535-03 Page 177Manslaughter 11, Tillsonburg Man Charged Verdict Given With Slaying Of Indian ' 'Tensely apprehensive, William iknocking him out and after that / Eir"d of Tillsonburg, was son- he could recall very little. * Al Woodstock ( fenced to penitentiary for 15 "I just remember fighting out- : on rears by Chief Justice T. C. Mc -'side. I was down on all fours. " Press wnodsteek Rurean Mier in Supreme Court in Wood -II must have been down. I don't know haw I got there. t F ,u•. Free ,cock noon today. WOODSTOCK Oct. 2- Wil- I The Chief Justine told Emery,Someone was still fighting me, and somebody was pulling at me, " 3 x Ilam Emery,.52, of Tillsonburg, 'dotence had disclosed he had cut man with a Emery declared. ,asi tonight was found guilty of Irvwn an unarmed The witness said he was then Itaken y w �i 4" 111i1 VJ +i 9 n t,I g111 14 p I„ it ItI„-a III 'manslaughter In the Aug. 23 l:uife' into the house by Mrs. Em- Emery last week hoed trial for knife slaying of Ruppert Kewa- cry. his life, charged originally with The accused's wipe, Anna Em- �•. v 3s s arti�ll, 47, of Ohsweken. Emery gash¢& y murder, later reduced by thel 'jury to manslaughter. The murd- ery, testifi?d earlier that Trem- into :u' •(�? had been charged with murder, blay and Kewagasheg came er charge resulted from an Aug -the house demanding a cheque sys 't.. The all -male jury deliberated ust 23 knife wounding of a Sau- for $103 and she said they both �geen Reserve Indian, Rupert Ke- A ? : 4e for 2'S hours before bringing In w•agasheg, in Tillsonburg. A tobr had been drinking as well as her husband, and they were all CPell- Its verdict. Chief Justice J. C. aceo worker, he later died in ins their drinks. it McRuer will pans sentence Wed- hospital as a result of the wound- . 'P After a verbal exchange Mrs. nesday. in'g• Chief Justice McRuer said that Emery said she pushed the men .. n' Kewagasheg'a death occurred "if Kewagasheg, by his conductloutside and followed them carry. in Tillsonburg Hospital on All provoked you, he was under the ring a stick in her hand. Emery, w" 1 gust 23 following a fight with ,influence of liquor. You supplied. she said, was behind her. "Tremblay Emery on the front lawn of 'him with liquor, resulting in his grabbed the stick from my hand and hit my hus- • Emery's Tillsonburg home condition". "If you were under Cho influen- band two or three times on the ;;. Amused on NtanA ce of liquor you were responsible side and on the head and, my { ° The verdict followed a day's for putting yourself in that ,,_ husband went down." sessions during which Emery he said. I She said the Indian rushed at took the stand to testify on his, Idition", "The use of knives cannot be Emery with his fists and that sH^._ own behalf. He told of the tolerated in our community", IEmery pushed out at the Indian .: is 1 events and details which pre- stressed the Chief Justice. with his right hand which was neded the "accident," recalling Chief Justice McRuer said the carrying the knife. 3- how he was suffering from a sentence he was imposing was The Emery's young daughter, sprained ankle which he re- not as severe as it should be, He Anne Marie, 10, testified that ceived while working In tobacco said he we sa�taking into cronsider- ation that }mcry was a man of Tremblay and the Indian came into the house and later Tremb., earlier that week. He said Kewagasheg and Tn 52 years of age. lay grabbed the stick from her ;,. p, seph Tremblay burst into the Before sentence was passed ,; William E. Young of Woodstock, mother's hand and struck her father with it a number of times. uua chen while he was eating ' for Emery called forth 2 Tremblay stated in his testi- ' supper and demanded $103. ;. character witnesses, one a neigh - chaser many that he and the Indian had I Feared Rob bon of Emery's In Tillsonburg, never set foot in the house. Emery told the court that at / the other, a fellow worker, he sbery He said he and the Indian veer first he thought the men were had known in Delhi. outside when Mr. Emery charg- He g oin rob him. He alleged - 'line TLNsonbung neighbor, Bruce ed out the door and that he took —Free Press Woodstock Bureau thatg Treto mblay had up a fashioned from Earl Racher said his children hiked Emery, they missed play- a stick Pram Mrs. Emery's hand and struck Emery with It along ACCUSED OF MURDER —William Emery,53 of Tillsonburg (right), appeared ' g g PP walking stick a '1� small tree limb and struck him rng with him, and that he was a his left side once, knocking him before Magistrate R. G. Groom in Woodstock today for a preliminary hearing the headwith it. good neighbor. dawn• of a murder charge against him. At left is Chief Constable Roy Corbett, of I on He claimed that be, did not ra- The other witness from Delhi said he had known Emery for 15 He later said he saw Emery scuffling with the Indian but had Tillsonburg. Emery is charged with the murder of on Ohsweken Indian Reserve i member anythin gram then un- g "years, and always found him not seen the accused actually hit P man. ' Drinking Involved tit he was outside fighting on frie;iily, honest°and a setiseac-Ithe Indian with the knife. mng, crinlgeu wau, r mar= ! i., Hof In his opening remarks to the lawn. Emery will be sentenced Wed- y ! tory worker. I A number of other witnesses 1all-,testified_ g It was on October 2 that an durfi the trial. Sends Accused his wife, will also appear• on a murder charge. i" the all male jury he maid that a "certain amount of drinking" nesday along with William John Ashby who pleaded guilty to a male jury found Emery guilty manslaughter, bringing to a con- W. A. Young, of Woodstock, ' had preceded the fatal stab- reduced charge of manslaughter elusion the three-day Supreme True Bills defense counsel, rejected an op by the t bing. Final witness of the day, Sgt. earlier this week after being Court of Ontario murder trial in Woodstock. 