535-03 Page 180LOOKS NICE! — Admiring the new school outside
are, left to right: Mrs. Arthur Mercer, past president
of the Tillsonburg and District Association for
Retarded Children Mrs.Joseph Strobel, presiden
TILLSONBURG, April 20 - First arrivals at the o
Tillsonburg and District School for Retarded Children today
received a surprise.
Not a stick of furniture was in sight.
Members of the Rotary Club and the local Association for
Retarded Children spent morel --
than three hours last night mov- ve Nets $18,500
The club's campaign for fund
fng desks, tables, chairs and . h ed an, area frori
of the association; Tom Harris, chairman of the
Tillsonburg Rotary Club's building committee, and
rank Benner president of the club. T
Plai '"
que Honors71
Town s Founder
Confusion Ends
New Tillsonburg HS
p uaBy Students
-I`ILLSONBURG, Nov. 30 !�,ers alike were hard pressed at
Confusion ended today for high times to may who belonged to
school teachers and students what school,
with the opening of the new School officials introduced the
Glendale high school. doLble-class arrangement to
Fourteen teachers and 312 avoid greater confusion when the
students moved into the $600,000 new school was put to use. The
building with little disruption of Idea apparently paid off.
studies. While they quickly Little Difficulty
settled themselves, workmen According to Vicc-Principal J.
rushed to complete a gym- D McPherson, now in charge at
room I, cafeteria and music Glendale, the move was made
room in the south end o[ the with much less difficult than
building. anticipated, Mr. McPherson
School Renamed joined the Tillsonburg staff this
Since September, Glendale and year from Ingersoll where he
Annandale high school students was head of the history depart -
have attended classes In the ment.
same building. Annandale is the Only grades nine and 30 are,
re -named Tillsonburg district housed In the building. Next
high school, year, grade 11 will be added and
With Annandale classes In the an additional form each year
morning and Glendale In the until Glendale becomes a full
afternoon, students and tench- dive -form secondary school. N
other equipment from the old 'whrc cover I TILLSONBURG - The 12th ^
Mt. Elgin to Lake Erie began his la u I{
quarters into the new school on in September and has so fa[ P 4 e to be dedicated „ s
Concession street. In Ontario was unveiled here l aa t3 yl
realized $18,500.
Surprise For Everyone "Well be getting a grant from yesterday afternoon. The plaque
It was a surprise for pupils the Department of Education s�ommemorate founding of
teachers and parents alike. Of- but I think it will still leave the town by George Tillson.:
ficials of the association and Chairman of the ceremony
us a little short;' Mr. Benner
the Rotary Club had been say-lwas Mayor E. S. Vance. Special
said. -
Ing for the past week they Classes for retarded children. speakers included Gordon Innes,
would "try their darn'dest" to in the district began four years MLA for Oxford, Bernadette
have the new school ready for ago and the association was Smith, mayor of Woodstock
occupancy by the first of May. formed shortly after, Mrs. Jo- representing the Oxford Mu -
At the same time they hoped seph Strobel, association presi- mourn; Miss Winnifred Williams,
for an earlier completion date dent said. former mayor Hof Ingersoll rep-
as a surprise. I "We have 13 children en- resenting the Oxford Historical '
"A Miracle"
rolled and two more entering Society; Victor H. Tillson, QC
Mrs. William MacDonald, -- - - a grandson of the founder. ,
principal, said: "We couldn't soon," she said, "The old school Benediction was carried out
have been more surprised. was filled beyond capacity." by Rev. R. D. MacDonald, 'of
We've been very anxious to get Mrs, Strobel said the assoeia- -St. Andrew's Presbyterian
into our new school but we tion has long range plans for Church, Tillsonburg.
thought we'd have to wait an- adult instruction classes but Plaques Wording
other two weeks at least. I that facilities are not yet ade- i The plaque has inscribed on r
think it's just a miracle." quate. Pupils now attend the It, "Geroge Tillson, 1782-1364. fro
So, lessons were forgotten for school from Port Burwell, Ot- Dorn m Enfield, Mass., Tillson
the afternoon while the 000u- terville, Corinth and Springford came to Upper Canada where
pants got accustomed to their as well as Tillsonburg. he operated the Normandale
new surroundinga. Mr. Benner said an official Iron Foundry, Norfolk County, 'y
Frank Benner, Rotary Club o!iening le planned later, t In partnership with Hiram Cap-
president, and Tom Harris, •ran and James and Benjamin
w4"' E ao srf ,C
chairman of the club's building Van Norman,
committee, said the cost of the "In 1825 he sold his holdings
school has "run to almost $40,- In that pioneer enterprise and STAIRWAY TO LEARNING —Teen-age rs at Tillsonburg's new Glendale high -
October Start
The building was designed by
ArthurMercer, of Gilvesy Con-
struction Company, Tillsonburg,
and erected by the same com-
pany. Work started in October l
and, according to officials,
might have been finished sooner
YY4if ground frost had not delayed
l installation of plumbing. r
The school has four class-
Traams capable of handling a
total of 32 children at one time.
'r,vo of the rooms are separated i
Iry a folding partition which can
ransform the classes into one
I,rge assembly room.
Mr. Harris pointed out the
pool 1.9 equipped with electric
I board heating Another fea-
ii k green -tinted fluorescent
bought some 600 acres of land sch, rl inspect modern building as they move from class to class. Students 6'a
Including a mill site in this vi- moved into the $600,000 building yesterday. J
civilly. t���l ScteNsf. G
Here, In partnership with Ben
jamin Van Norman, he built a
new forge and sawmill. The eci
settlement which grew around
2Y-/GGy.fllw, tC.
these Industries was known at N.'✓ h u b - (e/
'first as Dereham Forge, But
following the survey of the town /'"• r" - �7 /� •-""r" L�%S'�'V
plot In'1837, it was named Till UJ q r ((/� D, f,-, _ L •� .�ItC �h
monbutg in honor of the foun- - W 7 f �^e✓a Ja yy,, //�� �� ����yy 4L'4yL�f,V
der;' laAd in fr nt of ih, Tn n Hnll �.4•%C Art*
^"j &[ 14 EN�'!'�"'�-�� i. -The plaque rests on the plot of here. �� 7
f9/iQ7e Gron.G met l 6fC 11nn1 fN �v i+d4d�a i t/vv 1-/9TG B(
fr t97o_Q.aC4�- 4 w'=�7 �u u G �D�14' 9-- WWA N
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