- were invited into the Hall, a Spinning Wheel with M r - Jn I86T and Canada's first pow- ly bu lt. His w fe, Gladys where the women of the In- i Harold Leach demonstratin, tiered milk factory, which start-!, Jacob, suggested the design be, stitute served lunch. The Hall weaving the wool, and a spl-,n ed operations in 1903. a wedge of cheese with the two' was decorated for the purpose did display of Clocks (historic, The first joint stock cheese plaques on it and Leslie Jacob and the Tweedsmuir History by Owen Hawkins of Brawn, company in Canada, if not on � drew the design and planned the Book of Brownsville was oa dis- ville, one being an Eli Terry the continent, was formed in building of it with Mr. Sherman Pisy. with wooden movement an d 1867, organized, managed and Mills and Austen Mills. Mrs. Lowell Clay B r o w a, dated 1821. Also Mrs. Ken Wood controlled by the farmers of the The Borden Company looked Curator for the Institute, presid- displayed useful articles made Brownsville community. That,, after getting both plaques made, ed at the Guest Book. About from plastics. '. year a factory was built and and donated the one commem- 100 guests signed the book in- - m ayear or two others were. orating the Canadian Milk Pro- eluding Grades VII and Vill'� built at North B�aybam, Carnin-I ducts. The Women's Institute of with their teacher Mr. Beard, '�� 1 belltown and Culloden. T It e s e Brownsville donated the o n e from the Brownsvllee School. Ay: This plaque erected in Brownsville in 1966 commemorates the Brownsville Cheese Company, the first joint stock cheese company, and the production of the first powdered milk in North America. _-! stu> i ti i 7' 1; U�-� /IZ�Q:'LC/YN.B•a� YyLCU'u{ , fo`>frr amalgamated and had an commemorating the Joint Stock I our Curator, Mrs. L. C.' output of 600 tons a year, which contributed to the increased Cheese Company and built the Cairn. Brown, was on the Committee for the Curators of South Ox- rosperity of the farmers of pro time. Master of Ceremonies for the 1 ford, who sponsored the Craft'. ,�.�� L'c:cJ' [.V s4 The names of directors John event was Leslie Jacob w h o I spoke briefly about the Cairn and Hobby Show held in Till. ;S on Sept. 30. 'r��- � a" �wk, � Fulton, Gideon Hawkins, E. B. B. ! and introduced Mrs. A r t h u r Mrs. 1 William C.:-cLf.ue"� i Brown, Edward York Benjamin Hopkins and John Allison will -: be remembered as associates in I Helsdon, President of the Wo- men's Institute, who said the In- stitute was proud to be able to Williamson and Leslie Jacob I — y Gx w1 rmzw• *' fitn2 tiL �� fi„<,st' 2cwae- a-U"`U�� the formation and resultant suc- have the cairn erected for the b feet ),11 �f - c q bt ,/ Bess of the. Brownsville Cheese Manufacturing Company. community as a centennial pro- ject. �,. 0 6 ( a ,( j,./{-A.4,cct,,.-c. �,li,ef- oP ,S �,,a� � case, � z� ; tt"Y"�w_ 4 in 1903 the Canadian Milk Mrs. William Williamson, Con µact-� `ej"'` ' - ✓ c ��'e-�.uq Products Company was organ- Toronto B. A. Gould venor of the Historical C o in history C- Es?cv J 3` '�c`•�'°�' ( izcd in with as President and General. Man. ager, The Brownsville P 1 a n t mules, gave a short of .I the cheese factory and powder ! ed milk factory, Harold M a n- v , L p�µev Z /�.d ec/ e' & �l vsf" fey �� � a was purchased and the first nell, assistant to the vice . pre- „i,y,ea„ orovttiC iva .Wy� powdered milk in Canada made sident of Borden C o in P a n y in the autumn of that year. The Limited, also spoke briefly and -- /J ,Cr�i.��y" 9`�Y roller sysem was used, reviewed the story of the plant In 1928 the Borden Company i after his company took it over. bought the Canadian Milk Pro- Unveiling of the cairn was ducts division at Brownsville I performed by Milton H. Kerr, and it was closed for manufact- who 'served as plant Superin urins purposes, servinc as a'tendent from 1922 until it closed