1, Given TO Jury Trial �] magistrate have Em have Emery speak on his ow Earl Lewis, of the T111sonburg charged with murder. Both trials were conducted at The .jury deliberated for in and half hours before bringing ',•1 Are s behalf. Antonio town pollee, Satd that he went to 9 Potter Rd., home of that the fall assizes et the Supreme a forth their verdict of of n �Y c e is y In 2 Cases � Free Press Woodstock Bureau ' Tremblay, 34, of 9ud y bury, a tobacco worker m tb defendant, and found the dead! Court of Ontario which opened a in Woodstock en Mon- of gully er, finding Emery not guilty of y I • WOODSTOCK, Sept. g _. it t,, Tlllsonburg area, was prmci Phi._ man mortally wounded an thee' sitting day. murder. Acting for the defendant Em- g :- Free Press Woodstock Rureaulaar William Emery, 63, of Tillson- crown witness. He outlined tc �, lawn. •counseG. �g W oI WOODSTOCIC, $aPb 28 Tr uc sr burg, father of one child, has been committed to trial at the the court events leading up to ,,, "The first thing I noticed was 4•,,. '." ' A stryodc•aC orNnvn l was C C. Savage, QC, London. �; bills of murden were returned €" Ontario Supreme Court session the brood on him,' the sergeant said, "on his panto and the tow- __,_ - - Antonio Tremblay, although I of � One of the last witnesses bo I � against William John Ashby, , " c Woodstock Sept. 28 on a a fight near the Emery home of hie body." He added can't recall lt, moat hAVP, one g take the stand was the accused, 49, of Canning and William Em- charge of murder. in which Kewagesheg Was Ya- part that he noticed wounds on the that downtown and back again be- Emery, who was called to testify " Y' erey, 53, of Tillsonburg, by the it Magistrate R. G. Groom tall stabbed. y d man's side and abdomen. cause we had another person in his own defence ensby Young. Emery related events which oc- +. grand jury ea Suptfeme Court opt i. handed down the decision at a Six N'owrdesacred The sergeant said he went with us." on Sunda August y, - Ontario opened Fall Assizes preliminary hearing in Wood- - Into Emery's house after An Mr. O'Brien,yhaswho along with h stating that Tremblay and the , `. today. Justice J. C. Me- yr stock today. Eight crown wit- „pH;-�� W- Klerluk, of -9t. -, ambulance had taken Kewage-.Tremblay has been In custody li deceased Kewagasheg came into here o[ Toronto, presided. ii Messes testified at the four-hour Thomas, acting provincial path- i ehig away and found Emery since the alleged offense as f 'his house and demanded $103 ,R•Per, Both men will stand trial dur-- hearing, ologist, said he found two :sitting at the kitchen table with material witnesses, fdentiffed;. from him. b ing the Assizes. Ashby 1a Emery was charged with an Inch his shirt off. He said the ac• the third person AS the de- "At first I thought bhey were in the fatal shooting of:,', murder in the Aug. 23 slaying wounds each about cured had a "sort of scrape ceased. going to rob me", Emery said, charged law wile Katherine T of an Ohaweken Indian Reserve long in the Indian's chest and !•¢ wound on his left aide, about Nought Money adding that he had been drinking; his common being defended by .man, Ruppert Kewagesblg, 47, stomach and four smaller eight Inches below the arm pit." He could not recall accurate• ! with Tremble Y earlier in the day., and that he didn't know anything! Berehula, la - W. R. Poole, London. see who was found in a pool of wounds. Took Walking Stick ly happenings In a Allied At the about a cheque' for $103. j it by Mr. Poole will be as blood on the lawn in front of Sgt. Albert Lewis said he During .cross a a,n,-_nation- rear of the Emery house huts: l d- R, H. McDougall, QC, of Woad- I I Emery's Tillsonburg home. He found a man on his back on the testified he seized "what had Said there was some REMEMBERS FIGHT r The woman died from a died as the result of knife lawn of Emery's home. He said been a walking stick, a little about a check produced by the followingrn-stock. minutes head gunshot wound In the kitchen of '. wounds in his chest and he Emery come part way better than three feet long ... blIn ma _. her Canning home on the night d stomach an hour after he was saw of his house three times : with something red on it, like Kewagesheg. He self Kewage-I' __ o[ June 28. taken to Tillsonburg and Dis. out while police •blood, but I wasn't sure g signed the check and! 1t slit ei Emery a laborer was charged trict Memorial HoepitaL and return again were investigating the situation was," from the Emery bath, wanted to borrow Some moneyli after a Saugeen reserve Indian Sufficient Evidence on his front lawn. ' room. from Emery on Its strength. : [ tobacco worker,die Ruppert Ke- Magistrate Groom said he Other witnesses were Chief Joseph O'Brien, be, an Itiner- The witness said he could wageaheg, died from knife found sufficient evidence to Corbett and Constable T. ` ant tobacco worker told of recall taking the check to., wounds in Tillsonburg. The commit the man to a higher of ''C°nstable Harold Howting, of early Ins to the Emery home early a knife wounds were allegedly in• court for trial. It will be the the OPP Identification branoTt on Aug. 23 and obtalnlIg Eme and baIn refused) r'Y g e flitted during a scuttle. second murder trial scheduled London "California grape wins made 4Y money; as well as returning it Acting for the Crown in both for the fall session of Supreme ',our•t _ •,> t. Mr. Emery." A,I to Its owner. trials will be C. C. Savage, QC, here. William Ashby, of He said he and his comp�ri? The trial will continue Thurs-I - of London. .,..._..., ...e .�....., - - -- — --- -.. 11en, another tobacco worker, day at p:1s am,