535-03 Page 164rStudents Occupy New School,§;At Tillsonburg 1cipality fsr. TILLSONBURG, Feb. 4—Al- though Tillsonburg's modern new Elliott Fairbairn Public School on Earl street costing $140,000 will not oe officially opened until later this spring the school bell for the first time this morning summoned some 100 grade one to four students. to their new classrooms. Y i i These students were practic. ally all from the Tillson Ave- nue School where two classes have been conducted In the au- ditorium since the start of the IR56-57 term. On hand for the start of classes was Public School Principal Elliott Fairbairn, after whom the school is named. • i i 4 The young boys and girls all appeared happy yet somewhat perplexed as they entered the well -lighted classrooms. The hall and lavatories have terrazzo floors. Each room has Its own sink and drinking foun- tain. In the principal's office Is a walls -in fireproof vault In which school records will be kept. No fireproof area is In. cluded in the town's two other public schools and valuable board records will also be kept In the vault. A teacher's room will also serve as a nurse's roam. A roll- - away cot will be provided so it can be placed In convenient storage when not in use. The lavoratories have push button warm air driers. In the boiler room, which houses the oil heating plant, will be installed a gas -fired inein. erator which will consume practically all types of wastes and thus eliminate garbage col. lections. b f qt 'ERTY ASSESSED VALUE. 7 S 9 io 11 100 YEARS AGO August 28, 1969 Col. Benjamin Van Norman died recently at his residence in Tillsonburg. At the time of his death he was the oldest settler in North Dereham—at one time with his brother he operated the Long Point iron works at Normandale. Nearly 100 grades one to four students filed past the a teacher, Mrs. Lillian Lester, into the new Tillson- - watchful eyes of Principal Elliott Fairbairn, right, and burg Elliott Fairboirn Public School. New School Opened t Tillsonbury TILLSONBURG, Nov. 1 — Hon. Dr. W. J. Dunlop, minister of education offi- cially opened the Elliott Fairbairn Public School here today. Pays Tribute The minister paid tribute to Elliott Fairbairn, whose 32 years of teaching had set up a stand- ard In. education circles hard to surpass. The Rev. I. E. Wilton, vice- president of the ministerial as- soclation gave the Invocation and dedication. V. J. Blackwell, architect, of London and John Hamill, of Galt, contractor pre- sented the school keys to Sam- uel Sergeant, board chairman. John A. Smith, Kitchener, rep. resenting the Public School Trustee Association of Ontario presented a Bible. Mrs. J. A. Gil- lette representing the James H. Wilson Chapter IODE present- ed portraits of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip to Principal George Garton. Harry Saelens, president Till. sonburg branch 153 Canadian Leglon presented a flag. Following the ceremonies the large number present were tak- en on a tour of the school. Chairman Samuel Sergeant presided at the turkey dinner In the high school auditorium in the evening when Dr. Dunlop was the speaker. , 17 Hon. W. J. Dunlop, Ontario Minister of Education, lop; Principal Elliott Fairbairn after whom the snips the ribbon officially opening the Elliott Fair- school is nomed,4nd the Rev. L. E. Wilton, vice - bairn Public School at Tillsonburg. Left to right president of the Ministerial Association) (Photo by are Sor.wel Sergeant, chairman, public school Sedan), >,eh eherry board; 1, J. Blackwell, London, architect; Dr. Cun-