535-03 Page 191Honor Second Time
Free Press Woodstock Bureau
don (Julia) MacDonald, 22, of
RR 1, Salford, became Oxford
County Dairy Princess for the
recond time at the annual
Dairy Day celebrations in
Woodstock Saturday. She was
:he 1963 princess.
Mrs. MacDonald, an em-
)Ioyee of the Ingersoll Bank
d Montreal, will represent Ox-
otd County In the Ontario
)airy Princess competitions at
lr c CNE In Toronto In
She also receives a. $100
mrdrobe, compliments of the
ierchants of Woodstock, and
he Charles Milton trophy
rovided by Mr. Milton of
'rinecton. The 1966 princess
as crowned by Canada's 1965
wiry Princess, Miss E1zabeth
rawford, of Port Robinson,
nt., and Ontario D a i r y
rincess Miss Ruth McKinney
' Erin.
Runners-up were last year's
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Oxford Dairy Princess, M is a
Gail Cuthbert, 20, of RR 2,
Ingersoll, Linda Allan, 18, of
RR 2, Burgessville, Frances
Brown, 20, of RR 2, Princeton
and Corrie Renkema, 17, of
RR 3, Woodstock.
Each contestant delivered
a short speech on the im-
portance of the dairy industry,
then milked a cow. Five judges
assessed their knowledge and
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A parade ended at city hall
square where musical enter-
oil -fed fires, 1,350 feet of
tainment, magic acts, and the
'eet of I V2-Inch hose. From
contest were held.
ine, Fire Chief Wally Tully,
The second place winner of
the dairy princess competition
Neir. (Photo by June Boyd).
received $50, the third $35, and
the others $25 each.
Harold Swanson, a member
of the Woodstock. ChamberofCommerce
and manager of
Silverwood's in Woodstock was
master of ceremonies.
Julia MacDonald, 22, of RR 1, Salford, centre, was crowned Oxford County
Dairy Princess Saturday at Woodstock. At left is 1965 Canadian Dairy Princess
Miss Elizabeth Crawford of Port Robinson, Ont. At right is Ontario Dairy Prin-
cess Miss Ruth McKinney of Erin. (Photo by Harney).
Salford Woman, 21
Is Oxford Princeso,
Oxford County's 1966 dairy Chamber of Commerce, apon•ICrawford, Canadian dairy prm
Princess is Mrs. Gordon (Julie) sors of dairy day; the silver cess, of Port Robinson.
Macdonald, 22, of RR 1, Salford, challenge cup given by Charles Second prize winner was Miss who won the crown for the se- Milton, and ,,portrait of her• -Gail Cuthbert, 20 of RR 2, Inger•
cond time. She was the county's self from Walker"s studios. soll, Oxford's 1965 dairy prin.
d Mr princess in is a Mrs. Macdonald will now o cess who won $5o.
Mrs. Macdonald is an employ. g Third place went to Linda
as of the Bank of Montreal in on to the Ontario Champion- Allan, 18, of RR 2, Burgessville
Ingersoll. I ships to compete for the pro- with an award of $35. Fourth
Her prizes included $100 ward- vincial dairy princess crown. and fifth places were taken re.
robe presented by the retail The Oxford princess's sash spectively by Frances Brown,
merchants of the Woodstock I was pi20' of RR 2 Princeton, and Car-
.— pinned on by Miss Elizabeth Brie Renkema 17, of RR 3,
Woodstock, who each won $25.
Commentary on the work of
contestants in setting up mach.
-M .. iner for milking a cow, and
sterilization of equipment was
given by Ontario deity princess
'MU"OS were�Ylis.�Mac Locan, Miss Ruth McKinney of Erin.
1, loaner county winner and Each contestant gave a three
`provincial runner - up; Russell minute talk on dairy farming
Dickout of Mount Elgin; Lloyd in Oxford.
Thompson of Burgessville; Jack
Griffin of RR 5, Woodstock and
Alex Henderson of Ernbro, _. -