535-03 Page 16CPR., went through in 1878 an3-i\D�1 .,
from then on there was littie
progress in the growth of the vil.-
lage. However, the quarries were
gradually improving and later
years proved them to be the back-
hone of the community. You oar
d i.
be sure that had any of. as
imagined that a couple ofsquare
miles of property lying west of the
ES s
village would 50 years later sell
for approximately a million dol-
lars, there would have been quite
a scramble."
€ A flax mill, owned by "'Flax
Brown" is of later dated than
Sutherland's Gazetteer, It stood
east of Charles Matheson's house,
rand operated about 1870. to 187.5
when it was burned. The boilers
were fed with water from the
creek. Sawdust was used for fuel.
rnw_n's Rope Walk stood behind
present John. Nadalm's home.
Howard Adkins' general store at Beachville, shown here,
was originally a cabinet shop. It was built in 1850 VY
Morris Green.
_ "One half acre, part of the nor-
therly part of Lot No. 8 coming
to the east side of Zorra street and
yx�vand 11 Sweaburg Cemetery Board
�•A d o e" �— I the wedge of the T River 1
%L�pdr� Thames, thence
south-easterly along y,Q2�,.(o the edge of said street, 3 chains, 53 'plans Memorial Se_rvicE
a links to a willow tree, being the
peQ w 7 a.ZCea7 des.+' Qr . 'yQ e third largest tree from Vanalstine's - Now it —is a beauty spot. the
_ What community pride and ill
- barn, and then N 72 degrees 4,0' E' � sounds have been well fenced;
termination can accomplish will g'
/i.Pi1.-v+✓s'w+Y 8 chains 73 edge
o more or less along - e trees and ravesflowers have been plant
a /- s g b demonstrated at the decoration ed; the raves are levelled once
14 � �a ,y the north ed e of Hoak street to an
-'•w uLG Elm tree about 18" in diameter and memorial day ceremony at the g
* - standing on the edge of the river I Sweaburg cemetery. j a year and throughout the sum-
�•¢�- d Thames aforesaid, then following Back i>3 1862 in the village of j mer months the grass is mowed
Gw:p q/ n.
y said river down stream to the place ! Sweaburg land was provided for I until it looks like a wthosepl id to
(/ r of beginning." the construction of a union ceme- In the record of those laid to
:..lei. � �h��, to b a ublic spirited citizen, rest in the cemetery are the
p , _ d Rebellion Leader alvin artin who conveyed the names of many intimately connect-
cqs...L -w �a-�'ae•6•Z� =Xb ^•= ", Among the early business men i. an or e legal sum of one-- ed with foe early history of the
was Cornelius Cunningham, wagon ', dollar. It was for the use of al district; Cody. Webster, McCalley, p
�/'r"'"' aMit s maker, who operated here for sever- ,the denominational groups in the Tapley, Lambert, Gee, Thornton !ne
al years, prior to the Rebellion of commum� Todd, Edwards, Pullin, Seal w,
a,- 18.37 -He-was _—hanged in _1_839 in Trustees were elected for the : Cuthbert, Briggs, Hazen, Withrow,
union church and cemetery, those Manzer, Rice, Foster and others.
ndon jail as a leader of the I named being the late Franklin The present cemetery board
!may, John CaSi and William Ar- iconsist.s of Fred Millard chair -
James Fuller had a smith's shop nold. After Mr. Arnold's death, man; Fmerson Garfat. secretary-
---�— on the south side of the river in i. John Cummings was named to fill
—'T � I the board. Then in I888 a new treasurer; Charles Pullin, George ill
.A/Iv Ushd.Piv �D e6Gi�'✓ llcd�t•2 �'r`E,
" aa0,caao�
: m
August 18, 1857 — - - -
The Woodstock Sentinel has an account of
.\the opening of a new Presbyterian Church at
Calvin Martin operated a saw-
. mi 1 e ow ttfW' present site of the
'C.N.R. station. This was abandoned
and part of the machinery washed
awav by 1850.
Samuel Canfield operated a saw-
mill at a very e ally date.
Another mill site which was aban-
doned as long as anyone can re-
member is on Foundry Creek, behind
Charles Reeve's home.
In 1832 there was a Methodist
Church hex•e, and in that year Beach-
yille became a regular stop on the
!stage route between Niagara and
By 1.844 there was a Presbyterian
Church (Free Kirk), by 1855 a
Baptist, and in 1858 land was.
(bought by "The United Church of
England and Ireland." That was the
.site of the present Anglican Church.
south of the cemetery and a new
trustee board for the church was
Then as the years passed, the
cemetery became a sadly neg-
lected spot. Scrub trees and wild
rose bushes started to cover the
land,. weeds sprang up unhindered,
fences diappeared and headstones
liped and. fell. Removal of graves
In, � 1 920 a public mpg of th
tipped and fell. Removal of graves
to other cemeterie stwas started
minister, the late Rev. J. Kitching
presiding. A public subscription
list was opened and in.a short
space of time the old burial place
began to. take on a new appear-
Thornton, Wilfrid Millard, Rev. J.
E. Watson.
The board has arranged for the
decoration and memorial day serv-
ice on Sunday afternoon atr?rn.,
when Rev. George A. Williams,
of To at will be the guest
speaker.J.41 -1i—�y^S�-