535-03 Page 188Y
RETAIN SCHOOL BELL — 9 � �'j- ��`� The unveilin of the the welcoming- address. Also participating in i
old school bell on a cairn in Mt. Elgin took place Nrogram were Rev. J. E. Mitchell, Toronto, a f
this week. When the school was sold, Mt. Elgin
,Women's Institute decided to retain the be as mer school Pupil, and Miss Winnifred Williar
one of their projects. The unveiling was perform- Ingersoll, president, Oxford Historical Socie
ed by Norman Patton, RR 1, Mt. Elgin, chairman From left are: Mr. Patton, Mrs. Rooke, R
of Derehom School Board. Mrs. George Rooke, Mt. Mitchell and Mrs. George Nagle, Salford, chc
Elgin fourth generation president of the WI gave man of the unveiling. (Photo by Boyd).