535-03 Page 184RENEWING OF old acquain. living teachers and former (Miss M. Gilbert, 1909-13) and
tances marked the school re. pupils, From left, Mrs. G. G. G. H. Polden Noieh
union held Saturday at SS No. McNichol, Georgetown (Syl- talk over the old school days
1 Dereham school near Sal- via. Arnold, 1914) with Mrs. (Staff Photo) --
ford, Present were the oldest A. Budd, RR 5, Ingersoll
Reunion Brings Out 200
At SS 1 Dereham School
Reminiscing of the good oldlout the years considerable im. Mrs. A. Budd, RR 5, Ingersoll;
days and the renewing of auld provements were made to the (Miss M. Gilbert, 1909 to 1913);
acquaintances highlighted the'interior of the. one -room school Mrs G. G. McNichol, George
SS No. 1 Dereham School re- house. town (Sylvia Arnold, 1914); Mrs.
union, two and a half miles, The Dereham School Board Leslie Lasing, Norwich (Miss!.
cast of Salford on Saturday.) decided to close the school for Isabelle Armstrong, 1931 to 1933;
More than 200 former pupils a period of one year due to theMrs. J. Hartnett, Mount Elgin
and teachers of the 114-yearold lack of pupils, much to the dis-(Miss Vera Downing, 1934);
school attended the day long appointment of residents in the Mrs. A. J. Batten, RR 2, Inger.
program. area. C. W. Wilson, school board sell (1940.41); Mrs. • E. Rath,
Among the guests were Mrs.'.secretary explained the closing London (1952); Doug Dutton,i
James Pullen, 88, of RR 1,, was forced by having only 13 to Tillsonburg (1955.56.
Sweaburg, and Harry Little, 73,,14 students in 1963. The high The opening and closing re -
of Salford, the oldest living pup- cost of hiring a teacher and marks were given by Rev. i
ils. Also attending the reunion caretaker made it unfeasible for Robert Cummings of Lambeth'
were G. H. Poldon, Norwich, so few students. Mr. Wilson United Church, former minis -I
and Mrs A. Budd, RR 5, Ing-� said the present pupils will be ter of the Salford area, and Rev.
ersoll, the oldest living teachers. transported by bus to Salford A. E. Menzies of Salford United i
Mr. Poldon taught in 1907, school. I Church.
while Mrs. Budd, the former FROM MANY POINTS Dutton of Tillsonburg was,
Miss M, Gilbert, taught from The registration of guestsLthe p program chairman end inns-i
t909 to 1913. Mrs. Pullen and was held in the morning with ter of ceremonies.
Mr. Little started to Dereham visitors coming from London, The Salford and area resid
School in 1885 and 1898 respect- Niagara district, Tillsonburg, tents responsible f o r various
ively, under the teaching of the Toronto, Montreal, Woodstock committees were as follows:
late James Hoag and Herb Ser- and Ingersoll areas. Invitations - Mr. and Mrs.
i vice. Mrs. George Nagle, Salford, Lou Clark, Mrs, George Nagle,
FIRST IN 1849 a former student of the school, Miss Margery Daniels, Mrs.
The first country school built', made presentations to Mr. Pol- Nellie Haycock, Mrs. Art Clark,
in 1849 was located just east don, Mrs, Budd, Mr. Little aiTi1 Mrs. John Laarz, Ernie Harris -
of the present location on the Mrs. Pullen. on, Harry Little senior, William
farm of John Laarz RR 1, Each of the former teachers Roberts; advertising - Mrs.
,alford. The area residents in attending were introduced and Mary and Miss Carol Little,
874 built a new school which spoke briefly to their former Andrew Hutchinson; parking
s stood for the past S9 years pupils, who stood up in the aud- committee - Cliff Essletine, An_
f', t itspnsenl location- Through• fence, drew Hutcheson and HowardGrove, Springfield; property
The guests were entertained
by the Oxford Trail Riders, who Robert and Lorne Coventry,
put on a riding show. Floyd Swance, George and An
F The teachers and the yeardrew Shelton„ Milford Nancekiv- i
'v taught who were present, are ell, Harry Little„ junior, Don I
as follows: Esseltine, Gerd Wilford, Harry.
'F• G. H. Poldon. Norwich (1907) Lounsbury; refreshments, Glen
-` Bartram; sings - Robert Essel-
- --,°None junior.
SALFORD — The old school
bell that called pupils to SS
No. 1, Dereham, for genera-
tions lasted just long enough,
and then called it quits.
The one -room school was
closed in June to be replaced
by a district central school
and a reunion of former
pupils was held to mark its
When a former pupil began
to toll the bell for the last
time, it gave one gong, the
rope broke and rurird ❑p at
the feet, of the ringer.