535-03 Page 149Start Building Telephone Exchange at Tillsonburg Gifts Reward
Long Servicemat14 ,,5,,
Another of Tillsonburg's big construction jobs got $150,000. The Gilvesy Construction Company, of
under way yesterday as excavating was started on Tillsonburg, was awarded the contract with the
Harvey street for the dial exchange building for the building slated for completion t'iis fall. 7-64 / 96'd
Bell Telephone Company at a cost exceeding
End Of Ostrander School
Spectators and Tillsonburg firemen watch as the roof day until next Monday when the board expects to
of Ostrander Public School caves in during a fire have supplies replenished and accommodation ar.
which destroyed the building. Pupils will have a hall- ranged, likely in Br sville. (Photo by Seldon
Tillsonburg Area Tillsonburg firemen were given School classes will likely con -
permission to take a second ttnue Tuesday morning in the
School Is Burned truck to the scene but the flames basement of the United Church.
had gained such headway there f/ ra/'tassi df/e)+dsd 6y
TILLSONBURG, Jan. 7 — The was no chance of saving the _
Ostrander Public School, three building and contents. There was sTf�u��� Fr-TRT Je t•
miles north of Tillsonburg on No. no immediate estimate of the
19 Highway, was destroyed by loss.
[ire tonight.
A happy and memorable evening r
was spent at the VerschoyW
school when two presentations
were made. One was to Ira Harris,
who is serving his 50th year,
as secretary of the Verschoyle
cheese factory and to Alex Belore,
who has been bringing milk to the
factory for 50 years, the longest
continuous period of any. His mills i
still comes to the factory. i
Francis Moulton was chairman
for the evening and Mr. Smith iI
pianist for an enjoyable program')
of vocal and instrumental music,',
readings, etc.
Mr. Moulton read the 50 names'
of patrons which were on the first
record book of the factory. A num-
ber of these or their wives, were
present at this meeting. I
Lorne Daniel read an address
to Alex Belore and a rose colored
'aWy boy chair was presented to
'him. Harold Johnson road the
address to Mr. Harris and a green
lazy boy chair and tbotsitool, also
a clock radio were presented to
Both recipients expressed their
thanks to the community for the
gifts and Mr. Harris gave some
facts about the early history of the
factory, which were very interest-
Ing. Happy Birthday was sung fm
Mr. Belore and the evening con-
cluded with serving of refresh
TiU/J rJ'L�p'l+'�+ JGCiI.Vw
avWw�-o•-wee. =� � � O G o.
m when we pet
Grey Cup final.
:it sure the Ed -
Into for the big
eked off in a
Blue Bombers
the same league
[ton Tiger -Cats.
won first place
to the way they
ener. So, there
and yours the
o still be around
view at the end
Bob Clancy
Dial 4-1853
and Night
$cJ.oa� CAZLf_ � H A O o0 p
cy\'W Scl.est - ov d h-a•9"`J S "br'L -
for the past three years as the
U-Mount Elgin pup Ls were moved to the v�-
tional School in the village.
ISehool To Re -Open Members of the Department of
MOUNT ELGIN: —The vacant Highways who occupied one class
Mount Elgin public school on No. room, have been asked to work of
19 Highway is being re -opened and other quarters so that the w
renovation could proceed.
'repaired to accomodate 55 pupils. It is expected school for the
or more who were left without' Ostrander pupils will re -open in
class rooms when a fire of on the course of a few days in char.
known origin destroyed the Ostran- ge of Mrs. W. A. Donald RR 1 Till -
der Public School on No. 19 High- sonburg and Mrs. Stanley Parrr
way, 5 miles south of Mount Elgin. RR S, Tillsonburg,i.
'Me local school has been vacant